CONVERGENCE #7: As the Great Oracle realizes it sees no future for the New 52 Universe, Superman is trying to rescue as many heroes as he can, including surviving members of Stormwatch. On the planet, heroes and villains for many different universes slug it out while Telos and Dick Grayson team up to fight Deimos, It gets revealed that Deimos just wants them all to die so he can absorb their power for himself. With that revelation, the tides turn and the super beings of the different cities team up, resulting in the deaths of Flashpoint's Cheetah, Hawkwoman, and Huntress. Telos finally manages to capture Deimos and demands to have his real name revealed. But Parallax arrives and turns Deimos into dust. Telos reveals that Deimos had absorbed the powers of the captured time travelers and that leads to the destruction of the Great Oracle and all of the various realities to break apart.
Is this the end of the NEW 52 Universe? Well, it certainly feels that way, as what I’ll be calling the Divergence Universe (although DC is calling the DC You Universe) is ready to be born. Jeff King and Scott Lobdell gives us an action filled story with a couple of nice twists to it while Aaron Lopresti and Mark Morales’s art is outstanding. In fact, there are TEN double-page spreads throughout and each one is a winner! The countdown is on…the end is near and next week, we’ll find out exactly what it will all lead to.
CONVERGENCE: ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #2: We begin where we left off: with Supergirl and Superman fighting a Phantom Zone’s worth of villains. Lucius pulls Kara out of the battle so all she can do is sit and watch her cousin get beat up. Meanwhile, in the New York City of the Great Disaster, Great Disaster is preparing for war while Kamandi and his small band of heroes watch and plan. Supergirl manages to pull Superman out of the Phantom Zone, because we need him here to battle General Symian. Superman, Supergirl and Kamandi fight on, even though Kara knows her future is to die during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Symian has a nuclear warhead and threatens to use it, but the heroes save the day and, following an earthquake, head off into CONVERGENCE #6.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new MARTIAN MANHUNTER series by Rob Williams and Eddy Barrows. J’onn heads to the moon to try and rescue three astronauts only to find out the invasion from Mars is just beginning and the astronauts have been murdered. Realizing that the invasion has begun, he must choose sides and lies to the NASA about how the astronauts died.
It was nice to see Marv Wolfman give us a heaping helping of Kamandi and that made the book so much more than I hope for. The fact that we saw Supergirl and Superman in CONVERGENCE #6 kind of spoiled the ending, as we knew they were going to win this battle. Roberto Vicava’s art was nice and had a cool early Silver Age feel to it. By the way: can we get a REAL Kmanadi book in the DC You Universe? I mean: it is supposed to be about story over continuity, isn’t it?
The Manrtain Manhunter tale is interesting to say the least. I have been a big fan of Eddy Barrows’ work and this looks to be some of his finest. So, is J’onn going to side with his people or turn into a green skinned version of Sinestro and take it out on planet Earth? Bet that would mean the end of his Justice League tenure for sure!
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #2: The original O.M.A.C., Buddy Blank, has spent the last year under the control of Godmother. Now, with the dome down, the Outsiders have to battle O.M.A.C. and Godmother’s other slaves. After an issue long battle, Metamorpho, who has returned to his chemical state and lost his time with his lady love because of it, captures O.M.A.C., leading to Telos announcing The Outsider victory. Brother Eye informs Buddy Blank that their time is at an end and Rex Mason mourns the loss of himself.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new BATMAN BEYOND series by Dan Jurgens and Bernard Chang. McG is dead and a displaced Tim Drake is the new protector of the Gotham City of the future. Along the way he meets terry’s brother Matt and his friend Nora Boxer and they team up to save what is left of humanity.
Okay, so it isn’t Mike Barr, Jim Aparo, or Alan Davis, but Marc Andreyko and Carlos D’Anda gave us a story with action and emotion. C’mon: if you read this and didn’t feel sorry for Buddy Blank AND Rex Mason then your comic loving heart has gotten hard. This isn’t the Nineties (or the Seventies for that matter), but it was great to see these heroes back in action again. And I miss the goofy old Metamorpho stories of the Sixities, along with Ramona Fradon’s art. And to say I miss the REAL O.M.A.C. as opposed to the one that has been trotted about on and off for the last few years, would truly be an understatement.
I was never a fan of the BATMAN BEYOND book or the show, but I may end up with an interest in this because of the connection to FUTURE’S END which I shared a year with to get to this point. I find it interesting that we have a Nora Boxer as his pal in a post apocalyptic future when Kamandi had a BEN BOXER in his. Hmmm: everything old IS new again!
CONVERGENCE: THE FLASH #2: The Flash of Earth-Prime meets with the Tangent Superman, also known as Earth 9, and the two debate at length as to why they should or should not fight until Barry finally hauls off and whacks him! This leads to a book length battle where Superman pulls images from Barry’s mind, seeing the Cosmic Treadmill and The Flash’ ultimate death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths: an event Barry knows nothing about because he has not lived through it yet. Superman forfeits and Gotham wins. Later, Barry contemplates what has happened and seems to be accepting of his destiny as The Flash.
We also get an 8-page preview of the SUICIDE SQUAD series by Sean Ryan and Philippe Briones. The team battles in Eastern Ukraine while powers that be back in the United States look for a way to shut down Task Force X.
Dan Abnett gives us a great beginning that turns into a book length fight book, before ending with Superman realizing that The Flash’s fate is not to die here, but elsewhere. Superman sacrifices his timeline for the good of the entire Multiverse. That is some pretty heavy stuff! When you take that into consideration with Supergirl’s realization of her intended fate, I see these two sacrificing themselves AGAIN during the final pages of CONVERGENCE #8. If it were me, I’d be doing this wonderful double page spread harking back to those moments in CRISIS...after all: it is the anniversary of that series. Federico Dallocchio art is very much like Barry Kitson’s and I like that…VERY MUCH!
As for the back-up: hey…it’s the SUICIDE SQUAD and there’s a movie coming. It’s not like DC is going to let this series fall on it’s arse any time soon.
CONVERGENCE: GREEN LANTERN CORPS #2: Guy Gardner does his best Mad Max imitation and proceeds to battle his way through this alien landscape with a newly acquired dog her calls Muttley. He wakes from a series of Sinestro inspired dreams to find Hercules and Jennifer Monroe by his side. With two big egos like this, they end up in an arm wrestling match that Guy wins. Gathering Hercules armors and singing a Mighty Mouse theme, Guy leaps into battle and saves Stewart and Jordan. The trio, back in their Green Lantern Uniforms, powers up and teams up to take down the Anti-God. After Guy gives Hal a sock in the jaw, they trio head off to “do what (they) do best”.
We also get an 8-page preview of the GOTHAM ACADEMY series by Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher and Mingjue Helen Chen. Damian Wayne is the newest kid on campus and he gets to meet up with the rest of the “Scooby Gang”
David Gallaher come roaring back with an issue that is more Guy Gardner than John Stewart. And we get the addition of Hercules. Now, for all you “youngins’ this is the 1975 HERCULES UNBOUND Hercules (Earth 86), who often had stories featuring The Atomic Knights and some of Kamandi’s animal friends.Best of all, it had art from José Luis García-López and Walt Simonson, while Wally Wood did a bunch of inking early on. For me: it was a great guilty pleasure. To see him back here, even briefly was a kick to the fifteen year old inside of me. Plus, we have his companions Jenifer Monroe (not to be confused with Marvel’s character of the same name) and her dog Basil. Yeah: that TOTALLY MADE MY WEEK! Nice looking art by Steve Ellis, Andre Parks and Hi-Fi helped put the whole package together!
Regarding the GOTHAM ACADEMY back-up: it’s a nice way to introduce the characters most of us already know and does so in a cool poem Chen’s painted artwork is totally killer and, if this is the new artists on the series, I’m so all in!
CONVERGENCE: HAWKMAN #2: The Hawks continue to battle the army of Man Bats that have been sent after them only to also have to deal with Rat Men too. The Rat Men capture them, attach them to a missile filled with Cortexin and prepare to annihilate an entire city with this chemical left over from the days of the Great Disaster. Shayera manages to cut herself free but the missile takes off anyway, headed for Gotham. But something strikes the missile and turns it back towards the rat men, blasting them instead. The Thanagarian Shadow Warriors return and join in the battle against the creatures, leading to the death of their leader who gives Hawkman and Hawkwoman control of the absorbascon. Knowing there is only one way out, the Crisis, they use the absorbascon to end everything.
We also get an 8-page preview of the GRAYSON series by Tom King, Tim Seeley and Mikel Janin. Helena is the new #1 at SPYRAL but that doesn’t stop Grayson from saving Hal Jordan’s nephew from potential kidnappers.
So…did I just read this right? Did the Earth-One Hawkman and Hawkwoman just obliterate Gotham City as part of what became the Crisis on Infinite Earths? Not to mention, Earth A.D. too? Jeff Parker drives this thing home big time with a major art assist from Tim Truman, Enrique Alcatena, and John Kalisz. Let’s be honest: Hawkwoman NEVER looked as hot as she did under the pencil of Tim Truman! This was a great story with a truly heroic ending, which is more than I can say for most of the finale’s in these mini-series.
And the GRAYSON book feels like GRAYSON did in the NEW 52…only MIKEL JANIN is at the artistic helm and that can only mean GREAT THINGS!!!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #2: It feels like 1983 as the Pre-Crisis Earth-1 Justice League Of America battle the Tangent Universe Secret Six and get clobbered in the process. The team heads off to regroup, raid Mr. Freeze’ old hideout, and get saved by Sue Dibney and a reverse teleportation spell from Zatanna.
Calling Fabian Nicieza: 1983 wants its’ plots back. This was just so 1980’s and that’s kind of what I expected from this JLA team. On the other hand, Chriscross art blew me away! There were several facial expressions on Sue Dibney’s mug that just spoke VOLUMES about her character. The Tangent Secret Six? Seems I really didn’t like the Tangent books in the first place so, to see them go away is no great loss to me.
CONVERGENCE: NEW TEEN TITANS #2: The New Teen Titans of Pre-Crisis Earth-1 are in the midst of a battle with the Tangent Doom Patrol even as Nightwing attempts to meet up with Firehawk to figure out a solution. Unbeknownst to him, the Doom Patrol capture Cyborg and begins to use his power to help get them back home. Beast Boy discovers that Cyborg is leaking Promthium and that means the Titans can track him through that leak. They arrive in time to free him and then the earthquake hits that takes the Doom Patrol away. And Starfire and Dick share a kiss and profess their love for each other.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN series by Patrick Gleason. Damian and his pet were-bat Goliath take on some man-bats to rescue an ancient Chinese man and the sacred scroll he carries.
Leave it to Marv Wolfman and Nicola Scott to give us a great looking, action packed 80’s tale that blows the roof off most other wanna be 80’s books. Wolfman was there and these are his babies! And that it completely evident here as he brings us all the characters we love, Yeah: THIS is the team I want coming out as part of DC You, not the wanna-be team we had in the New 52.
The Robin back-up is one of those title I am highly anticipating to be a winner! Patrick Gleason is writing and illustrating and Mick Gray is inking it and it looks awesome to say the least! This could be a great book, especially if Bruce Wayne is now M.I.A. from current continuity
CONVERGENCE: SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #2: In Durvale, the Atomic Knights prepare to make their final stand against The Legion of Superheroes to save their city and their timeline. They march into Metropolis and immediately begin fighting with the Legion, blaming them for the disaster that apparently ravaged Durvale. Wildfire is reborn and we find out the Knights are carrying a canister with the deadly Morticoccus virus which could kill everyone in minutes. Superboy convinces Gardner to out the weapon away and Brainiac 5 figures a way for both times to exist and not get trashed by Telos. We end with Superboy and Lightning Lass swapping spit and waiting for whatever happens next.
We also get an 8-page preview of the TEEN TITANS series by Will Pfeifer and Kenneth Rocafort. The team comes together, mostly to figure out what is going on behind Superboy’s recent crime spree. Manchester Black is pulling the strings and Supergirl quits, leading to an uncertain future relationship between these teens.
Stuart Moore, Peter Gross, and Mark Farmer give us a satisfying end to this tale even is we have no idea why the two cities didn’t get destroyed. I love seeing the Atomic Knights, even if they were a Sixties concept that made their way into Kamandi continuity and HERCULES UNCHAINED continuity too. Personally, I want these two teams brought back, JUST THE WAY THEY ARE!
No, sorry: this is NOT my Teen Titans. Tim Drake needs to be in the future, Wonder Girl needs to be Donna Troy and Wally West needs to be the Flash. Or at least give us Bart as Impulse. Was never a great fan during their TWO NEW 52 runs and the same is true here.
CONVERGENCE: SWAMP THING #2: Swamp Thing meets up and teams up with the Red Rain Batman. They go on a hunt and find the Queen Vampire, end her reign and allowing those infected by her to change back to normal. All except Batman, who admits there is no hope for him. So they go off and watch the sun rise together, killing Batman in the process. After an earthquake, Abby and Swamp Thing head off to Gotham to see what is left.
We also get an 8-page preview of CATWOMAN by Genevieve Valentine and David Messina. Catwoman is still running Gotham’s crime families but she has also taken back the mantle of the Cat.
Len Wein and Kelley Jones give an appropriate end to the Red Rain Universe and a satisfying solution for Swamp Thing and Abby. This is not the DEAD ABBY we have had to deal with in the NEW 52: this is the classic Swampy and Abby in love. I miss them.
The CATWOMAN story picks up from where we have left off, except we have a new artist and Selina is back in the suit. I expect this series to be right where we left off, with maybe a little more or less lip locking by Selina and Eiko, depending on whether DC Editorial sees her as a suitable replacement for Batwoman.
CONVERGENCE: WONDER WOMAN #2: Red Rain Joker has kidnapped and killed Etta Candy. Wonder Woman snaps his neck and thinks that’s his end but let’s not forget that he’s a vampire and that’s not how to kill a vampire. He grabs hold of some bones and makes a neck split to keep his head from flopping like a Bobblehead. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman tries to save Steve, but he too becomes a vampire. An earthquake hits the town as Joker sends Etta and Steve to kill her. Steve grabs Etta and sacrifices himself to save his love by jumping into the chasm the earthquake has created. Diana tosses The Joker in and that ends his reign, especially when she stakes him with a piece of wood.
We also get an 8-page preview of SECRET SIX by Gail Simone and Dale Eaglesham. The Six are on a mission inside the Gotham Museum of Anthropology and Antiquities where someone is trying to steal the Eternity Gem. We discover that it’s an inside job and the Anti-Heroes save the day and the girl.
Larry Hama and Aaron Lopresti take this Seventies Diana Prince and throw her throw the heartache of watching her friends die. The story is killer, Lopresti’s art is some of his best and we get a nice little parable ending to finish with. All in all, this is one of the better single issues of all the mini-series..
Okay…I guess we needed this story to remind us who these characters are, since we haven’t seen a SECRET SIX book in so many months that I forget(I think it’s three, nut it may be four)
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
CONVERGENCE #6:We begin with the heroes of the NEW 52 Universe witnessing the Planetthat was Telos pushing its’ way into their universe. Deimos has told all the cities that they must accept his offer or die, so they decide to fight back. The Titans are battling the Extremists when the Earth 2 heroes jump in and lend a hand. The Pre-Flashpoint heroes arrive, leading to a meeting between Jay Garrick and Wally West. Garrick then meets Barry Allen and Superboy while Dick Grayson goes to talk with Telos, who agrees to help fight to save the Multiverse. But the heroes of the Multiverse may be banded together to fight Deimos, but he has brought the Crime Syndicate, The Kingdom Come heroes and others together to fight for him.
Jeff King and Scott Lobdell open up some plotlines and close some others and it all ends up with what should be a big battle in the next issue! The art by Ed Benes and Eduardo Pansica fits nicely and I like how the heroes of the Multiverse end up together, including three versions of The Flash. I can’t wait for, hopefully, the ORIGINAL Jay Garrick to arrive. Also rather neat was having Yolanda being referred to as Wildcat, leading to a future story in the Post Convergence world. With two issues to go and a lot of story to finish, it will be interesting to see how it all comes out.
CONVERGENCE: AQUAMAN #2: Aquaman and the scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs try to figure out how they are going to get through their dilemma while Deathblow kills the sentries in the sub basement level. When the two meet up, Deathblow explains that he knows all about Aquaman because he has read the files that government keeps on him. Aquaman fights back and kills Deathblow, but not for long as his super power is that he cannot die. The two continue to battle and eventually Deathblow hacks his way into the system and finds a program called “Drydock” which shuts off water and turns up the heat. S.T.A.R. and Dorrance created it as a fail safe in case Aquaman turned out to be evil.With his strength fading, Deathblow catches up to him and prepares to execute him with Aquaman buries his hook deep into Deathblow’s neck, killing him. Deathblow resurrects and then he disappears along with his city. Just then, the city is hit with an earthquake as they prepare for the next step, which happens in CONVERGENCE #7.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new DOCTOR FATE series by Paul Levitz and Sonny Liew. We meet medical student Khalid ‘Kent’ Nassour. His father drives a cab, his mother is a stay at home mom and he gets given the Helmet of Nabu in a museum gift shop.
Tony Bedard gives us a great, bloody ending and Cliff Richards has the artistic chops to match it. So, is this the end of the Wildstorm Universe as we know it? It appears that it might be. And we don’t really know what happens to our aquatic friend as we have to wait a week and seer what happens in CONVERGENCE #7. Personally, that’s a drag. Let’s end the story and be done with it.
As far as the preview for DOCTOR FATE goes: why does this seem like the ethnic version of Captain Marvel’s origin. He goes into a museum, instead of a subway, and is given the helm by an ancient cat with boobs. Yeah, I’m not going here. Levitz’ story is okay but Liew’s art looks like something out of a self published Indy. Not that it’s a bad thing, but it doesn’t fit my idea of a DOCTOR FATE book.
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN SHADOW OF THE BAT #2: Batman and Azrael battle Wetworks on an aircraft carrier until Batman convinces them to work together to stop Telos. They ultimately leave to find their captor, except for Azrael who stays behind to protect Metropolis.
We also get an 8-page preview of DEATHSTROKE by Tony S. Daniel, James Bonny and Peter Nguyen. We pick up weeks after Deathstroke finished off Odysseus and find him being attacked by Red Robin and the rest of the Titans. Actually, it’s Deathstroke running through a simulated combat session thanks to Victor Ruiz, who is the leader of a mercenary group known as the Dead Bastards. Later, Hephaestus shows up, delivers him a special sword that he has made and sends Deathstroke off to slay a God.
Based on the result in AQUAMAN, I expected Wetworks to disappear. But, since they never lost, I guess they are still in the running and, since they were not in San Diego when it disappeared, they still live. Too bad: they should have been D.O.A. like the story. Larry Hama writes great action, as he has done for so long, but it is wasted here. And unfortunately, Rick Leonardi’s art doesn’t appeal to me either so it makes for a rather disappointing read.
As far as the DEATHSTROKE preview, I miss Tony Daniel doing the art. I don’t see how Nguyen can possibly live up to the blood and gore the run has had when Daniel was doing it all. I will see where this book goes and hope it is better than this preview.
CONVERGENCE: CATWOMAN #2: The Kingdom Come Batman has come to town and is all about trying to take out Catwoman. They come to a truce and that’s when Manheim and his gang show up and the fight is on. His thugs get taken down but Manheim doesn’t as he is wearing armor straight from Apokolips. It takes the Cat and the Bat working together to take him down but, once they do, the people of Metropolis come out with weapons drawn. They insist that Batman needs to die in order for them to live. One citizen pulls the trigger at a defenseless Batman, but Catwoman steps in front of the shot and saves his life at the cost of her own. With he dying breath, she asks him to save her city and he promises to try.
We also get an 8-page preview of GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT by Ray Fawkes and Juan Ferreyra. Spooky things are happening again in Gotham City and Jim Corrigan explains this to the new Batman. Batman convinces him the team must continue on and they go off hunting zombies.
I love this story! In fact, this is one of my favorite books so far during this event. Justin Gray writes a killer story…literally! Catwoman dies saving the guy she should have been fighting against. The once villain turned anti-hero, she dies saving an alternate version of the man she has loved and lusted after. Ron Randall’s art is possibly some of the best of his career. It is sharp, crisp and dynamite!
As for the GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT preview: love it! Fawkes writes a creepy book and Ferreyra does a pretty good job of giving us zombies with half of their heads gone. At moments, his work slips into Richard Corben realm and I’m good with that! Welcome to the WALKING DEAD meets BATMAN!
CONVERGENCE: GREEN ARROW #2: Dinah Queen and Olivia Queen, from the Kingdom Come timeline, have teleported to Pr-Zero Hour Metropolis where they encounter Oliver Queen and Connor Hawke. Going to the top of a building, they realize their city is suspended above the planet with no way to get down. Telos warns them they must fight or their cities will be destroyed. The four of them begin to battle, with Dinah and Olivia planning to defeat Oliver and Connor, but not kill them. Olivia lets loose with a paralyzing whistle that allows Dinah to tranquilize them. Telos transports them away, leaving the unconscious heroes behind. When they wake, Oliver and Connor feel an earthquake and sense that something has changed. Uncertain of the future, they resign to carry on as father and son.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new GREEN LANTERN CORPS LOST ARMY by Cullen Bunn and Jesus Saiz. John Stewart, Two-Six, Kilowog, Arisia and Xrill-Vrek find themselves on an unknown planet. And, after a battle, they find themselves with Krona, who has no idea who they are.
Christy Marx and Rags Morales conclude this chapter in the lives of Connor and Oliver and their other world relatives. As I am finding with most of these second issues, there is no real ending to the story. In this case, Olivia and Dinah defeat Connor and Oliver and head back to Kingdom Come. So, if they win, why hasn’t Metropolis been erased yet? Yeah…I continue to find these mini-series within the mini-series to be rather inconsequential.
In terms of the preview, I was never a big fan of most of the GREEN LANTERN series in the NEW 52 and this is going to be one of those I expect to not make space in my collection. The interesting plot point is that Krona is back. Now how does THAT happen?
CONVERGENCE: GREEN LANTERN/PARALLAX #2: Taken over again by Parallaz, Hal Jordan has headed off to Electropolis to destroy their city and save Metropolis. Kyle Rayner shows up and takes Hal out temporarily. He convinces the leadership of Electropolis to work with him to save both cities, but, after Kyle leaves to talk to Parallax, but the ruling general orders Princess Fern to destroy Metropolis. Encased in a green construct rocket, Parallax sends Kyle home, where he discovers that he has been betrayed, causing Hal to eradicate Eletropolis and ending the attack on Metropolis. Kyle uses his ring to search for Hal, but the ring tells him that Jordan is no longer detectable.
We also get an 8-page preview of the LOBO by Cullen Bunn and Cliff Richards. Cyrus Ursvass is Lobo’s latest target and he is in bed with Cyrus’ wife Xaria when Cyrus walks in and gets murdered by the Czarnarian. He eliminates the guards and leaves, meaning Xaria will be held for the murder of her husband. Meanwhile, Lobo plans his next target: Sinestro.
Tony Bedard and Ron Wagner wipe out Electropolis, so I guess that answers the question of what will happen to Lady Quark over in CONVERGENCE: SUPERGIRL MATRIX. The story is good, Wagner’s art is his usual fare, with an assist from Bill Reinhold. But where will Hal end up and how does all this fit in to what may be Kyle’s death in OMEGA MEN.
Believe it or not, I like the looks and feel of LOBO. Bunn throws a neat little curve-ball to start the story and then coats it in blood and guts. Richards’ art is great and, even though I really don’t like this version of Lobo, I do like where this is going. Now if we can only get him to grow his hair long and smoke a cigar, I might be happier!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL #2: Blue Beetle and the Kingdom Come Wonder Woman confer with each other, then join their teams where they proceed to battle. In the middle of it all, Blue Beetle meets the Kingdom Come Blue Beetle, who has decided to team up with his other world self and fight security bots together while Ted Kord tells jokes. The future Beetle gets trapped under a rockslide and JLI’s Beetle helps him out. Unfortunately, the Kingdom Come heroes have defeated the rest of the JLI. With a Shazam, Captain Marvel and the Kingdom Come heroes head home, wishing the JLI good luck for what is to come. Back at headquarters, Booster Gold makes his time travelling presence felt by surprising Ted with a special gift on his birthday.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new JUSTICE LEAGUE 3001 series by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and Howard Porter. It’s the 31st Century and it’s dinner shenanigans between Teri, Clark, Bruce and Ariel turns crazy when Wonder Woman shows up to retrieve the glasses Clark has taken from her to create his disguise.
Although we already have a BLUE BEETLE book, this JLI title has become another BLUE BEETLE book! Ron Marz and Mike Manley do a nice job with it, complete with letting the JLI get defeated by the KINGDOM COME heroes. Of course, having already read GREEN ARROW, I kind of knew that this would be the outcome. So, when the world ends, does Booster Gold arrive to save the day? Or does Telos save the Multiverse before then?
As far as the preview, I have been a big fan of the future Justice League since issue #1. And it looks like I’m going to be enjoying this one too. After all, not much has changed except the year. The creative team is rock solid and the silliness looks to be ready to continue. I can’t wait!
CONVERGENCE: SUICIDE SQUAD #2: The Squad, with the help of a traitorous Lex Luthor, battles a bunch of the Kingdom Come heroes for the future of their city. Star Sapphire battles with the Cyborg Superman and detonates herself in revenge for what happened at Coast City, destroying most of the super powered individuals on both sides. Luthor tries to kill the Kingdom Come Green Lantern and is shot in the head by Boomerang, who reveals he is dying from terminal cancer. Then he shoots a fallen Amanda Waller, who detonates the bomb strapped to herself, taking out Boomerang and Green Lantern. Later Sam Lane and Barbara Gordon talk about the legacy of the Suicide Squad as they stand in front of the statue that was erected in their memory.
We also get an 8-page preview of AQUAMAN by Cullen Bunn and Trevor McCarthy. Atlantean troops have engaged in a slash and burn mission in search of Aquaman. When they find him, he takes out the troops and tells the people left in the town that he will protect them. His wife claims he needs to answer for his betrayal and, when they capture him, he will die.
Frank Tieri and Tom Mandrake do a nice job of settling the scores with the Suicide Squad AND the Kingdom Come heroes. Talk about taking out a handful in one shot! Of course, that means that neither team loses and they come off the chess board. I do have one problem though: how far in the future is the ending set that there was time to build a statue to the team? So, does that city survive? Obviously, I guess.
The AQUAMAN series looks confusing. I mean, all of a sudden, towns are being wiped out to get at Aquaman, who is now a traitor to his people? Okay: it’s Bunn and McCarthy and that means it bears investigating. Bunn is uneven, so it could be good, great or awful.
CONVERGENCE: SUPERBOY #2: Kin-El and the Kingdom Come Superman battle for the future of their cities. Kon is too much of a headstrong hothead and insists and battling even while Superman tries to talk things over with him. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen arrive to cover the story. Lois gets injured by Kon-El, because of an errant throw he makes, causing Superman to race her to the hospital. Knowing there is no choice, Kon allows Superman to knock him out and let the Kingdom Come win.
We also get an 8-page preview of ACTION COMICS by Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder. Superman is fighting his way through the cold to get to his Fortress of Solitude. Bloody and beaten and very cold, he gets to the Fortress, which no longer recognizes him and takes his costume from him, as he continues to declare “I’m still Superman”.
I didn’t like this Superboy THEN and I still don’t like him now! Fabian Nicieza and Karl Moline do the best they can with a character who is almost as annoying as the NEW 52 Superboys. So, in the end, the hothead takes his lumps to save at least one city. I didn’t care for the story and I thought the ending was a little too abrupt. We have a huge fight issue that ends with a quick one two punch and the elder Superman claiming Kon was truly a Superman.
The preview for ACTION COMICS has me intrigued. Pak and Kuder combine to drop a big bomb into 8 pages. I love the art and the story…what is up with Superman’s powers? I cannot wait for this series to kick off.
CONVERGENCE: SUPERGIRL MATRIX #2: Supergirl and Ambush Bug are having coffee somewhere in 1994 as the bug complains how Matrix smells like spackle. Lady Quark shows up and the bug leaves, going off to Post Great Disaster New York City. Once there, he brags about how he and Supergirl hooked up. That is until she arrives and they end up dealing with Quark. Well, she deals with Quark and they come to a truce. Ambush Bug ends up in 1992 New York City with Louse Man and Supergirl and Quark are right behind him. More time slips occur, including a stop at a Legion of Superheroes recruiting drive and a run-in with the cyborgs of Future’s End. Supergirl and Ambush Bug end up in New York City 1969, where they Officer Casey informs them that most everyone has been taken by the undead. Another time shift and it’s Metropolis in 1994, where Supergirl ends up beating on her Lex Luthor before she and Quark battle some more. Ambush Bug, bags in hand, remarks: “Ain’t I a stinker” and heads off into the sunset.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new BAT-MITE title by Dan Jurgens and Corin Howell. Batman is out trying to subdue some crooks when Bat-Mite gets involved and makes a mess of things. After Batman tells him to stay out of his way, Bat-Mite heads off to help other heroes needing his assistance.
I have to admit that Ambush Bug made this book. He pops through time, stopping in the Great Disaster and even in 1969 New York. What made that work for an old comic fan like me was references to the humor books of 1969 including Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Binky, and Sugar and Spike. Oh yeah: there is also that great closing Bugs Bunny riff. Thank you Keith Giffen for taking a Supergirl who DIDN’T die during the Crisis and making her somewhat interesting. And to Timothy Green II for being able to draw like Giffen.
The BAT-MITE preview shows me that maybe comics with a sense of humor CAN work in today’s marketplace. It looks like fun and all I know is I kept hearing Paul Reubens’ voice as I read Bat-Mite’s lines. That’s what I get for spending too much time watching BRAVE AND THE BOLD.
CONVERGENCE: SUPERMAN MAN OF STEEL #2: John Henry Irons is still hurting from the beating he took last issue, so it’s up to his niece and nephew to go off into battle against Gen 13 and the Parasite. Meanwhile, Dr. Hamilton uses Nano Technology to fix Irons and provide him with a whole new arsenal. He arrives in time to save his family. They all agree to work together until the Gen 13 team is sucked away, leaving Steel and the family to presume the the real battle is getting ready to begin.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new BIZARRO series by Heath Corson and Gustavo Duarte. Bizarro is living in Metropolis and having a tough time adjusting to life on our world. So Jimmy Olsen writes a photo book about him and they go off on a cross country road trip together.
Jeff King and Scott Lobdell open up some plotlines and close some others and it all ends up with what should be a big battle in the next issue! The art by Ed Benes and Eduardo Pansica fits nicely and I like how the heroes of the Multiverse end up together, including three versions of The Flash. I can’t wait for, hopefully, the ORIGINAL Jay Garrick to arrive. Also rather neat was having Yolanda being referred to as Wildcat, leading to a future story in the Post Convergence world. With two issues to go and a lot of story to finish, it will be interesting to see how it all comes out.
CONVERGENCE: AQUAMAN #2: Aquaman and the scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs try to figure out how they are going to get through their dilemma while Deathblow kills the sentries in the sub basement level. When the two meet up, Deathblow explains that he knows all about Aquaman because he has read the files that government keeps on him. Aquaman fights back and kills Deathblow, but not for long as his super power is that he cannot die. The two continue to battle and eventually Deathblow hacks his way into the system and finds a program called “Drydock” which shuts off water and turns up the heat. S.T.A.R. and Dorrance created it as a fail safe in case Aquaman turned out to be evil.With his strength fading, Deathblow catches up to him and prepares to execute him with Aquaman buries his hook deep into Deathblow’s neck, killing him. Deathblow resurrects and then he disappears along with his city. Just then, the city is hit with an earthquake as they prepare for the next step, which happens in CONVERGENCE #7.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new DOCTOR FATE series by Paul Levitz and Sonny Liew. We meet medical student Khalid ‘Kent’ Nassour. His father drives a cab, his mother is a stay at home mom and he gets given the Helmet of Nabu in a museum gift shop.
Tony Bedard gives us a great, bloody ending and Cliff Richards has the artistic chops to match it. So, is this the end of the Wildstorm Universe as we know it? It appears that it might be. And we don’t really know what happens to our aquatic friend as we have to wait a week and seer what happens in CONVERGENCE #7. Personally, that’s a drag. Let’s end the story and be done with it.
As far as the preview for DOCTOR FATE goes: why does this seem like the ethnic version of Captain Marvel’s origin. He goes into a museum, instead of a subway, and is given the helm by an ancient cat with boobs. Yeah, I’m not going here. Levitz’ story is okay but Liew’s art looks like something out of a self published Indy. Not that it’s a bad thing, but it doesn’t fit my idea of a DOCTOR FATE book.
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN SHADOW OF THE BAT #2: Batman and Azrael battle Wetworks on an aircraft carrier until Batman convinces them to work together to stop Telos. They ultimately leave to find their captor, except for Azrael who stays behind to protect Metropolis.
We also get an 8-page preview of DEATHSTROKE by Tony S. Daniel, James Bonny and Peter Nguyen. We pick up weeks after Deathstroke finished off Odysseus and find him being attacked by Red Robin and the rest of the Titans. Actually, it’s Deathstroke running through a simulated combat session thanks to Victor Ruiz, who is the leader of a mercenary group known as the Dead Bastards. Later, Hephaestus shows up, delivers him a special sword that he has made and sends Deathstroke off to slay a God.
Based on the result in AQUAMAN, I expected Wetworks to disappear. But, since they never lost, I guess they are still in the running and, since they were not in San Diego when it disappeared, they still live. Too bad: they should have been D.O.A. like the story. Larry Hama writes great action, as he has done for so long, but it is wasted here. And unfortunately, Rick Leonardi’s art doesn’t appeal to me either so it makes for a rather disappointing read.
As far as the DEATHSTROKE preview, I miss Tony Daniel doing the art. I don’t see how Nguyen can possibly live up to the blood and gore the run has had when Daniel was doing it all. I will see where this book goes and hope it is better than this preview.
CONVERGENCE: CATWOMAN #2: The Kingdom Come Batman has come to town and is all about trying to take out Catwoman. They come to a truce and that’s when Manheim and his gang show up and the fight is on. His thugs get taken down but Manheim doesn’t as he is wearing armor straight from Apokolips. It takes the Cat and the Bat working together to take him down but, once they do, the people of Metropolis come out with weapons drawn. They insist that Batman needs to die in order for them to live. One citizen pulls the trigger at a defenseless Batman, but Catwoman steps in front of the shot and saves his life at the cost of her own. With he dying breath, she asks him to save her city and he promises to try.
We also get an 8-page preview of GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT by Ray Fawkes and Juan Ferreyra. Spooky things are happening again in Gotham City and Jim Corrigan explains this to the new Batman. Batman convinces him the team must continue on and they go off hunting zombies.
I love this story! In fact, this is one of my favorite books so far during this event. Justin Gray writes a killer story…literally! Catwoman dies saving the guy she should have been fighting against. The once villain turned anti-hero, she dies saving an alternate version of the man she has loved and lusted after. Ron Randall’s art is possibly some of the best of his career. It is sharp, crisp and dynamite!
As for the GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT preview: love it! Fawkes writes a creepy book and Ferreyra does a pretty good job of giving us zombies with half of their heads gone. At moments, his work slips into Richard Corben realm and I’m good with that! Welcome to the WALKING DEAD meets BATMAN!
CONVERGENCE: GREEN ARROW #2: Dinah Queen and Olivia Queen, from the Kingdom Come timeline, have teleported to Pr-Zero Hour Metropolis where they encounter Oliver Queen and Connor Hawke. Going to the top of a building, they realize their city is suspended above the planet with no way to get down. Telos warns them they must fight or their cities will be destroyed. The four of them begin to battle, with Dinah and Olivia planning to defeat Oliver and Connor, but not kill them. Olivia lets loose with a paralyzing whistle that allows Dinah to tranquilize them. Telos transports them away, leaving the unconscious heroes behind. When they wake, Oliver and Connor feel an earthquake and sense that something has changed. Uncertain of the future, they resign to carry on as father and son.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new GREEN LANTERN CORPS LOST ARMY by Cullen Bunn and Jesus Saiz. John Stewart, Two-Six, Kilowog, Arisia and Xrill-Vrek find themselves on an unknown planet. And, after a battle, they find themselves with Krona, who has no idea who they are.
Christy Marx and Rags Morales conclude this chapter in the lives of Connor and Oliver and their other world relatives. As I am finding with most of these second issues, there is no real ending to the story. In this case, Olivia and Dinah defeat Connor and Oliver and head back to Kingdom Come. So, if they win, why hasn’t Metropolis been erased yet? Yeah…I continue to find these mini-series within the mini-series to be rather inconsequential.
In terms of the preview, I was never a big fan of most of the GREEN LANTERN series in the NEW 52 and this is going to be one of those I expect to not make space in my collection. The interesting plot point is that Krona is back. Now how does THAT happen?
CONVERGENCE: GREEN LANTERN/PARALLAX #2: Taken over again by Parallaz, Hal Jordan has headed off to Electropolis to destroy their city and save Metropolis. Kyle Rayner shows up and takes Hal out temporarily. He convinces the leadership of Electropolis to work with him to save both cities, but, after Kyle leaves to talk to Parallax, but the ruling general orders Princess Fern to destroy Metropolis. Encased in a green construct rocket, Parallax sends Kyle home, where he discovers that he has been betrayed, causing Hal to eradicate Eletropolis and ending the attack on Metropolis. Kyle uses his ring to search for Hal, but the ring tells him that Jordan is no longer detectable.
We also get an 8-page preview of the LOBO by Cullen Bunn and Cliff Richards. Cyrus Ursvass is Lobo’s latest target and he is in bed with Cyrus’ wife Xaria when Cyrus walks in and gets murdered by the Czarnarian. He eliminates the guards and leaves, meaning Xaria will be held for the murder of her husband. Meanwhile, Lobo plans his next target: Sinestro.
Tony Bedard and Ron Wagner wipe out Electropolis, so I guess that answers the question of what will happen to Lady Quark over in CONVERGENCE: SUPERGIRL MATRIX. The story is good, Wagner’s art is his usual fare, with an assist from Bill Reinhold. But where will Hal end up and how does all this fit in to what may be Kyle’s death in OMEGA MEN.
Believe it or not, I like the looks and feel of LOBO. Bunn throws a neat little curve-ball to start the story and then coats it in blood and guts. Richards’ art is great and, even though I really don’t like this version of Lobo, I do like where this is going. Now if we can only get him to grow his hair long and smoke a cigar, I might be happier!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL #2: Blue Beetle and the Kingdom Come Wonder Woman confer with each other, then join their teams where they proceed to battle. In the middle of it all, Blue Beetle meets the Kingdom Come Blue Beetle, who has decided to team up with his other world self and fight security bots together while Ted Kord tells jokes. The future Beetle gets trapped under a rockslide and JLI’s Beetle helps him out. Unfortunately, the Kingdom Come heroes have defeated the rest of the JLI. With a Shazam, Captain Marvel and the Kingdom Come heroes head home, wishing the JLI good luck for what is to come. Back at headquarters, Booster Gold makes his time travelling presence felt by surprising Ted with a special gift on his birthday.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new JUSTICE LEAGUE 3001 series by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and Howard Porter. It’s the 31st Century and it’s dinner shenanigans between Teri, Clark, Bruce and Ariel turns crazy when Wonder Woman shows up to retrieve the glasses Clark has taken from her to create his disguise.
Although we already have a BLUE BEETLE book, this JLI title has become another BLUE BEETLE book! Ron Marz and Mike Manley do a nice job with it, complete with letting the JLI get defeated by the KINGDOM COME heroes. Of course, having already read GREEN ARROW, I kind of knew that this would be the outcome. So, when the world ends, does Booster Gold arrive to save the day? Or does Telos save the Multiverse before then?
As far as the preview, I have been a big fan of the future Justice League since issue #1. And it looks like I’m going to be enjoying this one too. After all, not much has changed except the year. The creative team is rock solid and the silliness looks to be ready to continue. I can’t wait!
CONVERGENCE: SUICIDE SQUAD #2: The Squad, with the help of a traitorous Lex Luthor, battles a bunch of the Kingdom Come heroes for the future of their city. Star Sapphire battles with the Cyborg Superman and detonates herself in revenge for what happened at Coast City, destroying most of the super powered individuals on both sides. Luthor tries to kill the Kingdom Come Green Lantern and is shot in the head by Boomerang, who reveals he is dying from terminal cancer. Then he shoots a fallen Amanda Waller, who detonates the bomb strapped to herself, taking out Boomerang and Green Lantern. Later Sam Lane and Barbara Gordon talk about the legacy of the Suicide Squad as they stand in front of the statue that was erected in their memory.
We also get an 8-page preview of AQUAMAN by Cullen Bunn and Trevor McCarthy. Atlantean troops have engaged in a slash and burn mission in search of Aquaman. When they find him, he takes out the troops and tells the people left in the town that he will protect them. His wife claims he needs to answer for his betrayal and, when they capture him, he will die.
Frank Tieri and Tom Mandrake do a nice job of settling the scores with the Suicide Squad AND the Kingdom Come heroes. Talk about taking out a handful in one shot! Of course, that means that neither team loses and they come off the chess board. I do have one problem though: how far in the future is the ending set that there was time to build a statue to the team? So, does that city survive? Obviously, I guess.
The AQUAMAN series looks confusing. I mean, all of a sudden, towns are being wiped out to get at Aquaman, who is now a traitor to his people? Okay: it’s Bunn and McCarthy and that means it bears investigating. Bunn is uneven, so it could be good, great or awful.
CONVERGENCE: SUPERBOY #2: Kin-El and the Kingdom Come Superman battle for the future of their cities. Kon is too much of a headstrong hothead and insists and battling even while Superman tries to talk things over with him. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen arrive to cover the story. Lois gets injured by Kon-El, because of an errant throw he makes, causing Superman to race her to the hospital. Knowing there is no choice, Kon allows Superman to knock him out and let the Kingdom Come win.
We also get an 8-page preview of ACTION COMICS by Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder. Superman is fighting his way through the cold to get to his Fortress of Solitude. Bloody and beaten and very cold, he gets to the Fortress, which no longer recognizes him and takes his costume from him, as he continues to declare “I’m still Superman”.
I didn’t like this Superboy THEN and I still don’t like him now! Fabian Nicieza and Karl Moline do the best they can with a character who is almost as annoying as the NEW 52 Superboys. So, in the end, the hothead takes his lumps to save at least one city. I didn’t care for the story and I thought the ending was a little too abrupt. We have a huge fight issue that ends with a quick one two punch and the elder Superman claiming Kon was truly a Superman.
The preview for ACTION COMICS has me intrigued. Pak and Kuder combine to drop a big bomb into 8 pages. I love the art and the story…what is up with Superman’s powers? I cannot wait for this series to kick off.
CONVERGENCE: SUPERGIRL MATRIX #2: Supergirl and Ambush Bug are having coffee somewhere in 1994 as the bug complains how Matrix smells like spackle. Lady Quark shows up and the bug leaves, going off to Post Great Disaster New York City. Once there, he brags about how he and Supergirl hooked up. That is until she arrives and they end up dealing with Quark. Well, she deals with Quark and they come to a truce. Ambush Bug ends up in 1992 New York City with Louse Man and Supergirl and Quark are right behind him. More time slips occur, including a stop at a Legion of Superheroes recruiting drive and a run-in with the cyborgs of Future’s End. Supergirl and Ambush Bug end up in New York City 1969, where they Officer Casey informs them that most everyone has been taken by the undead. Another time shift and it’s Metropolis in 1994, where Supergirl ends up beating on her Lex Luthor before she and Quark battle some more. Ambush Bug, bags in hand, remarks: “Ain’t I a stinker” and heads off into the sunset.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new BAT-MITE title by Dan Jurgens and Corin Howell. Batman is out trying to subdue some crooks when Bat-Mite gets involved and makes a mess of things. After Batman tells him to stay out of his way, Bat-Mite heads off to help other heroes needing his assistance.
I have to admit that Ambush Bug made this book. He pops through time, stopping in the Great Disaster and even in 1969 New York. What made that work for an old comic fan like me was references to the humor books of 1969 including Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Binky, and Sugar and Spike. Oh yeah: there is also that great closing Bugs Bunny riff. Thank you Keith Giffen for taking a Supergirl who DIDN’T die during the Crisis and making her somewhat interesting. And to Timothy Green II for being able to draw like Giffen.
The BAT-MITE preview shows me that maybe comics with a sense of humor CAN work in today’s marketplace. It looks like fun and all I know is I kept hearing Paul Reubens’ voice as I read Bat-Mite’s lines. That’s what I get for spending too much time watching BRAVE AND THE BOLD.
CONVERGENCE: SUPERMAN MAN OF STEEL #2: John Henry Irons is still hurting from the beating he took last issue, so it’s up to his niece and nephew to go off into battle against Gen 13 and the Parasite. Meanwhile, Dr. Hamilton uses Nano Technology to fix Irons and provide him with a whole new arsenal. He arrives in time to save his family. They all agree to work together until the Gen 13 team is sucked away, leaving Steel and the family to presume the the real battle is getting ready to begin.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new BIZARRO series by Heath Corson and Gustavo Duarte. Bizarro is living in Metropolis and having a tough time adjusting to life on our world. So Jimmy Olsen writes a photo book about him and they go off on a cross country road trip together.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
CONVERGENCE Week 5 reviewed
CONVERGENCE #5: Deimos has captured Brainiac and not only threatens to unleash him, he also claims to know Telos’ real name. He came from a world that was also captured by Brainiac and he was transformed and forced to serve while Brainiac prepared his world for the convergence. Machiste fights back and has his heart torn out by Deimos, while Warlord and Tara fight the lizard creatures, resulting in her death. He races off to the castle to help the Earth 2 heroes only to battle Deimos and be aged to the point of turning to dust. The castle collapses and everyone escapes except for Yolanda and Telos. Dick Grayson finds a batarang and removes the bat crest from Thomas Wayne’s body. In the catacombs under the remains of the castle, Deimos, with Yolanda in his possession, makes an announcement to all the cities: he will protect them all, for a price.
Jeff King kills off the protectors of Skartaris and that makes me sad, as a portion of my childhood has gone with it. Travis Morgan had many adventures and I truly enjoyed by youth riding on them with him. That having been said, this issue is full of twists and turns and really sets things in motion for the final three issues-to the point that I don’t know where this book is heading and who will be left standing when it is all done. And Andy Kubert’s art is rocking! I wish he could have done the work on the entire series, instead of each issue being done by someone different. I mean, DC had plenty of time to ramp up for this event. Do you think they could have gotten an 8-issue commitment from ONE ARTIST?
CONVERGENCE: THE ATOM #2: The Atom is battling Barracuda from the Extremists when the late Ryan Choi arrives thanks to matter displacement. It turns out the voice that Ray Palmer has been hearing in his head all these months was actually Ryan form “the other place”. But the battle isn’t done yet as Barracuda chops Ray’s elongated hand, from which Ryan springs forth fully alive again. Ryan climbs inside Barracuda’s body and does something to his rotator cuff that cripples the amphibian. Later, ray wakes in a hospital bed, missing a hand and wondering where Ryan is while countless people are in the street thanking him for saving their city. That night, Deathstroke shows up to kill Ray when Ryan pops out of The Atom’s belt and takes out Deathstroke. He ties the belt around Deathstroke’s wrists and exchanges matter, causing Deathstroke to have baby hands and Ray to have two hands once again. We end with Maria, Ray and Ryan celebrating the day and reflecting on a world without Gotham.
We also get an 8-page taste of the post Convergence GREEN LANTERN by Robert Venditti and Billy Tan. The space police in Sector 2813 try to arrest Hal Jordan with no luck. Hal takes one of the cops with him as a hostage and then lets him go, as he explains that the universe needs hired guns like them.
Okay, so we have brought back Ryan Choi and still have Ray Palmer. So we have two Atoms in a Gotham that may not survive when it’s all said and done. Thanks to Tom Peyer and Steve Yeowell for giving us an average story that doesn’t seem to do much until we get past Convergence. We may end up with two Atoms and we may end up with no Atoms. I guess we’ll just have to wait. Regarding the GREEN LANTERN tale: interesting. When did Hal grow his hair long and starts dressing like The Spectre
CONVERGENCE: BATGIRL #2: Stephanie, Tim, and Cassandra continue their battle with Grodd in between flashbacks of Tim and Stephanie’s love tryst and Catman’s encounter with Grodd. Catman asks Stephanie to help him kill Grodd and that brings us back to the present where Grodd smashes Casandra even at Stephanie begs him to take her instead. During the battle, Grodd possesses Tim, forcing Stephanie to knock him out. Catman offers himself up to lose so the portal will open and they can go home. Catman and Grodd end up transporting out as do Tim, Stephanie and Cassandra. Later, Cassandra finally wakes from her coma and Tim and Stephanie get busy on a couch.
We also get an 8-page look at PREZ by Mark Russell and Ben Caldwell. The plane carrying the first teenage president crashes somewhere in the South Pacific and all sorts of confusion and chaos occurs.
Ugh: that was a mess from top to bottom, kind of like recent issues of BATGIRL have been anyway. Alisa Kwitney story causes the book to jump around way too much from past to present and from timeline to timeline. And Rick Leonardi’s art just doesn’t seem to fit. As far as the backup goes, I was pretty excited to hear about a PREZ comic. And then I got real interested when I learned it was a girl Prez. But, after reading this, I have my concerns. Are we REALLY trying THAT hard to appeal to the female reader? This is the kind of book that can only TURN AWAY the female reader who will think it’s just plain dumb.
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN & ROBIN #2: Red Hood, Scarlet, and Robin fight a bunch of crazy dolls while Batman goes after the remainder of The Extremists. This eventually leads to an all out battle with the good guys winning in the end. The story closes with Superman meeting with Batman and wishing each other luck, no matter what happens.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new OMEGA MEN by Tom King and Barnaby Bagenda. We get what seems to be an intergalactic broadcast where one of the Omega Men gives a long speech while a prisoner sits in a chair. Very much like many of the terrorist vdieos we have seen over the years, we are led to understand this is all about religion and the man in the chair is Kyle Rayner: the White Lantern. Tigorr is called in, Kyle tells Carol that he will be home late and the two disappear as Tigorr executes Rayner.
The main story was an excuse for a full-length fight scene. I can do without full length fight scenes that lead nowhere. The story was by Ron Marz with art by Denys Cowan and inks by Klaus Janson and Joe Rubinstein. But the back-up, the preview, was worth the price of the book. Based on this alone, I find this title to be high on my “I cannot wait to read this” list. Tom King gives us just enough to make us start to drool on our shoes. And did we REALLY just witness the death of Kyle Rayner? I REALLY, REALLY cannot wait for this book!
CONVERGENCE: HARLEY QUINN #2: Pig-Iron lands on Earth looking for Captain Carrot only to run into a crazy clown with a big hammer. Captain Carrot arrives on the scene too late to help, but finds the words RABBIT SEASON scrawled on a wall by our favorite crazy. An hour before, Captain Carrot and Harley were engaged in a wild and crazy battle throughout the abandoned amusement park. Pig Iron showed up and so did some robots, that Harley slew as Pig-Iron disappeared back to his own city. Later, Captain Carrot and Harley share a carrot that may or may not be poisoned. In the end, the three girls go out for food as earthquakes rattle the city and Harley’s boyfriend is left with her fish.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new SECTION EIGHT series by Garth Ennis and John McCrea. Meet the craziest heroes this side of the asylum: Grapplah, Guts, Powertool and Dogwelder. And rumor has it, the band is getting put back together. So what does someone named Dogwelder do? He welds dogs to people.
Steve Pugh’s story was funny, even if it did start with a red herring. Phil Winslade’s art looked great and brought back my best memories of the old CAPTAIN CARROT comic. So, it was fun and dumb and just what you would expect from a HARLEY QUINN comic. But, did Captain Carrot get poisoned and does that mean their world dies? Wait: I’m confused, especially because I just finished reading MULTIVERSITY and SPEED FORCE and…I’m confused! Anyway, check out that back-up. Dogwelder? REALLY! Prepare for a wile ride which I am SO SURE the DC Universe, you know…that place that we want women to visit, is NOT ready for this!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE #2: The Justice League continues to battle the Flashpoint Aquaman while Mera is held captive and appealing to Vulko’s sense of fairness. In actuality, Aquaman is not Aquaman but is actually Ocean Master in disguise. While most of the team battle Orm and the creatures of the deep, Vixen sneaks into the throne room to rescue Mera. She uses her power to control marine life and that leads him to control her and makes her shoot herself in the head, permanently disfiguring her. The team gets captured by the Atlantean forces, but Supergirl arrives to save the day, but Aquaman turns the table on her with a Kryptonite trident. Mera stabs him and tells him to die slowly. As they leave, he crawls into his throne and waits for the sharks to come.
We also get a 8-page preview of the post Convergence DETECTIVE COMICS by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. In it, Bullock, Montoya and Yip are following a speeding craft when they get into an accident and get saved by the new Batman. Montoya and Bullock get out, leaving Yip behind, as Bullock lights his cigarette lighter and blows up their vehicle with Yip inside. Later we see Bullokc meeting with the new Jim Gordon and asking him to help him kill his partner.
Frank Tieri and Vicente Cifuentes bring us a grisly end to the evil Aquaman from Flashpoint. Actually, I remember both he and Wonder Woman being evil, so we can only hope that this timelime ends as part of CONVERGENCE because it was responsible for the NEW 52, which is now going away anyway. Does that mean I have wasted three and a half years on a story that doesn’t matter? Not quite sure about that. And the new DETECTIVE COMICS? Well, this could be a fun ride once we figure out the mechanics of it all.
CONVERGENCE: NIGHTWING/ORACLE #2: Nightwing battles Flashpoint’s Hawkman and Hawkgirl while Oracle monitors the situation before heading out in a Bat Copter. At the right time, she has Black Canary take down the Thangarian’s with her Canary Cry. Down, but not out as Hawkgirl crashes into the copter and brings it down, leading to a short fight between Hawkgirl and the former Batgirl. Hawkgirl radios to the Absorbascons to burn Gotham down but Canary hacks into the alien drones and they defeat the Absorbascons. Barbara offers to let the Thangarians live in Gotham and set up shop there for their culture. In then end, Dick and Barbara get married and live happily ever after…as long as their city survives.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new MIDNIGHTER series by Steve Orlando and Aco. Midnighter gets a call and leaves his current boyfriend behind to go to Boston and take down some alien body snatchers.
Gail Simone and Jan Duursema turn in a great story. It was a fun read and it looks fantastic, with some of Duursema’s most amazing art in years! So, it seems like the Pre-Flashpoint DCU is going to come out of this okay, unless something crazy happens in the last three issues of CONVERGENCE that sends it all away…kind of like FUTURE’S END meant nothing! The real story here is the MIDNIGHTER preview. Do we REALLY think the comics world, pardon me-the DC comics world, is ready to see our hero hop out of bed and leave his latest conquest behind. Political correctness aside: some people are gonna be upset!
CONVERGENCE: THE QUESTION #2: Renee Montoya’s father is dying and he wants to see her again. But she is out fighting for her city, alongside her roommate The Huntress and her ex girlfriend Batwoman. They are out searching for Harvey Dent, now Two Face, who is looking for a way to die. In the meantime, he confronts the OTHER Harvey Dent and orders him to pass judgment on him, even if his coin won’t let him. The Question steps between and stops the bullet herself, causing the other Harvey to go back to his own city. Luckily, her suit is made out of Kevlar and she and Batwoman reconcile, as does Renee and her dad before he dies. In the end, it looks like The Question may be dead and be reborn as the new Two Face, as Renee takes possession of the coin.
We get an 8-page preview of the new STARFIRE series by Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner and Emanuela Lupacchino. Starfire asks all of her superhero friends what she should do with her life and where should she go. She finally has a heart to heart with Superman. She decides to head to Key West and shows up at the Key West police department and asks the sheriff to help her live here.
Greg Rucka and Cully Hamner gives us a nice story about life, death and redemption. Harvey and Renee face their demons and come through it better people. For once, an issue in these mini-series within a mini-series is not about fighting bad guys; it’s about people. This book provides closure on this version of Renee Montoya and will allow what we called the NEW 52 Renee to live on. Regarding the Starfire preview: meh! It looks absolutely wonderful, but I don’t know how thrilled I’m going to be with this character trotted out and the comical stuff that you know Palmiotti and Conner are going to give us with the “new alien in town”.
CONVERGENCE: SPEED FORCE #2: Wally, Iris, Jai and Fastback face off against the Flashpoint Wonder Woman and her Amazons in hope of saving the Pre-Flashpoint Gotham. Realizing the danger his kids are in, he orders Fastback to take the kids out of the city, which he does and the turns around and brings them right back. They observe Wally and Wonder Woman battle, Fastback, and the kids take out the Amazons and that allows Wally to wrap up Wonder Woman in her own lasso. Gotham suffers an earthquake, the Flashpoint characters disappear and Fastback heads off, leaving the West family to relish in their victory.
We also get an 8-page preview of the post Convergence GREEN ARROW by Benjamin Percy and Patrick Zircher. Green Arrow finds himself out on the road, ending up in a town called Drown. Thee, he drinks from a tank containing a dead man. While there, he hits on the bartender, who gets attack by a crazy wearing a clown mask, forcing Oliver to take action. Meanwhile, his sister is in Seattle and could sure use some help.
Tony Bedard’s story was fun but Tom Grummett's art was the absolute highlight. This is what a great comic should look like and that is enough to save a mediocre comic any day of the week. All these earthquakes though are starting to be a concern. Does this mean that Gotham is getting placed where it came from, as the teams have seemingly won the day, or does it signal the potential end to their city thanks to Deimos dicking around? Regarding GREEN ARROW: drinking from a tank with a preserved dead man in it? EWWWW!
CONVERGENCE: SUPERMAN #2: Flashpoint Batman observes the battle between Pre Flashpoint Superman, Abin Sur, Captain Thunder and Cyborg while Jimmy Olsen tries his best to help his best pal. Subject One arrives in the Batcave with a very pregnant Lois Lane and insists that Thomas Wayne help deliver her child. Freeing himself from the battle, Superman goes back to find Lois, only to find Abin Sur waiting. Sur explains that he knows Superman is not the enemy and then tells the tale of Subject One, whose Lois died in his arms. Superman flies off to the Batcave where he delivers his son, Jonathan
We also get an 8-page preview of the new DOOMED series by Scott Lobdell and Javi Fernandez. We meet the Metropolis University student who has the power to transform into Doomsday and saves the day without destroying the city or giving in to the hate brought about by an ignorant cop.
It’s the Dan Jurgens show as he writes and draws this issue, with inking from Norm Rapmund. It was a fun read and it looked great! And we had no earthquakes that I noticed. But, can this Superman timeline truly exist, considering we have already seen a glimpse of the future SUPERMAN story where our hero has been outed by Lois herself? Regarding DOOMED: yeah, this doesn’t work for me. I disliked the character right away, and that was only 8-pages of exposure to him. And the art did nothing for me either. I’ll give it a first issue read and then probably cut it loose.
CONVERGENCE: TITANS #2: Roy Harper is smart enough to battle against the Extremists and NOT have to kill Donna Troy or Starfire and grabs his daughter, taking her to a specially constructed safehouse. Cyborg and Changeling arrive to lend a hand in the fight. Dreamslayer breaks into the safe house and convinces Roy to betray his friends again to save his daughter. He does so, but that is only a ruse designed to get his daughter back in his arms and allow the rest of the team to defeat the Extremists. In the end, Roy is left with Liam and the rest of the team head off to CONVERGENCE #6 to continue the fight.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new RED HOOD/ARSENAL series from Scott Lobdell and Denis Medri. Kobra is back in business and it’s up to Roy and Jason to take them down.
Fabian Nicieza and Ron Wagner give us what I feel is a confusing and unsatisfying end to this story. So, Liam lives, even though she died. Does someone want to explain how she got reborn? Not a dream, not a hoax, not an imaginary story? Wagner’s art is always too blocky for me, unless he has the right inker and Nicieza literally left us with a cliffhanger that I hope CONVERGENCE #6 works out. The RED HOOD /ARSENAL preview left me so uncaring. I am psyched that Kobra is back but they look like another similarly named, but spelled different team, from a G.I. JOE comic.
Jeff King kills off the protectors of Skartaris and that makes me sad, as a portion of my childhood has gone with it. Travis Morgan had many adventures and I truly enjoyed by youth riding on them with him. That having been said, this issue is full of twists and turns and really sets things in motion for the final three issues-to the point that I don’t know where this book is heading and who will be left standing when it is all done. And Andy Kubert’s art is rocking! I wish he could have done the work on the entire series, instead of each issue being done by someone different. I mean, DC had plenty of time to ramp up for this event. Do you think they could have gotten an 8-issue commitment from ONE ARTIST?
CONVERGENCE: THE ATOM #2: The Atom is battling Barracuda from the Extremists when the late Ryan Choi arrives thanks to matter displacement. It turns out the voice that Ray Palmer has been hearing in his head all these months was actually Ryan form “the other place”. But the battle isn’t done yet as Barracuda chops Ray’s elongated hand, from which Ryan springs forth fully alive again. Ryan climbs inside Barracuda’s body and does something to his rotator cuff that cripples the amphibian. Later, ray wakes in a hospital bed, missing a hand and wondering where Ryan is while countless people are in the street thanking him for saving their city. That night, Deathstroke shows up to kill Ray when Ryan pops out of The Atom’s belt and takes out Deathstroke. He ties the belt around Deathstroke’s wrists and exchanges matter, causing Deathstroke to have baby hands and Ray to have two hands once again. We end with Maria, Ray and Ryan celebrating the day and reflecting on a world without Gotham.
We also get an 8-page taste of the post Convergence GREEN LANTERN by Robert Venditti and Billy Tan. The space police in Sector 2813 try to arrest Hal Jordan with no luck. Hal takes one of the cops with him as a hostage and then lets him go, as he explains that the universe needs hired guns like them.
Okay, so we have brought back Ryan Choi and still have Ray Palmer. So we have two Atoms in a Gotham that may not survive when it’s all said and done. Thanks to Tom Peyer and Steve Yeowell for giving us an average story that doesn’t seem to do much until we get past Convergence. We may end up with two Atoms and we may end up with no Atoms. I guess we’ll just have to wait. Regarding the GREEN LANTERN tale: interesting. When did Hal grow his hair long and starts dressing like The Spectre
CONVERGENCE: BATGIRL #2: Stephanie, Tim, and Cassandra continue their battle with Grodd in between flashbacks of Tim and Stephanie’s love tryst and Catman’s encounter with Grodd. Catman asks Stephanie to help him kill Grodd and that brings us back to the present where Grodd smashes Casandra even at Stephanie begs him to take her instead. During the battle, Grodd possesses Tim, forcing Stephanie to knock him out. Catman offers himself up to lose so the portal will open and they can go home. Catman and Grodd end up transporting out as do Tim, Stephanie and Cassandra. Later, Cassandra finally wakes from her coma and Tim and Stephanie get busy on a couch.
We also get an 8-page look at PREZ by Mark Russell and Ben Caldwell. The plane carrying the first teenage president crashes somewhere in the South Pacific and all sorts of confusion and chaos occurs.
Ugh: that was a mess from top to bottom, kind of like recent issues of BATGIRL have been anyway. Alisa Kwitney story causes the book to jump around way too much from past to present and from timeline to timeline. And Rick Leonardi’s art just doesn’t seem to fit. As far as the backup goes, I was pretty excited to hear about a PREZ comic. And then I got real interested when I learned it was a girl Prez. But, after reading this, I have my concerns. Are we REALLY trying THAT hard to appeal to the female reader? This is the kind of book that can only TURN AWAY the female reader who will think it’s just plain dumb.
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN & ROBIN #2: Red Hood, Scarlet, and Robin fight a bunch of crazy dolls while Batman goes after the remainder of The Extremists. This eventually leads to an all out battle with the good guys winning in the end. The story closes with Superman meeting with Batman and wishing each other luck, no matter what happens.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new OMEGA MEN by Tom King and Barnaby Bagenda. We get what seems to be an intergalactic broadcast where one of the Omega Men gives a long speech while a prisoner sits in a chair. Very much like many of the terrorist vdieos we have seen over the years, we are led to understand this is all about religion and the man in the chair is Kyle Rayner: the White Lantern. Tigorr is called in, Kyle tells Carol that he will be home late and the two disappear as Tigorr executes Rayner.
The main story was an excuse for a full-length fight scene. I can do without full length fight scenes that lead nowhere. The story was by Ron Marz with art by Denys Cowan and inks by Klaus Janson and Joe Rubinstein. But the back-up, the preview, was worth the price of the book. Based on this alone, I find this title to be high on my “I cannot wait to read this” list. Tom King gives us just enough to make us start to drool on our shoes. And did we REALLY just witness the death of Kyle Rayner? I REALLY, REALLY cannot wait for this book!
CONVERGENCE: HARLEY QUINN #2: Pig-Iron lands on Earth looking for Captain Carrot only to run into a crazy clown with a big hammer. Captain Carrot arrives on the scene too late to help, but finds the words RABBIT SEASON scrawled on a wall by our favorite crazy. An hour before, Captain Carrot and Harley were engaged in a wild and crazy battle throughout the abandoned amusement park. Pig Iron showed up and so did some robots, that Harley slew as Pig-Iron disappeared back to his own city. Later, Captain Carrot and Harley share a carrot that may or may not be poisoned. In the end, the three girls go out for food as earthquakes rattle the city and Harley’s boyfriend is left with her fish.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new SECTION EIGHT series by Garth Ennis and John McCrea. Meet the craziest heroes this side of the asylum: Grapplah, Guts, Powertool and Dogwelder. And rumor has it, the band is getting put back together. So what does someone named Dogwelder do? He welds dogs to people.
Steve Pugh’s story was funny, even if it did start with a red herring. Phil Winslade’s art looked great and brought back my best memories of the old CAPTAIN CARROT comic. So, it was fun and dumb and just what you would expect from a HARLEY QUINN comic. But, did Captain Carrot get poisoned and does that mean their world dies? Wait: I’m confused, especially because I just finished reading MULTIVERSITY and SPEED FORCE and…I’m confused! Anyway, check out that back-up. Dogwelder? REALLY! Prepare for a wile ride which I am SO SURE the DC Universe, you know…that place that we want women to visit, is NOT ready for this!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE #2: The Justice League continues to battle the Flashpoint Aquaman while Mera is held captive and appealing to Vulko’s sense of fairness. In actuality, Aquaman is not Aquaman but is actually Ocean Master in disguise. While most of the team battle Orm and the creatures of the deep, Vixen sneaks into the throne room to rescue Mera. She uses her power to control marine life and that leads him to control her and makes her shoot herself in the head, permanently disfiguring her. The team gets captured by the Atlantean forces, but Supergirl arrives to save the day, but Aquaman turns the table on her with a Kryptonite trident. Mera stabs him and tells him to die slowly. As they leave, he crawls into his throne and waits for the sharks to come.
We also get a 8-page preview of the post Convergence DETECTIVE COMICS by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. In it, Bullock, Montoya and Yip are following a speeding craft when they get into an accident and get saved by the new Batman. Montoya and Bullock get out, leaving Yip behind, as Bullock lights his cigarette lighter and blows up their vehicle with Yip inside. Later we see Bullokc meeting with the new Jim Gordon and asking him to help him kill his partner.
Frank Tieri and Vicente Cifuentes bring us a grisly end to the evil Aquaman from Flashpoint. Actually, I remember both he and Wonder Woman being evil, so we can only hope that this timelime ends as part of CONVERGENCE because it was responsible for the NEW 52, which is now going away anyway. Does that mean I have wasted three and a half years on a story that doesn’t matter? Not quite sure about that. And the new DETECTIVE COMICS? Well, this could be a fun ride once we figure out the mechanics of it all.
CONVERGENCE: NIGHTWING/ORACLE #2: Nightwing battles Flashpoint’s Hawkman and Hawkgirl while Oracle monitors the situation before heading out in a Bat Copter. At the right time, she has Black Canary take down the Thangarian’s with her Canary Cry. Down, but not out as Hawkgirl crashes into the copter and brings it down, leading to a short fight between Hawkgirl and the former Batgirl. Hawkgirl radios to the Absorbascons to burn Gotham down but Canary hacks into the alien drones and they defeat the Absorbascons. Barbara offers to let the Thangarians live in Gotham and set up shop there for their culture. In then end, Dick and Barbara get married and live happily ever after…as long as their city survives.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new MIDNIGHTER series by Steve Orlando and Aco. Midnighter gets a call and leaves his current boyfriend behind to go to Boston and take down some alien body snatchers.
Gail Simone and Jan Duursema turn in a great story. It was a fun read and it looks fantastic, with some of Duursema’s most amazing art in years! So, it seems like the Pre-Flashpoint DCU is going to come out of this okay, unless something crazy happens in the last three issues of CONVERGENCE that sends it all away…kind of like FUTURE’S END meant nothing! The real story here is the MIDNIGHTER preview. Do we REALLY think the comics world, pardon me-the DC comics world, is ready to see our hero hop out of bed and leave his latest conquest behind. Political correctness aside: some people are gonna be upset!
CONVERGENCE: THE QUESTION #2: Renee Montoya’s father is dying and he wants to see her again. But she is out fighting for her city, alongside her roommate The Huntress and her ex girlfriend Batwoman. They are out searching for Harvey Dent, now Two Face, who is looking for a way to die. In the meantime, he confronts the OTHER Harvey Dent and orders him to pass judgment on him, even if his coin won’t let him. The Question steps between and stops the bullet herself, causing the other Harvey to go back to his own city. Luckily, her suit is made out of Kevlar and she and Batwoman reconcile, as does Renee and her dad before he dies. In the end, it looks like The Question may be dead and be reborn as the new Two Face, as Renee takes possession of the coin.
We get an 8-page preview of the new STARFIRE series by Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner and Emanuela Lupacchino. Starfire asks all of her superhero friends what she should do with her life and where should she go. She finally has a heart to heart with Superman. She decides to head to Key West and shows up at the Key West police department and asks the sheriff to help her live here.
Greg Rucka and Cully Hamner gives us a nice story about life, death and redemption. Harvey and Renee face their demons and come through it better people. For once, an issue in these mini-series within a mini-series is not about fighting bad guys; it’s about people. This book provides closure on this version of Renee Montoya and will allow what we called the NEW 52 Renee to live on. Regarding the Starfire preview: meh! It looks absolutely wonderful, but I don’t know how thrilled I’m going to be with this character trotted out and the comical stuff that you know Palmiotti and Conner are going to give us with the “new alien in town”.
CONVERGENCE: SPEED FORCE #2: Wally, Iris, Jai and Fastback face off against the Flashpoint Wonder Woman and her Amazons in hope of saving the Pre-Flashpoint Gotham. Realizing the danger his kids are in, he orders Fastback to take the kids out of the city, which he does and the turns around and brings them right back. They observe Wally and Wonder Woman battle, Fastback, and the kids take out the Amazons and that allows Wally to wrap up Wonder Woman in her own lasso. Gotham suffers an earthquake, the Flashpoint characters disappear and Fastback heads off, leaving the West family to relish in their victory.
We also get an 8-page preview of the post Convergence GREEN ARROW by Benjamin Percy and Patrick Zircher. Green Arrow finds himself out on the road, ending up in a town called Drown. Thee, he drinks from a tank containing a dead man. While there, he hits on the bartender, who gets attack by a crazy wearing a clown mask, forcing Oliver to take action. Meanwhile, his sister is in Seattle and could sure use some help.
Tony Bedard’s story was fun but Tom Grummett's art was the absolute highlight. This is what a great comic should look like and that is enough to save a mediocre comic any day of the week. All these earthquakes though are starting to be a concern. Does this mean that Gotham is getting placed where it came from, as the teams have seemingly won the day, or does it signal the potential end to their city thanks to Deimos dicking around? Regarding GREEN ARROW: drinking from a tank with a preserved dead man in it? EWWWW!
CONVERGENCE: SUPERMAN #2: Flashpoint Batman observes the battle between Pre Flashpoint Superman, Abin Sur, Captain Thunder and Cyborg while Jimmy Olsen tries his best to help his best pal. Subject One arrives in the Batcave with a very pregnant Lois Lane and insists that Thomas Wayne help deliver her child. Freeing himself from the battle, Superman goes back to find Lois, only to find Abin Sur waiting. Sur explains that he knows Superman is not the enemy and then tells the tale of Subject One, whose Lois died in his arms. Superman flies off to the Batcave where he delivers his son, Jonathan
We also get an 8-page preview of the new DOOMED series by Scott Lobdell and Javi Fernandez. We meet the Metropolis University student who has the power to transform into Doomsday and saves the day without destroying the city or giving in to the hate brought about by an ignorant cop.
It’s the Dan Jurgens show as he writes and draws this issue, with inking from Norm Rapmund. It was a fun read and it looked great! And we had no earthquakes that I noticed. But, can this Superman timeline truly exist, considering we have already seen a glimpse of the future SUPERMAN story where our hero has been outed by Lois herself? Regarding DOOMED: yeah, this doesn’t work for me. I disliked the character right away, and that was only 8-pages of exposure to him. And the art did nothing for me either. I’ll give it a first issue read and then probably cut it loose.
CONVERGENCE: TITANS #2: Roy Harper is smart enough to battle against the Extremists and NOT have to kill Donna Troy or Starfire and grabs his daughter, taking her to a specially constructed safehouse. Cyborg and Changeling arrive to lend a hand in the fight. Dreamslayer breaks into the safe house and convinces Roy to betray his friends again to save his daughter. He does so, but that is only a ruse designed to get his daughter back in his arms and allow the rest of the team to defeat the Extremists. In the end, Roy is left with Liam and the rest of the team head off to CONVERGENCE #6 to continue the fight.
We also get an 8-page preview of the new RED HOOD/ARSENAL series from Scott Lobdell and Denis Medri. Kobra is back in business and it’s up to Roy and Jason to take them down.
Fabian Nicieza and Ron Wagner give us what I feel is a confusing and unsatisfying end to this story. So, Liam lives, even though she died. Does someone want to explain how she got reborn? Not a dream, not a hoax, not an imaginary story? Wagner’s art is always too blocky for me, unless he has the right inker and Nicieza literally left us with a cliffhanger that I hope CONVERGENCE #6 works out. The RED HOOD /ARSENAL preview left me so uncaring. I am psyched that Kobra is back but they look like another similarly named, but spelled different team, from a G.I. JOE comic.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Grant Morrison's MULTIVERSITY #2 reviewed
MULTIVERSITY #2: The end is here and Harbinger, who is in charge of the AI for the House of Heroes checks out what is happening with the Multiverse. On Earth 13, Etrigan, the Super-Demon frees his associates and they battle vampire soldiers from another universe. On the Rock of Sivana, Splattercore Sivana and Funny Animal Sivana have made it so Vampire Sivana and the Blood League of Earth 43 can conquer Earth 13, but Sivanais killed by Fate and a spell causes the Blood League to start craving coffee. Splattercore Sivana and Funny Animal head to Earth 18 where they find a dead Old West Sivana. Moments later, Splattercore gets shot by the Justice Riders’ El Diablo. Hell is breaking loose throughout the Multiverse. On the House of Heroes, the Transmatter Cubes are summoning superheroes from across the Multiverse to help but they need Harbinger’s help but she is being attacked by Hellmachine. The Nth Metal Hawkman of Earth 44 to accuses Volt and Quark of being spies for Hellmachine and they reveal themselves as robots, and then shut themselves down. Hawkman says that they can be saved by the Multiversity Guidebook #1 Atomic Knight Batman carries with him.
Meanwhile, on Earth 8, a group from the Hall of Heroes are battling Nix Uotan, the Superjudge. Superman of Earth 23 tries to talk Superjudge out of his plan and he responds by cutting off Captain Carrot’s head, but he keeps fighting. He has ten minutes to get his head back or he dies. Mister Stubbs finds the head while explaining the is part of Uotan’s plan. Thunderer starts a rainstorm which allows Aquawoman to stab Superjudge in the eye. In the Hall of Heroes, Harbinger's memory of the multiverse is being destroyed, but the Guidebook map allows her to recover. The Marvel Family from Earth 5 throw the Rock of Sivana at Hellmachine, causing him to lose his grip and fall into the Bleed, where he is immediately mugged by one of the local Things That Should Not Be. On Earth 8, Red Racer puts Captain Carrot’s head back onto his body and then has Racer speed read through the collection of comics to solve the mystery of Superjudge. Mr Stubbs and Captain Carrot explain that Uotan is actually trapped in a forcefield, not causing it. Red Racer re-appears with an army of speedsters, taking Superjudge down with a punch combined from all of them. Nix Uotan emerges from what was Superjudge while Machinehead realizes the cube is a gateway to anywhere. The Gentry emerges from the cube as Harbinger sends the entire House of Heroes to Earth 8, with Thunderer leading the way and defeating the Gentry. Superman finds himself on Earth 7 in front of the throne of the Empty Hand, surrounded by multiple versions of Gentry members. He says his Gentry, filled by the energy from Multiverse-2, will continue to make the Oblivion Engine, and they will not meet again until Empty Hand feels the time is right. Back at the House of Heroes, Superman proposes they form a super-guardian force. They congratulate Nix Uotan for helping to defeat the Gentry. Dino-Cop asks if there a way to repay their debt, and says there is one way. Nix Uotan is back in his apartment where this all began with his landlady demanding the rent. He reaches into his pocket and pays her the eight hundred dollars that wasn’t there an hour ago.
I have nothing else to say except that this may either be Grant Morrison’s masterpiece or his most confusing piece ever. This thing goes in so many directions, touches on so many places in the Mutliverse, goes down roads you never thought you would see and then slingshots you back out the other end so you can just sit and wonder what you just read. I read this thing three times and I’m sure I STILL missed things. Ivan Reis turns in an amazing job on the art, as he has tons of characters to draw. This things is a beautiful masterpiece that needs to be read with all chapters and all in one sitting, kind of like how I read THE STAND. Maybe then I’ll let you know if it represents genius or madness.
Meanwhile, on Earth 8, a group from the Hall of Heroes are battling Nix Uotan, the Superjudge. Superman of Earth 23 tries to talk Superjudge out of his plan and he responds by cutting off Captain Carrot’s head, but he keeps fighting. He has ten minutes to get his head back or he dies. Mister Stubbs finds the head while explaining the is part of Uotan’s plan. Thunderer starts a rainstorm which allows Aquawoman to stab Superjudge in the eye. In the Hall of Heroes, Harbinger's memory of the multiverse is being destroyed, but the Guidebook map allows her to recover. The Marvel Family from Earth 5 throw the Rock of Sivana at Hellmachine, causing him to lose his grip and fall into the Bleed, where he is immediately mugged by one of the local Things That Should Not Be. On Earth 8, Red Racer puts Captain Carrot’s head back onto his body and then has Racer speed read through the collection of comics to solve the mystery of Superjudge. Mr Stubbs and Captain Carrot explain that Uotan is actually trapped in a forcefield, not causing it. Red Racer re-appears with an army of speedsters, taking Superjudge down with a punch combined from all of them. Nix Uotan emerges from what was Superjudge while Machinehead realizes the cube is a gateway to anywhere. The Gentry emerges from the cube as Harbinger sends the entire House of Heroes to Earth 8, with Thunderer leading the way and defeating the Gentry. Superman finds himself on Earth 7 in front of the throne of the Empty Hand, surrounded by multiple versions of Gentry members. He says his Gentry, filled by the energy from Multiverse-2, will continue to make the Oblivion Engine, and they will not meet again until Empty Hand feels the time is right. Back at the House of Heroes, Superman proposes they form a super-guardian force. They congratulate Nix Uotan for helping to defeat the Gentry. Dino-Cop asks if there a way to repay their debt, and says there is one way. Nix Uotan is back in his apartment where this all began with his landlady demanding the rent. He reaches into his pocket and pays her the eight hundred dollars that wasn’t there an hour ago.
I have nothing else to say except that this may either be Grant Morrison’s masterpiece or his most confusing piece ever. This thing goes in so many directions, touches on so many places in the Mutliverse, goes down roads you never thought you would see and then slingshots you back out the other end so you can just sit and wonder what you just read. I read this thing three times and I’m sure I STILL missed things. Ivan Reis turns in an amazing job on the art, as he has tons of characters to draw. This things is a beautiful masterpiece that needs to be read with all chapters and all in one sitting, kind of like how I read THE STAND. Maybe then I’ll let you know if it represents genius or madness.
What's new over at Archie Comics?

But that was only the beginning.
Before that series ended, AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE appeared and the world of THE WALKING DEAD met RIVERDALE in a way no Archie fan had ever expected. Created by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla, the first issue has Reggie accidentally kill Hot Dog by hitting him with his car. Jughead has Sabrina bring him back to life, but this makes the pup a zombie who kills Jughead and starts a zombie plague that spreads throughout Riverdale, forcing a group of survivors to flee the deserted highways across America to escape the zombies following them out of Riverdale. At the back of each issue, there is a From the Vault reprint that presents stories from the CHILLING ADVENTURES IN SORCERY title.
What is so great about this book is you have no idea who will be left when it’s done. We have already seen a majority of the supporting cast go down including Principal Weatherbee, Jughead’s dad, Pop Tate, Ms. Grundy, Betty’s parents, Coach Cleats, Big Ethel, Big Moose, Midge, Vegas, and Archie’s dad, just to name a few. We also have moemnts of tremendous mystery and even a creepy real life moment or two. For example, Reggie was racing away from a violent dust up with Moose regading something he did or tried to do with Midge. EWWWW! Really!? And then there are the Blossoms, Jason and Cheryl. Were they involved in an incestuous relationship? That seems to be the inference. But we may never know as Jason dies, allegedly at the hands of a zombie horde although the bet is on that it was Cheryl who did him in with a machete. Especially when she decides to rename herself Blaze. And let’s not forget the open lesbian relationship between Ginger Lopez and Nancy Woods.
And where is Sabrina in all of this? Well, she ends up being the bride of Cthulhu. Plus we get a great back story about her origins in issue #6. By the end of issue #8, Archie has had a heart to heart with his dead Jughead and decided to pop the question to one of his longtime girls. I won’t say who, go read the book. The first issues are long out of print, but you can get the TPB, which contains the first five issues that make up the ESCAPE FROM RIVERDALE arc. Do yourself the favor, BUY THIS BOOK.
But wait…there’s more!
If you’re reading this, then you need to read the CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA too! Written by Sacasa and illustrated by Robert Hack, this one out creeps itself as the first two beautifully drawn issues focuses on the origin of Madam Satan and her journey from death back to Riverdale. This is pure, grisly and sometimes gross gothic horror at its’ best! There is even a nod to Truman Capote here.
But don’t just think it’s all about horror at Archie Comics. They have turned loose Dark Circle Comics, which is their superhero imprint. Current titles are THE BLACK HOOD by Duane Swierczynski and Michael Gaydos and THE FOX from Dean Haspiel(who also illustrates it) and comic legend Mark Waid. Sopon, they will be joined by THE SHIELD by Adam Christopher, Chuck Wendig and David Williams and THE HANGMAN from Frank Tieri and Felix Ruiz.
THE BLACK HOOD follows Philadelphia police officer Greg Hettinger who gets wounded and
disfigured while stopping a potential shooting outside of an elementary school. In the process, he accidentally kills the masked vigilante known as The Black Hood. Besides the guilt, Hettinger has to deal with his disfigured face, learning how to speak again, thanks to a speech therapist named Jessie, and compensate for his pain with an unending supply of painkillers. Once somewhat healed, Hettinger is back on the street, busting perps and taking their drugs for himself. At night, he dons the Black Hood to fight street crime. By the second issue, the criminal scene has noticed him and they set him up to be busted by his own people. This one dark, psychological drama which takes the concept of The Punisher and twists it around.
THE FOX is a lot more fun. We get back story in the first issue, a handful of crazy villains and an ex-girlfriend who also has issues with him. And did I mention he has a son who wants to follow him I the superhero business? And by issue #2, he’s slapped himself into a costume and behaving like a misguided Robin. Not to mention more villains like Brontosaurus, the Insidious Elasto and the Mad Gadgeteer. Plus there’s a guy named Mr. Smile who really has it out for our hero.
Oh, and did I mention that ARCHIE gets rebooted this summer courtesy of Mark Waid and Fiona Staples? This more serious take on the classic characters should act as a lead in to the forthcoming RIVERDALE TV series.
So, if you think the Archie imprint is all fun an games, you’re wrong. While there are still crazy crossovers with other companies, including the ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR and ARCHIE VS. SHARKNADO, the crus of the focus has suddenly shifted to a more adult market. Have no fear: you can still get your share of “fun” Archie titles too
Sunday, May 10, 2015
CONVERGENCE #4: Telos stands over Dick Grayson, who finds himself mourning Thomas Wayne. Telos explains he is here to save as long as the Earth 2 heroes help themselves by joining the Convergence. He wraps Grayson and the dead in a coating that he says will give him stability, considering Grayson’s spine was shattered by the joker’s bullet last issue. The two go off together and watch more cities fight and worlds fall. In the center of the world, Deimos tells the other Earth 2 heroes that the Warlord is really the bad guy here and he is holding the Time Masters captive. He convinces them to attack the Warlord’s army, while he slips away. The team begins to believe that they have been tricked and Green Lantern sends Yolanda to find him. Meanwhile, Shakira tells the Time masters to agree to fight on the side of The Warlord and she will free them. Deimos has arrived, because his power is stronger than Yolanda’s connection to The Red. He quickly defeats Shakira and begins to siphon off the energy from the Time Masters. The Earth 2 heroes arrive to find both Yolanda and Shakira unconscious. Deimos refers to them as the “original heroes reborn” but also says they are “the first, and now the last”. While Travis and Tara realize that they need to join the fray and save their friends, Telos and Dick arrive below the surface, just as Deimos calls upon Brainiac with a promise to free him.
Is it just me or does anyone else happen to see a problem with a book that has SEVEN INKERS working on it? Jeff King and Stephen Segovia gives us the fourth full length tale where we still don’t really know who the true villain is. I’m pretty sure Brainiac stole the cities and created Telos. Somewhere along the ways, Telos is given the job of setting these heroes against each other to create a New World. But I’m starting to think that it’s not REALLY Brainiac’s idea and all of this is coming from Deimos’ wanting to destroy the Warlord and his timeline. After all, Brainiac has always been about collecting things. But what do I know? If I could write this stuff, I’D be in the funny pages business too!
CONVERGENCE: ACTION COMICS #1: We begin with a retired, and married, Clark Kent being met by a fan in the park seeing an autograph and wondering why Clark revealed his identity. Obviously, without powers, being Superman and having a secret identity doesn’t much matter. Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Russian Superman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, and Joseph Stalin discuss how the people are losing faith and somehow something must be done to restore that faith. Lex has invented an invisible jet and Superman warns him that he should stop trying to anger Stalin. At the same time, the former Power Girl comes home from the gym and bemoans the fact that she is getting fat and suffering with all the other things most normals do. We see the day when she lost her powers and fell through a skylight that left her with plenty of scars. A casual dinner that night at Kara’s results in Lois walking out of the conversation which included the dome. Just then, a voice tells everyone in both cities that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities.
So, here’s a title that gave Power Girl more face time than Superman, unless you count the Russian Superman. Justin Gray provides the story and Claude St. Aubin illustrates it and the best part of all that is that Power Girl looks hot! This issue did little to propel us to the next chapter, which I hope has more of a definitive conclusion to it.
CONVERGENCE: BLUE BEETLE #1: Here we are on Earth-4, in Hub City, where Vic Sage is reporting about protesters known as the Madmen who are having a standoff with the military. It doesn’t take long before Captain Nathaniel Adam orders his men to fire rocket launchers, killing all the protesters. Later, Sage, in his guise as The Question, criticizes Adam and also tells him that Ted Kord needs him. Kord is working on a device to crack the dome and, during a test, he can’t get a crack but the Pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold shows up long enough to give him and Dr. Spectro their powers back. Disappearing soon after he arrives, having been frustrated by the heroes’ attack on him, their powers leave with it. Blue Beetle arrives just as Telos bursts from the ground telling everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The dome begins to dissolve and that means they climb into Blue Beetle’s bug and fly off to see what is outside the city.
If you have ever read WATCHMAN or any of the old Charlton superhero comics, then you will not only get the joke, but also smile with satisfaction about the homage to them both. Scott Lobdell has truly found his niche here as this is one of the best pieces I have seen from in since the NEW 52 began. Yishan Li’s art is nice and tight and makes me wonder why I haven’t seen his work before. Based on this alone, I have become a fan! My biggest complaint is this is supposed to be a battle between Earth-4 and the Legion from the 31st Century Metropolis and we never get that. This better result in a big payoff next issue!
CONVERGENCE: BOOSTER GOLD #1: In Gotham, 2462, the New 52 Booster Gold steals a Time Bubble and zips into the past where he meets Rip Hunter, who mentions that this isn’t the Booster he was looking for. Apparently, the other Booster is Rip’s father from another universe. Rip shows him that they are on Castle Deimos in Skartaris, explaining that Deimos is holding every time-traveler throughout time and space captive. It seems that the New 52 Booster told Deimos about Vanishing Point in an effort to save Michelle, THIS Rip Hunter’s Aunt. They venture into the basement of the castle and frees the Pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold and Michelle. Rip explains that his Booster is dying from having absorbed so much chronal energy, which explains why he has been bouncing from city to city(as we have seen in FUTURE’S END: BOOSTER GOLD and also CONVERGENCE: BLUE BEETLE #1). The two Booster’s share some pleasantries before the Pre-Flashpoint Booster disappears again. Deimos and his lizard men show up battling Machiste, causing Deimos to want the time-travelers captured. The time-travelers leave and make their way into the 31st Century Metropolis, where they begin to battle with the Legion. Pre-Flashpoint Booster disappears again while New 52 Booster gets knocked out by Superboy. When he wakes up, his best buddy Blue Beetle is alive and here to give him a hand.
Okay, so Dan Jurgens and Alvaro Martinez Bueno have hit this sucker out of the park! And while this probably should have been worked into the first batch of books, I can still deal with it here as it explains a bunch of things. I remember saying that FUTURE’S END: BOOSTER GOLD would be the key book when this came about and it appears I was right. Of course, you might need a little background and I recommend finding the TIME MASTERS: VANISHING POINT mini-series, which puts a lot of the story regarding the Vanishing Point and the Linear Men's search for Batman following FINAL CRISIS. Bueno turns in an amazing art job and Jurgen script is great! What you have here is both a prequel to CONVERGENCE and an epilogue to FLASHPOINT. Now wrap your mind around that!
CONVERGENCE: CRIME SYNDICATE #1: Over on Earth-3, in Metropolis, Superwoman has been captured and is about to executed in the electric chair when the remaining members of the Crime Syndicate attempt to break her out. The Rogue Hunters arrive and the two teams battle, with the Top being shot and Lois being exectued before they can save her. At the same time, the Justice League from 83rd century Metropolis are in hiding from the Luthorians who are after them and Atom is killed in the process. As expected, Superman and Batman come to blows regarding their differing ideologies. Just then, a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. With their powers restored, the two teams are transported to a place called The Battleground, where Ultraman makes the first move and kills Superman.
Well, with only one issue in, and we’ve already had casualties on both sides of the fence. First Superwoman for the Crime Syndicate and then Superman and The Atom for the Justice League. Although Brian Buccallato never states it, I am guessing that this Crime Syndicate is either from Earth-1 or Earth-2, Pre Crisis days. They are definitely NOT the Crime Syndicate from Grant Morrison’s JLA:Earth 2 graphic novel nor are they the NEW 52 version that plagued that universe in the “Forever Evil” story. Either way, this was fun to read and I truly enjoyed Phil Winslade’s dynamic art which so fit in with the period it was trying to create.
CONVERGENCE: DETECTIVE COMICS #1: We begin on Earth-30 where, in Moscow, it is National Superman Day and this is the day the dome came down. Meanwhile, on Earth-2, Helena Wayne and Dick Grayson are driving through Pre-Crisis Metropolis when the dome comes down on them. Back in Russia, Superman, the now powerless great hero of Russia, has to continually lie to keep the dwindling morale of the people afloat. One of his best pieces of propaganda is telling them that he erected the dome to protect Russia from an impending alien invasion. In Metropolis, Helena and Dick continue to fight the never-ending battle against crime. Just then, a voice tells everyone in both cities that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Suddenly, Huntress and Robin are transported to Russia, where they encounter Superman. Dick meets with him and they both agree there is no need to battle. But Huntress has other plans and flees in the Batmobile. When Superman tries to stop her escape, she detonates the car, presumably killing the two of them.
Yeah, this was a ball to read. Why? First off, you let Len Wein write it. And then, you let Denys Cowan pencil it. But the kicker was when the powers that be led Bill Sienkeiwicz ink it. This so brings me back to an earlier, classic time in comics of the latter half of the 20th century. I cannot wait for part two!
CONVERGENCE: INFINITY INC #1: We begin the tale with Green Lantern’s daughter Jade performing in a version of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ before a small crowd that includes her former Infinity Inc. teammates. It’s ben a hard year under the dome and no one remembers this team. All anyone remembers is the classic team of the Justice Society of America. Fury is now a part of the police force, Brainwave Jr. is an alcoholic and Jade is pursuing an acting career. Jade gets attacked by a gang of would-be thugs and fights back, disabling them before Lyta and the police arrive. As each member struggles with their day to day lives, and their attempts to break free of the dome, a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Their powers restored, the team suits up and flies off to face their opposition. The opposition, which just happens to be the futuristic Jonah hex and his crew, blows the ship out of the sky and prepares to take out any survivors.
Right off the bat, I find myself not thrilled with all of this as we have to deal with the WORST VERSION of Jonah Hex that DC ever decided to create. The “Atlanta Georgia Future Hex” was so bad that even die-hard Sci-Fi fans turned their noses to it. Let’s but it this way: I used to find the book in the four for a dollar bins at comic shows and even THEN I wouldn’t buy it! But now, we have the baby JSA having to battle for their lives against them. I love Jerry Ordway’s writing almost as much as I love his art. Unfortunately, Ben Caldwell is drawing it and his style doesn’t appeal to me. And Ordway can only do some much with this group, although I do really like his use of characterization to bring out the personalities in the Infinity Inc. team.
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #1: The classic Justice Society of America is in Pre-Crisis Earth-2 metropolis and prepared to make their last stand. Flashback five hours earlier when an aged Jay Garrick visits his friend Kent Nelson in the hospital. Kent is also aged and comatose, as he has been for the last year. Later, he goes to visit Carter Hall and his son Hector, who is tending to a rooftop garden and saying how much Infinity Inc. is dying to get back in the game. Carter gets a call from Alan Scott and they race to the hospital to discover that Kent is awake, muttering “one last time”. Just then, a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The city is immediately attacked by a construct from the Qward Anti-Matter Universe. Kent convinces them they can fight this but it will take them sacrificing their life and their death will come sooner than later. The four agree and the original Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkman and Dr. fate are back in action!
Thanks you Dan Abnett and Tom Derenick for this lovely piece of work. I know most folkd would complain that nothing happens here, so it must be an episode of SEINFELD. But it shows four men who have given their all for their Earth and are prepared to give their last breath for it. And , even though I am from the era of the Earth-1 DC Universe, I have such a warm place in my heart for these characters that it’s ridiculous. These were the ORIGINAL DC HEROES, from a simpler but also tumultuous time. They were the heroes of my parents and my aunts and uncles. They WERE the GREATEST HEROES EVER. So, if this will all end with their end, so be it. Somehow, I want a pocket universe to form and let these great heroes live again. And why not? Marvel is rumored to be creating a pocket universe for their X-franchise…
CONVERGENCE: PLASTIC MAN AND THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS #1: Welcome to New York City on Earth-X. The great heroes, Plastic Man, Doll Man, The Human Bomb, The Ray, Phantom Lady and Black Condor, have all been captured and defeated on a Nazi occupied Earth-X. Before the dome covered the city, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters fought the good fight against the Nazis, specifically the Silver Ghost. But in the middle of their greatest battle against the Ghost, the dome covered the city and everyone lost their powers. Riots ensued and the Nazis easily captured New York City. Even Woozy Winks went to the side of the enemy, turning his former friend Plastic Man in. One year later, and a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. With that, everyone gets their powers back, including the Silver Ghost. It appears that it will be the Freedom Fighters against the Nazis against the Future’s End cyborgs.
While I love where this book went and want more, it will only appeal to a very limited number of readers who fondly remember the FREEDOM FIGHTERS title from 1976. Or anyone who followed the UNCLE SAM AND THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS book that came later, Post-Crisis. But it’s the original one that counts the most for me. I was a big fan of the book, as it sent me in search of many of the old Quality Heroes who appeared here, specifically Phantom Lady, which exposed me to her early adventures, illustrated by the legendary Matt Baker. Simon Oliver and John McCrea combine to write a fun, yet dark tale of fascism in America. I want to see where the next issue leads us, with a potential triple threat match for the life of New York City.
CONVERGENCE: SHAZAM #1: This issue begins as Telos tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. This leads to great panic in Fawcett City, complete with a mad bomber who is quickly dispatched by Bulletman and Bulletgirl at the cost of his life. Billy, Freddie and Mary follow WHIZ boss Sterling Morris and Uncle Dudley into the subway to find they are actually Doctor Sivana and IBAC in disguise. Not to mention, the entire Monster Society of Evil is there too. IBAC accidentally says his name and changes back to Sterling Morris, which reveals that the magic is back. Leading to the return of Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr. With the help of Tawny Tiger, they defeat the villains and make their way to the surface, along with thew real Uncle Dudley and Mr. Morris, to see that Fawcett City is under attack by Victorian airships from the Gotham City of the Gaslight Universe.
BUY THIS BOOK! Jeff Parker’s story is a beautiful tribute to the classic Captain Marvel…not SHAZAM…CAPTAIN MARVEL. And Even ‘Doc’ Shaner’s art is so C. C. Beck inspired that it is scary. This makes me want a revival comic. Hey DC: don’t give us a SHAZAM book, give us a CAPTAIN MARVEL series. You claim that good stories are going to be more important in the future than continuity. So give us a cheesy, fun book starring the Beg Red Cheese and his cast of characters, let Park and Shaner be the creative force and take my money PLEASE!
CONVERGENCE: WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #1: Back in Metropolis, 1940, a young boy sees Superman and begins to draw. Flash to 1980 where journalist and artist Scribbly Jibbet still is fascinated by the exploits of the legendary Seven Soldiers of Victory. Five years later, and the Soldiers are trying to defend their city during the Crisis On Infinite Earths. Green Arrow and Speedy are killed during the battle and, suddenly, the dome appears. The Shining Knight immediately gets old and all the heroes lost their powers. A year passes and we get Jibbet’s story of life under the dome, complete with Stripesy’ death due to pneumonia. Then one day, after a year, as Jibbet is visiting Sir Justin and his horse Victory, Justin’s youth is restored, as a mysterious voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Scribbly, Justin and Victory ride off to face their destiny against an unknown enemy.
Oh man: I TOTALLY have to hand it to Paul Levitz, Jim Fern, and Joe Rubinstein for this one! It’s Earth –2, it’s Pre-Crisis(mostly) and it takes the fictional character of Scribbly Jibbett, who was a star in ALL-AMERICAN COMICS back in the 1940s, grows him up and brings him back to life from comics’ oblivion. Jibbett was always known to be the legendary Sheldon Mayer who created his character to tell his semi-autobiographical stories. If you don't know Mayer's work, ’o some research. He worked on everything from the JSA to Sugar and Spike. Legend has it that he was responsible for pulling the original Superman summation out of the rejection pile and getting the character published. Anyway…end of history lesson. The book is dynamite, bringing back the legendary Seven Soldiers of Victory. We even get mini-cartoons throughout the book as drawn by TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN’s Shannon Wheeler. THIS is what a great comic is all about!
Is it just me or does anyone else happen to see a problem with a book that has SEVEN INKERS working on it? Jeff King and Stephen Segovia gives us the fourth full length tale where we still don’t really know who the true villain is. I’m pretty sure Brainiac stole the cities and created Telos. Somewhere along the ways, Telos is given the job of setting these heroes against each other to create a New World. But I’m starting to think that it’s not REALLY Brainiac’s idea and all of this is coming from Deimos’ wanting to destroy the Warlord and his timeline. After all, Brainiac has always been about collecting things. But what do I know? If I could write this stuff, I’D be in the funny pages business too!
CONVERGENCE: ACTION COMICS #1: We begin with a retired, and married, Clark Kent being met by a fan in the park seeing an autograph and wondering why Clark revealed his identity. Obviously, without powers, being Superman and having a secret identity doesn’t much matter. Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Russian Superman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, and Joseph Stalin discuss how the people are losing faith and somehow something must be done to restore that faith. Lex has invented an invisible jet and Superman warns him that he should stop trying to anger Stalin. At the same time, the former Power Girl comes home from the gym and bemoans the fact that she is getting fat and suffering with all the other things most normals do. We see the day when she lost her powers and fell through a skylight that left her with plenty of scars. A casual dinner that night at Kara’s results in Lois walking out of the conversation which included the dome. Just then, a voice tells everyone in both cities that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities.
So, here’s a title that gave Power Girl more face time than Superman, unless you count the Russian Superman. Justin Gray provides the story and Claude St. Aubin illustrates it and the best part of all that is that Power Girl looks hot! This issue did little to propel us to the next chapter, which I hope has more of a definitive conclusion to it.
CONVERGENCE: BLUE BEETLE #1: Here we are on Earth-4, in Hub City, where Vic Sage is reporting about protesters known as the Madmen who are having a standoff with the military. It doesn’t take long before Captain Nathaniel Adam orders his men to fire rocket launchers, killing all the protesters. Later, Sage, in his guise as The Question, criticizes Adam and also tells him that Ted Kord needs him. Kord is working on a device to crack the dome and, during a test, he can’t get a crack but the Pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold shows up long enough to give him and Dr. Spectro their powers back. Disappearing soon after he arrives, having been frustrated by the heroes’ attack on him, their powers leave with it. Blue Beetle arrives just as Telos bursts from the ground telling everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The dome begins to dissolve and that means they climb into Blue Beetle’s bug and fly off to see what is outside the city.
If you have ever read WATCHMAN or any of the old Charlton superhero comics, then you will not only get the joke, but also smile with satisfaction about the homage to them both. Scott Lobdell has truly found his niche here as this is one of the best pieces I have seen from in since the NEW 52 began. Yishan Li’s art is nice and tight and makes me wonder why I haven’t seen his work before. Based on this alone, I have become a fan! My biggest complaint is this is supposed to be a battle between Earth-4 and the Legion from the 31st Century Metropolis and we never get that. This better result in a big payoff next issue!
CONVERGENCE: BOOSTER GOLD #1: In Gotham, 2462, the New 52 Booster Gold steals a Time Bubble and zips into the past where he meets Rip Hunter, who mentions that this isn’t the Booster he was looking for. Apparently, the other Booster is Rip’s father from another universe. Rip shows him that they are on Castle Deimos in Skartaris, explaining that Deimos is holding every time-traveler throughout time and space captive. It seems that the New 52 Booster told Deimos about Vanishing Point in an effort to save Michelle, THIS Rip Hunter’s Aunt. They venture into the basement of the castle and frees the Pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold and Michelle. Rip explains that his Booster is dying from having absorbed so much chronal energy, which explains why he has been bouncing from city to city(as we have seen in FUTURE’S END: BOOSTER GOLD and also CONVERGENCE: BLUE BEETLE #1). The two Booster’s share some pleasantries before the Pre-Flashpoint Booster disappears again. Deimos and his lizard men show up battling Machiste, causing Deimos to want the time-travelers captured. The time-travelers leave and make their way into the 31st Century Metropolis, where they begin to battle with the Legion. Pre-Flashpoint Booster disappears again while New 52 Booster gets knocked out by Superboy. When he wakes up, his best buddy Blue Beetle is alive and here to give him a hand.
Okay, so Dan Jurgens and Alvaro Martinez Bueno have hit this sucker out of the park! And while this probably should have been worked into the first batch of books, I can still deal with it here as it explains a bunch of things. I remember saying that FUTURE’S END: BOOSTER GOLD would be the key book when this came about and it appears I was right. Of course, you might need a little background and I recommend finding the TIME MASTERS: VANISHING POINT mini-series, which puts a lot of the story regarding the Vanishing Point and the Linear Men's search for Batman following FINAL CRISIS. Bueno turns in an amazing art job and Jurgen script is great! What you have here is both a prequel to CONVERGENCE and an epilogue to FLASHPOINT. Now wrap your mind around that!
CONVERGENCE: CRIME SYNDICATE #1: Over on Earth-3, in Metropolis, Superwoman has been captured and is about to executed in the electric chair when the remaining members of the Crime Syndicate attempt to break her out. The Rogue Hunters arrive and the two teams battle, with the Top being shot and Lois being exectued before they can save her. At the same time, the Justice League from 83rd century Metropolis are in hiding from the Luthorians who are after them and Atom is killed in the process. As expected, Superman and Batman come to blows regarding their differing ideologies. Just then, a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. With their powers restored, the two teams are transported to a place called The Battleground, where Ultraman makes the first move and kills Superman.
Well, with only one issue in, and we’ve already had casualties on both sides of the fence. First Superwoman for the Crime Syndicate and then Superman and The Atom for the Justice League. Although Brian Buccallato never states it, I am guessing that this Crime Syndicate is either from Earth-1 or Earth-2, Pre Crisis days. They are definitely NOT the Crime Syndicate from Grant Morrison’s JLA:Earth 2 graphic novel nor are they the NEW 52 version that plagued that universe in the “Forever Evil” story. Either way, this was fun to read and I truly enjoyed Phil Winslade’s dynamic art which so fit in with the period it was trying to create.
CONVERGENCE: DETECTIVE COMICS #1: We begin on Earth-30 where, in Moscow, it is National Superman Day and this is the day the dome came down. Meanwhile, on Earth-2, Helena Wayne and Dick Grayson are driving through Pre-Crisis Metropolis when the dome comes down on them. Back in Russia, Superman, the now powerless great hero of Russia, has to continually lie to keep the dwindling morale of the people afloat. One of his best pieces of propaganda is telling them that he erected the dome to protect Russia from an impending alien invasion. In Metropolis, Helena and Dick continue to fight the never-ending battle against crime. Just then, a voice tells everyone in both cities that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Suddenly, Huntress and Robin are transported to Russia, where they encounter Superman. Dick meets with him and they both agree there is no need to battle. But Huntress has other plans and flees in the Batmobile. When Superman tries to stop her escape, she detonates the car, presumably killing the two of them.
Yeah, this was a ball to read. Why? First off, you let Len Wein write it. And then, you let Denys Cowan pencil it. But the kicker was when the powers that be led Bill Sienkeiwicz ink it. This so brings me back to an earlier, classic time in comics of the latter half of the 20th century. I cannot wait for part two!
CONVERGENCE: INFINITY INC #1: We begin the tale with Green Lantern’s daughter Jade performing in a version of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ before a small crowd that includes her former Infinity Inc. teammates. It’s ben a hard year under the dome and no one remembers this team. All anyone remembers is the classic team of the Justice Society of America. Fury is now a part of the police force, Brainwave Jr. is an alcoholic and Jade is pursuing an acting career. Jade gets attacked by a gang of would-be thugs and fights back, disabling them before Lyta and the police arrive. As each member struggles with their day to day lives, and their attempts to break free of the dome, a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Their powers restored, the team suits up and flies off to face their opposition. The opposition, which just happens to be the futuristic Jonah hex and his crew, blows the ship out of the sky and prepares to take out any survivors.
Right off the bat, I find myself not thrilled with all of this as we have to deal with the WORST VERSION of Jonah Hex that DC ever decided to create. The “Atlanta Georgia Future Hex” was so bad that even die-hard Sci-Fi fans turned their noses to it. Let’s but it this way: I used to find the book in the four for a dollar bins at comic shows and even THEN I wouldn’t buy it! But now, we have the baby JSA having to battle for their lives against them. I love Jerry Ordway’s writing almost as much as I love his art. Unfortunately, Ben Caldwell is drawing it and his style doesn’t appeal to me. And Ordway can only do some much with this group, although I do really like his use of characterization to bring out the personalities in the Infinity Inc. team.
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #1: The classic Justice Society of America is in Pre-Crisis Earth-2 metropolis and prepared to make their last stand. Flashback five hours earlier when an aged Jay Garrick visits his friend Kent Nelson in the hospital. Kent is also aged and comatose, as he has been for the last year. Later, he goes to visit Carter Hall and his son Hector, who is tending to a rooftop garden and saying how much Infinity Inc. is dying to get back in the game. Carter gets a call from Alan Scott and they race to the hospital to discover that Kent is awake, muttering “one last time”. Just then, a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The city is immediately attacked by a construct from the Qward Anti-Matter Universe. Kent convinces them they can fight this but it will take them sacrificing their life and their death will come sooner than later. The four agree and the original Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkman and Dr. fate are back in action!
Thanks you Dan Abnett and Tom Derenick for this lovely piece of work. I know most folkd would complain that nothing happens here, so it must be an episode of SEINFELD. But it shows four men who have given their all for their Earth and are prepared to give their last breath for it. And , even though I am from the era of the Earth-1 DC Universe, I have such a warm place in my heart for these characters that it’s ridiculous. These were the ORIGINAL DC HEROES, from a simpler but also tumultuous time. They were the heroes of my parents and my aunts and uncles. They WERE the GREATEST HEROES EVER. So, if this will all end with their end, so be it. Somehow, I want a pocket universe to form and let these great heroes live again. And why not? Marvel is rumored to be creating a pocket universe for their X-franchise…
CONVERGENCE: PLASTIC MAN AND THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS #1: Welcome to New York City on Earth-X. The great heroes, Plastic Man, Doll Man, The Human Bomb, The Ray, Phantom Lady and Black Condor, have all been captured and defeated on a Nazi occupied Earth-X. Before the dome covered the city, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters fought the good fight against the Nazis, specifically the Silver Ghost. But in the middle of their greatest battle against the Ghost, the dome covered the city and everyone lost their powers. Riots ensued and the Nazis easily captured New York City. Even Woozy Winks went to the side of the enemy, turning his former friend Plastic Man in. One year later, and a voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. With that, everyone gets their powers back, including the Silver Ghost. It appears that it will be the Freedom Fighters against the Nazis against the Future’s End cyborgs.
While I love where this book went and want more, it will only appeal to a very limited number of readers who fondly remember the FREEDOM FIGHTERS title from 1976. Or anyone who followed the UNCLE SAM AND THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS book that came later, Post-Crisis. But it’s the original one that counts the most for me. I was a big fan of the book, as it sent me in search of many of the old Quality Heroes who appeared here, specifically Phantom Lady, which exposed me to her early adventures, illustrated by the legendary Matt Baker. Simon Oliver and John McCrea combine to write a fun, yet dark tale of fascism in America. I want to see where the next issue leads us, with a potential triple threat match for the life of New York City.
CONVERGENCE: SHAZAM #1: This issue begins as Telos tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. This leads to great panic in Fawcett City, complete with a mad bomber who is quickly dispatched by Bulletman and Bulletgirl at the cost of his life. Billy, Freddie and Mary follow WHIZ boss Sterling Morris and Uncle Dudley into the subway to find they are actually Doctor Sivana and IBAC in disguise. Not to mention, the entire Monster Society of Evil is there too. IBAC accidentally says his name and changes back to Sterling Morris, which reveals that the magic is back. Leading to the return of Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr. With the help of Tawny Tiger, they defeat the villains and make their way to the surface, along with thew real Uncle Dudley and Mr. Morris, to see that Fawcett City is under attack by Victorian airships from the Gotham City of the Gaslight Universe.
BUY THIS BOOK! Jeff Parker’s story is a beautiful tribute to the classic Captain Marvel…not SHAZAM…CAPTAIN MARVEL. And Even ‘Doc’ Shaner’s art is so C. C. Beck inspired that it is scary. This makes me want a revival comic. Hey DC: don’t give us a SHAZAM book, give us a CAPTAIN MARVEL series. You claim that good stories are going to be more important in the future than continuity. So give us a cheesy, fun book starring the Beg Red Cheese and his cast of characters, let Park and Shaner be the creative force and take my money PLEASE!
CONVERGENCE: WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #1: Back in Metropolis, 1940, a young boy sees Superman and begins to draw. Flash to 1980 where journalist and artist Scribbly Jibbet still is fascinated by the exploits of the legendary Seven Soldiers of Victory. Five years later, and the Soldiers are trying to defend their city during the Crisis On Infinite Earths. Green Arrow and Speedy are killed during the battle and, suddenly, the dome appears. The Shining Knight immediately gets old and all the heroes lost their powers. A year passes and we get Jibbet’s story of life under the dome, complete with Stripesy’ death due to pneumonia. Then one day, after a year, as Jibbet is visiting Sir Justin and his horse Victory, Justin’s youth is restored, as a mysterious voice tells everyone that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Scribbly, Justin and Victory ride off to face their destiny against an unknown enemy.
Oh man: I TOTALLY have to hand it to Paul Levitz, Jim Fern, and Joe Rubinstein for this one! It’s Earth –2, it’s Pre-Crisis(mostly) and it takes the fictional character of Scribbly Jibbett, who was a star in ALL-AMERICAN COMICS back in the 1940s, grows him up and brings him back to life from comics’ oblivion. Jibbett was always known to be the legendary Sheldon Mayer who created his character to tell his semi-autobiographical stories. If you don't know Mayer's work, ’o some research. He worked on everything from the JSA to Sugar and Spike. Legend has it that he was responsible for pulling the original Superman summation out of the rejection pile and getting the character published. Anyway…end of history lesson. The book is dynamite, bringing back the legendary Seven Soldiers of Victory. We even get mini-cartoons throughout the book as drawn by TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN’s Shannon Wheeler. THIS is what a great comic is all about!
FCBD DIVERGENCE #1 is reviewed
DIVERGENCE #1: In our first story, we discover that two months have passed since the ENDGAME ended and still no sign of either Batman or The Joker. Power CEO Geri Powers declares that there is no way to replace Batman but her company is in the process of creating something to assist the police force in his absence. She then meets with someone who she has picked to be the next Batman-Commissioner Jim Gordon. Climbing into a mecha inspired suit, he declares it’s time to “go have some fun”.
In the second story, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are enjoying a quite lunch. Clark has seen better days and Jimmy asks him if he needs money. Suddenly a would-be super villain picks up a food truck and hauls it towards them, leading Clark to jump into action. The villain rips open Clark’s hoodie to reveal the S symbol, causing Superman to flee. But the damage has been done and the whole world, be it news broadcasts, You Tube, or Twitter, know Clark Kent is Superman and they all have their opinions about having an alien living among them. Later, Lois visits Clark at a rundown motel to apologize for what she has done. Slamming the door in her face, he says goodbye.
In the final tale, while Hippolyta is giving birth to Diana, Myrina is giving birth to her own daughter, who the oracle Menalippe declares is the daughter of the Dark God and that she will one day start a war. The war will be between the Dark God and the Antigod and she sees more than that. She sees Hal Jordan make a “horrific sacrifice”, Batman become a New God, and Superman be missing and needed. She sees Aquaman drown, the deaths of Cyborg and Shazam and Mister Miracle unable to free himself. Among it all, she sees Wonder Woman in the center of it. The decision is made to slay the child, but her mother slays Penelope and Menalippe, even as the seer claims the universe will die and the anti-god will be reborn. The child is named Grail and she is prepared to kill her father, Darkseid. And thus begins the Darkseid War.
So, the book was free, but you really needed it, like the DC FCBD books of the last few years, to know where the future of the DC Universe is going. Maybe from here on out, I’ll be referring to the Divergent Universe as opposed to the NEW 52, since DC has decided to end that reference. We get the NEW Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, which is Jim Gordon in a Robocop suit. But is this OUR Jim Gordon? He sure has gotten awful beefy, lost his glasses and stache and carved a mohawk in his head. Secondly, we have the first taste of Gene Luen Yang’s work on SUPERMAN, with art by John Romita Jr. Man-what did Lois do over the last two months that led to Clark being an outcast? He has truly become a Stranger in a Strange Land. And our final tale, by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, sets up the war the promises to change everything. So, my question is: with all the CONVERGENCE stuff and the FUTURE’S END bit, IS THIS the war that led to FUTURE’S END? Or was that all just a puff of smoke?
In the second story, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are enjoying a quite lunch. Clark has seen better days and Jimmy asks him if he needs money. Suddenly a would-be super villain picks up a food truck and hauls it towards them, leading Clark to jump into action. The villain rips open Clark’s hoodie to reveal the S symbol, causing Superman to flee. But the damage has been done and the whole world, be it news broadcasts, You Tube, or Twitter, know Clark Kent is Superman and they all have their opinions about having an alien living among them. Later, Lois visits Clark at a rundown motel to apologize for what she has done. Slamming the door in her face, he says goodbye.
In the final tale, while Hippolyta is giving birth to Diana, Myrina is giving birth to her own daughter, who the oracle Menalippe declares is the daughter of the Dark God and that she will one day start a war. The war will be between the Dark God and the Antigod and she sees more than that. She sees Hal Jordan make a “horrific sacrifice”, Batman become a New God, and Superman be missing and needed. She sees Aquaman drown, the deaths of Cyborg and Shazam and Mister Miracle unable to free himself. Among it all, she sees Wonder Woman in the center of it. The decision is made to slay the child, but her mother slays Penelope and Menalippe, even as the seer claims the universe will die and the anti-god will be reborn. The child is named Grail and she is prepared to kill her father, Darkseid. And thus begins the Darkseid War.
So, the book was free, but you really needed it, like the DC FCBD books of the last few years, to know where the future of the DC Universe is going. Maybe from here on out, I’ll be referring to the Divergent Universe as opposed to the NEW 52, since DC has decided to end that reference. We get the NEW Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, which is Jim Gordon in a Robocop suit. But is this OUR Jim Gordon? He sure has gotten awful beefy, lost his glasses and stache and carved a mohawk in his head. Secondly, we have the first taste of Gene Luen Yang’s work on SUPERMAN, with art by John Romita Jr. Man-what did Lois do over the last two months that led to Clark being an outcast? He has truly become a Stranger in a Strange Land. And our final tale, by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, sets up the war the promises to change everything. So, my question is: with all the CONVERGENCE stuff and the FUTURE’S END bit, IS THIS the war that led to FUTURE’S END? Or was that all just a puff of smoke?
JUSTICE LEAGUE #40 reviewed
JUSTICE LEAGUE #40: We begin with one of those afflicted by the Amazo virus trying to save his neighbor’s kidnapped daughter, which results in his death as Metron arrives to observe him die. The observer, as he is called, then tells the story of how Orion was traded to New genesis and Scott Free was shipped to Apokolips to end the war of the Gods. He then relates the tale of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, followed by Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis and Flashpoint. He reveals how, after Flashpoint, the heroes teamed up and the Justice League was born. At last, Metron arrives on what is left of Earth-3, currently rules by the Anti-Monitor, who we learn is also known as Mobius. While Metron tries to negotiate a pact so Metron can find a way to change Mobius back to his true self, Metron is struck down by the Daughter of Darkseid.
Get ready for the JUSTICE LEAGUE event of the year and it all starts…in DIVERGENCE #1? Yep…you heard me right. The next great chapter in the storied career of the soon to be NOT NEW 52 Justice League begins in the Free Comic Book Day release. That not withstanding, this issue fills in a bunch of gaps, retells a bunch of classic events in DC history, thanks to Geoff Johns, and is loaded with a boatload of artistic talent. Kevin Maguire, Phil Jimenez, Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Scott Kolins, Jason Fabok, Jim Lee and Scott Williams all bring their tremendous talents to the table and make this book shine! So, everyone run out and try and find a copy of DIVERGENCE #1, to see what the buzz will be all about.
Get ready for the JUSTICE LEAGUE event of the year and it all starts…in DIVERGENCE #1? Yep…you heard me right. The next great chapter in the storied career of the soon to be NOT NEW 52 Justice League begins in the Free Comic Book Day release. That not withstanding, this issue fills in a bunch of gaps, retells a bunch of classic events in DC history, thanks to Geoff Johns, and is loaded with a boatload of artistic talent. Kevin Maguire, Phil Jimenez, Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Scott Kolins, Jason Fabok, Jim Lee and Scott Williams all bring their tremendous talents to the table and make this book shine! So, everyone run out and try and find a copy of DIVERGENCE #1, to see what the buzz will be all about.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
SUPERMAN #40: The issue is mostly spent with the Justice League testing out how Superman has been affected by his new power and how powerful that power really is. After setting of a solar flare on the Justice League satellite, most of the team decides to go to Metropolis and have some dinner and drinks. Maybe not the best idea now that you have become powerless from your last test of your new powers. That means, he not only gets loud and braggadocios, but he also gets knocked on his keester by one glass of light beer. The next day, he awakes with an awful hangover but duty calls and he attempts to fly out of his apartment, forgetting he has no powers. He goes off to stop an armed gang and, although he survives, he pays the price for it. Bloodied by the encounter, his image is captured by amateur videos from cell phones. Later, Lois sees Clark and notices that his bruises seem to match those of the Man of Steel. I smell a betrayal for a Pulitzer in the making!
This issue was written and drawn by John Romita Jr. and sets things in motion for the story Post Convergence when Gene Luen Yang takes over as writer. And, based on the tale thrown at us during Free Comic Book Day’s DIVERGENCE book, it looks like Clark’s getting outed and his life is going to hell in a hand basket pretty quickly! This tale becomes a nice little set-up for that. Romita’s art is his usual stuff and his writing is really good, considering I really don’t recall ever reading anything he has written until now.
This issue was written and drawn by John Romita Jr. and sets things in motion for the story Post Convergence when Gene Luen Yang takes over as writer. And, based on the tale thrown at us during Free Comic Book Day’s DIVERGENCE book, it looks like Clark’s getting outed and his life is going to hell in a hand basket pretty quickly! This tale becomes a nice little set-up for that. Romita’s art is his usual stuff and his writing is really good, considering I really don’t recall ever reading anything he has written until now.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
CONVERGENCE #3: On Telos, the recently revealed Deimos offers to lead the others underground because that is the place that Telos fears. Meanwhile, Telos begins to get annoyed that not all of the cities are fighting, specifically Kandor. Nightwing and the other Kandorians speak out and it costs them their lives. Back on Telos, the heroes need to defeat the drones that are being sent to kill them before they can go below. As most of the team goes below, Batman and Dick Grayson remain above to buy the rest of the team some time as Batman senses they have been followed here from Gotham. A bunch of Bat villains including The Riddler and Professor Pyg arrive, bent on killing. But Batman sets off an explosion that kills all of them, except for Dick who was high above the action thanks to Man Bat. As Dick investigates, he gets shot by The Joker. Before the killing blow can be delivered, Telos arrives, snaps the villain’s neck and demands to know where the rest of Dick’s friends have gone. They are down below, where Deimos leads them to the kingdom of Skartaris. Inside the city, Shakira has captured a number of world changing villains including Per Degaton and The Monarch, so HE can’t get to them.
So, things finally begin to get interesting here. Deimos, as we might remember, came from Skartaris. And, if you don’t remember, Skartaris is the home of Travis Morgan, who we all know better under the name of The Warlord. This could get to be a load of fun. And what’s with Shakira locking up Degaton, Monarch and others? These are all game changers from throughout DC history and could all be responsible for creating the Post CONVERGENCE world we will get in June. Jeff King wrote it and Stephen Sergovia drew it and I love it. With the death of Kandor and Thomas Wayne, this book crosses the line and proves that anyone could die during this series.
CONVERGENCE: ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #1: After a year inside the dome, Lucius Fox is helping Superman and Supergirl with a device that can reach into Kara’s mind and access memories of her father’s Phantom Zone projector. Lucius gets it to work and they get transported out of the dome and into the Phantom Zone. Just then, a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Soon, the Man of Steel and his cousin are attacked by a group of Kryptonian criminals, who take Superman down and leave Kara to fend for herself. A gas pocket explodes near her and she received a vision of everything that will happen to her, including her death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Despite this revelation, she realizes that she needs to go back and help, even if it means her death. Meanwhile, the gorillas of Earth-AD are marching through downtown Gotham, prepared to save their world.
Legendary writer Marv Wolfman, along with Roberto Viacava gives us a book tailor made for the old days of Earth-1. This SO FEELS like an old school read, right down to Viacava’s pencils having the look of Curt Swan meets Murphy Anderson. And the appearance, albeit at the very end, of the apes from Kamandi’s world got me all kinds of excited! This is the kind of book we need back again. Not a title filled with drama or politically correct plots. We do not need a book aimed at a specific demographic because some bean counter says so. We need a comic that is fun! Bring back Earth-1…and not just the graphic novel Earth-1. Heck-I’d love to have a dumb JIMMY OLSEN title back in my reading pile. After all, some of the best Fourth World stories were told there.
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #1: It’s almost a year since Gotham City was trapped under the dome and each of the Outsiders have been trying to come with isolation and being powerless. Black Lightning helps with construction projects, Geo Force uses anger from his sister’s death to help clean up the city, while Katana sits by Halo’s bedside and hope she comes out of the coma she is in. Metamorpho is thrilled as he gets to live a normal life with Sapphire Stagg. On the morning of the one-year anniversary, the dome begins to dissolve and a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Halo awakens, Metamorpho changes, everyone gets their power back and Geo-Force flies above the city to see a horde of mutants from Earth-AD heading towards them. And they are being led by OMAC.
Congratulations to Marc Andreyko and Carlos D’Anda for coming as close to look and the feel of the classic Mike Barr/ Jim Aparo title as I would expect anyone but those two could do. Fans of the old series will love where things are going and the way everyone is portrayed. You can feel Katana and Geo Force’s pain regarding the people they love while Black Lightning is just the old wisecracking hero we love! This was a real treat to read!
CONVERGENCE: THE FLASH #1: Barry Allen had returned to his own time from the future for a charity benefit in Gotham City. Unfortunately, the dome fell before he could leave and he has spent the last year inside the dome, powerless and missing his wife Iris. He has taken a job with the GCPD and has taken up running as a hobby. He even gets to have lunch with Bruce Wayne. Just then, a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Barry is so thrilled to have his powers back that he pops open his power ring and suits back up…only to run into the Tangent Universe Superman
Dan Abnett and Federico Dallocchio mine the classic Barry Allen. You know: the one who had his wife murdered, exacted revenge on Professor Zoom, was tried for the crime, had his face changed, found guilty and then escaped into the future the be with his NOT DEAD WIFE. Yeah-THAT BARRY ALLEN…before he died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Great story with an amazing Mike Allred cover!
CONVERGENCE: GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1: Guy Gardner is having a bad time adjusting to life under the dome and even his psychologist is having a difficult time helping him. He had been a Green Lantern, spent time in the Phantom Zone and was tortured by Zod and Sinestro. He goes to visit his former fiancée Carol Ferris and they talk, specifically how the dome has changed everyone’s lives and Hal Jordan is missing. Guy agrees to try to help and tracks Jon Stewart down at a construction site. Stewart confesses he never wanted the Green Lantern job but felt guilty after Hal up and quit. Hal is in the Gotham garage where he has been working to restore the power rings. Leave it to Guy to let his temper get the best of him and start breaking stuff. Hal admits he had been in conversation with Guy’s doctor when a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. With power restored, Hal reignites his ring, takes the lantern battery and splits, leaving Guy to grab whatever tools of destruction he can, hope on a motorcycle and head out.
David Gallaher and Steve Ellis do the best they can with this motley bunch of characters but even their work can’t save this book. We don’t even end up knowing who they will face. With four potential enemies, Durvale, Red Rain Gotham, Central City Tangent and Earth AD, you would have thought we’d at least get a teaser for next issue, but I guess that's the grand plan. Guy comes off like the old, pain in the ass Guy which made me remember how much I couldn’t stand this Earth-1 tool! And Hal is all about the covert actions to save the world. Thanks, but no thanks! Here's hoping for a killer resolution, complete with guns blazing!
CONVERGENCE: HAWKMAN #1: Hawkman and Hawkgirl are doing their best to quell a riot in Gotham City, when they learn of a Thanagarian sleeper cell lurking in the besieged city. When not on patrol, Carter and Shiera work at the Gotham Museum Later, they are attacked by the dreaded Manhawks, which actually leads them to the Thanagarian sleeper cell itself. There they discover that the agents have built an Absorbascon to try to find a way out of the dome. One of the agents tells how they discovered alternate realities and alternate universes and that theirs’ will not survive. Just then, when a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities.
We get an interesting story from Jeff Parker that opens things up for the next issue. But, most of all, we get the art of Tim Truman and Enrique Alcatena. And it brings me back to the classic days of GRIMJACK and SCOUT and AIRBOY and HAWKWORLD! The book looks absolutely amazing, especially the fight sequences. And his Hawkgirl is not too shabby either. And how cool was it for an old model builder like me to realize that the Batman and Superman statues in the museum are patterned directly after the Batman and Superman models by Aurora from my youth. Just a whole bunch of good, clean fun!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1: Telos has made his announcement about the dome being removed and that champions from all of the cities having to fight for the survival of their cities. With their powers back, especially that of a rather frisky Elongated man and his wife, the team known as Justice League Detroit prepares to go into action to save their city. They soon find out that their enemy is The Secret Six from the Tangent Universe and GCPD’s finest decide it’s a good time to open fire on the visitors. It’s a good thing the JLA showed up to kick some butt.
The good news? Fabian Nicieza’ story was fun and Chriscross’ art was amazing, as expected. The bad newsd? It IS Justice League Detroit after all. That means we get Elongated Man, Vixen, Steel, Vibe, Gypsy, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, and Aquaman. To further the bad news, the Secret Six is the Tangent versions of The Joker, The Flash, The Atom, Plastic Man, Manhunter and The Spectre.
CONVERGENCE: NEW TEEN TITANS #1: It’s been a year since the dome fell on the Pre-Crisis Earth One Gotham City and the New Teen Titans have been dealing with crime the best way they can. Starfire is without powers, so a rocket-equipped jetpack is what gets her around. Cyborg’s health is deteriorating and Donna mourns her missing husband, who is outside of the dome. Meanwhile, within the Central City of the Tangent Universe and Gotham City, the dome begins to dissolve and a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The powers in both cities get restored and the Tangent Universe Doom Patrol plan on heading to Gotham City where they have found a huge energy source that could possibly bring their city off of Telos and get it back home. The two teams attack each other and then separate so they can regroup and plan a new strategy. It also allows Firehawk to contact Nightwing. Saying they need to talk. Seems as if someone isn’t too keen on the whole Battle Royale concept.
YAY! This is, by far, my favorite of the CONVERGENCE tie-ins! First off, it’s written by Marv Wolfman. If ANYONE is going to know how to write a Pre-Crisis New Teen Titans story it'’ the guy who brought it to such prominence. His dialogue is snappy and filled with just enough 80’s patter to make you want to wear a mullet! Then we add Nicola Scott to the mix as the artist and, if you can’t get George Perez, than Scott is the person I want drawing the Titans. Saying the book looks beautiful is an understatement! It looks freaking amazing! This one was a winner from cover to cover. Oh…did I forget to mention that Kole is in it too? Yeah…old school New Teen Titans beats out that joke of a NEW 52 team any day of the week!
CONVERGENCE: SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #1: A year into the exile of the Pre-Crisis 30th Century Metropolis finds the Legion of Superheroes coping with things. Brianiac 5 has determined that they have been plucked off their planet and out of their timestream and brought somewhere. Superboy and Lightning Lass share a tender moment as she reveals how Karate Kid died during The EarthWar and how her own brother had tortured her. Just before they kiss, a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. And with that, their powers are restored. But, just when you thought all was good, the Atomic Knights from Durvale coming riding into town on their giant dogs, causing Superboy to remark that he HAD been missing Krypto.
Stuart Moore and Mark Farmer bring us a whole bunch of dumb fun, with a little death and some romance. And I’m confused, as it looks like Lightning LAD killed Karate Kid not Lightning LORD. It’s a little thing but, for those of us long-time geeks out there, it’s a bit OOPS!
CONVERGENCE: SWAMP THING #1: We begin with a recap of how Alec Holland became Swamp Thing, fell in love with Abigail Arcane, watched her fall in love and marry Matt Cable, be killed and then autopsied by the Floronic Man and come to the realization that he was a plant. But then the worse happens, when the dome comes down and the creature of the green finds it hard to survive, as Abby must now work at securing plant food and fertilizer to help him survive. But at least they are able to assist Batgirl when she has to battle Poison Ivy. Just when things look bleakest, the dome dissolves and Alec is restored. Good thing, because here comes creatures of the night from the Red Rain Universe.
So, can we expect the vampire Batman to show up next issue? I sure hope so! This was a fun ride, even though I know critics were whining over Kelley Jones Bernie Wrightson “inspired” art. But they need to grow up! This looked great! I am a huge fan of SWAMP THING artists over the years including Wrightson, Yeates, Bissette, Totleben,Redondo, Paquette and others. And to have Len Wein, the man who brought the original concept to the table and wrote the first 13 issues, on board…PRICELESS!
CONVERGENCE: WONDER WOMAN #1: Steve Trevor and Diana Prince have been living together for the last year that the dome has been over Gotham City. While Steve has been reactivated by the military, Diana is helping out at street level, as there have been some strange cults coming to life. Etta and Diana take an elderly woman to one of these cults and become captured by them. Just then, a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The dome drops and Wonder Woman’s powers are restored, but not before the acolytes of the cult are killed by having their blood drained from their throats. The vampire Joker, Catwoman and Wonder Woman from the Red Rain Universe arrive and Joker kidnaps Etta. Diana goes after her while Steve is left to fend for himself, minus silver bullets. Diana finds Etta, but it seems like it may be too late for her.
I didn’t expect this to be any fun but the minute that I saw Diana Prince in her white pantsuit from the Seventies, I knew it was going to be a blast! And it was! It had just enough of the old school urban drama mixed with the supernatural to make this a hit with me. Kudos go to Larry Hama and Joshua Middleton for making me want to dig out those socially conscious stories, where Diana ran a boutique, and relish in them like the eight year old kid I was.
So, things finally begin to get interesting here. Deimos, as we might remember, came from Skartaris. And, if you don’t remember, Skartaris is the home of Travis Morgan, who we all know better under the name of The Warlord. This could get to be a load of fun. And what’s with Shakira locking up Degaton, Monarch and others? These are all game changers from throughout DC history and could all be responsible for creating the Post CONVERGENCE world we will get in June. Jeff King wrote it and Stephen Sergovia drew it and I love it. With the death of Kandor and Thomas Wayne, this book crosses the line and proves that anyone could die during this series.
CONVERGENCE: ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #1: After a year inside the dome, Lucius Fox is helping Superman and Supergirl with a device that can reach into Kara’s mind and access memories of her father’s Phantom Zone projector. Lucius gets it to work and they get transported out of the dome and into the Phantom Zone. Just then, a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Soon, the Man of Steel and his cousin are attacked by a group of Kryptonian criminals, who take Superman down and leave Kara to fend for herself. A gas pocket explodes near her and she received a vision of everything that will happen to her, including her death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Despite this revelation, she realizes that she needs to go back and help, even if it means her death. Meanwhile, the gorillas of Earth-AD are marching through downtown Gotham, prepared to save their world.
Legendary writer Marv Wolfman, along with Roberto Viacava gives us a book tailor made for the old days of Earth-1. This SO FEELS like an old school read, right down to Viacava’s pencils having the look of Curt Swan meets Murphy Anderson. And the appearance, albeit at the very end, of the apes from Kamandi’s world got me all kinds of excited! This is the kind of book we need back again. Not a title filled with drama or politically correct plots. We do not need a book aimed at a specific demographic because some bean counter says so. We need a comic that is fun! Bring back Earth-1…and not just the graphic novel Earth-1. Heck-I’d love to have a dumb JIMMY OLSEN title back in my reading pile. After all, some of the best Fourth World stories were told there.
CONVERGENCE: BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #1: It’s almost a year since Gotham City was trapped under the dome and each of the Outsiders have been trying to come with isolation and being powerless. Black Lightning helps with construction projects, Geo Force uses anger from his sister’s death to help clean up the city, while Katana sits by Halo’s bedside and hope she comes out of the coma she is in. Metamorpho is thrilled as he gets to live a normal life with Sapphire Stagg. On the morning of the one-year anniversary, the dome begins to dissolve and a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Halo awakens, Metamorpho changes, everyone gets their power back and Geo-Force flies above the city to see a horde of mutants from Earth-AD heading towards them. And they are being led by OMAC.
Congratulations to Marc Andreyko and Carlos D’Anda for coming as close to look and the feel of the classic Mike Barr/ Jim Aparo title as I would expect anyone but those two could do. Fans of the old series will love where things are going and the way everyone is portrayed. You can feel Katana and Geo Force’s pain regarding the people they love while Black Lightning is just the old wisecracking hero we love! This was a real treat to read!
CONVERGENCE: THE FLASH #1: Barry Allen had returned to his own time from the future for a charity benefit in Gotham City. Unfortunately, the dome fell before he could leave and he has spent the last year inside the dome, powerless and missing his wife Iris. He has taken a job with the GCPD and has taken up running as a hobby. He even gets to have lunch with Bruce Wayne. Just then, a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. Barry is so thrilled to have his powers back that he pops open his power ring and suits back up…only to run into the Tangent Universe Superman
Dan Abnett and Federico Dallocchio mine the classic Barry Allen. You know: the one who had his wife murdered, exacted revenge on Professor Zoom, was tried for the crime, had his face changed, found guilty and then escaped into the future the be with his NOT DEAD WIFE. Yeah-THAT BARRY ALLEN…before he died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Great story with an amazing Mike Allred cover!
CONVERGENCE: GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1: Guy Gardner is having a bad time adjusting to life under the dome and even his psychologist is having a difficult time helping him. He had been a Green Lantern, spent time in the Phantom Zone and was tortured by Zod and Sinestro. He goes to visit his former fiancée Carol Ferris and they talk, specifically how the dome has changed everyone’s lives and Hal Jordan is missing. Guy agrees to try to help and tracks Jon Stewart down at a construction site. Stewart confesses he never wanted the Green Lantern job but felt guilty after Hal up and quit. Hal is in the Gotham garage where he has been working to restore the power rings. Leave it to Guy to let his temper get the best of him and start breaking stuff. Hal admits he had been in conversation with Guy’s doctor when a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. With power restored, Hal reignites his ring, takes the lantern battery and splits, leaving Guy to grab whatever tools of destruction he can, hope on a motorcycle and head out.
David Gallaher and Steve Ellis do the best they can with this motley bunch of characters but even their work can’t save this book. We don’t even end up knowing who they will face. With four potential enemies, Durvale, Red Rain Gotham, Central City Tangent and Earth AD, you would have thought we’d at least get a teaser for next issue, but I guess that's the grand plan. Guy comes off like the old, pain in the ass Guy which made me remember how much I couldn’t stand this Earth-1 tool! And Hal is all about the covert actions to save the world. Thanks, but no thanks! Here's hoping for a killer resolution, complete with guns blazing!
CONVERGENCE: HAWKMAN #1: Hawkman and Hawkgirl are doing their best to quell a riot in Gotham City, when they learn of a Thanagarian sleeper cell lurking in the besieged city. When not on patrol, Carter and Shiera work at the Gotham Museum Later, they are attacked by the dreaded Manhawks, which actually leads them to the Thanagarian sleeper cell itself. There they discover that the agents have built an Absorbascon to try to find a way out of the dome. One of the agents tells how they discovered alternate realities and alternate universes and that theirs’ will not survive. Just then, when a voice tells everyone in the city that the dome will be removed and that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities.
We get an interesting story from Jeff Parker that opens things up for the next issue. But, most of all, we get the art of Tim Truman and Enrique Alcatena. And it brings me back to the classic days of GRIMJACK and SCOUT and AIRBOY and HAWKWORLD! The book looks absolutely amazing, especially the fight sequences. And his Hawkgirl is not too shabby either. And how cool was it for an old model builder like me to realize that the Batman and Superman statues in the museum are patterned directly after the Batman and Superman models by Aurora from my youth. Just a whole bunch of good, clean fun!
CONVERGENCE: JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1: Telos has made his announcement about the dome being removed and that champions from all of the cities having to fight for the survival of their cities. With their powers back, especially that of a rather frisky Elongated man and his wife, the team known as Justice League Detroit prepares to go into action to save their city. They soon find out that their enemy is The Secret Six from the Tangent Universe and GCPD’s finest decide it’s a good time to open fire on the visitors. It’s a good thing the JLA showed up to kick some butt.
The good news? Fabian Nicieza’ story was fun and Chriscross’ art was amazing, as expected. The bad newsd? It IS Justice League Detroit after all. That means we get Elongated Man, Vixen, Steel, Vibe, Gypsy, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, and Aquaman. To further the bad news, the Secret Six is the Tangent versions of The Joker, The Flash, The Atom, Plastic Man, Manhunter and The Spectre.
CONVERGENCE: NEW TEEN TITANS #1: It’s been a year since the dome fell on the Pre-Crisis Earth One Gotham City and the New Teen Titans have been dealing with crime the best way they can. Starfire is without powers, so a rocket-equipped jetpack is what gets her around. Cyborg’s health is deteriorating and Donna mourns her missing husband, who is outside of the dome. Meanwhile, within the Central City of the Tangent Universe and Gotham City, the dome begins to dissolve and a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The powers in both cities get restored and the Tangent Universe Doom Patrol plan on heading to Gotham City where they have found a huge energy source that could possibly bring their city off of Telos and get it back home. The two teams attack each other and then separate so they can regroup and plan a new strategy. It also allows Firehawk to contact Nightwing. Saying they need to talk. Seems as if someone isn’t too keen on the whole Battle Royale concept.
YAY! This is, by far, my favorite of the CONVERGENCE tie-ins! First off, it’s written by Marv Wolfman. If ANYONE is going to know how to write a Pre-Crisis New Teen Titans story it'’ the guy who brought it to such prominence. His dialogue is snappy and filled with just enough 80’s patter to make you want to wear a mullet! Then we add Nicola Scott to the mix as the artist and, if you can’t get George Perez, than Scott is the person I want drawing the Titans. Saying the book looks beautiful is an understatement! It looks freaking amazing! This one was a winner from cover to cover. Oh…did I forget to mention that Kole is in it too? Yeah…old school New Teen Titans beats out that joke of a NEW 52 team any day of the week!
CONVERGENCE: SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #1: A year into the exile of the Pre-Crisis 30th Century Metropolis finds the Legion of Superheroes coping with things. Brianiac 5 has determined that they have been plucked off their planet and out of their timestream and brought somewhere. Superboy and Lightning Lass share a tender moment as she reveals how Karate Kid died during The EarthWar and how her own brother had tortured her. Just before they kiss, a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. And with that, their powers are restored. But, just when you thought all was good, the Atomic Knights from Durvale coming riding into town on their giant dogs, causing Superboy to remark that he HAD been missing Krypto.
Stuart Moore and Mark Farmer bring us a whole bunch of dumb fun, with a little death and some romance. And I’m confused, as it looks like Lightning LAD killed Karate Kid not Lightning LORD. It’s a little thing but, for those of us long-time geeks out there, it’s a bit OOPS!
CONVERGENCE: SWAMP THING #1: We begin with a recap of how Alec Holland became Swamp Thing, fell in love with Abigail Arcane, watched her fall in love and marry Matt Cable, be killed and then autopsied by the Floronic Man and come to the realization that he was a plant. But then the worse happens, when the dome comes down and the creature of the green finds it hard to survive, as Abby must now work at securing plant food and fertilizer to help him survive. But at least they are able to assist Batgirl when she has to battle Poison Ivy. Just when things look bleakest, the dome dissolves and Alec is restored. Good thing, because here comes creatures of the night from the Red Rain Universe.
So, can we expect the vampire Batman to show up next issue? I sure hope so! This was a fun ride, even though I know critics were whining over Kelley Jones Bernie Wrightson “inspired” art. But they need to grow up! This looked great! I am a huge fan of SWAMP THING artists over the years including Wrightson, Yeates, Bissette, Totleben,Redondo, Paquette and others. And to have Len Wein, the man who brought the original concept to the table and wrote the first 13 issues, on board…PRICELESS!
CONVERGENCE: WONDER WOMAN #1: Steve Trevor and Diana Prince have been living together for the last year that the dome has been over Gotham City. While Steve has been reactivated by the military, Diana is helping out at street level, as there have been some strange cults coming to life. Etta and Diana take an elderly woman to one of these cults and become captured by them. Just then, a voice tells everyone in the cities that champions from all of the cities must fight for the survival of their cities. The dome drops and Wonder Woman’s powers are restored, but not before the acolytes of the cult are killed by having their blood drained from their throats. The vampire Joker, Catwoman and Wonder Woman from the Red Rain Universe arrive and Joker kidnaps Etta. Diana goes after her while Steve is left to fend for himself, minus silver bullets. Diana finds Etta, but it seems like it may be too late for her.
I didn’t expect this to be any fun but the minute that I saw Diana Prince in her white pantsuit from the Seventies, I knew it was going to be a blast! And it was! It had just enough of the old school urban drama mixed with the supernatural to make this a hit with me. Kudos go to Larry Hama and Joshua Middleton for making me want to dig out those socially conscious stories, where Diana ran a boutique, and relish in them like the eight year old kid I was.
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