Wally West, the ORIGINAL WALLY WEST, is stuck in the Speed Force and has been trying to break free ever since FLASHPOINT. He appears in the Batcave, where Batman is mulling the death of Superman and the existence of three Jokers, and explains that Bruce needs to remember how he got the letter from Thomas Wayne to him. Moving back into the Speed Force, Wally relates how he came to be a Speedster, how Barry died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, how Flashpoint came about and how, at the end of that, someone stole 10 years from them, turning the heroes into younger versions of themselves and installing a darker feeling into the world. Wally next appears at the care facility for an elderly man who turns out to be Johnny Thunder and Wally begs him to use the Genie to reassemble the Justice Society.
Elsewhere Captain Sawyer has a woman in custody who has stolen a sandwich because where she comes from, food is free. The woman is searching for Superman, who is dead, and the decision is made to call mental services on her. The only thing she was carrying was a Legion of Superheroes flight ring. Ryan Choi checks in on Ray Palmer who reveals he is trapped in the multiverse and that his ex-wife’s alimony check may be late. He also tells Choi that he left him a miniaturizing belt and he needs his help. Meanwhile, Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes are working together on Kord’s Beetle ship when Doctor Fate arrives to explain that Jaime's scarab is not an alien artifact, but a magic one. Running for her life from an unknown assailant, Pandora reaches a dead end and reveals that she knows that the heroes will vanquish what her pursuer has done. And then she is disintegrated.
The aftermath of JUSTICE LEAGUE #50 and SUPERMAN #52 are felt amongst the world. On Paradise Island, Grail begins to raise baby Darkseid as she explains that Wonder Woman has a twin brother named Jason. The heroes mourn Superman’s death with many like Green Arrow and Black Canary coming together for the first time. The Pre 52 Clark is greeted by a mysterious stranger calling himself Mr. Oz, who says that he is not what he believed and neither was the fallen Superman. Aquaman and Mera have a long talk and he proposes to her. Wally breaks through and meets reporter Linda Park, who insists that she doesn’t know him and that sends him back into the Speed Force. He tries to make contact with Captain Boomerang, Cyborg and Dick Grayson to now avail.
At last he sees the New 52 Wally West, who is his Uncle Daniel’s son, as he saves a girl and now realizes that his life as Kid Flash is over. Next he sees Barry Allen, who also doesn’t know him. As Wally starts to dissolve as he is eaten by the Speed Force, Barry remembers and pulls him back from the brink of death. With tears flowing down his face, Barry remembers everything that came before Flashpoint and believes it was all his fault for what happened. Wally tries to convince him that someone else was to blame.
In the end, we see Batman discovering the blood-stained smiley face button that was the Comedian's inside the Batcave. In the epilogue, we see a dismantled watch, with the phrase “every Second is a Gift” come back together. The words “nothing ends, Adrian” are heard and a clock with a splatter of blood are seen. “The clock is ticking across the DC Universe.” Does this mean Dr. Manhattan changed our world?

This is the first shot in DC’s new NEW era of comics and this will be a talking point, positive and negative, for some time to come. Geoff Johns has put his distinctive stamp on the future of the DC Universe with this massive one-shot that solves issues and lays groundwork for future storylines. Gary Frank, Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Phil Jimenez combine on the various chapters to give us a truly beautiful looking book. Now this book represents the beginning of the REBIRTH Era, but there are still NEW 52 titles appearing for the time being. So that means I’ll be doing two sets of reviews each month: NEW 52 and REBIRTH. At least for the time being. Personally, I am sad to see some titles go away but am very excited about the possibilities for the future.
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW #3: In the first story, Firestorm battles Major Force across the entire story until Professor Stein and Ronnie get captured so Danton Black can find out the connection between Stein and the Firestorm Project. In the next tale, Metamorpho and Sapphire find themselves in the middle of a race war in a far off dimension. The white people see Metamorpho as their prophesied savior and are told how the Orb of Ra opens portals to other dimensions, which is how they ended up here. Metamorpho, Sapphire, and a team go off to find the orb. Unfortunately, there is a giant lizard blocking their path. Oh yeah: Kanjar Ro is here too. In the third tale, Sugar and Spike are contracted by Wonder Woman to hunt down a shape-shifter she almost married back in the day and who is now telling the media that they WERE married. Come to find out that he is one of four shape-shifters out to scam superheroes who end up being sent to S.T.A.R. Labs. In the last tale, the Metal Men, in a flying saucer provided by Robotman, go off to fight a possessed Red Tornado that is tearing up an amusement park. They manage to stop his rampage and sever the connection that was controlling him. Unfortunately, the army shows up to take them into custody.
While I found the first issues to be fun, this last batch of chapters was just annoying, as you can tell my lack of enthusiasm in the synopsis. The Firestorm story by Gerry Conway and Edwardo Pansica feels more and more like a television episode with each chapter while Aaron Lopresti’s Metamorpho has drifted into Conan the barbarian land with aliens with spears. Sugar & Spike started out as fun, but Keith Giffen and Bilquis Evely’s tale is now just one unfunny joke…except for Sugar’s parting shot to Spike’s groin. Even my dear Metal Men suffers from an action issue with no semblance of a plot, courtesy Len Wein and Yildiray Cinar. Again, I have been pretty high on this series for the first two issues. But this just felt like a waste of eight bucks.
MARTIAN MANHUNTER #12: Martian Manhunter is trying to enter the beam that Phobos is blasting at the Earth and keep it from colliding with Earth. Mars is dying again, Wessel dies, as Mr. Biscuits already did. Ma'alefa'ak is dead too. Before he dies though, Wessel convinces the Martian child to send Alicia back to Earth to again be a child. Pearl and J'onn, flying in their giant city mechs, crash land on Earth and J’onn becomes his Martian Manhunter self. But this is not a success for J’onn as all the Martians returned back to their place in the past. There are no refugees-J’onn is the last Martian. A psychic image of Ma'alefa'ak appears and tells J’onn that all of these elements, including Ma'alefa'ak and the White Martians, were all made up out of J’onn’s insane mind. Pearl tries to convince him that she is human, but she is not and is re-absorbed. In the end, the Martian Manhunter feels he has failed, but Alicia thanks him for saving her.
Rob Williams and Ben Oliver bring to an end one of the strangest titles in recent memory. I found the ending a bit disappointing, as it almost felt like the whole book was a dream. So J’onn has gone insane over the million years of isolation and he created all of these personalities to give him purpose. The world doesn’t end, J’onn is still alone and quite mad. Not sure how that will play throughout the DC Universe but…if the Justice League is crazy enough to hire him, more power to them.
MIDNIGHTER #12: Midnighter and Apollo and Helena’s Spyral team are fighting the Suicide Squad in the streets of Modora, while also trying to fight the Unified. Waller takes down Bendix, who has revealed himself as being in this all for his own gains. Unfortunately, most of Waller’s troops are Multiplex, which means it’s Midnighter versus Multiplex. Bendix wakes up and doors away to fight another day. Apollo throws the Unified at Midnighter who catches the bad guy off guard and blows his head off. With the battle over, Midnighter ends up in Apollo's arms. In the end, Midnighter goes to the God Garden and tells the Gardener that Bendix is still alive. Then it’s back to Earth for more work on the documentary, a party, a kiss for Apollo and Midnighter, and more action for Midnighter.
Steve Orlando, Aco, and Hugo Petrus bring this series to a close and maybe the career of Midnighter. We have noticed that very few, if any, Wildstorm characters appear in any of the advance word about REBIRTH, so these characters made fade into the background, although I expect Bendix to pop up every now and then, especially in SUICIDE SQUAD. This series had great written all over it, but ended up being very uneven through it’s short run. A little more action, a little less romance, and I may have been all over it.
NEW SUICIDE SQUAD #20: The Suicide Squad are taking down the Fist of Cain at Castle Fleischhaus while, at the same time, Waller, Captain Boomerang, and Hunky Punk are heading there to save them. The team in the castle head off to find Adam Reed, but find Seraphine’s blood spilled in the image of Rose Tattoo. Some surviving Fist of Cain members corner Harley, who gets saved by Hunky Punk. Rose Tattoo arrives and kills him with an arrow through his eye. Cheetah attacks Tattoo Rose while El Diablo creates a wall of flame and it looks like all will be good. But Waller gets tazered by Adam Reed, who convinces Deathtrap to shoot Deadshot in the head.
Is this the end of the Suicide Squad? I’m sure that Tim Seeley and Juan Ferreyra have a plan to get this crew out, especially since they have a movie coming out. I do have to admit I didn’t seen Hunky Punk getting taken out, but that is what happens when you remove your helmet to brag about how great you are. The story was a lot of fun and I like Ferreyra’s art, especially at his bloodiest. I can’t wait to see how this gets wrapped up!
OMEGA MEN #12: The war has ended. But the Omega Men have made there way into the Citadel where Scraps is ready to execute the Viceroy but Kyle Rayner convinces her to not stoop to that level. The Viceroy claims they should thank him for allowing him to make them the people they became. The team admits that they are better than the Viceroy, but that still doesn’t keep Kallista from beheading the Viceroy, gain control of the planet and institutes her own corrupt form of government, declaring “I win”. With the war over, things change. Tigorr is on the run from his own people. Primus was made Governor of Ogyptu but he ordered his troops to put down a riot that killed 453 unarmed men and women. Scraps went missing and is still on the run, because she is wanted by the government. And Kyle: he may be set up for being involved with another war and needs to figure out upon which side he will sit.
If you are looking for the perfect mini-series, then look no further than this title. Tom King and Barnaby Bagenda have made this series a true classic for years to come. While king’s other recent work has elevated his stock as a hot writer, this should be seen as the epicenter of his fame as it is truly a beautiful series. It is just so wonderful, telling a story from beginning to end, with twists and turns and a whole lot of brilliant dialogue and heart. This is certainly one of the best books to have come out of 2015.
POISON IVY CYCLE OF LIFE AND DEATH #5: Ivy is now caring for her two children, Rose and Hazel, but also the girl she rescued last month, Thorn. That night, Ivy sleeps and the girls go out on the town, ending up a strip club where they get into trouble until Ivy shows up to bail them out and chastise them too. Back home, she grounds the girls and tries to talk with the Parliament of Trees until a mutated Doctor Grimley attacks her.
Welcome to Thelma and Louise meets the Banger Sisters. While I am excited to see Rose AND Thorn in a DC Comic, this is not my idea of making the use of them. This was just a long, light issue by Amy Chu, Clay Mann and Stephen Segovia that was more filler than anything else. Very disappointing.
RED HOOD/ARSENAL #12: Roy has been captured by Iron Rule, who are broadcasting his torture live on the Internet and asking for votes as to whether he should live or die. Meanwhile, Joker's Daughter frees herself from the ambulance she is in, just in time to go Iron Rule’s hideout and take over the proceedings, as she has been the person behind Iron Rule all along. In the end, Red Hood finds the hideout and gives Joker's Daughter and the Iron Rule a five count to surrender or else.
YAWN! Really? We go from Joker’s Daughter being bad, to being good, to being the brains behind this whole thing? Oh Scott Lobdell: what are you thinking? Don’t you see that she could have been this team’s Harley Quinn? It’s a fast paced story, with art by Joe Bennett, that could have been so much better if we hadn’t saved Jason’s appearance for the very end. And having Joker’s Daughter taking up so much page count in the issue, it felt more like her book and not Roy and Jason’s.
ROBIN, SON OF BATMAN #12: Opening on Monster Island, Maya is fighting with Suren Darga when she take a poison arrow to the back, allowing him to get away. Luckily, Talia made her immune to poison, so she is hurt but will live, even with a bomb planted under her body. Damian is pretty pissed and he and Goliath leave Maya in the hands of Mom and Dad (Talia and Batman) as they head to the ritual area. Suren drops the last artifact from Damian's Year of Blood into the heart of the Lazarus pits and the magic of Lu’un Darga lives again. Damian and Suren fight until Damian convinces him that he is being used to expand his father's legacy. Robin gets Suren to use his magic to stop the ritual and then knocks Suran out because he thinks of him as a fool. In the end, Batman and Talia argue, Damian declares Maya and Goliath as his family and then he plans to breaking Suren out of Talia's capture.
What a fun issue, with surprises I did not expect! Ray Fawkes, along with Ramon Bachs, gives us a fun resolution in the penultimate issue of this title. I loved seeing the touching hug at the end between Maya, Damian and Goliath while Batman and Talia bicker with each other. The art looked cool, the dialogue was snappy and the story reached a logical end…with the last issue set-up for the final caper.
SECRET SIX #14: The team is on their way to the Shiva’s hideout to rescue Strix, who has eliminated all the fake Six team but is not in favor of being a member of the League of Assassins. While Shiva and Strix duel it out, Catman gets run through by Shawna, who leaves Ferdie to die with Catman for being a “traitorous little sh*t”. But it’s a good thing that Catman has nine lives, as he ends up surviving and tell Shiva to let Strix go or they will have Alice launch her building into the sun. In the end, Shawna ends up in Arkham with a sock puppet while the rest of the team enjoys a family life…even if Catman likes to sunbathe in the nude.
Gail Simone and Tom Derenick bring this quirky epic to a close. Although I’m not happy that Ferdie is dead, I do love that Strix has decided to jettison her mask and live her life in the tree house with a host of lawn gnomes. I loved this series and loved the fact that Simone was always willing to toss a monkey wrench into the plot that the reader never saw coming. Case in point: Riddler as the mysterious person who brought them together in the first place. Then we reunite Ralph and Sue Diney and the end feels like a television sitcom family. Well done, kids…you shall be missed!
SINESTRO #23: The Red Lanterns are attacking the Sinestro Corps because they had sent Lobo after them, resulting in the death of Rankorr. Even with their numbers, they are no match for the Sinestro Corps who quickly send them packing. On the planet, the Sinestro Corps takes the Red Lanterns terraforming device and transform New Korugar into a paradise. All ends well, except Sinestro heads to the cave where he stashed Parallax, thinking it might be time for him to take control of the Fear Entity once again.
Cullen Bunn, along with Martin Coccolo, Oscar Bazaldua, and Scot Eaton, brings the series to an end with a semi-cliffhanger. However, I can’t see how the might Red Lanterns got their butts kicked so severely here. I mean, they ran rampant over just about everyone in their own book but get seriously punked here! Sorry Cullen-can’t swallow that! And having multiple artists throughout the issue was disheartening as the quality of the work shifted every few pages. In the end, DC Editorial couldn’t decide if Sinestro was good, bad or somewhere in-between. It’s a shame because they had the same problem with the old ECLIPSO series.
STARFIRE #12: Kori is back above the sea, but she has lost her job. That doesn’t matter because Key West’s Fantasy Fest is going on and everyone is partying. But she can’t stay in the pool house because Stella’s aunt is now living there because her muscular dystrophy has gotten so bad. But that’s okay, because she understands and besides, she is reuniting a dolphin with his family out in the ocean. And Sol has now fallen in love with Ravena, thanks to Syl’Khee. But that’s okay because she understands. Later, she sets up a beach party where she tells everyone she is leaving and, after saying her goodbyes, she and Syl’Khee head off for new adventures.
I realize that Darwyn Cooke is gone and he was a great influence on the world of comics, but is copying his style now the new thing? If so, then Elsa Charretier is the best imitator. Charretier, along with Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, brings this silly series to a close. And we all breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe now, Kori will gain brains again. I believe that was the most embarrassing part of this series: the dumbing down of Starfire.
SUICIDE SQUAD MOST WANTED-DEADSHOT AND KATANA #5: In the Deadshot tale, Floyd carves the bomb out of his neck and uses it to blast through his cell door, escaping by masquerading as a guard. He then goes to Gotham and visits with his daughter, who he promises he will take to Australia. Meanwhile, the new Deadshot is out carving his own niche, but is mad he is not getting paid what he should. Floyd makes a change in his appearance, by shaving his head and donning glasses. But when he goes to get his daughter, he finds a massacre and a note saying Evans wants Floyd’s life for his daughters’.
In the Katana tale, Kobra is trying to force Dr. Jace to unleash the Aurakle Weapon while Katana and her team of freedom fighters battle his troops. When they reach Jace, they discover that a seemingly comatose Violet Harper has now been infused with the Aurakle and created a halo effect around her. Kobra surrenders and Violet passes out, leaving her a Katana’s mercy. But before she can act, Violet comes awake again and promises revenge.
So, I like the Deadshot tale, as it continues to give Floyd Lawton a personality. Nice work from Brian Buccellato and Viktor Bogdanovic. The Katana tale, by Mike W. Barr and Diogenes Neves is less of a success and I was really pissed off at the way Violet Harper was transformed into…Halo. I mean, I truly saw this coming when we first got introduced to drug addict Violet Harper, and then the Aurakle. After all, I am an old school BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS fan. But did we forget that she is part of the Dead Heroes Club that appeared in BATMAN INCORPORATED?
SUPERMAN WONDER WOMAN #29: THE FINALS DAYS OF SUPERMAN PART 7. We begin with the Justice League Trinity talking with the Denny Swan Superman. When he tries to kill Lois Lane, Superman goes ballistic and it leads to an all-out battle between Swan, Diana and Clark. Diana gets taken out and Swan takes off with a weekend Superman while Kara finds out of the action and heads to help her cousin. Meanwhile, the Pre-Flashpoint Lois, Clark, and their son, Jon go to the Fortress he has created on this Earth, for which Lois chastises him for keeping a secret. To be concluded in SUPERMAN #52.
Peter J. Tomasi and Jorge Jimenez present the penultimate chapter in THE FINAL DAYS OF SUPERMAN arc, leading to a new status quo come REBIRTH. Make no bones about it: DC is definitely killing off this version of Clark Kent. The question is how dramatic it will be and will he be able to defeat this foe. In honesty, those qare the only real questions as this has been the worst kept secret since…the death of Superman.
SUPERMAN #52: THE FINALS DAYS OF SUPERMAN PART 8. A weakened, dying Superman continues to fight Danny Swan and luckily gets help from Wonder Woman, Batman and Supergirl. While still not enough to defeat him, Superman takes Swan into orbit but is too weak to finish the job. The Pre-Flashpoint Superman arrives and the two of them get to the proper atmosphere, before our Superman punches the Pre Flashpoint Superman, telling him the world will need him. Knowing of no other option, Superman absorbs Swan’s upcoming detonation with a solar blast. The blast kills Swan and sends Superman plummeting towards Earth, only to be caught by Pre-Flashpoint Superman and laid among his friends. Superman says his final goodbyes to Lana, Lois, Kara, Steel, Bruce and lastly Diana, who tells him that his parents are waiting for him. With that he burns out, with his body consumed from within. In the end, the Pre-Flashpoint Superman tells Batman that he will find them at a later time and Superman’s friends and enemies worldwide mourn.
Peter J. Tomasi and Mikel Janin bring the life of the New 52 Superman to an end with both a bang and a whimper. I certainly hope DC knows what they are doing, as they have now left the door open for the Pre-Flashpoint Superman to take the lead in the SUPERMAN titles. But we also have two Lois Lanes floating about and a lot of options open for him to interact with the supporting cast. The ending was the best part, with individual glimpses of friends and enemies showing their silent reactions to his death. And Lois’ realizing that her job was to write his story was perhaps the most telling image of all. Well done, folks: let’s hope the NEW Superman can live up.
SUPERMAN LOIS AND CLARK #8: While Lois and Jon talk about the guy who is their Superman, their Superman goes off to fight Hyathis, who is after the Oblivion Stone. After a book length fight, she claims she get the other half of the Oblivion Stone "in due time" and leaves. Returning home, Clark opens a trunk and breaks out the classic costume, complete with letting a flying Jon wear the cape
Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks have made this book so wonderful that I can only hope that those who write the forthcoming tales of Lois, Clark and Jon have the same love for these characters as this team did. Weeks is by far doing the best work of his career and Jurgens truly hit this book, which could have been just a lackluster affair, out of the park with every single issue. This was a beautiful gift to fans of the classic Man of Steel and now we get to see him in all his glory in the REBIRTH Universe. I cannot wait!
SWAMP THING #5: Matt Cable Swamp Thing has lost his mind and is trying to take over the world from his Throne of Thorns. He makes the sheriff go on television to tell people to surrender but she turns the tables and tells the world that they need to nuke the town. Alec, who was buried last issue, gets freed by the Phantom Stranger, who takes him to Nanda Parbat. Once inside, he meets with Deadman and they try to figure out a solution. Alec takes the Hand of Fatima, although it apparently no longer has any power. The Phantom Stranger reappears and drops him into Gotham, where The Spectre is doling out his brand of justice. When finished, The Spectre leaves, just in time for Alec to meet with Jim Corrigan, insisting they need to talk about the Fist of Fatima.
OH MAN!!! We get Len Wein, teamed up with Kelley Jones to give us a fun, great looking book. Now, add in the Phantom Stranger, Deadman, Nada Parbat, Jim Corrigan AND The Spectre. Oh yeah: A.R.G.U.S shows up and, not knowing what to do, figure they should call the President for advice. All in all, this was a great roller coaster ride that I’m afraid is coming to an end. I’m pretty sure that this will mean the end of Matt Cable as we know him…at least for now. Until then, I’m totally digging this book!.
TEEN TITANS #20: A satire Internet site called Legion of the Dumb has put out a bunch of memes directed at various villains. Unfortunately, they picked on Monsieur Mallah’s love The Brain and that’s not good! Meanwhile, Red Robin leads the team through an overly long training session. Batman gets involved via a phone call and a meme that makes fun of Red Robin. The team heads off to confront the person behind the Legion of the Dumb website, only to find that guy who runs the site has already been paid a visit by Monsieur Mallah and The Brain and is being mind-controlled. Unfortunately, now Wonder Girl is being mind controlled and that could be a problem for Red Robin.
Here’s the highlight of the book: Ian Chruchill’s dynamite art. Tony Bedard wastes an entire issue with a dumb training mission filled with lots of bad dialogue. Give me the Brotherhood of Evil but this is just embarrassing!
TITANS HUNT #8: As Roy, Gnarrk, Lilith, Hawk and Dove make their way towards Mr. Twister’s tower, Nightwing, Donna Troy, Garth and Mal face him. Mal’s pregnant wife shows up and blasts Twister with her newfound power, proving to the rest of the team that Twister can be hurt. Just in time, the rest of the team arrives but Twister forces Mal to sing and that opens the doorway for the big bad that’s coming. The team remembers how they stopped Mr. Twister in the past by forgetting who they were. They insist they are not kids anymore so he can’t hurt them anymore. When Twister tries to twist Hawk, he recalls how Twister killed his brother Don and goes berserk. Gnarrk grabs Twister and tosses him into the void, thus ending the crisis. Hawk and Dove fly Mal and Karen to the hospital while the rest of the team go out to celebrate and to talk about their future. They also question who Karen was a stand-in for. That’s when the sky is lit up with lightning. Could that missing Titan be…Wally West?
Despite a bunch of plot holes throughout this series, most notably how Donna Troy existed when she was just created in WONDER WOMAN and how Don Hall died at the hands of the Anti-Monitor, Dan Abnett and Paul Pelletier have done a tremendous job in resurrecting this classic team and posing them for their new role and their new series during REBIRTH. The story was fun and Pelletier’s art was smoking! This was a fresh throwback to the good old days. Welcome back the REAL TITANS!!!
WE ARE ROBIN #12: Redbird joins up with a gang that is about to rip off Bruce Wayne because he needs to help his family. He texts Shug-R and lets her know what he’s doing and it isn’t long before she gets word to the rest of the Robins. They join up and bust up the break-in. They let the leader of the group go to save Alfred’s life. He tells them that they need to hurry if they are going to catch the bad guys and Duke remarks how he looks letter without the glasses and the beard.
Oh man: thank you for the end of this. This was a mess from almost issue #1 and never got better. Lee Mermejo’s cover were always top notch but his writing was just too all over the place. I think it’s because he was juggling way too many characters, as they all seemed to blend into one another. And Jorge Corona’s art style didn’t help to delineate these characters either. I think most of these characters will fade into the background of the REBIRTH world, with the exception of Duke, who will probably end up at some point as part of the DETECTIVE COMICS team.
WONDER WOMAN #52: Hecate has kidnapped baby Zeke so she can resurrect Zeus
But Hera shows up and has plans of her own, as she was the person responsible for making Zeke sick in the first place. Diana shows up and Hera immediately lies through her teeth to her, saying that Hecate was trying to kill Zeke. Diana wraps the Lasso of Truth around Hera, which doesn't work on her. Diana stops the ritual just in time to keep Zeke being merged with Hecate and saves Zeke. Then Hera says how she is going to take the throne of Olympus from her husband and uses her orbs to bring the cave down. Hera escapes but Wonder Woman sacrifices herself to save Zeke. In the end, Zeus is reborn because of Wonder Woman's sacrifice and reclaims the throne of Olympus. Zeus gave the cyclopes their freedom and he healed Zola, who will now live on Paradise Island and deal with the loss of her son.
Meredith Finch and Miguel Mendonca conclude this run and it couldn’t come fast enough. The minute the Finch Family jumped on board, the book took a left turn to unhappy land. And David Finch isn’t even here at the end, although I do like Mendonca’s style. What’s worse is that we get to the end of the series and baby Zeke dies! THAT SUCKS! I can’t wait to see where the REBIRTH WONDER WOMAN will go, especially with the revelation that came out in JUSTICE LEAGUE #50. It HAS to be better than this last run. And with Greg Rucka at the helm, I am highly anticipating it.