THE MOVEMENT #8: The issue begins with Officer Yee trying to keep an angry group of policemen, led by Officer Whitt, from going after The Movement. Whitt is bigger and stronger and takes Yee out. But Whitt's partner Officer Pena and Officer Fricks, who has warned Captain Meers of the situation, stand with Yee to stop the rogue officers from going to the Sweatshop. At the Sweatshop, Vengeance Moth has gotten Burden to release his demon and defend against the Graveyard Faction. Vengeance Moth picks out Anguish as the leader and singles her out, knocking her out. When she awakes, she realizes the battle is weakening the foundations and they could be buried alive. Vengeance Moth has sent a message to Virtue, who had cancelled her date with Rainmaker to look after Mouse. She remembers how she had once been diagnosed her with a fear of being buried alive. At Mouse's bedside, he kisses Tremor and expresses his undying love for her. She leaves and joins Virtue in attempts to keep the roof up and defeat the Faction. Virtue takes some of Vengeance Moth's fear and sends it to Anguish who collapses in dread. She tells the rest of the Faction that if they ever return, she will bury them. At the precinct, Meers arrives and fires Whitt. As Yee is being taken to the hospital for his injuries, he reveals that Virtue can't exist, as she has been dead for six years. Overlooking Coral City is Batgirl.
Did I miss the fact that Rainmaker and Virtue were lesbians? Did I? I thought I read these issues thoroughly but, I guess not. Okay: so they do not get the date they planned and Sarah is especially disappointed as she wore a skirt for the occasion. What? Instead of Doc Martens? Maybe I'm reading more into that line than I should, but I find that a little offensive! Lesbians can't wear dresses? Anyway, it doesn't much matter anymore because this title will get the axe with issue #12. Gail Simone and Freddie Williams II do their usual job on the title that, like GREEN TEAM, just didn't catch on with readers who didn't KNOW what the agenda of this title was. There may be hope for fans, as few as there may be, as there have been references to The Movement in episodes of ARROW. Until then, enjoy the last four issues and keep your fingers crossed that we see a double date with Rainmaker/Virtue and Tremor/Mouse.
NIGHTWING #27: When last we were here, Nightwing discovered Mad Hatter had made Mali his new Alice and has mind controlled his roommate. So he and Marionette team up against the Hatter. Bullets fly and one of them hits Michael's cell phone, destroying it and that releases control over Michael. The pair grab Michael and Detective Maxwell and escape. Mali explains how the Mad Hatter kidnapped her and tried to make her into his Alice. When that failed, he shot her and left her for dead. She developed a condition called "personality slipping" and isn't even certain that Mali is her real name. She has also developed the ability to mimic the behavior of others and has been taking Kanium Carbonate to keep her abilities in control. She also believes that Hatter broke her and can fix her. Dick returns home and gets into an argument with Joey about her "decluttering" the house and she suggests he find a new place to stay. In the meantime, Jen, a girl Joey baby sits, discovers his Nightwing uniform in his closet. Later, Nightwing and Mali track Dick and Mali go after Hatter, who is holed up in Drexler Chemical. Dick finds Hatter and realizes all his tea is gone. She didn't want revenge; she just wanted the Kanium. Later, Michael gets dumped by the Detetcive and Dick goes home to apologize to Joey. Jen's parents come to pick her up and she gives a glance to Dick and promises that they'll see each other tomorrow, raising his suspicions.
So, even though Dick Grayson is now known to the world as Nightwing, in the continuity that is running through FOREVER EVIL, this is PRE-FOREVER EVIL and now ONE LITTLE GIRL knows that secret. Dick gets to defeat the Mad Hatter, actually that was Mali, and gets to stay in his apartment as he and Joey have patched things up. But all of this comes to a crashing end with issue #30 when Nightwing has to morph into something else because of his being outed. This was another great looking issue for Will Conrad and Kyle Higgins knows his character well. Since the move to Chicago, Dick has gotten out of the shadow of the Bat (pun intended).
RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #27: We discover that Ducra knew that Ra's al ghul planned to take over The Untitled. And therefore she arranged for Jason's memory dump to assure that he would be The One to battle Ra's . But jason has gotten his memory back too son and it looks like that may cause Ducra's plan to fail. He gets tormented by ghosts from the Well of Sins attack Jason. Jason fights back even as ghosts of Talia attack Ra's. Cheshire decides to lend a hand and help Roy take out. Jason strikes at the right time, strips Ra's power away, and gives it to Essence. She converts it to light, inherits the All-Caste and tells Ra's to let the Outlaws go or she will destroy all of the Lazarus Pits throughout the world. Bronze Tiger leads his Master away and Essence invites Jason to join the new All-Caste, and invites him to join her, but he declines. It's time for the Outlaws to go do some good for a change.
So, with TALON ending soon, I won't feel guilty not reading more of James Tynion IV's body of work and can relish in the fact that I really enjoy his direction with this title. He has taken two former Teen Titans and a resurrected Robin and turned them from sex starved characters, as they were in the first few issues, to a dynamic triumvirate that will fill the hole left by the other teen books which no longer exist in the NEW 52. Julius Gopez and Noel Rodriguez handle the artwork with help from a ton of inkers including Sandu Florea, Walden Wong and Dan Green. Now that Jason is poisd to become a key player outside of batman's corner of the world, it will be interesting to see where Tynion takes him.
RED LANTERNS #27: Guy Gardner and the other Red Lanterns, minus their late teammate Ratchet, are back on their home planet and marveling at the giant statues made by those who were recently liberated by the Lanterns. Bleez and Rankorr head out to find the owner of Ratchet's ring while Guy, Zox and Skallox head to Earth. Guy gives the others a list of sights to go see while he goes off to visit his old girls friend, ice, who is less than pleased to see him. Meanwhile, Skallox and Zox visit encounter Shadow Thief and starts a fight with the pair. They call for assistance and guy and ice head out. In space, . Shadow Thief is a human who hates aliens, despite wearing a living alien suit for her ability (which Skallox quickly points out), and quickly starts a fight with the two Red Lanterns. In space, Bleez and Rankorr find that the new Red Lantern is actually three Lanterns: Atrocitus, Dex-Starr and a new "pet".
How much do you like a book where one of the main character's asks Shadow Thief: "What's a testicle". IS a T+ book. I just thought that the Red Lantern who is a BIG ROUND BALL is asking the question. Charles Soule does another great job on this issue, as he has since he took over for the "legendary" Peter Milligan. Allessandro Vitti and J.Calafiore share the art this issue, with Vitti handling most of the sequences between Guy and Tara. Speaking of which, Guy has grown a full on beard since last issue and looks more like a Viking that a Lantern. But, another DC Editorial boo-boo, he is clean shaven on the cover. Okay-picky! Other than that, the issue smokes!
SUICIDE SQUAD #27: Power Girl and the "new Suicide Squad, Warrant, Deadshot, Steel, Unknown Soldier and Boomerang, fight to get out from under the avalanche they got buried under. Power Girl manages to hold up the mountainside. Steel smashes through a section and find a clear spot. The team splits up to find a true way out. Power Girl reflects on becoming a villain and how Amanda Waller will pay when it's over. The Unknown Soldier fights to get out because there is more work to be done and answers to be gotten. Steel reflects on how watching Superman made him know that he had the power to prevent conflict in places other than the United States. He plans to make sure Waller uses her resources to help when all is said and done. We learn that Captain Boomerang's mother was an aborigine who would tell him the tale about a snake called Bobbi-Bobbi. As a young boy he was given a boomerang and used it to kill everything from snakes to other boys. After a life of crime, he wound up at Belle Reve, and Waller had recruited him for the Suicide Squad. When he is free, he hopes to become the snake in the story, rather than the boy, and kill both Harley Quinn and Amanda Waller for what they did to him. Warrant is a former Israeli Special Forces agent with one target on his mind: Deadshot. Deadshot only want revenge on Harley Quinn, who buried him here. Warrant unexpectedly falls into a hidden waterway. Deadshot shoots away his handhold and Warrant is washed away. Back at belle Reve, Waller hacks into the Thinker's personal computer terminal and finds Kevin Kho on the network. He is desperate to be free of OMAC.
And DC rings another death knell for a cool comic, which finds itself ending with issue #30. This particular issue might be the reason why as this is the most uneven issue in the series. We all know that the Suicide Squad is trying to dig themselves out of an avalanche caused by Harley Quinn and OMAC. WE SAW Deadshot actually break the surface LAST ISSUE. Now we are back underground and everyone is dividing and telling their life stories in two pages or less. I don't care! Save this stuff for the forthcoming SECRET ORIGINS title. And who is this Warrant guy? He's an ex-Israeli Special Forces who took out the terrorists before the 2004 Olympics. But they had to drum him out of the service and set him up in America with a special hit list. Look: Dc's own version of The Punisher! Matt Kindt just fills a book with no real forward plot movement, except for the final page. Rafa Sandoval handles the main sequence art while Roger Robinson does the flashbacks. Oh boy-what a mess!
SUPERMAN #27: The Parasite is feeding off of Lois' psionic energy while security guards try to stop him. He kills the guards and attacks Superman, but Jonathan hits him with a gas tank allowing Superman to get he and Lois to safety. Superman realizes the Parasite acquired some of Lois' powers, so he allows him to reach Lois and absorb her power, which is so strong it overwhelms him and causes him to collapse. He explains to Jonathan and Lois, that he used the Parasite to get her out of her coma. In the process, Lois has forgotten his secret identity. Meanwhile, Morgan Edge offers Cat thirteen million dollars in cash to buy her website. And, in Washington D.C., General Lane talks to someone about the leak and is told not to worry about it. But a discussion with the Tower is needed. And, on another planet, Helspont is informed of a problem on Earth.
I really like Kenneth Rocafort's art in this issue, which is strange, as I usually don'' care for his style. Maybe that is because I see it as the HIGHLIGHT of the issue. There is so much going on in the Scott Lobdell script that you need to have a scorecard to keep track of the hand wringing and sorrow from the Big Blue Boy Scout. He feels so much guilt about using the Parasite to remove Lois' power because, in honesty, he does it to get her out of the coma but prays that she doesn't retain her memory of his secret identity. Then he also throws in Cat Grant and Morgan Edge, Sam Lane and a mysterious figure and even Helspont. What is this: The Eighties?
SWAMP THING #27: Alec Holland desperately wants to leave the Green and go after Woodrue, the new Avatar. But his teacher, The Wolf, reminds him he cannot leave. Wolf constructs plant versions of Abby and Capucine but Alec rejects them. Lady Weeds visits him and they go to the Parliament of Trees. She cuts off the retired avatars' connection to the trees and wakes them, as she wants to defeat the Parliamentarians. Alec and Lady Weeds must do this or they will die. Alec defeats the Parliamentartians and is able to return to Earth, but shuts the gateway before Lady Weeds can follow, as she would be detrimental to the planet. But he still has no power and Lady Weeds is trying to pull him back down into the Green. So he calls for help from Woodrue. He arrives and is furious to find that the Parliament is gone with the exception of Alec who drains the Seeder's power. Alec then proceeds to completely offset the balance between the Green and the Red, claiming he is the strongest champion to defend it. The Green returns his power to him. But Woodrue's human body is dying so Alec sends him to the Green to save his life. He then sends the other former Avatars back to the Green and again declares himself THE ONLY Avatar of the Green.
Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz restore the one TRUE Avatar of the Green back to his rightful place: as the main character in his own book. What a great end to a rambling storyline. Jason Woodrue, the once and future Floronic man(in the OLD Universe) comes to his final rest in The Green where he can roam with all the old Avatars and Lady Weeds. My question is when does Alec get to hook back up with Abby and Capucine because this is comics and dead doesn’t always mean dead.
TRINITY OF SIN PANDORA #7: This has been reviewed previously as it is Part 9 of FOREVER EVIL: THE BLIGHT. Go into a previous blog and find it now...
TRINITY OF SIN THE PHANTOM STRANGER #15: This has been reviewed previously as it is Part 7 of FOREVER EVIL: THE BLIGHT. Go into a previous blog and find it now...
WONDER WOMAN #27: We begin with the continuing torture of the First Born by Apollo. Diana has gone to Paradise Island which is nothing but devastation, snakes and what remains of her mother, who she speaks to. Then she and Hermes travel to London to discover that Hera is in the middle of an emotional breakdown, but offers to help find Zola and the baby. They are in Paris, where Zola is drinking wine with Dionysus. Some friends of his arrive to go truffles hunting. Diana meets with Artemis and asks for her help. She agrees to a battle to the death and, when she loses, Artemis allows her to submit instead. Back on Olympus, the First Born breaks free and attacks one of his captors. Meanwhile Cassandra is prepares to hunt Dionysus because she needs to capture a god to get her into Olympus and rescue The First Born. Dionysus's friends turn into pigs to hunt for truffles, just as Cassandra arrives with and her Minotaur.
Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang have made the decision to leave this title some time this summer, which will unleash a tremendous cheer from those who, dislike this title. Me: totally bummed about it. That having been said, the pair continue to shake up the status quo that once existed on this title. Steve Trevor’s gone, Wonder Woman now dates Superman and the Gods of Olympus are all in it for themselves. It’s a new day fans. Enjoy this ride for a while until the next creative team arrives.
WORLDS' FINEST #19: The issue begins with Power Girl mining for diamonds to pay her lawyers and keep her company in business. Once back at home, she tries to demonstrate to Helena that her powers are in control and flies her about while The Huntress is still in her pajamas. Unfortunately her powers are NOT in control and they crash. Later, during an incident with her lawyers, Karen's powers go out of control again and set her office on fire, forcing everyone including herself to flee. While watching children in the park, Helena decides she needs to go see this world's Batman. She sneaks into the Batcave, fairly unsuccessfully, and meets the Dark Knight, who proceeds to cage her up and demand an explanation.
Paul Levitz turns in another so-so issue where Karen's powers are all screwed up and Helena pines for a dad. So the blonde with the barely fitting costume decides to steal some diamonds and that does not really help her situation. And Helena: well she gets the great idea to break into the Batcave to meet the guy who was her daddy in another world. Moreover, he is no dummy...he is the Dark Knight for crying out loud! So you know she is easily caught. It's just a silly story with average art from R.B. Silva
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
NEW 52 Month 27, Part 1
ACTION COMICS #27: We begin in the past where a young Clark was beginning to develop his hearing and vision powers and overheard his adoptive parents say he wasn't human. Later, Jonathan and Martha gave him the red cape he had been wrapped in. In modern day, Clark has become friends with Baka: the beast child he rescued last issue. He gets a call from Lana, who sends him pictures of an underground structure she found. She enters a large chamber and finds herself surrounded by monsters. Luckily Superman and Baka arrive to fight them. Ukur, their leader arrives and Baka transforms into beast form. Ukur speak to Baka in his own language and then tells Superman that he and his creatures are protecting the surface. Elsewhere, in the underground world Ukur calls Imperial Subterranea, a woman calling herself queen receives news that will allow her to go into the surface world.
Okay, once again Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder take this comic to new heights. The writing is lively, the story is interesting without being preachy, and the art by Kuder is his best to date. It's nice to see this book going back to the heights it once had back in the day. ACTION COMICS was the first title to feature Superman and should be the flagship title in the Kryptonian corner of the NEW 52. It's nice to see it reaching towards those heights again.
ALL-STAR WESTERN #27: Last issue, Superman arrived on the scene, much to the dismay of our time-displaced bounty hunter. Superman flies him off and demonstrates his power, while explaining that he is not a God to the people. Hex reminds him that the last person who said we could save ourselves got hung on a cross. After delivering him back to Gina, she takes Hex to the Metropolis Museum, where he has to give up all his weapons at the metal detector. Eventually, they end up in the Jonah Hex Exhibition Room where all manner of artifacts are displayed including Amadeus Arkham's original copy of FACE FULL OF VIOLENCE. Eventually, he sees his stuffed corpse on display. He flees the exhibit and leaves Gina behind, ending up drinking in a bar until he is tossed out. He climbs back on his motorcycle and, unfortunately runs into a tractor-trailer...literally.
It's nice to see some things remain unchanged from the OLD DC Universe. In the Fall of 1978, Michael Fleisher and Russ Heath collaborated on the story "The Last Bounty Hunter". Jonah is gunned down and while sitting playing cards. Jonah took off his glasses to clean them and George Barrow, whose gang the sixty-plus year old bounty hunter had captured, shot Jonah in the chest. His wife attempted to give him a proper Native American burial, but his corpse was stolen by L.B. Farnham to be put in his Wild West Revue. Hex was stuffed and put on display, eventually ending up at a Westworld theme park. THANK YOU for bringing us that story in a condensed version. And thanks for telling us the stuffed Jonah was on loan from the private collection of someone named DeZuniga (from Tony DeZuniga who was Jonah's artist for almost 100 issues of WEIRD WESTERN TALES). Kudos all the way around to the usual crew: Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Moritat.
ANIMAL MAN #27: While Mrs. Baker battles the paparazzi who think Buddy's disappearing act is all an act (and ends up incarcerated for her troubles), Animal Man makes his way to The Red to battle Brother Blood, who has killed all the Totems. Buddy draws upon one of the space creatures he encountered during his time with the Bridgewalker to defeat Blood's Tokens while The Warriors of the Red make their last stand against Brother Blood and his army in order to protect Maxine and Socks. Brother Blood kills Shepherd when he's distracted and then grabs Maxine around the neck and tells her that it is over.Well, almost.
This is the penultimate issue of this title and Jeff Lemire is doing his best to bring it to a natural closure. I love this book and loved it back in its' Grant Morrison heyday. But this particular run has been like RESURRECTION MAN was: just never able to find a true die-hard audience. And the art has been iffy from issue to issue. I am not a huge fan of Rafael Albuquerque's work, but it's too late in the game to complain now. Come back next month for Buddy baker's last stand.
AQUAMAN #27: Aquaman battles this strange crab-like monster in Iceland that seems to have been revived by a group known as Triton-a group which has a certain Dr. Shin. Remembering time he spent with his father at the lighthouse, Aquaman battles this ancient creature, finally dispatching it by cracking open it's shell and exposing it's brain, killing it. Mera, Neol and the rest arrive as does a team from Triton, that gathers up a brain sample from the creature. Meanwhile, back at Triton base, a diver tries to make repairs, but cuts himself on a piece of exposed metal and attracts a school of sharks in the process.
Another "okay" issue as Jeff Parker's tenure on the title continues. The only reason I say "okay" is that he has not quite picked up steam from his predecessor's epic run. The story is interesting but, coming after such epics as we have had in the last two years, it's a little hard to be thrilled over a giant sea creature tale. I am sure that will change. On the art side of the ledger, it's another outstanding issue from Paul Pelletier.
BATGIRL #27: In this issue, Barbara Gordon enters GOTHTOPIA. Angela Ramirez works for JOKER BRAND Ice cream. Barbara Gordon lives at home with her father, who makes her breakfast before he goes to work and she goes out on the prowl as...Bluebelle. Her best friend and fellow crime fighter is Clarissa Carnes, whose alter ego is Daybreak. Joker Brand sends a new ice cream flavor to the streets and it's a real killer-literally! People start dying from the poisoned dairy product and it seems that Ms. Ramirez is responsible. She has knocked out the radios in all the ice cream truck and, toting a gun and wearing a Joker inspired mask, has taken a group of students on a tour of the factory hostage. She adopts the new name Mother Mercy and tells the children she is taking revenge for her husband and son being murdered by something that left smiles on their faces. While Lieutenant Bullock, on orders from Mayor Cobblepot, gets a sniper in position, Barbara leaps into action and breaks into the hostage scene. She sees the Joker on the company logo and has a flashback to Joker atrocities in her past. Suddenly a shot rings out and Mother Mercy dies and finds peace at last.
Gail Simone and Robert Gill bring us the next chapter in the multi title GOTHTOPIA storyline and it's a winner from the opening page. Nice to see Barbara getting flashes of memory during the fight scene and how much fun is it to see Clarissa Carnes as a superhero? And did we all catch the twist? She is now DAYBREAK when she was known as...KNIGHTFALL! Very, VERY COOL! On top of a great story with killer art, you get an unbelievably photo-realistic cover from Alex Garner. This was a blast to read and actually re-read. One of the best issues of the run, and that's saying a whole lot!
BATMAN #27: Our story begins in a nightclub in Tokyo in 1946 and then rapidly shifts to Gotham City six years ago where Batman is fleeing from the Gotham City Police. Jim Gordon takes him into a police boat and tells our hero to remove the mask that is eating away into his flesh. Gordon removes his glasses so he can't see and Batman agrees, as Gordon relates the tale about trying to break up an illegal dog fighting ring involving his fellow cops and how it almost cost him his life. What it DID cost him was being around to stop the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Partway through the story, Batman bails out and heads back to the cave. Batman has a hunch he knows where Helfern's hideout is located, so he heads to the Catacombs, a historic Gotham City tourist attraction, and finds a lab. There he discovers Helfern's plan is actually Edward Nygma's plan for a doomsday device that could kill thousands. The Riddler floods the lab and believes that The Batman has drowned. However, on the last page, a gloved hand belonging to our hero emerges.
After a confusing start, which I still have NO IDEA what that means to the story, we get back into a grove and get more of Jim Gordon's back story and how it relates to Bruce Wayne's origin's. The art is typical of Greg Capullo and Danny Miki, although I do take issue with the cover which, as you have all heard me rant before about, has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY. Batman does NOT become a bone creature! Batman DOES remove his mask in front of Jim Gordon without revealing his identity. Batman DOES end up being lectured by Alfred. Batman DOES get blindsided by The Riddler. Another fast paced, exploratory kind of issue from Scott Snyder and company.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #27: We ended last issue with Batman trapped in a grave under a marble statue with no conceivable way out. Two-Face and drags Erin to Gilda's grave and then tosses the coin to see how she will die. Before he can carry out his plan, Batman fires a dart off of his glove and it not only pierces Dent's should, but also shatters the acid bottle burning Erin. Batman fires a grappling rope up from the grace and, grabbing Erin in the process, flies to safety, leaving the assassins her cousin Kieron brought to kill her befuddled. Among a series of flashbacks involving Robin and members of the Batman Family from recent months, Batman, Erin and Two-Face escape through some old abandoned aqueduct tunnels under the McKillen burial plots. As they escape, we get a flashback to a time when Jim Gordon and his family had a hit pout on them by the McKillen girls. Harvey Dent being their attorney, he could not turn them into the police. But, if he were to become District Attorney-that's a different case. So Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon throw their support to Harvey Dent and he does become D.A.. Back in the present, we see that Erin and Batman have escape, but discover that Two-face has been captured and is about to be executed on live television.
You have got to love the work of Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason who manage to make this team-up title WITHOUT Robin continue to work. The artwork, with a major assist I am sure from inker Mick Gray, pops off the page. The industry loves to rave about Jim Lee and , don't get me wrong, he is a great artist. But Gleason is totally underrated in my opinion. I like where this story is going, especially when you get to what will eventually be the origin of Two Face as he changes from crusading attorney Harvey Dent into the conflicted villain we know and love. This is just a really, REALLY good book.
BATMAN AND ROBIN ANNUAL #2: Batman, after doing some digging in his ceiling, calls Dick Grayson to Wayne Manor and shows him a box, left for him by Damian. The story then flashes back to Dick's first day as Robin. He begins by trying on a non-Batman-approved outfit that resembles the Kandorian Nightwing outfit. Once Batman gets hi into the approved costume, he is forced to stay in the Batmobile and observe. But he does get out and actually saves batman during the battle. Since he disobeyed, he is fired. The next night, despite Batman's orders, Robin goes out hunting Tusk and is captured by him. Batman arrives and he too is captured. Before it's done, the former acrobat gets free and manages to break off one of the villain's tusks in the process. Over the years, they kept chasing him and he kept getting away until one day, he was never heard of again. When Bruce opens the box, the second tusk is there with a note from Damian asking if Old Robin needs any more help taking down his bad guys. Even from the grave, he makes Bruce and Dick smile.
I really think that Grant Morrison robbed us of such a rich character when he killed off Damian Wayne. But Peter J. Tomasi insists on showing so much love for that character that he does whatever he can to make all of his characters miss his presence, along with us. As a bonus, as much as I love Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray's art, we get Doug Mahnke' art and, is Doug Mahnke. This is a great, fun story and is worth the Five dollar cover price.
BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #27: Picking up from last month's silent issue, free himself and, using his detective skills, deduces that the immigrants are being held in the Holiday Cheer Inc. building. He frees the captive and shows one girl a picture. Obviously, she recognizes the woman and Batman takes her away, leaving Gordon on GPCD to clean up. Penguin gets the news and is none to happy while the child and woman are reunited in the Wayne Children's Wing of the hospital. Soon after, Penguin and his men are defeated and jailed. The woman and her daughter get their citizenship, thanks to Bruce Wayne and, while it seems that Penguin will be out of prison VERY SOON. The issue ends with Batman arriving on what we presume is Christmas Eve and he waves to the little girl. On top of the family tree is a very special Bat Angel tree top.
Like the last issue, I have little to say about this. Gregg Hurwitz' silent story is probably Eisner Award material and Alberto Ponticelli's moody artwork compliments it so perfectly. It's a beautiful two part tale on one that makes this series so great, as it tends to focus on the human side of heroes and villains
BATWOMAN #27: When we last saw Batwoman, she was falling to her death. She still is, but is hallucinates from the poison she was injected with as she does. She crashes into water and finds herself at her sister's tea party. She hallucinates about her mother and sister dying. She dreams of her father rejecting her sexuality and watches him father stab her sister. Flamebird appears and blames her for not being able to save her. Images of Chase, Bones and Bane appear before she finally snaps out of it, grabs a flag and swings into the side of the building. Meanwhile, Wolf Spider arrives at home of the elderly man he is stealing the paintings for, discovering he still has two more paintings to steal. Kate barely makes it home and, bleeding all the way to the bathroom, after discarding her costume in the hallway. Maggie's daughter wanders in to meet her for the first time and gets the shock of her life: mom's fiance is really Batwoman.
Marc Andreyko continues to try and carve new grounds following the departure of the original creative team over DC's Editorial decisions. And he is doing a descent job, considering the uproar and mess he had been left with. The same goes for Jeremy Haun and Francis Manapul who step into some big shoes in the art department and turn the first half of the issues into this marvelous psychedelic pastiche of stuff. And some really great looking stuff at that too! This was one of my favorite titles before and continues to be among my first reads. But Andreyko has a long way to go to achieve the heights this book began with, so I wish him luck on this uphill road.
BIRDS OF PREY #27: With comatose Kurt Lance in tow, the team flies to an an offshore floating base in Gotham Harbor. Apparently the woman who runs the ship is Ettie, who Dinah met back in issue #19. Apparently she is know to many as "Mother Eve" and is practically immortal. She is asking for protection from Ra's Al Ghul, who has been spying on her until she jams his listening devices. It seems that Uplink, whose preferred name is Claudine, is a plant from this organization and has been from Day One. Then there is Basilisk's origin. Turns out he was a NSA agent who developed abilities and tried to commit suicide. He was saved by Tsiklon and recruited by Basilisk. The two became lovers and fought together. Then he began to see how evil Regulus was and started to free prisoners from the group. He was caught, beaten and left for dead by Tsiklon. Eventually, one of the prisoners he saved helped him mater his abilities and he became Condor. While Kurt Lance remains brain dead with doctors working on him, the team receives notice that something strange is happening in Gotham. So they head off to Gothtopia. All by Dinah Lance, who has just quit the team to stay with her brain dead husband.
By far, this may be the BEST issue of the series that Christy Marx has been able to deliver. There wasn't a whole lot of dumb action, but a ton of character exposition came through. And, except for Condor doing his puppy dog love sick speech over Black canary, the writing flowed nicely and wasn't too cornball. Under a spectacular Jorge Molina cover, this book is truly the best issue thus far, as we see the machinations of the mysterious Mother Eve and Ra's Al Ghul, who seems to be more than just a Batman villain in this Universe. And even the interior art has been amped up as Jonathan Glapion is on board to ink Daniel Sampere. I can't help but gush: this is the way this book should have looked and felt since day 1.
CATWOMAN #27: For anyone that doesn't know, read my synopsis and review of DETECTIVE COMICS #27, which appears BEFORE these reviews. In it, the GOTHTOPIA story is set up. Without that knowledge, you're lost. In Gothtopia, Catwoman is known as Catbird and has become Batman's newest partner. They kiss, make dinner plans, and catch some criminals. We learn that crime is down in Gotham but suicides are way up. Selina Kyle's day job at the Gotham Police Department is as a therapist of some sorts, as she is seen counseling folks who recently attempted suicide. In the middle of these interrogations, she receives a phone call from someone who is sharpening a knife and saying he's worried about his friend who thinks he doesn't fit into this world anymore. From there, we move a few days into the future as Catbird and Bluebelle are having Batman admitted to the Health and Wellness Center (the Crane Rehabilitation Wing) because Batman thinks the world is a violent place even though it isn't anymore. Back at home, Selina sees her old Catwoman suit and tosses it in the trash. That night, she has a nightmare where catbird and Catwoman battle for mental control. Catwoman forces her to remember being a teenage cat burglar and an incident one Christmas. When she wakes, she finds her place trashed and goes back on patrol at Catbird. She promptly runs into the second best cat burglar in Gotham in the form of Steeljacket and he called Selina Kyle earlier. She beats him up and then he forces her to see that Gotham is not a shining city, but a place riddled with the crime and the homeless.
First off: someone tell Ann Nocenti that she needs to read the playbook on this storyline. Bluebelle is spelled Bluebelle NOT BLUEBELL as she spells it here. Okay-maybe something got missed in Editorial, so maybe it is not TOTALLY her fault. But the lame script, with Selina acting like a bad profiler is. Crime is down 99% but the crime of suicide is up. Suicide is a crime? And how do you prosecute a suicide victim anyway? Maybe ATTEMPTED SUICIDE IS, but not SUICIDE. So the crime of ATTEMPTED SUICIDE IS UP? I'm really confused and so is this script. And who the heck is Steeljacket and why have we never heard of him in the last 26 issues of this title? Pat Oliffe and Cliff Richards(not that Cliff Richards) provide the art(although Richards gets no on cover credit) and it really helps to push past the awful writing. Highlight of the book is absolutely the killer cover by Terry and Rachel Dodson.
CONSTANTINE #10: This has been reviewed previously as it is Part 8 of FOREVER EVIL: THE BLIGHT. Go into a previous blog and find it now...
DETECTIVE COMICS #27: This has been reviewed previously as it has the opening chapter to GOTHTOPIA in it. Go into a previous blog and find it now...
EARTH 2 #19: The issue begins with Superman flying off with his three captives while Beguile attacks with an army of Parademons. Below Arkham, Marella, Queen of Atlantis joins up with Jimmy, Lois, Major Soto and Batman to open a Top Secret door and reveal an African American named Val. He also is a Kryptonian who has never seen the outside world. That doesn't last long as Hawkgirl arrives and flies them all out of the underground as Parademons massacre those around them. Meanwhile, Superman arrives in Washington and uses the Washington Monument to destroy the White House. Then he declares that Earth is being readied to become the New Apokolips.
I am a big fan of James Robinson's work, but I find the Tom Taylor run on this title to be totally invigorating and is an unexpected early read each month for me. It usually hits the top of the pile. Taylor is running circles around Robinson's final few issues and it's fun to read again. Nicola Scott and Robson Rocha handle the pencils with Trevor Scott and Oclair Albert doing the inking. This thing looks great from cover to cover. No matter what you feel about history being rewritten, I highly recommend this title!
EARTH 2 ANNUAL #2: We begin in 1979 as Joe Chill murders Thomas and Martha Wayne. Flash forward to 1994, when Batman finds Chill in the Gotham Morgue, with his head caved in by someone's bare hands. He is also the fourth victim with ties to the Falcone Family. He tracks down Frankie Falcone and injects him with his own version of truth serum. He reveals the connection between all of them is the man who saved his life in 1971: Thomas Wayne. Wayne ends up in the world of Frankie Falcone and ends up meeting his future wife at a party held I his honor. He began getting Laudanum from Gotham Hospital and they all partied together. In 1973, Bruce was born and Tommy tried to get out of the organization that led to a confrontation. It also led to interference from Tommy's bodyguard, Jarvis Pennyworth. An armed masked man invades the Falcone home and Batman throws a tracer on him. Following to his home, he learns the man is really his long dead father, Thomas Wayne. He survived the attack and had friends, like Dr. Leslie Thompkins, make sure the world thought he was dead. He is addicted to Miraclo: a strength enhancer developed by Rex Mason. Bruce left and never looked back. Thomas went and finished the job on Falcone. Flash to today and we have a sixty-five year old Thomas Wayne admitting to wearing the suit to honor his son.
Tom Taylor delivers the origin of the NEW BATMAN and I love it. Okay, this has some pieces from FLASHPOINT, in that Thomas Wayne was Batman in that series. But that's pretty much where the similarities end. In this tale, Thomas Wayne was a party animal who hid the fact the he was alive so his son could become the hero he did. And when Bruce died, he took over the battle. So, that means someday, his grand daughter MIGHT get to team up with her grandfather. The story is totally cool and the art from series regular Robson Rocha is equally as good. And the Rags Morales cover is a knockout too. This is a recommended FIVE DOLLAR book!
GREEN ARROW #27: We begin with a flashback to Oliver on the island, being tortured to reveal why he is there. We move to the present where Oliver and Shado find themselves in the Tomb of the Arrow Clan. Then the Shield Clan arrives and all out war begins. Shado and Oliver take them out, thanks in part to Arrow's trick arrows. Then Kodiak arrives, and they flee through the jungle, bringing back memories of his capture and the first kill he needed to do. They arrive at the shack where Oliver had been tortured and the mysterious man in the mask, who led the torturing, appears. He takes off his mask to reveal that he is Oliver's long "dead" father. Meanwhile in Japantown, San Francisco, Katana is visited by Magus to convince her to come with him and tell her all the secrets she needs to know, based on recent events in her now defunct comic series.
This must be the month where all these dead fathers appear in the living flesh again. First, it's Thomas Wayne and now Robert Queen. You can keep a good superhero daddy down, I guess. Anyway, this is one of the better NEW 52 titles and has literally pulled itself up out of what it was thanks to Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino who have done a tremendous job of reinventing the Emerald Archer. Always one of my favorites and one I read LAST...because I want to savor it.
GREEN LANTERN #27: Hal Jordan watches over Saint Walker who is devastated because every single member of his order except himself died during the recent conflict. He then meets with Kilowog to discuss finding and capturing the Sinestro Corps. Meanwhile, PB Anj's captured henchmen, the Braidsmen, arrive on Mogo and some get free thanks to the help of a traitorous Durlan chef. So they end up in the medical lab and Soranik gives the cease fire order so Saint Walker doesn't get injured worse than he is. The Braidsmen capture Hal Jordan and the Durlan becomes him. Then he broadcasts a message throughout the universe that Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns are a threat because their rings drain the Emotional Spectrum. This unleashes a war against the Lanterns throughout the universe that is continued in both GREEN LANTERN CORPS #27 and GREEN LANTERN #28.
I do not know what is going on here in the G.L. Universe, but this whole new world where using the power of the rings can result in destroying the universe is getting to be a complete and total drag. Now, I only read this title and RED LANTERNS, as you know if you have read my reviews. But if this is the focus of what goes on in the other two titles, I'm GLAD I only have to deal with it here. On the plus side, Robert Venditti's writing is really good, even if the storyline really isn't. And Dale Eaglesham art is amazing, and I'm sure a lot of that is due to Jason Wright's coloring. The wonders of what you can do with a digital paint set these days.
GREEN TEAM #8: The green team battles Riot and Bellachek. Eventually, after an issue worth of action, Commordore brings down a building on his father, effectively ending him. Then the team heads to teen Titans H.Q. and offers to buy the team.
And thus ends another NEW 52 series. This one never really got off the ground and was so confusing at times that only the die hards could understand it. I was one of them, but never quite got where it was going. I was always a big fan of Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani, but their best work is still doing things like TINY TITANS and SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES. Ig Guara's art was also kind of shaky throughout. But that's okay because the team is going to buy the Teen titans, who ALSO have been cancelled.
HARLEY QUINN #2: We find Harley in her Puddin's embrace-actually she is humping a Joker Wax Figure in Madame Macabre's House of Wax and Murder. She goes out to buy a refrigerator and comes across protest at a Pet Adoption Agency that also euthanizes unwanted animals. When she tries to adopt all of them, the woman in charge tears up her application and leaves Harley trying to figure how she is going to get around those rules. Poison Ivy drops by and Harley shows her good friend her beaver. Then they go to the Pet Adoption Agency and free all the animals. Unfortunately, most of them flee. That's about the time that Harley gets attacked by the newest in a long line of would be assassins. She beats him up and ties him up with sausage links, taking him back to her apartment. She arrives and sees dogs trying to eat her beaver but they quickly go from beaver to hit man. The next morning, Harley finds that Ivy has turned the third floor into a garden and dog park. Meanwhile, a voyeur across the street watches her while he eats his Green Jell-O and plans.
Yeah, I SO LOVE HARLEY QUINN! I mean: who doesn't? She's dumb and fun and looks hot! Plus, you get Amanda Palmer and that crazy man in her life Jimmy Palmiotti writing some of the funniest, provocative dialogue that you can get away with in a T RATED comic. Seriously, I am a big fan of the NAKED GUN movies and how many beaver jokes can you stuff into a comic book? Okay, so it's really toilet humor jokes, but we need that in the NEW 52. Plus, you get some killer artwork from Chad Hardin and Stephane Roux. Face it: how many comics START with the star of the book humping a figure of the Joker. And I'm not just saying "humping" because I can. Madame Macabre actually says "would you mind not humping the display". Great stuff!
JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000 #2: The team ends up on Skorch 4 because Terry and Teri want to hide them from The Five. After much debate by the Wonder Twins, the team is sent to Flatmas 12 to take out some garrisons there. Unfortunately, it seems a reality bending nineteen-year-old named Locas is drowning her sorrows. She arrives, takes a liking to Green Lantern and then proceeds to trash the rest of the team, including tearing The Flash into a "moist" mess and eating Green Lantern. By the way, seems Coeval set the team up: the garrisons were decommissioned three years ago.
Well, with issue #2 under my belt, I am not 100% sold on this title, but I'm working on it. Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis have taken the crux of the classic superheroes and turned them completely upside down. Superman hates being called Clark and thinks he can still fly, when he can't. He and Batman absolutely hate each other and Wonder Woman is a blood-thirsty Amazon. The Flash gets sick every time he transports and Green lantern is the semi-sensible one who no longer has a ring for power. And the Wonder Twins, as they are known, are about as dysfunctional as most teens. Only these Cadmus kids are trying to deal with reborn superheroes who don't have all their properties in place. So, two issues in and I am still interested. We shall see what issue #3 has in store.
JUSTICE LEAGUE #27: This issue begins in Denver Colorado where Johnny Quick and Atomica quickly and efficiently kill the NEW 52 version of The Doom Patrol. Elsewhere, what we have to assume is Niles Caulder remarks that he will have to start over. Back in The Red Room, Victor Stone insists that his father must rebuild him and begs to be taken to the REAL Red Room. Once constructed from obviously alien technology, the new and improved Cyborg heads off to find Dr. Will Magnus and Platinum of the Metal Men. He finds Doctor Magnus who proclaims that the Metal Men were a failure.
Geoff Johns introduces both The Doom Patrol and The Metal Men in one issue. And proceeds to kill the Doom Patrol, at least this version of it, and reveals that The Metal Men project was a failure. Gee, Geoff: would have been nice to see ONE of them makes it into the NEW 52 unscathed. Well, I am sure that will happen, now that the very names have been mentioned. We have another killer story from Johns and equally rocking art from Ivan Reis. This book, that started out so weak with the first few issues, has finally developed into title worth of being part of the cornerstone of the NEW 52.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #11: The issue begins with Martian Manhunter and Clayface fighting and Stargirl has to come save him from “Crap Man”. Defeating him, they leave Gotham and head towards Los Angeles. On the way, they land in Denver where Stargirl battles a monster robot. Just when it seems he is defeated, Despero arrives and sends them both to the bottom of the sea. And things look very bad for Courtney, as Despero chokes the life out of her before fleeing.
As much as I like Matt Kindt’s writing, this is the worst book of the JUSTICE LEAGUE family of books. I understand that Stargirl and Martian Manhunter have fought to get free and are on a road trip to and all, but there is a world to still save and spending a quiet afternoon in Denver isn’t it. Eddy Barrows and Tom Derenick share the pencilling duties and that’s fine, but even their dynamic art can’t save this stinker. And, just because we can, we drop Despero into the last few pages of the book, which will lead to a big fight next issue, for certain. By the way, there are only three issues left as this title ends with issue #14 and becomes JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED.
Okay, once again Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder take this comic to new heights. The writing is lively, the story is interesting without being preachy, and the art by Kuder is his best to date. It's nice to see this book going back to the heights it once had back in the day. ACTION COMICS was the first title to feature Superman and should be the flagship title in the Kryptonian corner of the NEW 52. It's nice to see it reaching towards those heights again.
ALL-STAR WESTERN #27: Last issue, Superman arrived on the scene, much to the dismay of our time-displaced bounty hunter. Superman flies him off and demonstrates his power, while explaining that he is not a God to the people. Hex reminds him that the last person who said we could save ourselves got hung on a cross. After delivering him back to Gina, she takes Hex to the Metropolis Museum, where he has to give up all his weapons at the metal detector. Eventually, they end up in the Jonah Hex Exhibition Room where all manner of artifacts are displayed including Amadeus Arkham's original copy of FACE FULL OF VIOLENCE. Eventually, he sees his stuffed corpse on display. He flees the exhibit and leaves Gina behind, ending up drinking in a bar until he is tossed out. He climbs back on his motorcycle and, unfortunately runs into a tractor-trailer...literally.
It's nice to see some things remain unchanged from the OLD DC Universe. In the Fall of 1978, Michael Fleisher and Russ Heath collaborated on the story "The Last Bounty Hunter". Jonah is gunned down and while sitting playing cards. Jonah took off his glasses to clean them and George Barrow, whose gang the sixty-plus year old bounty hunter had captured, shot Jonah in the chest. His wife attempted to give him a proper Native American burial, but his corpse was stolen by L.B. Farnham to be put in his Wild West Revue. Hex was stuffed and put on display, eventually ending up at a Westworld theme park. THANK YOU for bringing us that story in a condensed version. And thanks for telling us the stuffed Jonah was on loan from the private collection of someone named DeZuniga (from Tony DeZuniga who was Jonah's artist for almost 100 issues of WEIRD WESTERN TALES). Kudos all the way around to the usual crew: Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Moritat.
ANIMAL MAN #27: While Mrs. Baker battles the paparazzi who think Buddy's disappearing act is all an act (and ends up incarcerated for her troubles), Animal Man makes his way to The Red to battle Brother Blood, who has killed all the Totems. Buddy draws upon one of the space creatures he encountered during his time with the Bridgewalker to defeat Blood's Tokens while The Warriors of the Red make their last stand against Brother Blood and his army in order to protect Maxine and Socks. Brother Blood kills Shepherd when he's distracted and then grabs Maxine around the neck and tells her that it is over.Well, almost.
This is the penultimate issue of this title and Jeff Lemire is doing his best to bring it to a natural closure. I love this book and loved it back in its' Grant Morrison heyday. But this particular run has been like RESURRECTION MAN was: just never able to find a true die-hard audience. And the art has been iffy from issue to issue. I am not a huge fan of Rafael Albuquerque's work, but it's too late in the game to complain now. Come back next month for Buddy baker's last stand.
AQUAMAN #27: Aquaman battles this strange crab-like monster in Iceland that seems to have been revived by a group known as Triton-a group which has a certain Dr. Shin. Remembering time he spent with his father at the lighthouse, Aquaman battles this ancient creature, finally dispatching it by cracking open it's shell and exposing it's brain, killing it. Mera, Neol and the rest arrive as does a team from Triton, that gathers up a brain sample from the creature. Meanwhile, back at Triton base, a diver tries to make repairs, but cuts himself on a piece of exposed metal and attracts a school of sharks in the process.
Another "okay" issue as Jeff Parker's tenure on the title continues. The only reason I say "okay" is that he has not quite picked up steam from his predecessor's epic run. The story is interesting but, coming after such epics as we have had in the last two years, it's a little hard to be thrilled over a giant sea creature tale. I am sure that will change. On the art side of the ledger, it's another outstanding issue from Paul Pelletier.
BATGIRL #27: In this issue, Barbara Gordon enters GOTHTOPIA. Angela Ramirez works for JOKER BRAND Ice cream. Barbara Gordon lives at home with her father, who makes her breakfast before he goes to work and she goes out on the prowl as...Bluebelle. Her best friend and fellow crime fighter is Clarissa Carnes, whose alter ego is Daybreak. Joker Brand sends a new ice cream flavor to the streets and it's a real killer-literally! People start dying from the poisoned dairy product and it seems that Ms. Ramirez is responsible. She has knocked out the radios in all the ice cream truck and, toting a gun and wearing a Joker inspired mask, has taken a group of students on a tour of the factory hostage. She adopts the new name Mother Mercy and tells the children she is taking revenge for her husband and son being murdered by something that left smiles on their faces. While Lieutenant Bullock, on orders from Mayor Cobblepot, gets a sniper in position, Barbara leaps into action and breaks into the hostage scene. She sees the Joker on the company logo and has a flashback to Joker atrocities in her past. Suddenly a shot rings out and Mother Mercy dies and finds peace at last.
Gail Simone and Robert Gill bring us the next chapter in the multi title GOTHTOPIA storyline and it's a winner from the opening page. Nice to see Barbara getting flashes of memory during the fight scene and how much fun is it to see Clarissa Carnes as a superhero? And did we all catch the twist? She is now DAYBREAK when she was known as...KNIGHTFALL! Very, VERY COOL! On top of a great story with killer art, you get an unbelievably photo-realistic cover from Alex Garner. This was a blast to read and actually re-read. One of the best issues of the run, and that's saying a whole lot!
BATMAN #27: Our story begins in a nightclub in Tokyo in 1946 and then rapidly shifts to Gotham City six years ago where Batman is fleeing from the Gotham City Police. Jim Gordon takes him into a police boat and tells our hero to remove the mask that is eating away into his flesh. Gordon removes his glasses so he can't see and Batman agrees, as Gordon relates the tale about trying to break up an illegal dog fighting ring involving his fellow cops and how it almost cost him his life. What it DID cost him was being around to stop the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Partway through the story, Batman bails out and heads back to the cave. Batman has a hunch he knows where Helfern's hideout is located, so he heads to the Catacombs, a historic Gotham City tourist attraction, and finds a lab. There he discovers Helfern's plan is actually Edward Nygma's plan for a doomsday device that could kill thousands. The Riddler floods the lab and believes that The Batman has drowned. However, on the last page, a gloved hand belonging to our hero emerges.
After a confusing start, which I still have NO IDEA what that means to the story, we get back into a grove and get more of Jim Gordon's back story and how it relates to Bruce Wayne's origin's. The art is typical of Greg Capullo and Danny Miki, although I do take issue with the cover which, as you have all heard me rant before about, has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY. Batman does NOT become a bone creature! Batman DOES remove his mask in front of Jim Gordon without revealing his identity. Batman DOES end up being lectured by Alfred. Batman DOES get blindsided by The Riddler. Another fast paced, exploratory kind of issue from Scott Snyder and company.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #27: We ended last issue with Batman trapped in a grave under a marble statue with no conceivable way out. Two-Face and drags Erin to Gilda's grave and then tosses the coin to see how she will die. Before he can carry out his plan, Batman fires a dart off of his glove and it not only pierces Dent's should, but also shatters the acid bottle burning Erin. Batman fires a grappling rope up from the grace and, grabbing Erin in the process, flies to safety, leaving the assassins her cousin Kieron brought to kill her befuddled. Among a series of flashbacks involving Robin and members of the Batman Family from recent months, Batman, Erin and Two-Face escape through some old abandoned aqueduct tunnels under the McKillen burial plots. As they escape, we get a flashback to a time when Jim Gordon and his family had a hit pout on them by the McKillen girls. Harvey Dent being their attorney, he could not turn them into the police. But, if he were to become District Attorney-that's a different case. So Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon throw their support to Harvey Dent and he does become D.A.. Back in the present, we see that Erin and Batman have escape, but discover that Two-face has been captured and is about to be executed on live television.
You have got to love the work of Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason who manage to make this team-up title WITHOUT Robin continue to work. The artwork, with a major assist I am sure from inker Mick Gray, pops off the page. The industry loves to rave about Jim Lee and , don't get me wrong, he is a great artist. But Gleason is totally underrated in my opinion. I like where this story is going, especially when you get to what will eventually be the origin of Two Face as he changes from crusading attorney Harvey Dent into the conflicted villain we know and love. This is just a really, REALLY good book.
BATMAN AND ROBIN ANNUAL #2: Batman, after doing some digging in his ceiling, calls Dick Grayson to Wayne Manor and shows him a box, left for him by Damian. The story then flashes back to Dick's first day as Robin. He begins by trying on a non-Batman-approved outfit that resembles the Kandorian Nightwing outfit. Once Batman gets hi into the approved costume, he is forced to stay in the Batmobile and observe. But he does get out and actually saves batman during the battle. Since he disobeyed, he is fired. The next night, despite Batman's orders, Robin goes out hunting Tusk and is captured by him. Batman arrives and he too is captured. Before it's done, the former acrobat gets free and manages to break off one of the villain's tusks in the process. Over the years, they kept chasing him and he kept getting away until one day, he was never heard of again. When Bruce opens the box, the second tusk is there with a note from Damian asking if Old Robin needs any more help taking down his bad guys. Even from the grave, he makes Bruce and Dick smile.
I really think that Grant Morrison robbed us of such a rich character when he killed off Damian Wayne. But Peter J. Tomasi insists on showing so much love for that character that he does whatever he can to make all of his characters miss his presence, along with us. As a bonus, as much as I love Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray's art, we get Doug Mahnke' art and, is Doug Mahnke. This is a great, fun story and is worth the Five dollar cover price.
BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #27: Picking up from last month's silent issue, free himself and, using his detective skills, deduces that the immigrants are being held in the Holiday Cheer Inc. building. He frees the captive and shows one girl a picture. Obviously, she recognizes the woman and Batman takes her away, leaving Gordon on GPCD to clean up. Penguin gets the news and is none to happy while the child and woman are reunited in the Wayne Children's Wing of the hospital. Soon after, Penguin and his men are defeated and jailed. The woman and her daughter get their citizenship, thanks to Bruce Wayne and, while it seems that Penguin will be out of prison VERY SOON. The issue ends with Batman arriving on what we presume is Christmas Eve and he waves to the little girl. On top of the family tree is a very special Bat Angel tree top.
Like the last issue, I have little to say about this. Gregg Hurwitz' silent story is probably Eisner Award material and Alberto Ponticelli's moody artwork compliments it so perfectly. It's a beautiful two part tale on one that makes this series so great, as it tends to focus on the human side of heroes and villains
BATWOMAN #27: When we last saw Batwoman, she was falling to her death. She still is, but is hallucinates from the poison she was injected with as she does. She crashes into water and finds herself at her sister's tea party. She hallucinates about her mother and sister dying. She dreams of her father rejecting her sexuality and watches him father stab her sister. Flamebird appears and blames her for not being able to save her. Images of Chase, Bones and Bane appear before she finally snaps out of it, grabs a flag and swings into the side of the building. Meanwhile, Wolf Spider arrives at home of the elderly man he is stealing the paintings for, discovering he still has two more paintings to steal. Kate barely makes it home and, bleeding all the way to the bathroom, after discarding her costume in the hallway. Maggie's daughter wanders in to meet her for the first time and gets the shock of her life: mom's fiance is really Batwoman.
Marc Andreyko continues to try and carve new grounds following the departure of the original creative team over DC's Editorial decisions. And he is doing a descent job, considering the uproar and mess he had been left with. The same goes for Jeremy Haun and Francis Manapul who step into some big shoes in the art department and turn the first half of the issues into this marvelous psychedelic pastiche of stuff. And some really great looking stuff at that too! This was one of my favorite titles before and continues to be among my first reads. But Andreyko has a long way to go to achieve the heights this book began with, so I wish him luck on this uphill road.
BIRDS OF PREY #27: With comatose Kurt Lance in tow, the team flies to an an offshore floating base in Gotham Harbor. Apparently the woman who runs the ship is Ettie, who Dinah met back in issue #19. Apparently she is know to many as "Mother Eve" and is practically immortal. She is asking for protection from Ra's Al Ghul, who has been spying on her until she jams his listening devices. It seems that Uplink, whose preferred name is Claudine, is a plant from this organization and has been from Day One. Then there is Basilisk's origin. Turns out he was a NSA agent who developed abilities and tried to commit suicide. He was saved by Tsiklon and recruited by Basilisk. The two became lovers and fought together. Then he began to see how evil Regulus was and started to free prisoners from the group. He was caught, beaten and left for dead by Tsiklon. Eventually, one of the prisoners he saved helped him mater his abilities and he became Condor. While Kurt Lance remains brain dead with doctors working on him, the team receives notice that something strange is happening in Gotham. So they head off to Gothtopia. All by Dinah Lance, who has just quit the team to stay with her brain dead husband.
By far, this may be the BEST issue of the series that Christy Marx has been able to deliver. There wasn't a whole lot of dumb action, but a ton of character exposition came through. And, except for Condor doing his puppy dog love sick speech over Black canary, the writing flowed nicely and wasn't too cornball. Under a spectacular Jorge Molina cover, this book is truly the best issue thus far, as we see the machinations of the mysterious Mother Eve and Ra's Al Ghul, who seems to be more than just a Batman villain in this Universe. And even the interior art has been amped up as Jonathan Glapion is on board to ink Daniel Sampere. I can't help but gush: this is the way this book should have looked and felt since day 1.
CATWOMAN #27: For anyone that doesn't know, read my synopsis and review of DETECTIVE COMICS #27, which appears BEFORE these reviews. In it, the GOTHTOPIA story is set up. Without that knowledge, you're lost. In Gothtopia, Catwoman is known as Catbird and has become Batman's newest partner. They kiss, make dinner plans, and catch some criminals. We learn that crime is down in Gotham but suicides are way up. Selina Kyle's day job at the Gotham Police Department is as a therapist of some sorts, as she is seen counseling folks who recently attempted suicide. In the middle of these interrogations, she receives a phone call from someone who is sharpening a knife and saying he's worried about his friend who thinks he doesn't fit into this world anymore. From there, we move a few days into the future as Catbird and Bluebelle are having Batman admitted to the Health and Wellness Center (the Crane Rehabilitation Wing) because Batman thinks the world is a violent place even though it isn't anymore. Back at home, Selina sees her old Catwoman suit and tosses it in the trash. That night, she has a nightmare where catbird and Catwoman battle for mental control. Catwoman forces her to remember being a teenage cat burglar and an incident one Christmas. When she wakes, she finds her place trashed and goes back on patrol at Catbird. She promptly runs into the second best cat burglar in Gotham in the form of Steeljacket and he called Selina Kyle earlier. She beats him up and then he forces her to see that Gotham is not a shining city, but a place riddled with the crime and the homeless.
First off: someone tell Ann Nocenti that she needs to read the playbook on this storyline. Bluebelle is spelled Bluebelle NOT BLUEBELL as she spells it here. Okay-maybe something got missed in Editorial, so maybe it is not TOTALLY her fault. But the lame script, with Selina acting like a bad profiler is. Crime is down 99% but the crime of suicide is up. Suicide is a crime? And how do you prosecute a suicide victim anyway? Maybe ATTEMPTED SUICIDE IS, but not SUICIDE. So the crime of ATTEMPTED SUICIDE IS UP? I'm really confused and so is this script. And who the heck is Steeljacket and why have we never heard of him in the last 26 issues of this title? Pat Oliffe and Cliff Richards(not that Cliff Richards) provide the art(although Richards gets no on cover credit) and it really helps to push past the awful writing. Highlight of the book is absolutely the killer cover by Terry and Rachel Dodson.
CONSTANTINE #10: This has been reviewed previously as it is Part 8 of FOREVER EVIL: THE BLIGHT. Go into a previous blog and find it now...
DETECTIVE COMICS #27: This has been reviewed previously as it has the opening chapter to GOTHTOPIA in it. Go into a previous blog and find it now...
EARTH 2 #19: The issue begins with Superman flying off with his three captives while Beguile attacks with an army of Parademons. Below Arkham, Marella, Queen of Atlantis joins up with Jimmy, Lois, Major Soto and Batman to open a Top Secret door and reveal an African American named Val. He also is a Kryptonian who has never seen the outside world. That doesn't last long as Hawkgirl arrives and flies them all out of the underground as Parademons massacre those around them. Meanwhile, Superman arrives in Washington and uses the Washington Monument to destroy the White House. Then he declares that Earth is being readied to become the New Apokolips.
I am a big fan of James Robinson's work, but I find the Tom Taylor run on this title to be totally invigorating and is an unexpected early read each month for me. It usually hits the top of the pile. Taylor is running circles around Robinson's final few issues and it's fun to read again. Nicola Scott and Robson Rocha handle the pencils with Trevor Scott and Oclair Albert doing the inking. This thing looks great from cover to cover. No matter what you feel about history being rewritten, I highly recommend this title!
EARTH 2 ANNUAL #2: We begin in 1979 as Joe Chill murders Thomas and Martha Wayne. Flash forward to 1994, when Batman finds Chill in the Gotham Morgue, with his head caved in by someone's bare hands. He is also the fourth victim with ties to the Falcone Family. He tracks down Frankie Falcone and injects him with his own version of truth serum. He reveals the connection between all of them is the man who saved his life in 1971: Thomas Wayne. Wayne ends up in the world of Frankie Falcone and ends up meeting his future wife at a party held I his honor. He began getting Laudanum from Gotham Hospital and they all partied together. In 1973, Bruce was born and Tommy tried to get out of the organization that led to a confrontation. It also led to interference from Tommy's bodyguard, Jarvis Pennyworth. An armed masked man invades the Falcone home and Batman throws a tracer on him. Following to his home, he learns the man is really his long dead father, Thomas Wayne. He survived the attack and had friends, like Dr. Leslie Thompkins, make sure the world thought he was dead. He is addicted to Miraclo: a strength enhancer developed by Rex Mason. Bruce left and never looked back. Thomas went and finished the job on Falcone. Flash to today and we have a sixty-five year old Thomas Wayne admitting to wearing the suit to honor his son.
Tom Taylor delivers the origin of the NEW BATMAN and I love it. Okay, this has some pieces from FLASHPOINT, in that Thomas Wayne was Batman in that series. But that's pretty much where the similarities end. In this tale, Thomas Wayne was a party animal who hid the fact the he was alive so his son could become the hero he did. And when Bruce died, he took over the battle. So, that means someday, his grand daughter MIGHT get to team up with her grandfather. The story is totally cool and the art from series regular Robson Rocha is equally as good. And the Rags Morales cover is a knockout too. This is a recommended FIVE DOLLAR book!
GREEN ARROW #27: We begin with a flashback to Oliver on the island, being tortured to reveal why he is there. We move to the present where Oliver and Shado find themselves in the Tomb of the Arrow Clan. Then the Shield Clan arrives and all out war begins. Shado and Oliver take them out, thanks in part to Arrow's trick arrows. Then Kodiak arrives, and they flee through the jungle, bringing back memories of his capture and the first kill he needed to do. They arrive at the shack where Oliver had been tortured and the mysterious man in the mask, who led the torturing, appears. He takes off his mask to reveal that he is Oliver's long "dead" father. Meanwhile in Japantown, San Francisco, Katana is visited by Magus to convince her to come with him and tell her all the secrets she needs to know, based on recent events in her now defunct comic series.
This must be the month where all these dead fathers appear in the living flesh again. First, it's Thomas Wayne and now Robert Queen. You can keep a good superhero daddy down, I guess. Anyway, this is one of the better NEW 52 titles and has literally pulled itself up out of what it was thanks to Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino who have done a tremendous job of reinventing the Emerald Archer. Always one of my favorites and one I read LAST...because I want to savor it.
GREEN LANTERN #27: Hal Jordan watches over Saint Walker who is devastated because every single member of his order except himself died during the recent conflict. He then meets with Kilowog to discuss finding and capturing the Sinestro Corps. Meanwhile, PB Anj's captured henchmen, the Braidsmen, arrive on Mogo and some get free thanks to the help of a traitorous Durlan chef. So they end up in the medical lab and Soranik gives the cease fire order so Saint Walker doesn't get injured worse than he is. The Braidsmen capture Hal Jordan and the Durlan becomes him. Then he broadcasts a message throughout the universe that Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns are a threat because their rings drain the Emotional Spectrum. This unleashes a war against the Lanterns throughout the universe that is continued in both GREEN LANTERN CORPS #27 and GREEN LANTERN #28.
I do not know what is going on here in the G.L. Universe, but this whole new world where using the power of the rings can result in destroying the universe is getting to be a complete and total drag. Now, I only read this title and RED LANTERNS, as you know if you have read my reviews. But if this is the focus of what goes on in the other two titles, I'm GLAD I only have to deal with it here. On the plus side, Robert Venditti's writing is really good, even if the storyline really isn't. And Dale Eaglesham art is amazing, and I'm sure a lot of that is due to Jason Wright's coloring. The wonders of what you can do with a digital paint set these days.
GREEN TEAM #8: The green team battles Riot and Bellachek. Eventually, after an issue worth of action, Commordore brings down a building on his father, effectively ending him. Then the team heads to teen Titans H.Q. and offers to buy the team.
And thus ends another NEW 52 series. This one never really got off the ground and was so confusing at times that only the die hards could understand it. I was one of them, but never quite got where it was going. I was always a big fan of Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani, but their best work is still doing things like TINY TITANS and SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES. Ig Guara's art was also kind of shaky throughout. But that's okay because the team is going to buy the Teen titans, who ALSO have been cancelled.
HARLEY QUINN #2: We find Harley in her Puddin's embrace-actually she is humping a Joker Wax Figure in Madame Macabre's House of Wax and Murder. She goes out to buy a refrigerator and comes across protest at a Pet Adoption Agency that also euthanizes unwanted animals. When she tries to adopt all of them, the woman in charge tears up her application and leaves Harley trying to figure how she is going to get around those rules. Poison Ivy drops by and Harley shows her good friend her beaver. Then they go to the Pet Adoption Agency and free all the animals. Unfortunately, most of them flee. That's about the time that Harley gets attacked by the newest in a long line of would be assassins. She beats him up and ties him up with sausage links, taking him back to her apartment. She arrives and sees dogs trying to eat her beaver but they quickly go from beaver to hit man. The next morning, Harley finds that Ivy has turned the third floor into a garden and dog park. Meanwhile, a voyeur across the street watches her while he eats his Green Jell-O and plans.
Yeah, I SO LOVE HARLEY QUINN! I mean: who doesn't? She's dumb and fun and looks hot! Plus, you get Amanda Palmer and that crazy man in her life Jimmy Palmiotti writing some of the funniest, provocative dialogue that you can get away with in a T RATED comic. Seriously, I am a big fan of the NAKED GUN movies and how many beaver jokes can you stuff into a comic book? Okay, so it's really toilet humor jokes, but we need that in the NEW 52. Plus, you get some killer artwork from Chad Hardin and Stephane Roux. Face it: how many comics START with the star of the book humping a figure of the Joker. And I'm not just saying "humping" because I can. Madame Macabre actually says "would you mind not humping the display". Great stuff!
JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000 #2: The team ends up on Skorch 4 because Terry and Teri want to hide them from The Five. After much debate by the Wonder Twins, the team is sent to Flatmas 12 to take out some garrisons there. Unfortunately, it seems a reality bending nineteen-year-old named Locas is drowning her sorrows. She arrives, takes a liking to Green Lantern and then proceeds to trash the rest of the team, including tearing The Flash into a "moist" mess and eating Green Lantern. By the way, seems Coeval set the team up: the garrisons were decommissioned three years ago.
Well, with issue #2 under my belt, I am not 100% sold on this title, but I'm working on it. Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis have taken the crux of the classic superheroes and turned them completely upside down. Superman hates being called Clark and thinks he can still fly, when he can't. He and Batman absolutely hate each other and Wonder Woman is a blood-thirsty Amazon. The Flash gets sick every time he transports and Green lantern is the semi-sensible one who no longer has a ring for power. And the Wonder Twins, as they are known, are about as dysfunctional as most teens. Only these Cadmus kids are trying to deal with reborn superheroes who don't have all their properties in place. So, two issues in and I am still interested. We shall see what issue #3 has in store.
JUSTICE LEAGUE #27: This issue begins in Denver Colorado where Johnny Quick and Atomica quickly and efficiently kill the NEW 52 version of The Doom Patrol. Elsewhere, what we have to assume is Niles Caulder remarks that he will have to start over. Back in The Red Room, Victor Stone insists that his father must rebuild him and begs to be taken to the REAL Red Room. Once constructed from obviously alien technology, the new and improved Cyborg heads off to find Dr. Will Magnus and Platinum of the Metal Men. He finds Doctor Magnus who proclaims that the Metal Men were a failure.
Geoff Johns introduces both The Doom Patrol and The Metal Men in one issue. And proceeds to kill the Doom Patrol, at least this version of it, and reveals that The Metal Men project was a failure. Gee, Geoff: would have been nice to see ONE of them makes it into the NEW 52 unscathed. Well, I am sure that will happen, now that the very names have been mentioned. We have another killer story from Johns and equally rocking art from Ivan Reis. This book, that started out so weak with the first few issues, has finally developed into title worth of being part of the cornerstone of the NEW 52.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #11: The issue begins with Martian Manhunter and Clayface fighting and Stargirl has to come save him from “Crap Man”. Defeating him, they leave Gotham and head towards Los Angeles. On the way, they land in Denver where Stargirl battles a monster robot. Just when it seems he is defeated, Despero arrives and sends them both to the bottom of the sea. And things look very bad for Courtney, as Despero chokes the life out of her before fleeing.
As much as I like Matt Kindt’s writing, this is the worst book of the JUSTICE LEAGUE family of books. I understand that Stargirl and Martian Manhunter have fought to get free and are on a road trip to and all, but there is a world to still save and spending a quiet afternoon in Denver isn’t it. Eddy Barrows and Tom Derenick share the pencilling duties and that’s fine, but even their dynamic art can’t save this stinker. And, just because we can, we drop Despero into the last few pages of the book, which will lead to a big fight next issue, for certain. By the way, there are only three issues left as this title ends with issue #14 and becomes JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Welcome to Part Seven in this 18 part FOREVER EVIL: BLIGHT crossover. J.M. DeMatteis gives us a rather satisfying tale of The Phantom Stranger as he defies God'will and then decides to force his way into Heaven. Yeah...sure that's going to go well. Fernando Blanco and Miguel Sepulveda handle both the pencils and the inks while the ever talented Guillem March gives us the cover. Tune in next to CONSTANTINE #10, for PART 8 of THE BLIGHT.
CONSTANTINE #10: John Constantine and his current team consisting of Swamp Thing, Phantom Stranger, Nightmare Nurse, Deadman(in the deceased Crime Syndicate's version of Aquaman known as The Sea King) and Pandora arrive in Heaven where they are promptly greeted by The Spectre and Zauriel. Spectre tries to take control and release his wrath on them when he is stopped by The Voice or, as Constantine refers to him, "a fluffy little doggie". One by one, the Voice reveals the pasts and faults of Pandora, Deadman, The Phantom Stranger, Swamp Thing and even Constantine himself (he starts to reveal Nightmare Nurse' origin but is halted along the way). Constantine attempts to leave and Zauriel pursues. He traps the angel in a Celestial Circle within the House of Mystery. And we discover that each member of the team, except Constantine, had a positive experience in Heaven-being told how worthwhile he or she were. Zauriel steps out of the Circle and reveals that The Voice sent him here to assist in defeating The Blight. Constantine sends the House to find the Blight and we learn what happens next in PANDORA #7.
There are days I really like this book and there are days like this one when I curse myself for spending three bucks on this instead of something else on the new release rack. This rambling wreck of a tale is just a lot of filler telling us things we already KNEW about the supporting cast. It's a long way to get to "capturing" Zauriel and heading off to fight The Blight. I like Ray Fawkes work and, in fairness, the story is well written. But it takes too long to get from Point A to Point B; surely DC Editorial is to blame to make this series within a series last longer. Guest artist Ben Lobel, who is actually identified in the credits as "Guest Artist" does a smashing job on the art and the Spectre looks mean and nasty as all hell! And we get a nice cover from Howard Porter, who always gives us 100%.
TRINITY OF SIN PANDORA #7: Zauriel has collaborated with the members of Justice League Dark to help Constantine in his quest to save Zatanna. Pandora reveals that when she was in Heaven, she was asked by The Voice: "What are you?" Unsure, she believes that the Light is in everyone and that everyone creates The Light. So, when the time comes, she goes head to head with The Blight and uses The Light within every man, woman and child on the planet to free Chris Esperanza. Unfortunately, The Phantom Stranger grabs the youth and protects him from the others, which gives The Blight the perfect opportunity to reform and The Phantom Stranger to dissolve before being tackled off the George Washington Bridge by Pandora where they both sink to the bottom of the river.
Things seem awful grim for our team of heroes and this is only the halfway mark of our saga. Two team members down and a whole bunch still missing because of the Crime Syndicate thing. So now we let Constantine, Swamp Thing, Nightmare Nurse, Deadman in the form of the deceased Sea King and Zauriel the Angel seek out The Blight and try to save their world. Have you noticed that this world needs an awful lots of saving lately? Between The Crime Syndicate and Gothtopia and glad you live on this earth! Ray Fawkes and Staz Johnson do a nice job keeping this story moving while Julian Totino Tedesco gives us a nicely painted cover. I have read better issues of this title and I also have read worse.
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #27: Following the apparent demises of Pandora and The Phantom Stranger in TRINITY OF SIN PANDORA #7, Zauriel attacks the great darkness that is The Blight only to beat eaten by it in one big "CHOMP". In actuality, all three have had the cup of Death pass them by as they now resides within The Blight, where they have access to a fetal positioned Chris Esperanza. Swamp Thing and Deadman, in the body of the Sea King, distract The Blight while Constantine and the Nightmare Nurse become responsible for the Blackmare Curse which unleashes some pretty nastiness from their own souls. Meanwhile Blight, Zauriel stops Pandora and The Stranger from freeing Hope(i.e. Chris) because Hope isn't done yet. He then tells the pair to follow their hearts. The Blight is defeated, Chris is freed and transformed to the next level: The Will of the Presence. Constantine can once again feel the love of his life and all the other magic users. They have become part of The Thaumaton. What is a Thaumaton? Find out in PHANTOM STRANGER #16.
Okay, so J.M. DeMatteis gets us past the halfway point and FINALLY ends the whole deal with The Blight. Now it's up to our heroes to find the magic users and free them from this giant machine called the Thaumaton. So, that's about average for this company: craft an 18 issue crossover and spend the first half just getting the first story arc completed. As usual, we are treated to the wonderful art of Mikel Janin, who was also responsible for the cover. The good thing about this is that DeMatteis, a seasoned writing vet, is responsible for two chapters each month, so there is some cohesiveness here. To be honest, I would expect the end of FOREVER EVIL to spell the end of the TRINITY OF SIN titles. The Phantom Stranger REALLY belongs in JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK and Pandora REALLY has no place in the DC Universe now that we know she was set up as the fall guy/girl by the powers from Earth 3 so many centuries ago.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

With only two issues to go after this one, you have to wonder how Geoff Johns is gonna wrap this one up. Lex and company have joined what's left of the Justice League, Power Ring is dead and gone (wonder where that cursed ring is going?) and Copperhead won't be joining up THIS Universe' version of the Suicide Squad anytime soon.. Not to mention it looks like ALL Earth's Kryptonite is gone, including Batman's special ring. The plotlines are racing to a finish and this is, in my opinion, the epic of the year in comics. It is far reaching throughout many titles and has been a ball. And of course, David Finch on art. 'Nuff said!
FOREVER EVIL A.R.G.U.S. #4: We begin by having Black Bison murder some A.R.G.U.S. Agents in Metropolis, much to the delight of Plastique and Hyena. Plastique tries to contact Killer Frost, who is in the Pennsylvania Wilderness with Dr. Stein and Steve Trevor. As they try to figure a way to get the Justice League out of the Firestorm Matrix before there is an explosion to wipe out everybody, Frost shows them the coin, which infuriates Trevor as it means they have been tracked. He tries to destroy the coin but not before Grid blows a hole in the cabin and Black Bison, Plastique and Hyena, along with their goons, arrive. After the villains are defeated, Stein takes Trevor and Frost down to the basement to show them his four teleportation devices and they head to an A.R.G.U.S. base in Detroit, where "The Circus" resides. This is the home of all the aliens who make their way here through a dimensional breach caused during the battle with Darkseid sic years ago. Agent Gunn shows them Psi, who touches Trevor and causes him to visualize moments from his time with Diana. Knowing what he needs to do, he demands a Thermos of coffee, a glider and access to the armory. He needs the lasso of truth and has to track down Cheetah to get it.
And Steve Trevor got all of that from a touch by an alien who was first introduced to DC in 1985? And are we sure he didn't get it from looking at the Brett Booth cover that shows him being attacked by Cheetah while Diana tries to secure her with her Lasso of Truth? It's pretty appropriate that Psi was introduced in 1985 because this book reads like it came out in 1985! The story is convoluted, the dialogue is awful, (especially some of the exchanges between Frost and Trevor) and the art is only missing the dots to make it vintage. Shame on Sterling Gates and Neil Edwards.for turning this thing out!

Peter J. Tomasi sets loose with another episode in this story within the story. I love that we have now made Bane the "Protector of Gotham" in his little homemade Batman costume. And now we have enough Talons running about the city to introduce a new COURT OF THE OWLS comic book. With two issues left here, that is still plenty of time to have the powers that be rush in and clean up this mess. But, with all three prisons pretty much trashed because of the Crime Syndicate and such, where are all these bad guys and gals going to end up when it's done. And do we need to call Marvel and bring in Damage Control to fix everything? So, it's a fun issue with many D list villains biting the dust and even a beheading, courtesy of Scot Eaton and Jaime Mendoza.

If I told you before how much I truly love the new Rogues? These hapless villains are trying to be good while walk the bad tightrope. And no one knows these characters better than Brian Buccellato. This book is like one bad moment for them after another. Scott Hepburn does a great job with the art, carving a page straight out of the style of THE FLASH. Just this book alone should be reason for DC to cancel a lower tier book and bring us a ROGUES monthly title!
Monday, February 10, 2014
DETECTIVE COMICS #27-The Anniversary Issue
This represents an anniversary issue recognizing the first appearance of Batman in Detective Comics(although DC had an over sized anniversary issue with issue #19, which would have been the 900th issue of the original run). Within this issue are seven stories and a bunch of pin-up pages, all of which I will touch on BEFORE the main story, which is the first part of GOTHTOPIA. I chose to segregate this from the rest of the NEW 52 this month because you need to know the GOTHTOPIA set up, to follow the rest of the connecting stories.
The first tale is "The Case of the Chemical Syndicate” by Brad Meltzer and Bryan Hitch. Two partners at the A.C.E. Chemical Company fear for their lives as someone is killing off partners. Come to find out one of the two, named Paulie, is responsible. Batman intervened, escapes several traps, saves the other partner and , unfortunately, Paulie ends up in the chemical vat. The police arrive just as he departs, listing this as the first entry in The Journal of the Bat-Man, as Paulie’s green tinted hand tries to pull himself out of the vat. The highlight for me was Meltzer’s narrative from the Journal at Bat-Man tells why he does what he does. Is this supposed to be the origin of the Joker from the PRE-CRISIS OLD DCU? It certainly isn’t Snyder’s ZERO story.
Next is a nice Pat Gleason pin-up featuring the original Batwoman, Bat Mite, Batman, The Riddler and The Penguin. Nice coloring and great looking, old school Ben-Day Dots!
The trend continues with the next story, “Old School” by Gregg Hurwitz and Neal Adams. The tale zips along through many art styles beginning at the beginning up to Adams current style. The story has the Dynamic Duo battling their most famous criminals but Batman gets a whiff of Scarecrow gas and relives the night of his parents’ deaths. Eventually he wakes to find himself the guest of honor in a comics shop that is celebrating his 75th anniversary. Okay-nice homage, some cool looking faked period art and that’s about all this has to offer. It’s cute and fun and brings back nice memories, but that’s about all.
A dark and brooding pin-up by Jock leads into the next tale called “Better Days”. Written by Peter J. Tomasi and illustrated by Ian Betram, the Bat Family all gather to celebrate Bruce’s 75th birthday. The whole gang is there, well except for Jim Gordon. But Alfred, with oxygen mask and all, is there as is Commissioner Barabara Gordeon, Dick and Tim Drake. A call comes in and the family leaves. Not long after, Bruce suits up and, looking like he stepped out of Miller’s classic tale, he goes out, takes out some bad guys and makes it home in time to finish the celebration. Again, this is a nice nod to the classic tales, specifically Frank Miller’s.
"Rain" is the next story, although it is mislabeled “Hero” in the Table of Contents. It’s four pretty pages with Batman saving a young boy who looks an awful lot like James Gordon jr. as a young boy. Story and art by Francesco Francvilla. A killer Kelley Jones pin up brings us to “The Sacrifice”, a Mike Barr and Guillem March version of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE starring Batman and The Phantom Stranger. Bruce parents never died. Bruce Wayne is married to Natalya Trusevich and has a nine-year-old boy named Thomas the Second. Gotham is at war with gangs wearing Joker and Scarecrow masks. Jim Gordon is a quadriplegic as a result of the gang wars. Ra’s Al Ghul controls 1/3 of Europe and Dick Grayson is on Death Row for the murder of Tony Zucco. So, in the end, Batman has it all good back, just like Jimmy Stewart.
Two more pinups by Graham Nolan and Mike Allred highlight the issue, along with the story
“Twenty-Seven” by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy. It’s a future history tale where Batman finds how to replicate himself so that there is always a Batman. Nothing to write home about here.
John Layman and Jason Fabok are responsible for the start of the epic tale GOTHTOPIA. Poison Ivy is yelling at the Gothtopia, America's Safest City, to wake up. Batman arrives with his new sidekick, Catbird and they quickly dispatch Poison Ivy, handing her over to Commissioner Sionis. Taking out a whole host of other bad guys and helping assist on other crisis with the help of Bluebelle and Brightbat follows this. Later in the day, they all receive medals from Mayor Cobblepot. While all this seems like good news, we discover that Gotham’s residents are committing suicide at an alarming rate. Back at the Batcave, Batman goes for a walk and accidentally injects himself with one of Ivy’s thorns, which allows him to realize that this is all an illusion. He goes out on the prowl, after having Alfred analyze the contents of the thorn. Soon he is approached by Catbird and the rest if the family including Bluebelle(Barabra Gordon), Brightbat(Kate Kane), Gothamite(Dick Grayson), Flying Fox(Batwing Luke Fox) and the Wings of truth(Dinah Lance, Strix and Condor). They battle and he lets them win, so they will take him to the Center for Health and Wellness, which is run by Doctor Jonathan Crane. Inside, he realizes he is at the mercy of Killer Croc, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, Professor Pyg and Harley Quinn.
Bottom line, this story looks great, reads really weird until Batman realizes that Posion Ivy drugged him on purpose and we all realize that telling everyone to WAKE UP was part of the warning. This is a great start to a fun storyline that I wish someone would explain where this fits in continuity. Obviously, it’s BEFORE FOREVER EVIL. Unless Gothamite is Dick Grayson’s NEWEST identity after the outing. I can’t wait to see where this goes.
As far as Eight Bucks for an “Anniversary Issue”-I could have done without MOST of the stories within, had a SMALLER Anniversary book and gotten away with Five Bucks. It’s just tough for Eight dollars on top of FOUR ANNUALS this month too.

Next is a nice Pat Gleason pin-up featuring the original Batwoman, Bat Mite, Batman, The Riddler and The Penguin. Nice coloring and great looking, old school Ben-Day Dots!
The trend continues with the next story, “Old School” by Gregg Hurwitz and Neal Adams. The tale zips along through many art styles beginning at the beginning up to Adams current style. The story has the Dynamic Duo battling their most famous criminals but Batman gets a whiff of Scarecrow gas and relives the night of his parents’ deaths. Eventually he wakes to find himself the guest of honor in a comics shop that is celebrating his 75th anniversary. Okay-nice homage, some cool looking faked period art and that’s about all this has to offer. It’s cute and fun and brings back nice memories, but that’s about all.

"Rain" is the next story, although it is mislabeled “Hero” in the Table of Contents. It’s four pretty pages with Batman saving a young boy who looks an awful lot like James Gordon jr. as a young boy. Story and art by Francesco Francvilla. A killer Kelley Jones pin up brings us to “The Sacrifice”, a Mike Barr and Guillem March version of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE starring Batman and The Phantom Stranger. Bruce parents never died. Bruce Wayne is married to Natalya Trusevich and has a nine-year-old boy named Thomas the Second. Gotham is at war with gangs wearing Joker and Scarecrow masks. Jim Gordon is a quadriplegic as a result of the gang wars. Ra’s Al Ghul controls 1/3 of Europe and Dick Grayson is on Death Row for the murder of Tony Zucco. So, in the end, Batman has it all good back, just like Jimmy Stewart.
Two more pinups by Graham Nolan and Mike Allred highlight the issue, along with the story
“Twenty-Seven” by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy. It’s a future history tale where Batman finds how to replicate himself so that there is always a Batman. Nothing to write home about here.
John Layman and Jason Fabok are responsible for the start of the epic tale GOTHTOPIA. Poison Ivy is yelling at the Gothtopia, America's Safest City, to wake up. Batman arrives with his new sidekick, Catbird and they quickly dispatch Poison Ivy, handing her over to Commissioner Sionis. Taking out a whole host of other bad guys and helping assist on other crisis with the help of Bluebelle and Brightbat follows this. Later in the day, they all receive medals from Mayor Cobblepot. While all this seems like good news, we discover that Gotham’s residents are committing suicide at an alarming rate. Back at the Batcave, Batman goes for a walk and accidentally injects himself with one of Ivy’s thorns, which allows him to realize that this is all an illusion. He goes out on the prowl, after having Alfred analyze the contents of the thorn. Soon he is approached by Catbird and the rest if the family including Bluebelle(Barabra Gordon), Brightbat(Kate Kane), Gothamite(Dick Grayson), Flying Fox(Batwing Luke Fox) and the Wings of truth(Dinah Lance, Strix and Condor). They battle and he lets them win, so they will take him to the Center for Health and Wellness, which is run by Doctor Jonathan Crane. Inside, he realizes he is at the mercy of Killer Croc, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, Professor Pyg and Harley Quinn.
Bottom line, this story looks great, reads really weird until Batman realizes that Posion Ivy drugged him on purpose and we all realize that telling everyone to WAKE UP was part of the warning. This is a great start to a fun storyline that I wish someone would explain where this fits in continuity. Obviously, it’s BEFORE FOREVER EVIL. Unless Gothamite is Dick Grayson’s NEWEST identity after the outing. I can’t wait to see where this goes.
As far as Eight Bucks for an “Anniversary Issue”-I could have done without MOST of the stories within, had a SMALLER Anniversary book and gotten away with Five Bucks. It’s just tough for Eight dollars on top of FOUR ANNUALS this month too.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
NEW 52, Month 26, Part 2
JUSTICE LEAGUE #26: Earth 3's Alfred Pennyworth maintains a watch over Dick Grayson to make sure that no one but Owlman gets to see him. Meanwhile, grid is having issues of humanity and downloads information on the Syndicate members. Then we get a flashback to five years ago in Coast City of Earth 3 where janitor Harold Jordan was spying on his boss, Carol Ferris. Her father finds him and realizes he was taking notes to sell secrets to competitors. During his interrogation, he was selected to wear the Ring of Volthoom. He took it from a dying Abin Sur, who was happy to be rid of this curse, and gained power but at a price. To charge the ring, he went to a pocket dimension and faced a nasty creature. We then get, from Central City of Earth 3 five years ago where police officers Mick Rory and Leonard Snart planning a slow death from career criminal Jonathan Allen. But Allen's girlfriend Rhonda crashed a truck into the transport van, freeing Allen and torturing the two officers.Rhonda suggested the policemen fight to the death to save the winner's family. Mick killed Leonard, but Johnny killed him anyway, setting off alarms. They found themselves trapped on the roof of S.T.A.R. Labs when a lightning strike hit Johnny and Rhonda was thrown into a device Ray Palmer had designed. We learn that Martin Stein would lure homeless people into becoming his guinea pigs. He eventually began to experiment on himself, merging with a corpse to become Deathstorm. Grid tries to look into Superwoman's files, but they have been deleted. Meanwhile, Dr. T.O. Morrow and Silas Stone try to revive Victor Stone. Victor wakes and declares that the villains haven't won yet.
Okay Geoff Johns: I am totally loving where this story is going. I mean, we introduce the Crime Syndicate and then give us their twisted origins. And twisted they certainly are! A creepy Hal Jordan(yeah...I know OUR Hal can be creepy at times too!). Roray and Snart as cops who get tortured and killed by the future Johnny Quick and Atomica. And Martin Stein merging with a corpse to make Deathstorm? Yeah-some truly twisted stuff here! Anyway, I LOVE where this is going and love Ivan Reis' art. I know this has to end soon, but I am in now hurry for it, as each issue drops me further into this amazing world which, despite all the complaints are rewriting history, is so amazingly fresh and fun.
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #26: So, the entire team died last issue except for Deadman who is the last hope for the team. When they awaken from the spell they were put under to escape the Blight, Nightmare Nurse jabs a scalpel into Constantine's neck to verify that the vision of where Deadman is located is real. They head under the sea in search of the corpse of the Sea King, who died when the Crime Syndicate arrived on our Earth and find him in a place called Nan Madol. They also find that the Sea King has been possessed by the ancient magic of the city. After battling the ghosts of Nan Madol, Pandora lets Constantine know that The Sea King is also Deadman. It takes a special knife through the skull to stop the Sea King's assault, but leave Deadman within. Meanwhile, the Phantom Stranger has seemingly sold out Dr. Thirteen and company and joining forces with The Blight. To be continued in PHANTOM STRANGER #15.
J.M. DeMatteis and Mikel Janin d a good job of telling this next piece in The Blight epic. What I thought was the coolest of the whole book was seeing the resurrected Sea King with his old school Arthur Curry beard and one hand! Miss that version of Aquaman, but understand how we need the clean-cut version in the NEW 52. So, this story rolls along and we follow it into the PHANTOM STRANGER to see if Judas himself is playing a game or really joining The Blight to lose some more coins.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #10: We begin with Courtney in danger of being trapped within the memory of the night she stole the Cosmic Staff while Martian Manhunter works to free her from the illusion. A lot of this deals with her being caught on video and becoming an Internet sensation. J'onn uses her mentor Pat to try and wake herself up. J'onn takes control of her body, using her to fight back against the Society. While she drifts back and forth between the now and her past training, J'onn guides her through a fight with Giganta and Shadow Thief. With Deathstroke's arrival, they flee and see that Washington, D.C. has been laid to waste and head to LexCorp Tower. Courtney pulls J'onn into the memory and begins to attack him and then separates from him. She warns that he should go find the Justice Leagues while she will find her family by herself. And J'onn tries to figure how to free the Justice League from the soon to be nuclear meltdown that is Firestorm.
Matt Kindt and Eddy Barrows continue their portion of the FOREVER EVIL epic and this is by far the weakest of the main four. Nothing to do with Kindt and Barrows work: I just find the whole Courtney/J'Onn storyline uninteresting. While it was fun seeing them traverse all the layers of Firestorm's prison, this bit of origin story left be bored. Save this for the forthcoming SECRET ORIGINS series.
THE MOVEMENT #7: James Cannon questions his son and asks if he is the Cornea Killer. Terry admits he did try but was interrupted and is only trying to scare the people of Coral City. But Terry admits he likes killing, just like he did to his mother. Meanwhile, Katharsis and Tremor are begging bystanders to call an ambulance for Mouse. Virtue heads out to search for Mouse while Vengeance Moth watches Christopher. We then learn she is really Drew Fisher, 19 years old recovering substance abuser who has muscular dystrophy. And although he has had his demons exorcised, he still has sexual feelings he tries to control. Suddenly, all their monitors go out as the Graveyard Faction is on their way in and begins to attack. Seemingly defeated, Moth tells Christopher the exorcism was a fake and that allows him to uinleash his inner demon. Virtue arrives and Katharsis takes Mouse to the hospital on their own, where they learn that Mouse' prognosis is not good. Officer Whitt tries to organize a team of officers to go back to Movement headquarters to take care of them but Officer Yee stands in their way.
Well, another month goes by. And it's another month where I wonder what Gail Simone and Freddie E. Williams II are looking to accomplish. Well, whatever it is, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. As every issue goes by, the characters get a little more fleshed out and I wonder where Gail is going to take this. While I think the current story could have been told in about five issues thus far, I give her the benefit of the doubt as she knows her pacing. My greatest fear is that DC will kill this title before she has a chance to finish her tale. We shall see, but I hope this title gets to at least 12.
NIGHTWING #26: We find out that there have been robberies at three Chicago hospitals that were conducting trials for a drug containing Kanium Carbonate. Nightwing catches her and discovers she is Mali the mimic who copies his moves and escapes. As she leave, she announces she is no longer Mimi the mimic but now the Marionette. When he returns to his apartment, he discovers the window is locked and is forced to use his secret clothing stash on the roof to get changed. Meanwhile, Mali returns to her apartment and is immediately attacked by two crooks. She beats on them and, just as the police arrive, she injects herself with a syringe filled with Kanium Carbonate and flees. Dick, in order to pay his rent, gets a job at McClellin's pub: a cop hangout. Luckily cops in a cop bar like to talk and one Detective talks about an upcoming stakeout that he invites Michael to go out on. Apparently, as Michael later explains, the Detective has a sore spot about masks. That night, Marionette manages to get inside Drexler and finds Nightwing waiting for her. He offers to get her help as bullets suddenly rip through the place. A third person explains that the only person who can help Mali is the person who created her: The Mad Hatter, who admits she is his favorite Alice.
So now that we have resolved the issues with Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson BEFORE the world knows Nightwing is Dick Grayson, Nightwing has new adventures to engage in. The whole Marionette story is rolling around here but now we find out the Mad Hatter is involved and may be responsible for her creation. Kyle Higgins continues to give us a great cast of supporting characters to populate Dick's life. But expect all that to change when the FOREVER EVIL story invades this book. With Higgins writing compelling stories and great dialogue and Will Conrad giving us some great art, this book is better than SOME of the Bat titles out there. I won't drop names, but look at WHAT Bat titles I DON'T review and you can figure it out.
RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #26: We go back a year to find that Talia al Ghul submerged Jason Todd in a Lazarus Pit. Today, Jason, along with Roy and Starfire, find themselves being attacked by Ra's al Ghul, who has just emerged from the Well of Sins. The three all say their goodbyes and spread about their respective apologies. Outside the sacred city Essence wants to help Jason, but Ducra warns otherwise. Jason tries as hard as he can and begins to reform the memories he promised himself to forget, including his training with Batman and Lady Shiva. He easily takes out the Man-Bats AND Lady Shiva, while Cheshire tries to rescue Roy and Kori. Essence believes that Roy will win but Ducra claims he will soon die, as he regained his memories too soon.
James Tynion IV writes a good story. I REALLY like his work. I wish I could get past the character of Talon so I could enjoy his writing there. But that’s a different story. I like the characters and the fact that Jason Todd’s back-story has a bunch of new information but enough of the old, pre-NEW 52 story, to make him less of a cardboard character than I expected him to be. Really, the book should be called RED HOOD and his partners should be supporting cast members and not featured players. Oh yeah: the art by Julius Gopez is cool too!
RED LANTERNS #26: The Red Lanterns, or most of them anyway, find themselves captured by Gensui. Zilius Zox is in Pirate Barg's ship and he crash-lands it in the midst of Gensui’s army. Bleez takes matter into her own hands and kills Gensui. Ratchet manages to save his fellow Lanterns but dies in the process. Ratchet’s ring leaves him in search of a new owner. And it finds one-Atrocitus.
Well, this just got REAL interesting. Thank you Charles Soule for kicking this one up a notch. This book, which has been coming through in a good way as of late, is really picking up steam. But I laughed when I saw the artwork. It’s great looking and the credits are to J. Calafiore. Really JIM? We have shortened our name to an initial? What are you-Prince? In all seriousness, the book is getting over the slump that almost made me drop it.
SUICIDE SQUAD #26: Belle Reve has been pretty much trashed and Amanda Waller has only one surviving ally in the form of King Shark. Unfortunately, he discovers that his father is Kamo and is so strong that she has kept him to solitary for the last four years. Kano explains that he must kill King Shark but Waller tries to convince him that if he helps her defeat O.M.A.C., it will undo the spell that holds him, which allows him to return to his worshippers. She explains how and why he ended up where he did and that they thought they could raise and control King Shark. We learn that Waller learned not to trust anyone after seeing footage from a Cadmus involving the O.M.A.C. Virus. Meanwhile, James Gordon, Jr is surprised to see an apparently successful Suicide Squad returning to the prison. Unfortunately, Harley has double-crossed the team delivering O.M.A.C. to the Thinker and she attacks him from behind. Gordon strikes back, thrusting a knife behind her shoulder blade and too close to her spine to be removed or moved without permanent damage. She admits she betrayed the team because she was bored. He removes the blade and snaps an explosive collar around her neck. She tells him that the Thinker plans to transfer his mind into O.M.A.C.'s body. Gordon and Harley meet up with Waller and realize that Thinker has succeeded with his plan. Meanwhile, we discover that Deadshot has survived the avalanche and is now ready to kill who ever is responsible.
Matt Kindt and this team of Suicide Squad members are a pretty messed up bunch and with the world coming down around them, things just keep getting worse. Deadshot is buried in an avalanche and is ready to kill whoever is responsible as he starts to dig out. Harley turns traitor and ends up getting into a battle with the totally psychotic James Gordon Jr.Patrick And Amanda Waller has her own problem, caught between Kano and King Shark. How many promises can you make before they all catch up with you. And Patrick Zircher shines as always with his art. This is another great example of a NEW 52 book that surpassed earlier versions. This book, despite a number of creator changes, still rocks! And, dewspite it all, DC is STILL CANCELING IT!
SUPERMAN #26: Clark is having dinner with Wonder Woman when Lois suddenly creates herself as an astral projection. Diana steps out and Lois tells Clark that her powers have been growing steadily since she went back into her coma and can hear the thoughts of everyone in Metropolis. Taking her astral form to the hospital, Superman and Lois see her father telling her that he has been chosen to replace Senator Hume and investigate something called the Tower. Meanwhile, in Suicide Slum, two paramedics give a homeless man to the hospital. Unfortunately, he's The Parasite. When he arrives there, he senses someone with great power. Later Superman talks with Dr. Veritas regarding Lois' coma. Suddenly the Parasite confronts Superman, copying his cold breath and freezes him. That's when Superman learns the villain is not after him, but after Lois' power.
Look kids: Scott Lobdell and Ken Lashley bring back the Parasite. Yeah-that was the highlight of the issue for me. This whole “Lois in a Coma” story is just a little too boring for me, especially when Superman is hanging and banging(read that ANY WAY YOU WANT) with the Amazon princess. Okay-Lois is a good friend, but it is not like it was. Let some other superhero worry about her condition. Let General Lane get involved. Hell-let Lex Luthor save her. Go back to saving the world, Supes!
SWAMP THING #26: Alec Holland, now that he has been replaced as Avatar of the Green, is able to know the thoughts and destiny of the Seeder. He sees the Seeder attack Capucine in Louisiana and forcing her to run for her life. To impress the Green, Seeder goes to San Diego where he plans on killing Animal Man. We flash back seven years ago to a time when Woodrue was studying Environmental Science and researching the concept of the Avatar.He eventually found his way to Mato Grosso, Brazil, where he discovered the Parliament of Trees and begged them to let him become their avatar.They eventually gave in when he completed a task to help them save Alec Holland. When he did, they gave him the power to alter seeds. He sought out more power from the Cult of the Cold Flame. Back in San Diego, Woodrue and Buddy battle, leaving Buddy confused as to why Swamp Thing would attack him. And Woodrue: he is not aware that Baker is not the Avatar of the Red. When he discovers Baker is not, he still decides to kill him until he can find Maxine. Buddy manages to use the strength of an ant, the regenerative power of a worm and a hawk's flight ability to attack Woodrue. Woodrue ends up in Peru and begins to destroy the rainforest, killing everyone there and letting their blood run in the rivers.
Life continues to suck for Alec Holland and his friends. But it looks like Jason Woodrue's life isn't so great either. At least, it wasn't before now. And, since he can't get what he wants, he takes it out on the poor people in the rain forest. Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz continue to write and draw some creepy stuff here. And with Buddy Baker having his own problems in his own book, this may be the last thing he needs...
TEEN TITANS #26: We get the futuristic origin of Kid Flash. Apparently, his parents were missionaries who ended up dying for their beliefs. Kid Flash manages to escape with his kid sister, Shira. Throughout it all, Kid Flash ends up killing to protect his sister. Realizing he can protect like he wants to, he hides her away in a better place. Then he decides to gain revenge, he must infiltrate the organization responsible for their death. Working for The Purifiers, he smuggled cargo across the galaxy. In the process, he absorbed interstellar radiation that eventually gave him his super speed powers. He becomes a rebel and gathers enough followers to begin attacking the government of The Functionary. In the process he was responsible for almost killing Shira and gave up the rebellion. All of which causes the Teen Titans to question their allegiance to their friend.
So…we DO know this book is ending soon and Scott Lobdell has gone on record saying he wrote the book that DC wanted him to write. So, is he NOT taking responsibility for writing bad Eighties crap in 2014? And, at the same time, he gets to through in his thoughts on organized religion too! And none of it works. Even the art from Tyler Kirkham and Scott McDaniel is sloppy. This book has so had its’ ups and downs in 26 issues. It’s going down in flames, but I’m following it there. Hey-after this long, what’s a few more issues and one more $5.00 Annual?
TRINITY OF SIN PANDORA #6: Last issue, Pandora was battling miniature versions of the Sins and The Blight. Now she is trying to defend Constantine and the others to keep them from being eaten by The Blight. The team comes around and battles the emissaries of The Blight, saving innocent citizens in the process, one who whom actually thanks The Phantom Stranger, calling him a hero. By using the Mark of Dun-Kon-Wen, they pool their powers to attack. Unfortunately, it all goes bad fast. Constantine is beheaded, Swamp Thing is burned up and Nightmare Nurse and Zatanna get impaled. Soon they are all dead and lying on the floor of the House of Mystery, where it is up to Terrence Thirteen to save them.
Ray Fawkes puts a nice twist on a story that has been rambling as of late. How do you do anything when the woman responsible for unleashing thew evils of the world may not be totally responsible as this was part of some cosmic plan from another Earth. So, how do you work with that? Fawkes makes use of the whole team, not that he had a choice, as this is part of the crossover. But he does a great job, even better than the work going on in the other TRINITY OF SIN title right now. Francis Portella and Staz Johnson provide the art and there's nothing glaringly bad about it. It fits the tale and that's all I want in a good comic. From here-JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #26.
TRINITY OF SIN THE PHANTOM STRANGER #14: When we last saw The Phantom Stranger, he, The Question and Pandora, found themselves kidnapped by John Constantine and his new version of Justice League Dark. After the two groups argue, The Phantom Stranger pulls the truth out of Constantine's mind, which means a recap of the last few issues from this crossover. The Stranger ends up going through the House Of Mystery and ends up at Golgotha to relive his shame. Pandora eases the pain by saying that if he hadn't done what he did, the world would have been a very different place. Meanwhile, Chris and Dr.Thirteen discuss recent events and Chris finds himself tempted and possessed by the serpent known as The Blight.Over in Los Angeles, Black Lightning and Blue Devil fight monsters, until Blue Devil gets sucked to Hell. The House of Mystery returns The Stranger and Pandora to the Rock of Eternity which was really the Foyer of the House. Swamp Thing give Stranger one of his coins, which he gives to Asa the Nightmare Nurse as payment for saving his life.Just then they are attacked by The Blight and the results continue in CONSTANTINE #9.
J. M. DeMatteis and Fernando Blanco continue with their piece of THE BLIGHT puzzle. I have totally mixed feelings about this story within a story. It's hard enough to keep track of everything going on with the main FOREVER EVIL story and the spin-offs and now this. Let's get back to the Stranger trying to find his humanity and get away from the Junior Justice League Dark here. An okay story, but not the greatest!
WONDER WOMAN #26: Orion has gone to Chernobyl to see if he can help Milan, but Cassandra threatens to blow Milan's head off unless Orion surrenders. Cassandra removes Milan's blindfold so he can see where the First Born is, although his eye sockets are filled with flies. He refuses as Hermes, Diana and Siracca arrive. Diana gives up the info: The First Born is in Olympus where we all know he is being tortured unmercifully. Secrets revealed, Cassandra plants a bomb on Milan and flees. Orion grabs his friend and endters a Boom Tube with him. Back in London, Diana and Hermes arrive to find that Zola and Zeke has left, but leave a note. Zola and child are in a subway station where they run into Dio again. This can't be good...
I'm sorry for all the fans of WONDER WOMAN's that cam before. This is a severe retelling of that legend. In fact, forget everything you ever knew about Diana the Amazon Princess because this bears NO RESEMBLANCE to anything you have ever read. This is the most dysfunctional family in the NEW 52 DC Universe and possibly in comics, although I think the Fantastic Four owns that one. Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's artistic clone Goran Sudzuka rock the world of the Olympians every single month! LOVE THIS TITLE!!!
WORLDS' FINEST #18: With Power Girl's powers threatening to take down the Williamsburg Bridge, Huntress lassos her and, by using a nearby boat drags her down into the East River. The cold waters cool her powers temporarily, causing her to faint. Back in Brooklyn, the arsonist returns to her master, demanding to be freed of her curse. Back at their apartment, the pair wonder if anyone they loved on their world still exists. Helena does a little web searching and finds the arsonist in Brooklyn, where she gets attacked by the girl's master and, finally the demon Xazdi. Power Girl comes to her, but her powers go wacky and she collapses. But she keeps on fighting, grabbing the crossbow and firing an arrow into Xazdi's chest, which explodes and causes the demon to disappear. Later that night, they decide that they should sek some professional help concerning the power outage.
Paul Levitz does a great job of kind of wrapping up this story line, which is getting long in the tooth. .And, in actuality, the story is only a stop gap between the next piece, as we still haven't resolved the power outage thing. And Huntress is kind of like the Ethel to Lucy right now. I like these characters, but kind of want them to join the heroes back on Earth 2 and help them fight in their current storyline. Then Karen and her former boss could finally get that whole issue resolved! Nice art, as always, by the team of R.B. Silva and especially Scott McDaniel. Nice to see him around again.
Okay Geoff Johns: I am totally loving where this story is going. I mean, we introduce the Crime Syndicate and then give us their twisted origins. And twisted they certainly are! A creepy Hal Jordan(yeah...I know OUR Hal can be creepy at times too!). Roray and Snart as cops who get tortured and killed by the future Johnny Quick and Atomica. And Martin Stein merging with a corpse to make Deathstorm? Yeah-some truly twisted stuff here! Anyway, I LOVE where this is going and love Ivan Reis' art. I know this has to end soon, but I am in now hurry for it, as each issue drops me further into this amazing world which, despite all the complaints are rewriting history, is so amazingly fresh and fun.
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #26: So, the entire team died last issue except for Deadman who is the last hope for the team. When they awaken from the spell they were put under to escape the Blight, Nightmare Nurse jabs a scalpel into Constantine's neck to verify that the vision of where Deadman is located is real. They head under the sea in search of the corpse of the Sea King, who died when the Crime Syndicate arrived on our Earth and find him in a place called Nan Madol. They also find that the Sea King has been possessed by the ancient magic of the city. After battling the ghosts of Nan Madol, Pandora lets Constantine know that The Sea King is also Deadman. It takes a special knife through the skull to stop the Sea King's assault, but leave Deadman within. Meanwhile, the Phantom Stranger has seemingly sold out Dr. Thirteen and company and joining forces with The Blight. To be continued in PHANTOM STRANGER #15.
J.M. DeMatteis and Mikel Janin d a good job of telling this next piece in The Blight epic. What I thought was the coolest of the whole book was seeing the resurrected Sea King with his old school Arthur Curry beard and one hand! Miss that version of Aquaman, but understand how we need the clean-cut version in the NEW 52. So, this story rolls along and we follow it into the PHANTOM STRANGER to see if Judas himself is playing a game or really joining The Blight to lose some more coins.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #10: We begin with Courtney in danger of being trapped within the memory of the night she stole the Cosmic Staff while Martian Manhunter works to free her from the illusion. A lot of this deals with her being caught on video and becoming an Internet sensation. J'onn uses her mentor Pat to try and wake herself up. J'onn takes control of her body, using her to fight back against the Society. While she drifts back and forth between the now and her past training, J'onn guides her through a fight with Giganta and Shadow Thief. With Deathstroke's arrival, they flee and see that Washington, D.C. has been laid to waste and head to LexCorp Tower. Courtney pulls J'onn into the memory and begins to attack him and then separates from him. She warns that he should go find the Justice Leagues while she will find her family by herself. And J'onn tries to figure how to free the Justice League from the soon to be nuclear meltdown that is Firestorm.
Matt Kindt and Eddy Barrows continue their portion of the FOREVER EVIL epic and this is by far the weakest of the main four. Nothing to do with Kindt and Barrows work: I just find the whole Courtney/J'Onn storyline uninteresting. While it was fun seeing them traverse all the layers of Firestorm's prison, this bit of origin story left be bored. Save this for the forthcoming SECRET ORIGINS series.
THE MOVEMENT #7: James Cannon questions his son and asks if he is the Cornea Killer. Terry admits he did try but was interrupted and is only trying to scare the people of Coral City. But Terry admits he likes killing, just like he did to his mother. Meanwhile, Katharsis and Tremor are begging bystanders to call an ambulance for Mouse. Virtue heads out to search for Mouse while Vengeance Moth watches Christopher. We then learn she is really Drew Fisher, 19 years old recovering substance abuser who has muscular dystrophy. And although he has had his demons exorcised, he still has sexual feelings he tries to control. Suddenly, all their monitors go out as the Graveyard Faction is on their way in and begins to attack. Seemingly defeated, Moth tells Christopher the exorcism was a fake and that allows him to uinleash his inner demon. Virtue arrives and Katharsis takes Mouse to the hospital on their own, where they learn that Mouse' prognosis is not good. Officer Whitt tries to organize a team of officers to go back to Movement headquarters to take care of them but Officer Yee stands in their way.
Well, another month goes by. And it's another month where I wonder what Gail Simone and Freddie E. Williams II are looking to accomplish. Well, whatever it is, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. As every issue goes by, the characters get a little more fleshed out and I wonder where Gail is going to take this. While I think the current story could have been told in about five issues thus far, I give her the benefit of the doubt as she knows her pacing. My greatest fear is that DC will kill this title before she has a chance to finish her tale. We shall see, but I hope this title gets to at least 12.
NIGHTWING #26: We find out that there have been robberies at three Chicago hospitals that were conducting trials for a drug containing Kanium Carbonate. Nightwing catches her and discovers she is Mali the mimic who copies his moves and escapes. As she leave, she announces she is no longer Mimi the mimic but now the Marionette. When he returns to his apartment, he discovers the window is locked and is forced to use his secret clothing stash on the roof to get changed. Meanwhile, Mali returns to her apartment and is immediately attacked by two crooks. She beats on them and, just as the police arrive, she injects herself with a syringe filled with Kanium Carbonate and flees. Dick, in order to pay his rent, gets a job at McClellin's pub: a cop hangout. Luckily cops in a cop bar like to talk and one Detective talks about an upcoming stakeout that he invites Michael to go out on. Apparently, as Michael later explains, the Detective has a sore spot about masks. That night, Marionette manages to get inside Drexler and finds Nightwing waiting for her. He offers to get her help as bullets suddenly rip through the place. A third person explains that the only person who can help Mali is the person who created her: The Mad Hatter, who admits she is his favorite Alice.
So now that we have resolved the issues with Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson BEFORE the world knows Nightwing is Dick Grayson, Nightwing has new adventures to engage in. The whole Marionette story is rolling around here but now we find out the Mad Hatter is involved and may be responsible for her creation. Kyle Higgins continues to give us a great cast of supporting characters to populate Dick's life. But expect all that to change when the FOREVER EVIL story invades this book. With Higgins writing compelling stories and great dialogue and Will Conrad giving us some great art, this book is better than SOME of the Bat titles out there. I won't drop names, but look at WHAT Bat titles I DON'T review and you can figure it out.
RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #26: We go back a year to find that Talia al Ghul submerged Jason Todd in a Lazarus Pit. Today, Jason, along with Roy and Starfire, find themselves being attacked by Ra's al Ghul, who has just emerged from the Well of Sins. The three all say their goodbyes and spread about their respective apologies. Outside the sacred city Essence wants to help Jason, but Ducra warns otherwise. Jason tries as hard as he can and begins to reform the memories he promised himself to forget, including his training with Batman and Lady Shiva. He easily takes out the Man-Bats AND Lady Shiva, while Cheshire tries to rescue Roy and Kori. Essence believes that Roy will win but Ducra claims he will soon die, as he regained his memories too soon.
James Tynion IV writes a good story. I REALLY like his work. I wish I could get past the character of Talon so I could enjoy his writing there. But that’s a different story. I like the characters and the fact that Jason Todd’s back-story has a bunch of new information but enough of the old, pre-NEW 52 story, to make him less of a cardboard character than I expected him to be. Really, the book should be called RED HOOD and his partners should be supporting cast members and not featured players. Oh yeah: the art by Julius Gopez is cool too!
RED LANTERNS #26: The Red Lanterns, or most of them anyway, find themselves captured by Gensui. Zilius Zox is in Pirate Barg's ship and he crash-lands it in the midst of Gensui’s army. Bleez takes matter into her own hands and kills Gensui. Ratchet manages to save his fellow Lanterns but dies in the process. Ratchet’s ring leaves him in search of a new owner. And it finds one-Atrocitus.
Well, this just got REAL interesting. Thank you Charles Soule for kicking this one up a notch. This book, which has been coming through in a good way as of late, is really picking up steam. But I laughed when I saw the artwork. It’s great looking and the credits are to J. Calafiore. Really JIM? We have shortened our name to an initial? What are you-Prince? In all seriousness, the book is getting over the slump that almost made me drop it.
SUICIDE SQUAD #26: Belle Reve has been pretty much trashed and Amanda Waller has only one surviving ally in the form of King Shark. Unfortunately, he discovers that his father is Kamo and is so strong that she has kept him to solitary for the last four years. Kano explains that he must kill King Shark but Waller tries to convince him that if he helps her defeat O.M.A.C., it will undo the spell that holds him, which allows him to return to his worshippers. She explains how and why he ended up where he did and that they thought they could raise and control King Shark. We learn that Waller learned not to trust anyone after seeing footage from a Cadmus involving the O.M.A.C. Virus. Meanwhile, James Gordon, Jr is surprised to see an apparently successful Suicide Squad returning to the prison. Unfortunately, Harley has double-crossed the team delivering O.M.A.C. to the Thinker and she attacks him from behind. Gordon strikes back, thrusting a knife behind her shoulder blade and too close to her spine to be removed or moved without permanent damage. She admits she betrayed the team because she was bored. He removes the blade and snaps an explosive collar around her neck. She tells him that the Thinker plans to transfer his mind into O.M.A.C.'s body. Gordon and Harley meet up with Waller and realize that Thinker has succeeded with his plan. Meanwhile, we discover that Deadshot has survived the avalanche and is now ready to kill who ever is responsible.
Matt Kindt and this team of Suicide Squad members are a pretty messed up bunch and with the world coming down around them, things just keep getting worse. Deadshot is buried in an avalanche and is ready to kill whoever is responsible as he starts to dig out. Harley turns traitor and ends up getting into a battle with the totally psychotic James Gordon Jr.Patrick And Amanda Waller has her own problem, caught between Kano and King Shark. How many promises can you make before they all catch up with you. And Patrick Zircher shines as always with his art. This is another great example of a NEW 52 book that surpassed earlier versions. This book, despite a number of creator changes, still rocks! And, dewspite it all, DC is STILL CANCELING IT!
SUPERMAN #26: Clark is having dinner with Wonder Woman when Lois suddenly creates herself as an astral projection. Diana steps out and Lois tells Clark that her powers have been growing steadily since she went back into her coma and can hear the thoughts of everyone in Metropolis. Taking her astral form to the hospital, Superman and Lois see her father telling her that he has been chosen to replace Senator Hume and investigate something called the Tower. Meanwhile, in Suicide Slum, two paramedics give a homeless man to the hospital. Unfortunately, he's The Parasite. When he arrives there, he senses someone with great power. Later Superman talks with Dr. Veritas regarding Lois' coma. Suddenly the Parasite confronts Superman, copying his cold breath and freezes him. That's when Superman learns the villain is not after him, but after Lois' power.
Look kids: Scott Lobdell and Ken Lashley bring back the Parasite. Yeah-that was the highlight of the issue for me. This whole “Lois in a Coma” story is just a little too boring for me, especially when Superman is hanging and banging(read that ANY WAY YOU WANT) with the Amazon princess. Okay-Lois is a good friend, but it is not like it was. Let some other superhero worry about her condition. Let General Lane get involved. Hell-let Lex Luthor save her. Go back to saving the world, Supes!
SWAMP THING #26: Alec Holland, now that he has been replaced as Avatar of the Green, is able to know the thoughts and destiny of the Seeder. He sees the Seeder attack Capucine in Louisiana and forcing her to run for her life. To impress the Green, Seeder goes to San Diego where he plans on killing Animal Man. We flash back seven years ago to a time when Woodrue was studying Environmental Science and researching the concept of the Avatar.He eventually found his way to Mato Grosso, Brazil, where he discovered the Parliament of Trees and begged them to let him become their avatar.They eventually gave in when he completed a task to help them save Alec Holland. When he did, they gave him the power to alter seeds. He sought out more power from the Cult of the Cold Flame. Back in San Diego, Woodrue and Buddy battle, leaving Buddy confused as to why Swamp Thing would attack him. And Woodrue: he is not aware that Baker is not the Avatar of the Red. When he discovers Baker is not, he still decides to kill him until he can find Maxine. Buddy manages to use the strength of an ant, the regenerative power of a worm and a hawk's flight ability to attack Woodrue. Woodrue ends up in Peru and begins to destroy the rainforest, killing everyone there and letting their blood run in the rivers.
Life continues to suck for Alec Holland and his friends. But it looks like Jason Woodrue's life isn't so great either. At least, it wasn't before now. And, since he can't get what he wants, he takes it out on the poor people in the rain forest. Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz continue to write and draw some creepy stuff here. And with Buddy Baker having his own problems in his own book, this may be the last thing he needs...
TEEN TITANS #26: We get the futuristic origin of Kid Flash. Apparently, his parents were missionaries who ended up dying for their beliefs. Kid Flash manages to escape with his kid sister, Shira. Throughout it all, Kid Flash ends up killing to protect his sister. Realizing he can protect like he wants to, he hides her away in a better place. Then he decides to gain revenge, he must infiltrate the organization responsible for their death. Working for The Purifiers, he smuggled cargo across the galaxy. In the process, he absorbed interstellar radiation that eventually gave him his super speed powers. He becomes a rebel and gathers enough followers to begin attacking the government of The Functionary. In the process he was responsible for almost killing Shira and gave up the rebellion. All of which causes the Teen Titans to question their allegiance to their friend.
So…we DO know this book is ending soon and Scott Lobdell has gone on record saying he wrote the book that DC wanted him to write. So, is he NOT taking responsibility for writing bad Eighties crap in 2014? And, at the same time, he gets to through in his thoughts on organized religion too! And none of it works. Even the art from Tyler Kirkham and Scott McDaniel is sloppy. This book has so had its’ ups and downs in 26 issues. It’s going down in flames, but I’m following it there. Hey-after this long, what’s a few more issues and one more $5.00 Annual?
TRINITY OF SIN PANDORA #6: Last issue, Pandora was battling miniature versions of the Sins and The Blight. Now she is trying to defend Constantine and the others to keep them from being eaten by The Blight. The team comes around and battles the emissaries of The Blight, saving innocent citizens in the process, one who whom actually thanks The Phantom Stranger, calling him a hero. By using the Mark of Dun-Kon-Wen, they pool their powers to attack. Unfortunately, it all goes bad fast. Constantine is beheaded, Swamp Thing is burned up and Nightmare Nurse and Zatanna get impaled. Soon they are all dead and lying on the floor of the House of Mystery, where it is up to Terrence Thirteen to save them.
Ray Fawkes puts a nice twist on a story that has been rambling as of late. How do you do anything when the woman responsible for unleashing thew evils of the world may not be totally responsible as this was part of some cosmic plan from another Earth. So, how do you work with that? Fawkes makes use of the whole team, not that he had a choice, as this is part of the crossover. But he does a great job, even better than the work going on in the other TRINITY OF SIN title right now. Francis Portella and Staz Johnson provide the art and there's nothing glaringly bad about it. It fits the tale and that's all I want in a good comic. From here-JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #26.
TRINITY OF SIN THE PHANTOM STRANGER #14: When we last saw The Phantom Stranger, he, The Question and Pandora, found themselves kidnapped by John Constantine and his new version of Justice League Dark. After the two groups argue, The Phantom Stranger pulls the truth out of Constantine's mind, which means a recap of the last few issues from this crossover. The Stranger ends up going through the House Of Mystery and ends up at Golgotha to relive his shame. Pandora eases the pain by saying that if he hadn't done what he did, the world would have been a very different place. Meanwhile, Chris and Dr.Thirteen discuss recent events and Chris finds himself tempted and possessed by the serpent known as The Blight.Over in Los Angeles, Black Lightning and Blue Devil fight monsters, until Blue Devil gets sucked to Hell. The House of Mystery returns The Stranger and Pandora to the Rock of Eternity which was really the Foyer of the House. Swamp Thing give Stranger one of his coins, which he gives to Asa the Nightmare Nurse as payment for saving his life.Just then they are attacked by The Blight and the results continue in CONSTANTINE #9.
J. M. DeMatteis and Fernando Blanco continue with their piece of THE BLIGHT puzzle. I have totally mixed feelings about this story within a story. It's hard enough to keep track of everything going on with the main FOREVER EVIL story and the spin-offs and now this. Let's get back to the Stranger trying to find his humanity and get away from the Junior Justice League Dark here. An okay story, but not the greatest!
WONDER WOMAN #26: Orion has gone to Chernobyl to see if he can help Milan, but Cassandra threatens to blow Milan's head off unless Orion surrenders. Cassandra removes Milan's blindfold so he can see where the First Born is, although his eye sockets are filled with flies. He refuses as Hermes, Diana and Siracca arrive. Diana gives up the info: The First Born is in Olympus where we all know he is being tortured unmercifully. Secrets revealed, Cassandra plants a bomb on Milan and flees. Orion grabs his friend and endters a Boom Tube with him. Back in London, Diana and Hermes arrive to find that Zola and Zeke has left, but leave a note. Zola and child are in a subway station where they run into Dio again. This can't be good...
I'm sorry for all the fans of WONDER WOMAN's that cam before. This is a severe retelling of that legend. In fact, forget everything you ever knew about Diana the Amazon Princess because this bears NO RESEMBLANCE to anything you have ever read. This is the most dysfunctional family in the NEW 52 DC Universe and possibly in comics, although I think the Fantastic Four owns that one. Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's artistic clone Goran Sudzuka rock the world of the Olympians every single month! LOVE THIS TITLE!!!
WORLDS' FINEST #18: With Power Girl's powers threatening to take down the Williamsburg Bridge, Huntress lassos her and, by using a nearby boat drags her down into the East River. The cold waters cool her powers temporarily, causing her to faint. Back in Brooklyn, the arsonist returns to her master, demanding to be freed of her curse. Back at their apartment, the pair wonder if anyone they loved on their world still exists. Helena does a little web searching and finds the arsonist in Brooklyn, where she gets attacked by the girl's master and, finally the demon Xazdi. Power Girl comes to her, but her powers go wacky and she collapses. But she keeps on fighting, grabbing the crossbow and firing an arrow into Xazdi's chest, which explodes and causes the demon to disappear. Later that night, they decide that they should sek some professional help concerning the power outage.
Paul Levitz does a great job of kind of wrapping up this story line, which is getting long in the tooth. .And, in actuality, the story is only a stop gap between the next piece, as we still haven't resolved the power outage thing. And Huntress is kind of like the Ethel to Lucy right now. I like these characters, but kind of want them to join the heroes back on Earth 2 and help them fight in their current storyline. Then Karen and her former boss could finally get that whole issue resolved! Nice art, as always, by the team of R.B. Silva and especially Scott McDaniel. Nice to see him around again.
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