Depending on who you talk to, OMAC was either Jack Kirby's WORST piece of work or a hidden gem. It was created at the end of Kirby's stint with DC and legend has it that the book only existed because Kirby was contracted to turn out 15 pages a week and this is what he came up with. The book was cancelled after 8 issues, with the character of Buddy Blank (OMACs host as it were) being brought into the continuity of Kirby's KAMANDI making him the boy's grandfather. The character also showed up in COUNTDOWN. DC also got the bright idea to make the OMACS a part of the lead-in to INFINITE CRISIS, making them cyborgs who take over humans in order to assassinate super powered individuals. For purists like me, it was nice to see the name get used but not the OMAC I grew up with.
As part of DC Comics "soft reboot" of their titles, Dan Didio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish are resurrecting the character or at least a new version of it. And they have truly turned it into a Kirby tribute of sorts.
We get introduced to Cadmus Industries: "the corporate leader in genetic research". We meet Jody Robbins and Tony Jay, who are looking for their co-worker Kevin Kho. Next thing we know, all you know what is breaking loose and a blue skinned behemoth with a mohawk calling himself OMAC appears and proceeds to tear up the place for several pages. Employees are gathered outside and we meet Martin Welman, the Vice President of Research who is having a phone conversation with someone, exclaiming the "security has been breached" and the "lower levels have been compromised".
Sure enough, we get a view of the underground: "the true Cadmus Project". And here we see an old familiar face-Lord Mokkari...straight from Fourth World. OMAC arrives and is met by an army of defenders led by the old DNA Alien himself, Dubbilex. He does a little mid reading and we get a very brief glimpse of OMAC's younger life. The blue skinned one is prodded towards a goal by a mysterious voice in his head and he proceeds to track down the mainframe in Cadmus and destroy it. Making his way back to the surface, OMAC transforms into Kevin Kho who is told to call his worried girlfriend by the mysterious voice in his head. In a great final full page panel, we get to see Brother Eye.
I wasn't going to buy this book, as I am still a bit ticked off by the OMAC PROJECT from a few years back. But I happened to have some extra disposable income one week and picked it up. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by it. I mean, I'm the first to admit that, good or bad, I am a Kirby fan and always have been. I smiled through his great Fourth World books and grimaced at things like SILVER STAR and CAPTAIN VICTORY. But, square fingers and all, Jack could certainly tell a story and draw some great action. And I have happy memories of this dumb little book from back in the day. So, despite it being the contractual comics, I liked it because it was a quick read and pretty mindless.
So I bought the book with my disposable capital and liked it a lot. I won't go as far as saying I loved it because there are some things I don't like. First the good: Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish are rocking the Kirby look right down to the square fingers. In fact, Koblish' inks are very reminiscent of Mike Royer's. The book SCREAMS KIRBY: the plotting, the panel design, the big, epic fight scenes. You would swear someone dug up Jack and put him back to work and STILL wouldn't give him his artwork back. Dan Didio obviously has a love for the characters Jack created and I love the fact he's dropped Cadmus and some Fourth World elements right in the first issue. It's obvious with Geoff Johns dropping Darkseid into his plot for JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 that DC is going to go that route, although we did destroy the New Gods awhile back and did this whole convoluted storyline with the Anti-Life Equation during FINAL CRISIS. Let's hope we don't make a mess of it.
On the negative side, a lot of action and very little plot development. Okay, we meet three named co-workers of Kevin Kho, see the real Cadmus in action and get a lot of fighting. But little else. And to have Kho missing on page one and OMAC show up on page three...well, if you didn't think that Kho was going to turn out to be the big blue guy then you obviously need a plot where you have it shoved down your throat. That's kind of like having Bruce Banner be noticeably absent and the Hulk show up. Also interesting is that Jack originally conceived OMAC as the everyman turned hero, much like he had done with Captain America. With this guy and the blue skin and some pretty fractured dialogue, he seem more like a blue Hulk with a mohawk.
Overall, I am planning on giving this book a few issues anyway in hopes that plot exposition will improve. For now, I just get the joy of geeking out at some good Kirbyesque style.
BTW: look for the mysterious hooded stranger in panel #4 on page 6. Can't miss it as DC has started putting a rose colored glow around the being, just to make it easier to spot.
This is an update from a previous post. I thought it was needed to welcome anyone who may have missed it the first time
Greetings and thanks for being here. Thanks to my friend Brendan Tobin for introducing me to this wonderful spot. Up until today, it was blogging on MySpace...and we all know no one goes there anymore.
Greetings and thanks for being here. Thanks to my friend Brendan Tobin for introducing me to this wonderful spot. Up until today, it was blogging on MySpace...and we all know no one goes there anymore.
A quick introduction before moving onto something else. I'm middle aged, married to the same woman for 20 interesting years, with two daughters: a middle school student and a pre-schooler. We live in the same house since a little less than a year after we got married, though it has become larger in the last few years as we added a second floor almost four years ago, turning our modest ranch into a Colonial I'll be paying for until I am in my 80's. My wife teaches 5th grade and I toil in the world of retail, where I have resided for close to 35 years.I suffer from Bi-Polar 1 and suffer intense bouts of depression. I have been a writer, a videographer and a musician. I now video tape my family(mostly photograph...but still video tape every now and then), write for pleasure and play keyboards in the band Briar Rose. We have recently re;eased our newest CD. It's called DARK LORD and it's available all over the place or from us.I enjoy reading, especially comics, all types of music, and numerous films and television shows. From 1995 through 2000, I was the editor and publisher of a little fanzine called THE PODIUM: a grassroots publication dedicated to "comics and everything else". After being a monthly printed 'zine, it became a website until AOL shut down their Hometown pages in October of 2008. A great many reviews and interviews were published, some of which will eventually represented here, for posterity.
I'll tell more in future blogs, but for now, I stop with that...mostly because my 4 year old is cuddling with me, making it almost impossible to write with two hand, while watching SUPER FRIENDS. Yes, she is my little superhero. So, for now, I represent an old MySpace blog that is still relevant now. It's about some of my favorite guilty pleasure films. I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

And that's when I realized how much I truly love grind house films. And yes, this IS a grind house film, even though it found great success in mainstream theaters where audiences allegedly stood up and cheered at the end of the film. At least, that is what the movie ads claimed.
Okay, so we all know Quentin Tarrantino and Robert Rodriguez embraced and popularized the genre in their PLANET TERROR/DEATH PROOF homage films, but what do you really know about grind house films? Named for the type of theaters that played them, typically they are Exploitation films, shot on shoestring budgets, featuring over the top depictions of sex, violence and gore. Within the grind house genre, there are sub-genres including kung fu, horror, sexploitation, blaxploitation, and spaghetti Westerns. They would play on triple or larger bills in rundown neighborhood theaters where you would take your life in your hands or, if you were lucky, drive-ins where you and your buddies could down a six or two, smoke some of mother nature and have a grand old time for $5 a carload.

Growing up in the 70's, I was lucky enough to see some of my favorite films during their first or second release, usually at the drive-in where you could easily be hampered by really bad projection issues. Case in point, seeing SUPERVIVIENTES DE LOS ANDES(or SURVIVE, as it was released here in 1976) at the drive-in in 1976 because of the hype surrounding the gory cannibalism depicted in the film. Could have fooled me! The projected image was so dark that it was virtually unviewable. My friends and I spent most of the night trying to pick up the three scared girls in the car next to us.

A great deal of my interest in grind house films were fostered by my old friend Mike Vraney at Something Weird Video. Back in the early Nineties, Mike started his business in Seattle by selling video tapes of lost exploitation films. He ended up cutting distribution deals with some of the legends in the business including Harry Novak, Doris Wishman, David F. Friedman, and Herschell Gordon Lewis. Back in the day, I was good for at least one order every two months to Mike.
But, for now, here's a list, in alphabetical order, of some of my favorite grind house flicks. Some of these I was lucky enough to see on the big screen and others were so tough to come by that I had to wait for bootlegged VHS or ultimately DVD release.

BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA (1974) Sam Peckingpah's masterpiece of violence and sleaze. It is a film that some critics have called the worst film ever made while others, including Roger Ebert, have said it's the "greatest film of all time". Warren Oates character gives up everything he has to collect a bounty that has been placed on the head of…you guessed it…Alfredo Garcia. Oates travels around the Mexcian countryside talking to the severed hit while trying to evade gay hitmen. Wow! This is a trip worth taking.

THE CHEERLEADERS (1973) This film, along with a lot of teenage girls get naked for a good cause films, was a staple of Seventies drive-in trips and inspired films as diverse as PORKY'S and MALLRATS. The team tries to help get Jeannie laid and themselves as well. Unfortunately they wear out the football team before the big game and are forced to do the same to the opposing team. Everyone has sex in this film. One girls has sex with the head coach. Another in a car going through a car wash. There's a great bit on a school bus scored to a Mexicali beat while there are also encounters on an exercise bike, in the school showers an a toe job of epic proportions. Originally rated X upon its' initial release, this film has been run in more cut and uncut versions than you can imagine. It was followed up by THE SWINGING CHEERLEADERS and REVENGE OF THE CHEERLEADERS. All three typify the genre.

LINDA LOVELACE FOR PRESIDENT (1975) Not a true grind house film, but one featuring one of the most legendary adult stars. Falling after DEEP THROAT and before she became a strong advocate against pornography, this film documents the actress' fictional running in the 1976 presidential race. So she woes and beds middle America in an effort to reunite the country. It's T&A meets THE MONKEES as bad jokes are thrown around with naked bodies. And don't forget the jive talking, hillbilly chimpanzee

RETURN OF THE FIVE DEADLY VENOMS (1978) This film is also known as CRIPPLED AVENGERS, MORTAL COMBAT and CAN QUE. If you're going to watch a kung fu film, it should have been made by the Shaw Brothers studios. It was this film which led to the Shaws greatest success and the years 1979 to 1983 led to numerous Venoms sequels of sorts like KID WITH THE GOLDEN ARM, SUPER NINJAS, and KILLER ARMY. Four heroes with disabilities fight the evil Hai Chen who is armed with special steel claws and is actually responsible for their disabilities. The heroes band together to overcome their shortcomings and take on the villain. A beautiful film to look at, it is filled with quality acting, stylish action and some silly humor. Although coming much later than many of the alleged kung fu classics, this is the benchmark that all Hong Kong action films tried to attain.
UNHOLY ROLLERS (1973) What probably began life as a low budget version of KANSAS CITY BOMBER took on a life of its' own as the definitive Roller Derby movie. . . not that there is a genre for that! Claudia Jennings quits her job at the cat food factory and becomes the star of a roller derby team. It's a rags to riches to rags story that doesn't take a lot of grey matter to get through. Jennings and the other actresses look the part and it's dumb fun. Go search for some of the handful of Jennings films mentioned earlier and have yourself a Claudia selazefest!
ZOMBIE (1979) This Lucio Fulci classic was released in the U.S. as DAWN OF THE DEAD 2 and the only thing it has in common with the Romero classic is the title and a bunch of hungry zombies. Zombies come to New York. Well, that's the basic plot. The gore factor is off the charts, there is a great shark vs. zombie underwater battle, lots of gore, death and destruction and, did I mention there's a lot of gore? A typical living dead movie that just ratchets the gross out meter to 10.