Friday, May 3, 2024

DC UNIVERSE Month 75, Part 2

HARLEY QUINN # 39 by Tini Howard, Natacha Bustos, and Erica Henderson. Mr. Freeze offers Harley a job with him, but she wants to be able to examine his brain, so the offer goes away. Later, she sees Maxie Zeus being arrested and mistreated by the police, leading to her rescue him. Later he interrupts a play based on ancient myth, which leads to Tim Drake becoming involved. Later, Harley and Zeus share snacks and he tells her how he misses his wife, even as Harley offers him a chance to meet for therapy. In the end, she and Ivy see a facility where Mr. Freeze may be training people and realizes he wanted Harley as a teacher, leading to her deciding to go after him. in the backup, it is the nocturnal adventure of Quin-Zell: Cosmic Corsair.

HARLEY QUINN 2024 ANNUAL by Erica Henderson. Harley is involved in a heist and decides to use her earnings to go on a cruise. While dealing with the boredom and food, she discovers that Zatanna is doing a twice daily magic show. But the Zatanna she first meets is only a duplicate created by the real Zatanna, who is enjoying relaxing while her doppelganger does the heavy lifting. That night, during a performance, someone gets murdered, leading the pair to investigate. As it turns out, the murdered person is not really dead and is also Vandal Savage. Zatanna cannot use her magic because she is using all of her power to maintain her fake. Bronze Tiger shows up and attacks followed by Guy Mandrake, who Harley stole from. They flee and Harley eliminates the copy on camera, getting Zatanna off the hook as the murderer. With that done, Zatanna casts a spell causing Mandrake and his men to be stricken by vomit and diarrhea.. They have saved the day and the cruise lines gives them a free cruise. Who knows what could happen then?

JAY GARRICK: THE FLASH #6 by Jeremy Adams and Diego Olortegui. Jay races to save his daughter Judy, who is in the clutches of Doctor Elemental. He is using her as a conduit to unleash his plan to on the world.  Mr. Terrific is able to find the source of an energy spike, leading Jay to track it to a small island in the Atlantic. After making his way past Elemental’s shark guards, he confronts Hughes, but it appears to be too late. He races around the world to take down the various conduit points, stopping the process and saving Judy, even though Hughes gets away. In the end, a mysterious stranger offers the escaped Hughes a deal.

KNEEL BEFORE ZOD #4 by Joe Casey and Dan McDaid. Ursa has died and Zod creates a funeral pyre that will burn forever. He also makes the decision to launch the bottled city of Kandor into space, allowing them a chance to survive and thrive. He then orders the Eradicator to initiate Omega Protocols, which destroys his planet and everything on it. He goes after the Khunds, attacking them and destroying their ship and all on it. His lifeless, charred body drifts through space before being picked up by another spacecraft.

NIGHTWING #113 by Tom Taylor, Marv Wolfman, Michael W. Conrad, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Bruno Redondo, and Howard Porter. On this night, Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday and the city will celebrate his contributions to Bludhaven. He meets with Bea, who shows him the body of someone they fished out of the sea that is marked by what Dick believes is a symbol from Heartless. He heads to a warehouse and finds that symbol again along with cameras, revealing he knows Heartless is watching and telling the villain he has an army now. That night Dick accepts the keys to the city along with Barbara. He choses to celebrate at his favorite 24 hour pizza place: Marv and George’s(an obvious homage to Marv Wolfman and George Perez), where Marv says he is proud of him and that George would be too. In the end, Shelton meets with Zucco, reveals he is Heartless and says that it is time for Dick Grayson to fall. In the backup, Nightwing has five minutes to deactivate a bomb and save a train filled with people, which he does with a second to spare.

NIGHTWING 2024 ANNUAL by Travis Moore and Alex Guimaraes. Twenty years ago, young Destiny watches her mom get killed in an attack on their boat. Lucky to be alive, she grows up in a homeless encampment until it is bought out by the Ascendek Group, who her mother worked for. She makes her way on the yacht of the C.E.O., which gets boarded by pirates, who take her in and train her over the next five years. Revealing that she discovered messages between the C.E.O. and someone named “Revenant”, she heads off to find answers, bringing her into contact with Carmen Navarro, who tells her that her mother had been subject to a hit by La Agente Funebre.Carmen sends Destiny to St. Hadrian’s Finishing Schiool,: a training ground for Spyral and becomes a secret agent  named Siren. While on a mission in Moscow, she crosses paths with Ice  from Checkmate and saves her life, even as Ice tells her that her mother worked for Checkmate. Carmen sends Destiny off on a new mission: shadow Dick Grayson, who is now Ric Grayson and recovering from being shot by KGBeast, who she reveals is Revenant. Under the alias of Bea Bennett, she spends time with Ric and falling in love with him. Eventually, Ric gets his memory back and goes back to being the original Nightwing. Her friend Shan, now operating as Condor Red, informs her that Bea’s mother was a double agent, working for both Checkmate and Spyral. Bea meets with KGBeast, with the intentions of killing him, until he reveals that he wasn’t Revenant but was hired by Revenant, who worked for Spyral. Later she finds that she is now on a hit list and she learns that carmen is Revenant, who has been working for La Agente Funebre. She gets saved by Ice and decides to move on with her life, going back to her adoptive family. But it seems her mother is actually still alive and watching from the shadows.

OUTSIDERS #6 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Robert Carey. Fourteen months ago, Lucius Fox assembled the Outsiders team and after investigating the Carrier, which tells them this is the “landmark final issue”, the team finds themselves in a strange city that resembles something out of the 1950’s. There they meet the Golden Age Superman, working as a mailman and them a living version of The Carrier, who tells Drummer they are about to explode. Luke and Lucius end up in a milk bar where they meet many DC characters who have been written out of continuity including Cave Carson, Zauriel, and most of the cast from GOTHAM CITY GARAGE. They tell Lucius this is a place of peace and he reveals to Luke that he had a stroke 14 months ago. Drummer meets with Richard Dragon who tells her she should go home and she begins rampaging throughout the town. Drummer is stopped by The Carrier, who takes them all home, but not before kissing Kate and telling her a secret. Kate later reveals that The Carrier told her Drummer’s real name, which is Jakita Wagner. Drummer takes out the Planetary Guide and tells them that she is not part of their story but they have always been a part of hers.

THE PENGUIN #9 by Tom King and Rafael De Latorre. Silent Majority and Major Victory set off a bomb at the Martha Wayne Day Care Center as eleven other bombs are set off throughout Gotham, killing and injuring many. Batman meets with Penguin and wants to know who was responsible and he is told Aiden and Addison Cobblepot. Batman tells him to give him the real names or he will drop him to the pavement below. Another bombing, this time by Black Spider, who gets apprehended by Batman, who tells him the twins were responsible for ordering the bombings. Later, as batman goes to meet the twins tat the Iceberg Lounge, Penguin begs for a meeting with Rita and then breaks down in her arms, telling her there is nothing good inside him.

POISON IVY #21 by G. Willow Wilson and Mariko Takara. Pam Isley is inject with Jason Woodrue’s serum and she suddenly gains her powers. Later, when she learns what her powers can do, she becomes the eco-terrorist known as Poison Ivy. She commits crimes, ends up in Arkham but is eventually released to do it all again. In the here and now, she is fighting against Woodrue’s creations and orders Janet from H-R to get behind her.

POWER GIRL #8 by Leah Williams and Eduardo Pansica. A HOUSE OF BRAINIAC tie-in. In a story running at the same time as ACTION COMICS #1064, Power Girl is trying to learn to roller skate and telling Omen of her recent adventure in Ferimbia when Omen asks her about Power Girl’s apparent crush on Axel., with Power Girl saying she is not even sure if he is interested in her. She texts him just as he is captured by the same device Brianiac has previously used on friends and family of Superman. Omen also gets taken an Power Girl fights a Lobo and some of Brainiac’s robots. She goes to the Kent family apartment and Superman explains how everyone has been taken but not her because she is from Earth-2. She agrees to stay and protect Metropolis and, in the process, is captured by Crush. Elsewhere, other Lobos, having decided not to return to Brainiac, play with a Nanoblaster and, seeing what it can do, plan to have some fun.

RED HOOD: THE HILL #3 by Shawn Martinbrough and Sanford Greene. Croc decides to help ‘Junior’ eliminate both The Watch and Strike and suggest bringing in The Kreckk, who was known as The Projector when he was in Arkham. Later, all of the team members get attacked by some creatures that apparently come from Kreckk’s sleeping mind. Jason defends Dana and kills the creature but the question is what has happened to her friends. And Batman arrives also wanting to know what is going on.

SHAZAM #10 by Mark Waid and Emanuela Lupacchino. Freddy reveals that he got his driver’s license and bought a vehicle he calls the Shaz-Van. The family moves into their new home and Billy meets his attractive neighbor Beau. Once inside, he and Mary discover that they have a doorway to a Greek temple and the Domain of Zeus, which he created using the same magic Shazam used to create an extra dimension to hold the Rock of Eternity. Apparently all of the doors in the house, from closets to the refrigerator, all contain doorways including one that unleashes a three eyed lizard that attacks Zeus, causing Billy and Mary to transform into the Marvels. In the end, Freddy and the Shaz-Van come to the rescue and seals the doorways. The family are told that adoption proceedings are being put in place as Darla observes The captain, or a version of him, burning something in the family fireplace.

SINISTER SONS #3 by Peter J. Tomasi and Vasco Georgiev. The sons of Sinestro and Zos meet Major Tom, who is thrilled to be free from the creature he is stuck inside for so long. But the boys are not about to let him take their ship and they fight. But they soon discover their powers do not work inside the creature and the gun they stole from Major Tom has a palm print identifier and only Major Tom can use it. They work together to survive inside of Melville but then they have to deal with space pirates hunting the creature.

SPEED FORCE #6 by Jarrett Williams, George Kambadais, and Tom Derenick. Wallace and Avery fight against the “rap avatars” and get some unexpected help from Superboy, who has broken free from the brainwashing. The app is defeated, although Sebastian Stagg takes advantage and acquires it. And the Fiddler runs away, only to be visited later by Klarion. With everything fixed, the team gets together and play video games.

SUICIDE SQUAD: DREAM TEAM #2 by Nicole Maines and Eddy Barrows. With Bizarro on a rampage in Gamorra, Clock King deduces that the team was deployed under false pretenses. That is when Dreamer and Harley arrive trying to tell the others how wrong they are about what they are doing. During the scuffle, Clock King drops the barrier and Bizarro attacks Dreamer who manages to transport away. Later, Waller arrives, putting almost all of the existing team to sleep, except for Bizarro, who she sends on a special mission. Later, President Nakamura is attacked and apparently killed by someone she thinks is Superman, meaning it may be Bizarro. Later, while Amanda sleeps, she is visited by Dreamer who shows Amanda her past while Amanda also shows her the world where another Superman destroyed it. Her plan is to eliminate all Metas. When she wakes, she continues to put her plan in place.

SUPERMAN #13 by Joshua Williamson and Rafa Sandoval. HOUSE OF BRAINIAC Part 2. In the Warriors Bar , Lobo is trashing the place, leading to a fight with Superman, who demands to know where Brainiac is, with Lobo saying he doesn’t know what Superman is talking about. Brainiac is in his space ship with his captives and apparently suffering , which leads to him getting assistance from multiple Brainiacs. Lobo teams up with Superman, having found out there are Czarnians working with Brainiac. En route to his ship, they are attacked by the Czarnians. Meanwhile, Brainiac frees Luthor who promises to give Superman to Brainiac provided he agrees to leave his daughter out of it. Supergirl and Kon manage to free themselves, but they are now facing a bigger problem…much bigger.

TITANS #10 by Tom Taylor and Lucas Meyer. Trilogy, looking for his father, meets with Servillius, taking an axe which increases his size and strength. He wants to get noticed more by his father and Servillius suggests he should go after Raven. Trilogy opens a portal from Hell and fights with the Titans in his search for Raven. Raven confronts him and, by opening a portal of her open, severs his arm holding the axe. Separated from the axe, he reverts to his original self and Raven takes him back to Hell. In the end, Amanda Waller meets with Dr. Morrow, who is building an ultimate weapon he calls Vanadia, but who was someone else previously.

WONDER WOMAN #8 by Tom King, Daniel Sampere, and Belen Ortega.Diana finds herself as a perfect housewife with Steve Trevor as her demeaning husband. She is actually being held captive by The Sovereign, who has her bound with his own special lasso. She continues to struggle in this dream until she is visited by her mother who tells her that even though she always said the lasso could never be broken, she asks Diana when she ever believed her mother. Wirth that, she breaks free and, despite being attacked by his followers, tells him that he broke his toy. Meanwhile, Cassie, Donna, and Yara use Steel for a version of William Tell. In the backup, Wonder Girl goes to feudal Japan to learn how to sword fight without  changing the future, which of course she does for a while,


DC UNIVERSE Month 75, Part 1

ACTION COMICS #1064 by Joshua Williamson and Rafa Sandoval. HOUSE OF BRAINIAC PART ONE. It appears to be a quiet day in Metropolis until an army of Czarnians and robots attack. Superman deduces this is the work of Brainiac, who then orders General Chacal to begin what he calls Phase Two., He begins capturing people, starting with Mercy and Lena Lex dons a virtual armor an attacks the Czarnians More friends and family connected to Superman are captured including the Warworld children. Lex sacrifices himself and is captured, knowing his daughter had also been captured. Brainiac knows that Superman will come for him and he has an army of Brainiacs to assist him in the fight. To be continued in SUPERMAN #13

BATMAN #146 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez, and Michele Bandini. The Warden explains how he was ultimately responsible for Zur and Failsafe being unleashed. He had The Joker kidnap Alfred, some time before his death, and after he discovered everything about Zur’s plan, he invaded the Batcave and discovered Failsafe. It was The Joker who convinced The Penguin into faking his own death. During a battle between The Joker and Batman, the villain implanted a phrase that was to ensure The Warden was kept safe. While Failsafe, masquerading as Batman and being the ultimate vigilante with Damian by his side, the real Batman breaks out of his cell, even as Punchline is being brought into the prison.  She gets free and releases all of the prisoners, seemingly ready to attack Batman until the robot guards come into play. Failsafe breaks into Harley apartment and apprehends her, telling her justice has come to Gotham. Later, Damian finds Amazo 3.0 in the Batcave, with him being told they need an army. News of the prison breakout and especially bruce Wayne leads Failsafe to meet with Superman and says that he will win. Also, Vandal Savage turns himself in and seeks asylum.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #8 by Joshua Williamson and Nikola Cizmesija. Flatline’s sister turns out to be following in the family business and, even though Robin and Flatline have taken down her crew, Flatline takes down Robin, as she does not want to see her sister go to jail. Damian pursues the pair and Flatline double-crosses her sister, leading to her arrest, going as far to make a deal with the D.E.O. to protect her. Meanwhile, Batman meets with Shush, where she convinces him to team-up against Man-Bat.They go to Man-Bat’s hideout, now vacated, and find that he was trying to find a way to distribute his drug across Gotham. Man-Bat’s cult member arrive, leading Batman to convince Shush to flee, but she is attacked by Man-Bat, who wants her punished for her betrayal. Batman saves her but flies off as he is chained to Man-Bat. In the end, Damian goes back to school with his the new student: Flatline.

BATMAN DYLAN DOG #2 by Roberto Recchioni, Gigi Cavenago, and Werther Dell’Edera. Batman and Dylan Dog, with an infected Catwoman,  race to one of Batman’s hideouts where they deduce that she has been dosed with Xabaras’s regenerative formula mixed with Joker Toxin. The pair fly to Xabaras’s old abandoned house. There they find Groucho, who has also been infected, along with more infected. They fight the creatures and subdue Groucho, taking him back to the hideout and test an antidote on both, which seems to work. Groucho reveals that The Joker wants to resurrect Christopher Killex. , who was a serial killer that skinned his victims to find where the soul was hidden. The pair go to investigate and discover Killex’ grave is empty. That leads them to visit a medium named Madame Trelkovski who reveals that his soul would be in the deepest rings of Hell, leading the pair to get John Constantine and The Demon involved. They travel to Hell, where John calls upon philosopher Epicurus, who tells them that Killex’s soul has left Hell. That sends Dylan and John off to meet Lucifer.

BATMAN: OFF WORLD #4 by Jason Aaron and Doug Mahnke. Batman continues his journey on the War Storm, taking out allies of Blakksuns. Weeks earlier, he told Ione that he was not going home but continuing on this mission, offering for her to join him, which she refused. The Blakksuns hire a Thangarian known as Stormchaser to pursue Batman and eliminate him. As the two battle, Alfred frets that he can’t track Batman in space while Ione sits in a galactic bar and hears the news that Stormchaser is after Batman.

BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #26 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. With green-Mite and other heroes having been killed, by other villainous Mites, the World’s Finest heroes team up to stop the invading Mites and their Earthly counterparts. Mxyzptlk gives Robin super powers to help battles Sinestro and Sin-Mite. Sinestro tells Batman and a super powered Robin that Earth’s heroes are being tested. By his master to find out who the greatest hero of all is.Over in Central City, Superman and Bat-Mite team up to battle Kadabra. Bat-Mite sets Superman up with special bat armor he constructed for Batman’s birthday. They all head to Metropolis where Parasite and Para-Mite are causing havoc, but he turns our heroes into graffiti on a wall.

BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #12 11 by Karl Kerschl, Rob Levin, Delilah S. Dawson, Zipporah Smith, Herik Hanna, Mike Norton, Serg Acuna, Karl Mostert, and Charlie Adlard. Bruce, bitten by Anastasia, is at Isla’s house and pursues her, injuring her dog in the process. Maps arrives and injects him with an antidote. He is picked up by an ambulance, actually Alfred driving an ambulance, and taken back to the Batcave, where he devices a plan with Maps, dressed as Robin, being the distraction. Once inside Anastasia’s, she rescues Tristan. Batman faces off with Mother and destroys her by dragging her outside into the sun. In the end, Isla goes to visit Bruce at the hospital only to learn he is off on a yacht with a model. In the second tale, False Face looks to scam someone only to cross paths with the Gentleman Ghost, who he learns is related to the intended victim, causing False Face to correct things. In the third tale, Artemis continues her journey, which runs her into soldiers who apprehend her and give her a choice: reveal where Bama-Mighdall is or die. In the fourth tale, Freddie Lafonta has been murdered and now it is up to Swamp Thing to allow him to cross to the next place. In the final tale, Batman visits with a criminal he has had interactions with in the past but who seems to have given up his ways. In actuality, it is all a ruse and Batman sees through it. He cuts the crook a break, even though it appears the crook is readying for a big score.

BIRDS OF PREY #8 .by Kelly Thompson and Javier Pina. The Birds are masquerading during a fashion show when a group of male models get mind controlled, leading to the Birds to try and restrain them. But they suddenly turn into something alien and that leads Dinah to use her scream to defeat and eliminate them. Soon, a mysterious portal opens and takes Batgirl. Dinah goes to follow, ordering the others not to go in after her. Of course, they ignore that.

BLUE BEETLE #8 by Josh Trujillo and Adrian Gutierrez. Nitida has forsaken her scarab and aligned herself with Victoria Kord. Jaime meets with Shepherd Ood, who tells Jaime that he thinks it is time that the Horizon find a new home. Xiomara interrupts their meeting to inform them that Roma has left and is not coming back. Xiomara and Jaime track her down and meet with her and she informs them that Victoria now has the scarab. They make their way to a Kord Industries presentation where Victoria shows off Pinnacle: “the champion we truly need”. Overthrow, whose father was killed many years ago by Ted, arrives and disrupts the presentation. But Pinnacle captures him and blows off Overthrow’s arm, saying it is waiting for the next objective.

CATWOMAN #64 by Tini Howard and Carmine Di Giandomenico. In Veronica Viceroy’s office, Flamingo meets with a group of villains, declaring that Catwoman cannot be killed. Meanwhile, Selina steals the Ferris Ultraviolet X-40 and heads into space, with the goal of dismantling a satellite that was connected to Viceroy’s operation. While she seems to succeed, the Demolition Team arrive there to stop her. The team tussles with her and she defeats most of them. One of the team members, Rosie, ends up out in space with her as the rest of the team prepares to leave. She makes the decision to let the team rescue her and Selina flies into the atmosphere, burning up on reentry.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1084 by Ram V and Javier Fernandez. Having survived his ordeal in the desert, Batman is back in Gotham. He meets with Jim Gordon and The Question, giving the latter a drive that contains security footage showing that the Orghams were directly involved in the murder of Henry Fielding. He tell Jim what he encountered during his journey and we find that Talia has the corpse of Arzen Orgham, who was killed by his own mother. She intends to bring him back to life to fulfill a promise. He makes a statement letting the Orghams know he is back and later meets with Selina. In the end, she gets a visit from The Joker. In the backup, Cassandra battles with her mother and helps to defeat those transformed by the Orghams. With the battle ended, Shiva and her men load Arzen Orgham’s body on her boat.

THE FLASH #8 by Si Spurrier and Ramon Perez. Because of the continued use of the Speed Force, it appears that time and space are collapsing. Wally West is missing and now Barry Allen and many of the Flash Family are racing around the world trying to save people and put things right. Barry confronts a group that is trying to repair a Chronon Hemorrhage and seal the rift, while also noting that Barry is Prime Target 2. He gets saved by the unlikeliest of people in the form of many of his rogues gallery. Elsewhere, Amanda Waller and her team bursts into a podcast recording, arresting Jimmy Scorch and Iris Allen. Commandeering the microphone, Waller tells the world that reality is collapsing and it is because of the speedsters. But where is Wally? Continued in FLASH 2024 ANNUAL.

FLASH 2024 ANNUAL by Simon Spurrier, Scott Koblish, Amancay Nahuelpan, George Kambadais, and Tom Derenick. While the Flash family races between disasters caused by the issues with the Speed Force, Barry races between places, leaving only the briefest of traces to be seen by Wallace and Avery. Wally is still missing and out of sync with everything, spending time in the garden of statues and sculpting, while also seeking out The Stillness. He eventually moves between moments in time to look in on his family, including his son, daughter and wife. Irey is creating a solution to make the powerless have power. As it turns out Mirror Master has had a hand in it. Avery and Wallace manage to become in phase with Wally, who finds himself in the Apparatus of Existence, where he learns the blobs he has been destroying are actually embodiments of emotions. He observes Jai and Mr. Terrific as they examine the brain of the Ultra-Humanite, which speaks and tells them to save the world they must kill Wally. Wally’s journey takes him to the Source Wall. When he observes Linda, she is with Waller, who tells her that Wally needs to stop using the Speed Force. Wallace and Avery end up out of phase where they are see that Abra Kadabra and Folded Man are also involved with everything. They find themselves caught by giant spiders and then rescued by The Pilgrim, who takes them off the board and places them with the other speedsters they have taken off the playing field. Wally finally meets with The Stillness who tells him they are doing what they do because they are bored. They also show him how Linda tells Waller she doesn’t know where Wally is or care. Devastated, he ends up back in the garden and says that it is time to stop. Continued in THE FLASH #9.

GREEN ARROW #11 by Joshua Williamson and Sean Izaakse. Oliver and his family battle the Justice League created by Sanctuary, eventually stealing the mask and getting out. Oliver tells Waller he has completed the mission and he transports away. Then there is a flashback to who Mark Merlyn is and how he trained Oliver Queen and eventually became his enemy. Merlyn met with Waller and, after their last confrontation, ended up trapped in a vortex, plotting and planning. Now is the final confrontation and with Merlyn having the mask, he is using the hard-light constructs of Oliver’s family to kill him.

GREEN LANTERN #10 by Jeremy Adams, Xermanico, and Kevin Maguire.Hal and Jo meet with members of Resistance Corps on Oa, where he learns that what has happened with the destruction of the power batteries is due to Lord Premier Thaaros. Later, they meet with Baz who tells Jo that he found Keli in the sciencells, where many of the Lanterns are also being held. Hal attacks the scientists, allowing Baz to free keli while Hal battles Manhunters. As they flee, Hal rescues Razer to try and gain information. Meanwhile, Cruz is sent to meet  with the Council of Unseeing. In the backup, a HOUSE OF BRAINIAC tie-in, Guy kidnaps Lobo from his role in Intergalactic Wrestling, only to be attacked by Space Dolphins.

GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #8 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Montos. Shepherd goes to Guy Gardner’s house and meet with guy virtually. On the dark star of the Fenn, John battles against the children of the Radiant Dead, who claim they want the Exile. During the battle, they flee, leaving John with the residents of Fenn, who want to know if he is truly The Builder, as he was referred to during the battle. Byla-Voq visits John and tells him that John needs to find a way to help him destroy the Dark Star if he wants to get back home. In the end Meanwhile, on Earth, John’s mother is threatened by the spirit of her late husband; obviously Varron in disguise. John’s construct sister creates soldiers to protect the perimeter against him if he returns. In the end, Guy directs Shepherd to the Book of Oa, which he claims has all the answers.