Thursday, February 6, 2025

DC UNIVERSE Month 84, Part 2

METAMORPHO THE ELEMENT MAN #2 by Al Ewing and Steve Leiber. Sapphire is troubled by the sudden success of new Pop star Sugar Sweet. This leads Simon Stagg to visit his underground lab where Mad Mod shows that Sugar Sweet is just am android. Sapphire uploads a video of her and the Element Girl and that changes up the algorithm in such a way that Sugar Sweet comes back on line as Yesterday Woman, who goes after Rex. Rex teams up with Element Woman, eventually defeating the android. Following it, Rex walks out saying that Sapphire was as kooky as her father. In the end, Mad Mod calls Vandal Savage, who decides it is time to visit an old friend in the form of Java.

MILESTONE UNIVERSE: THE SHADOW CABINET #3 by Joseph Illidge, Daryl Banks, and Atagun Ilhan. Raquel discovers that Curtis has either been captured or is dead. As she investigates, she meets David Kim/Kelly Vu: Duo. They explain things and present Raquel with a new, much improved costume. Curtis is tied to a chair as Angela Alva tells the secret history of her family, starting in the 1920’s when a wealthy black man named Chamberlain, passing himself off as white, lost his fortune in the stock market crash and, after the death of his wife, became a recluse. His sons, Arthur and Dewey, grew apart with Dewey changing his name from Chamberlain to Alva. He married and had a son named Edwin who eventually founded Alva Industries. Edwin had a brother who turned out to “looking like butterscotch candy”, leading to them paying the black maid to take the child and raise the child as her own. The child was Angela Jefferson/Alva. When she was almost killed in a car accident, her “mother” told her the truth. Once recovered, she set about finding a way to resurrect Edwin, and did so using the powers from the Blood Syndicate. With quantum energy within him, he leaves, claiming he will be all the world requires. The first thing he does is go and attack Icon In Dakota City, Virgil hears the news about martial law being declared and his mom convinces him that he needs to be part of the fight, even as Dharma muses that he is running out of time to save the world.

THE NEW GODS #2 by Ram V,  Evan Cagle and Jorge Fornes. Karak the Scavenger, following the death of Darkseid, sets about to destroy Apololips. Meanwhile, on Earth, Mister Miracle is ready to leave to find the special child that Orion has been told to kill, with Barda deciding to accompany him, whether he wants her to or not. Meanwhile, the adoptive parents of the child are in hiding from Max Lord’s forces. In a flashback, it is revealed Lord was tasked to find the child by Metron and he is currently answering to Serifan of the Forever People. In the end, Desaad learns from Metron that this child may be the one to restore Apokolips and become Darkseid’s heir.

NIGHTWING #122 by Dan Watters and Dexter Soy. Nightwing meets with the head of the GCPD and the Mayor and tells them that, although crime is down, he believes that Olivia Pearce is not who she appears, explaining that he believes she is really Colombia, who he encountered when he was young and who was a member of the Cirque du Sin. The Mator tells him that he needs to provide concrete proof. There is a explosion at one of the GCPD offices and he goes to investigate, capturing the bomber who refuses to tell who sent him to bomb the office. In the end, a woman connected to the Flyboiz, reaches out for Nightwing’s help.

POISON IVY #29 by G. Willow Wilson and Marcio Takara. Constructs after her.vy has been transported to Seattle. Here, she tries to disguise herself but also attends a rally by supporters of the Green Knight. When the police arrive to arrest the protestors as domestic terrorists, ivy reacts and reveals herself. She then asks the followers to take her to their leader, Reverand Disciple, who is revealed to be Bella Garten.-The Gardener, her former friend and lover. Despite Ivy trying to tell her they are actually on the same side, Garten unleashes, forcing her to flee.  

POWER GIRL #17 by Leah Williams and David Baldeon. Men and Streaky have arrived at “Karen Starr’s” new home and so too has Axel, who has brought a relic that warns the holder of it of danger. Power Girl joins them and, in a brand new suit, they begin remodeling the place, eventually calling it The Star. As they plan a party to celebrate, the Sprig of the Void Three notices the building and decides to liberate his sister, Aquus, from Stryker’s island. Her breakout allows Livewire, Amalgam, Shockwave and others to also escape. Power Girl and the others are forced to deal with the other escapees, allowing Aquus and Sprig to escape. Aquus asks about their brother Bruin and Spring reveals that he knows how to awaken him so they can continue their destruction. In the end, with the escapees returned to prison, they return to The Star and find it bathed in a purple light that reveals…dinosaurs around the building?

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #3 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey. Renee meets with Batwoman, taking back the Green Lantern ring to interrogate The Eradicator. During the process, the Watchtower begins to morph and attack the heroes. In the meantime, a possessed Nightshade knocks out Jaime and begins releases Hank Henshaw: the Cyborg Superman. Later, she takes out Ted Kord, releasing Conduit. In the end, the villains stand united as Henshaw declares that the Watchtower now belongs to him.

SHAZAM #19 by Josie Campbell and Dan McDaid.. Mary Marvel is trapped on the moon by Georgia Sivana, who has been consumed by Mr. Mind. Billy tells everything going on in his life to Beau, who also confesses her problems and the two share a kiss. Billy goes off the confront The Commander, who has been corrupted by the Amber Lightning and Mr. Mind. But Freddy’s mind is on the Rock of Eternity and he is convinced by Hephaestus that he has the power within him to be the hero and breaks through the mind control, teaming up with defeat the robots. Later, the Sivana children meet and it is revealed the beau is really Beautia Sivana and together they unleash Mr. mind’s creatures on the world

SUPERMAN #22 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora. Superman and Superwoman meet the leader of the Calaton ships, who claims he is the leader of a group of survivors of Doomsday that is called The Aftermath. He tells them to hand over Doomsday and they will leave in peace, telling Superman that their goal is to make sure Doomsday will never kill again. He unmasks and reveals himself to be the resurrected radiant and says he will take Doomsday or destroy Earth in the process. Superman and Radiant fight, landing in Supercorp, where Radiant hits Doomsday with an energy blast that frees him. Superman and Doomsday end up fighting alongside each other while Time Trapper visits Lois.

SUPERMAN: LEX LUTHOR SPECIAL #1 by Joshua Williamson and Eddy Barrows. Superman meets with Mr. Terrific, who explains that with the creation of Elseworld, he and the Totality have uncovered a hidden piece of reality that can only be discovered with the advanced scientific help of Lex Luthor, who has no memory. Meanwhile, Lex and Mercy spend the afternoon together as he tries to restore his memory. Lena has bought him a piano, hoping that he can recall the music he created on a radio wave emitter as a child, when he tried to impress his father with his ability and failing miserably. A crowd gathers and threaten to attack Lex, who is saved by Superman. In the end, Mister Terrific tells Superman that he just got designs for a radio transmitter that lets them reach out through the Multiverse. Shortly, Superman hears a familiar songs that tells him Lex has recalled inventing the musical gift that his father rebuked. Is this a sign that the old Lex is back?

TITANS #19 by John Layman and Serge Acuna. Killer Frost is now part of the Justice League, but she thinks everyone is suspecting her, which leads her unleash her powers on the city. Starfire and Raven work together to stop her, even as Batman arrives and takes Frost away, even as Donna protests. In the end, it seems the Psycho Pirate, working for Clock King, is responsible and plans on unleashing his power on Raven next.

TWO-FACE #2 by Christian Ward and Fabio Veras. While the two sides of Harvey Dent fight within his mind, he tries another case in The White Church. This one involves a messy situation between the King and Queen of the Royal Flush Gang, as the King has been accused of unfaithfulness regarding an affair with The White Rabbit. With help from his new found apprentice, it is shown that the King in the compromising photos was actually False Face, who is also disguised as the Queen’s attorney. He manages to escape under a cloud of smoke. In the end, someone mysterious is pulling the strings and has an army known as The Shadow hand assembled, consisting of White rabbit, Die, Doubt, Jaina Hudson, and False Face. Harvey has wronged someone and the mysterious person is looking for revenge.

WONDER WOMAN #17 by Tom King and Daniel Sampere. As Diana makes a statue of Steve while telling her daughter about him, the rest of the Wonder family works to take down The Sovereign. Donna Troy attacks Giganta, who ends up destroying Sovereign’s mansion in the process. Yara finds Silver Swan in the fallen mansion and they battle. Cassie seeks out and takes out Angle Man. But the Wonder Girls cannot fully defeat their opponents, so they switch it up and take on each other’s opponents. When them defeated, Grail escorts The Sovereign through an underground tunnel to the final place where he can hide: the White House.


DC UNIVERSE Month 84, Part 1

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #4 by Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta, AND Gabriel Hernandez Walta. In a series of flashbacks regarding Bruce’s earliest adventures as Batman, Bruce designs a costume that makes him look like a vampire, with red contact lenses, a voice changer and fake vampire fangs. This leads him to attack a gang called the Ten Thieves and, in the process, he pulls out a gun to shoot their leader but changes his mind and flies off. Back at the garage he is using as his base of operations, he burns the costume and the gun, deciding to concentrate on the Orange Blossom Special: a pipeline from Florida run by the Maroni and Falcone crime rings running guns and drugs stashed in citrus trucks. He stops one run but also realizes he still needs to improve his design and attacks and thinks back to a bridge design he had once created. On a  cross-country trip, he remembers giving his victim impact statement at Joe Chill’s sentencing, telling him he hated him and leaving before Chill gave his statement. Back in Gotham, he added wings to his costume and set up various bases across the city in sewers and skyscrapers. After confronting Randal Powers, who owns the trucking company and denied knowing anything, Bruce went to Blackgate Penitentiary to hear what Chill had to say about the shooting that took his father’s life.

ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #3 by Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval.  Six years ago, Kal is struggling to fit into Krypton’s class structure, preferring to write his own reports as opposed to using A.I., resulting in his grades not being what they should be. On a camping trip with his family, he learns his parents approve of his course of actions and also sees that Joe-El is researching the proof he needs to prove that Krypton is getting closer to destruction. Later, on a field trip with his classmates, they see a train wreck that is caused by toxic gas coming from underground and sees the results of these gasses, although the Science League suppresses the news. The students visit Kandor and Kal notices none of the Klerics being present while also seeing his father being dragged away from a Science League meeting. Kal races home to tell his mother, who dons a super suit to free Jor-El. Kal gets into the League’s computer system to find they have built space ships to help the Elite Class escape the upcoming destruction. In the end, Kal’s parents show him the ship they built while they learn that Kal has published the story of the secret ships for the whole of Krypton to read. And who is the elderly woman seen lying in a Smallville hospital bed asking for her son to fly her away-a woman with a hospital band saying she is M. Kent.

ABSOLUTE WONDER WOMAN #4 by Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman. In the past, it is shown that Circe was banished to Hell and forced to raise Diana to be a warrior. In the present, Diana and Steve pay a visit to Etta and Gia Candy in Gia’s coven shop, with Diana saying she needs ingredients to be able to cast a spell to retore her prosthetic arm. Following a ritual to Hecate, Diana’s arm is restored and she goes back out to battle the Tetracide. Diana summons her sword and kills the Tetracide. In the end, Veronica Cale meets with the President and informs him that they still have a problem with Diana that needs to be rectified.

ACTION COMICS #1082 by John Ridley and Inaki Miranda. As Metropolis has been hit by what may be an earthquake, Superman goes to help but is too late to save one person and all of this is because once reformed villain Major Disaster has decided to rob a bank. When Superman confronts him, he immediately surrenders. After multiple interviews with Major Disaster and his known associates, Clark Kent comes to the same answer: Major Disaster couldn’t stand being a good guy. In the end, Clark gets attacked in an alley and his powers seem to have failed him.

AQUAMAN #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms. A plane headed for Metropolis is crashing and Aquaman saves it by creating a column of water, thanks to receiving Mera’s powers following the ABSOLUTE POWER event. Returning to Atlantis to continue his duty as king,  he investigates the mystery surrounding a giant pearl found by Jackson and Garth, as seen in FLASHPOINT BEYOND #1. He then is called to Daytona beach where he battles a giant water construct. He receives a message from Mera and races back to Atlantis to find it in ruins and the only thing remaining is the pearl. He takes the object to the Watchtower and Zatanna deduces it is an artifact of ancient magic. Zatanna becomes aware of a magical vibration under the ocean and Aquaman, Batman and Wonder go to investigate, finding a mysterious Omega shaped gate to somewhere.

BATGIRL #3 by Tate Brombal and Takeshi Miyazawa. Batgirl and her mother continue to disagree about their actions when Cass fights a group that arrives, until her mother informs her that this is the Order of Shiva and they are here to help against The Unburied. Later, she battles against the League of Shadows, only to find out that it is a group led by her mother, the Order of Shiva, and Nyssa and they are recruiting her to this new team to join the fight.

BATMAN #156 by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico. Batman breaks Jim Gordon out of custody, explaining to Bullock that Jim was framed because of the mind controlling glasses courtesy of Nygma. After solving a riddle and rescuing Nakano’s assistant, Nygma gives him the choice of either stopping terrorists or saving the Mad Hatter, who was the unwilling accomplice in all of this. Batman saves Jervis after fighting his way through security and Owls. When Nygma tells him that the owls are being controlled by Leonid, batman tells him that his data tech just gave the Russians access to nuclear weapons in the ;process. After Gordon meets with Nakano’s widow, who rebuffs him, he saves batman from the Owls, as our hero is trying to shut down the Nygma Drive. Gordon tries to arrest Nygma but also realizes there is a bomb set to go off and tries to usher him away when the bomb goes off. Meanwhile, Batman, on his way to stop Leonid from leaving the country, finally realizes the true identity of Commander Star. He is the KGBeast.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #17 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Javi Fernandez. In the past, Bruce and Lautrec follow their professor as he chases after Memento. In the present, Batman fights off memento’s followers and tries to get Crane to safety but is tormented by the ghosts of Arkham, who Crane insists are not hallucinations, leading to him being saved by Damian, who has been doing volunteer work under the tutelage of Dr. Bashar. Robin meets with Lautrec and Gordon while Batman goes out patrolling with Red Hood by his side. He also has tasked Oracle to find out everything she can on Dr. Bashar.

BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #35 by Mark Waid and Adrian Gutierrez. The Justice League receives a call for help from under the sea and that leads Batman, Superman, Robin and Aquaman to investigate and are attacked by undersea dwellers who have turned feral. Superman gets called away and is reunited with his old flame Lori Lemaris. She explains that her people have convinced King Ronal, her husband, that the Poseidonians are responsible for whatever this plague is. Ronal confronts and attacks Superman, capturing him. In the end, Batman and Robin encounter someone who could be responsible for all of this: The Floronic Man

BIRDS OF PREY #17 by Kelly Thompson and Sami Basri. Cass has been corrupted and now sees her teammates as monsters. As the Birds and the transformed Amazons fights, it becomes obvious that the Amazons are carrying syringes and trying to transform them too. During Barda’s fight with Cass, she notices an implant on Cass and has Canary cut it out, which brings Cass back to normal. With things becoming chaotic, Xane convinces his people they must also transform and they attack, but are defeated by Sin, who has arrived to help her friends. Antidotes are administered to all the Amazons and GCPD arrives to round up the bad guys…all but Xane who has been transformed but is helpless to act. The Amazons are brought back to Themyscria, with Onyx opting to stay for a while.

BLACK CANARY: BEST OF THE BEST #3 by Tom King and Ryan Sook. In the past, Green Arrow shoots arrows into Vandal Savage. When Dinah arrives, Savage removes the arrows and invites her to sit with him regarding a business proposal, but not until he stabs Ollie with one of the arrows. During their meeting, Savage says he has the means to cure Dinah mother, provided she goes into this fight and follows the rules. Later, while training, Batman shows up and wants to know why she is going into the fight and ends up training with her. During Round 3, Dinah continues to take a beating and, at one point, Shiva beats on Ted Grant. Thought she can barely stand, let alone continue, she forces herself to fight back.

BLACK LIGHTNING #3 by Brandon Thomas and Fico Ossio.  Steel and Lightning face off against the Master of Disasters. Anissa and her mother see what is happening and Anissa powers up and goes to help, losing her power band in the process. Her father arrives and tries to get her to calm down enough to depower. But she realizes he is talking to someone else while doing this and this not only angers her but she is immediately transported to the Watchtower. On the Watchtower, Jefferson gets into an argument with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, who claim she is a danger just like he is. With those words, Jefferson attacks Superman.

CATWOMAN #72 by Torunn Gronbekk and Marianna Ignazzi. In the past, ‘Evie’s secrets are secured in  a safe that requires a special key to open. In the present, Selina is held at knife point by Adam, who she has not seen since he was much younger. He opens a secured wine cellar, which Selina observes the code to enter. Once inside, she knocks out Adam and makes her way to a private room, using the code to enter. She opens a safe and steals what appears to be a Faberge egg. Anton finds Adam and this leads Ivan t tell his followers to find the person responsible. Ivan finds Selina in the private room just after she has found a particular book and threatens her. She lights the room on fire and flees, taking the book with her. The book contains that special key she needs. As she disappears into a new disguise, it appears she left a message behind: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #2 by Christopher Cantwell and Sean Isaaske. In the past, June Robbins created Ultivac. When Robbins Robotics was attacked, it was Ultivac that saved her. After she became a member of the team, Ultivac’s programming led him to becoming an adversary and ultimately being stopped. At the moment, Terrific tells June of a radio signal from the ocean floor that she knows is coming from Ultivac. She and Batman go to investigate, teaming up with Aquaman and the Sea Devils. Underwater, they are attacked by robotic sharks and Ultivac communicates with June telepathically. This leads to she and Batman heading to find him in Kashmir, where he tells her that he needs to find Darkseid and access his Omega. Later, in the Watchtower, Batman explains that Ultivac tried to convince her that the Challengers had some connection to Omega Energy, which leads Terrific to put her in quarantine, where Ace already is. In the end, Ultivac reaches out to June and tells her he is going to save everyone.

DC HORROR PRESENTS #4 by LaToya Morgan, Aaron Sagers, Tom Derenick, and Ryan Kelly. On Halloween night, two people dressed as Batman and Wonder Woman make their way to the set of Shadow crest.  While there, they find a Scarface puppet but later discovers it has disappeared. Scarface attacks and beheads the man and it turns out that this was all the woman’s plan as she and the dummy find love. In the second story, a paranormal investigator is hired by The Penguin, who has been haunted by many of those thugs who have died in his employ. The investigator manages to bring the spirits to existence and Penguin apologizes to them. When the investigator leaves, the spirts leave with him but he knows they will return again someday.

DC HORROR PRESENTS CREATURE COMMANDOS #4 by David Dastmalchian and Jesus Hervas. The team heads off on their mission to an island off the coast of Namibia. They eventually make their way into a stronghold where they encounter an army of Brainiacs, much to Brainiac’s delight.

DC POWER: RISE OF THE POWER COMPANY #1 by Brandon Thomas, Zipporah Smith, John Jennings, Vita Ayala, Charles Stewart III, Kelsey Ramsay, Caanan White, Atagun Ilhan, and Ray-Anthony Height. Continued from BLACK LIGHTNING #3. Josiah Power, still reeling from the death of his nephew Daniel during ABSOLUTE POWER, heads to Deimos, where he dwells on the future. What follows are a host of stories involving Vixen, Bolt, Cyborg, Jo Mullein, Jace Fox, and The Signal-all people Power is considering on making up his new Power Company., In the end, Power offers a job to Black Lightning to lead this team, which he turns down. Power warns that this may be a bad decision in the end.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1093 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin. In a flashback, Bruce meets Scarlett for the first time. Scarlett’s mother shows great empathy, saying that Martha Wayne was so helpful to her. In the present,  the Bat family rounds up the recently released teenagers from the Faultless Juvenile Detention Center and secures them at an old warehouse for their own safety. Later, batman finds a mercenary hired to take out the serial killer but learns that bounty has been cancelled. This leads him to The Penguin, who denies issuing the bounty, but reveals that the killer is called Asema. Oracle contacts Batman to tell him one of the teens is in trouble and he arrives and stops Asema from killing the boy. In the end, another teenager is killed and Asema gets away with a sample of Batman’s blood, so they can deduce the Dark Knight’s identity.

THE FLASH #17 by Simon Spurrier and Vasco Georgiev. Irey shows the Justice League that the rage outbreaks form a circle with its’ center in Skartaris and form six points on the seven point star that Weather Wizard described. They go to the Atlantic Ocean and find a tower rising out of the water.which Doctor Occult describes as a psychic thaumaturgic construct Wally flies into a fit of rage and smashes through one of the tower walls. Meanwhile, in Skartaris, the other Wally suffers a headache that may have been caused by the other Wally smashing into the tower. The Wests and Warlord arrive at this flying castle where he shows off his former wife, saying he is now in a relationship with Y’hil. Jai can see around Warlord and Wally tells him to go to the Justice league and tell them it’s a Code Black-3. As Wally pulls out the Sword of Stillness, jai tries to transport away but is held by Skarttaris’ magic. Warlord reveals he is possessed by Eclipso. He reveals am Atlantean machine that allows the user to reshape reality and then reveals that he wants Wally to kill Y;hil. Wally pushes Linda and Wade into the transporter and they arrive at the tower, where she tells at Wally for deceiving her. Wally is blasted by Eclipso with pure happiness and that causes the Wally on the surface to complain that the other Wally screwed up. Jai and Foxy find themselves at the bottom of a staircase and, when they finally climb up, they find they are on the Moon.

GREEN ARROW #20 by Chris Condon and Montos. The issue opens with a mother learning her son has Epilepsy, seemingly caused by Benzine that could have come from a nearby factory. Elsewhere, the Fresh Water Killer is revealed to be Francene Dory. They discover she was part of the settlement reached with Horton to people affected by their illegal dumpings. Suddenly, she passes out and dies. Ollie storms out but not before taking the police file on her. While he beats himself up about how this could have happened, he engages in target practice to try and release his rage. When he returns to his apartment, an unknown assailant is there…an assailant who resembled the Fresh Water Killer.

GREEN LANTERN #19 by Jeremy Adams and Fernando Pasarin, Oclir Albert, and Jason Paz. The Justice League fights a tentacled monster with Star Sapphire taking the lead, using her powers to snare the beast. Hal shows up and caries the captured creature back to the ocean. While some of the League thinks Hal and carl’s romance is sweet, batman appears to not be a fan. After the events in GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1, Hal tells Carol that he is putting a team together to stop her former boyfriend, the Sorrow Lantern. Meanwhile, on Oa, an unknown figure attempts to steal some weapons from storage but is stopped by Kyle and it is revealed that this is Odyssey the Time Bandit, who has been in the Science Cells for some time. Rather than return her to the Science Cells, Kyle offers to have her join him and clear her criminal record. The pair go to Australia and meet up with Connor, who is immediately captivated by Odyssey. In the end, Sorrow Lantern is seen kneeling at the feet of Starbreaker, who has now unlocked the secrets within the Book of Oa.

GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams and V Ken Marion. In the Library of Forever, the librarian gets a visit from Nathan Broome-the Sorrow Lantern-who is looking for a piece of glass used for reading The Book of Oa. Elsewhere, the Green Lantern Corps relocates the replacement Green Lantern Battery from Earth to Oa, with Jadestone being assigned the role of permanent protector of the Battery and Teen Lantern and Ellie acting as a technical expert for the Battery’s installation. Jessica Cruz, as leader of the Council of Oa, gives a speech to the Lanterns and it is interrupted by Guy Gardner fighting Broome, who escapes with an older copy of the Book of Oa.. Gardner explains that when the book is viewed through the special glass, it would reveal the plans to create a new Power Lantern and, if Broome gets that glass, he would be able to spread his power throughout the galaxy. In the end, the Lanterns race to get the components for that Lantern before Broome does.

HARLEY QUINN #47 by Elliot Kalan and Mindy Lee. Harley is hired by a guy who wants to put a hurt on the restaurant he works at. Harley accepts the job and goes in to rob the place. But she finds out it is a meeting of the Mudpack: Basil Karlo, Cassius Payne, Matt Hagen, Preston Payne, Todd Russell, John Carlinger, Lady Clayface, and Clownface. Harley ends up defeating them but also finds out that the guy who hired her actually is the owner of the restaurant, leading her to knocking him out. When she gets home, Richie asks her out and she breaks into laughter..

JSA #3 by Jeff Lemire and Diego Olortegui. Hawkman, thought killed at the end of the last issue, has been healed and is now held captive by the Demons Three, who are prepared to bring him to the master: Wotan  his servants take Hawkman to the edge of Hell itself, where he sees Surtur. Elsewhere, Jay Garrick has been captured by the new Injustice Society until a renewed Dr. Fate intervenes. Meanwhile, Beth continues to investigate Jakeem’s mysterious illness and discovers something that convinces her that Todd is not who he claims to be and he arrives and attacks her, threatening to show her his true face. In the end, Hawkman is chained at the edge of Hell when a girl calling herself Kid Eternity arrives, telling him she is going to break him out of here.

JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED #3 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. The Question seeks out Air Wave, who she finds hiding out and eating junk food., unaware he has a secret mission to kill the Justice League. The Watchtower receives an alert saying that the Brazilian Rain Forst is on fire  and team, along with help from magic users and the Metal Men, go to help out. A portal opens and a group calling themselves Inferno arrives, saying they plan to control the Earth. At the same time, Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi uses a new device to swap the powers of Plastic Man and Phantom Girl. With that success, Phantom Girl returns to her home dimension. In the end, Air Wave is sent to help Aquaman in finding Swamp Thing to keep Inferno from stealing the power of The Green. And, as the portal begins to close, Dr. Occult leaps through it and heads to Inferno’s home dimension.

JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #1 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, and Mike Perkins. Three weeks ago, both Atoms show up to help a child who has been the recipient of powers following ABSOLUTE POWER and do their best to get his powers under control, taking him to the Watchtower. At the same time, the Atoms have been experimenting on captain Atom to try and get his rogue powers under control, as painful as it is for him. They believe if they can get his powers under control, then they can find the solution for everyone else. But Nathaniel Adams leaves and now, three weeks later, he is a loose cannon who refuses to go back and doesn’t want anyone to have these powers, including himself.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

DC UNIVERSE Month 83, Part 2

HARLEY QUINN #46 by Elliot Kalan and Mindy Lee. Harley continues her war against those that bother her and her neighbors, taking aim at the decline of neighborhood business because of people ordering online. This leads her into direct conflict with Convoy: the en-truckulated man. With the help of music provided by DJ Local hero, she defeats Convoy and saves the neighborhood stores, despite causing so much damage in the process. In the end, Althea Klang confronts her and promises to destroy her.

JSA #2 by Jeff Lemire and Diego Olortegui. In a flashback to one week ago, Jade, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Sand rescue attendees at a benefit event and have been held in a suspended state. Meanwhile, the other JSA members inform Jade that Kobra had broken into Ted Knight’s old observatory. Obsidian, actually a disguised Johnny Sorrow, suggests forming a strike team to go after Kobra. The Injustice Society breaks into the Brownstone and attacks, keeping Jakeem from summoning Thunderbolt and Khalid transports everyone to the Tower of Fate but he and Jakeem are left behind. In the end, in a replay of last issue, Jay finally finds the one door in the Tower that leads them back to the Brownstone but, as the door opens, they are greeted by Red Lantern, Doctor Elemental, and Solomon Grundy. And that is when Hawkman gets run through with a very long sword.

JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED #2 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. A second team of Justice League members, made up of Star Sapphire, Mary Marvel, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Black Lightning, and Dr. Occult, arrive to help Batman and Blue Beetle from the swarm of Parademons. Batman instructs them to split up to where they are most needed. While Black Lightning and Star Sapphire remain behind, Wonder Woman and Mary Marvel head off to handle the egg farm and Martian Manhunter and Dr. Occult search for the kidnapped children. Meanwhile, the Atoms have figured out a way to restore the original powers to the various heroes while Stargirl and Mr. Terrific continue to investigate the mysterious Inferno group. Dr. Occult and Martian Manhunter find the sentient Parademon who was sent to Earth long ago by Darkseid and has been kidnapping the children as an offering to Darkseid to bring him home. J’onn beats on the Parademon, which causes Dr. Occult to muse that J’onn has been adversely affected by the power switch.

METAMORPHO THE ELEMENT MAN #1 by Al Ewing and Steve Leiber. Metamorpho battles against Mister 3, who is trying to steal all of his secrets. He gets joined by the mysterious Element gal, agent of S.H.A.D.E., who we learn was once being handled by Mister 3 on the mission that turned her into Element Gal. The pair work together to stop Mister 3 and Element gal decides to stay on as Metamorpho’s backup. It’s a good thing as he is preparing for his own death as he investigates Project: Sunrise.

MILESTONE UNIVERSE: THE SHADOW CABINET #2 by Joseph Illidge, Daryl Banks, and Atagun Ilhan. Dharma reveals to Rocket that they were the world’s first superhero and their powers allowed the formation of The Shadow Cabinet. When she tells them they are doing an awful job, Rocket is informed that the Cabinet was responsible for sealing the time fissure that Metcalf had created. Despite an offer to join the Shadow Cabinet, she turns it down and leaves. She makes a side trip to visit Static, telling her that he has no need to leave his neighborhood and join whatever fight is coming. Elsewhere, Paris Island is under attack by the mysterious assassin and the Blood Syndicate takes a beating. But Wise Son gets transported to the home of the Shadow Cabinet where he is told he has to repay his debt to Dharma. Meanwhile, Angela Alva, with Transit by her side, engages in a full takeover of Alva Industries. Tashana invades Metcalf’s lab and takes him down, apparently repaying her debt to Dharma. She drags him to Alva’s and he is forced to meet with Angela Alva.

THE NEW GODS #1 by Ram V,  Evan Cagle and Jorge Fornes. With Darkseid’s death, there has become an imbalance of power in the universe. Metron delivers Highfather a prophecy regarding a special child born on Earth and Highfather sends Orion off on a special mission. Orion visits Scott Free who is struggling to maintain family life with Barda working for the Birds of Prey while also dealing with his newborn daughter Olivia. Orion explains that Highfather has tasked him to find this child and kill it within the next seven days. It is something he does not want to do and tells Scott to find the child and escape with it. Meanwhile, in India, Maxwell Lord’s mercenaries hunt a child named Kamal who apparently is the child Orion is tasked to kill as he reveals his power.

NIGHTWING #121 by Dan Watters and Dexter Soy. A young member of the Teddy Gang is dead and Dick meets with Olivia Pearse, asking her if she would be interested in having him invest in Spheric Solutions. While Barbara investigates Spheric, Dick meets with the Teddy gang, only to have that meeting interrupted by the upgraded police force. He leads the Teddy gang away and gets them into a satellite safe house. In the end, Barbara tells Dick that Olivia Pearse may actually be someone he met when he was Robin.

POISON IVY #28 by G. Willow Wilson and Marcio Takara. Icy continues to deal with the terrorists who think that she is the Green Knight and, when they begin to crowd her, she uses her power to put them to sleep. Back inn the deserted city, she encounters Xylon: a shepherd of the Grey, as she is told by the Bog Venus. She is also told that her actions have torn a rift between the Green and the Grey. Meanwhile, Janet and Croc awake at a knock on the door, as the pair have apparently had sex. Croc leaves and an embarrassed Janet stammers as Ivy tells her about the bog creature. She goes out to look for the creature and, when the fog lifts, she finds herself in Seattle.

POWER GIRL #16 by Leah Williams and Adrianna Melo. With Omen at death’s door, Power Girl battles against Electa. During the battle that takes them to the Fortress of Solitude, Ejecta reveals that Symbio infiltrated the Gamorra Compound before the Amazos were shut down and stole the powers of the Super Family, resulting in an upgrade to her own powers. She also reveals that she was always a homicidal maniac; even before Symbio got her. Power Girl ultimately defeats her with a Kalanorian rocket launcher and then violently beats her before sending her back to Symbio. Her adoptive father promises to rebuild her so no one can do this to her again. In the end, Omen, who had a miraculous recovery, and Power Girl move into a new headquarters.

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #2 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey. Kenn Kawa of the Challengers has been gravely injured by a Thanagarian leopard and it happened in The Question’s bedroom. Security footage reveals that Batwoman was the person who allowed the creature in for the attack. That leads her to Nightshade’s Bar to find out if Kate had been acting unusually and discovering that, just about the time Conduit was taken down, Kate raced out of the place.  Elsewhere, Bulleteer is minding the Amory when a flash of light occurs followed by the appearance of The Eradicator. Renee goes to visit Kenn and finds Kate there, confronting her with the evidence. She says she remembers none of it and Kenn wakes, screaming how someone wants the secrets to the Atom Project. The Eradicator arrives and brawls with The Question, producing a Green Lantern ring at the same time. But he finds the ring is off as Blue Beetle and Bulleteer arrive, with the latter carrying a piece of Kryptonite that allows him to be subdued. Later, as Jaime monitors systems, he is called away and suddenly the Phantom Zone containment unit is disabled.

SHAZAM #18 by Josie Campbell and Emanuela Lupcchino. Finding herself trapped beneath Society Tower, Mary defends herself but is ultimately captured although Hoppy escapes. Georgia Sivana has managed to enhance herself with a combination of magic and technology and blasts Mary, disintegrating her. She then sends the robots out to attack the city. Meanwhile, on the Rock of Eternity, Billy and The Captain sense something has happened to Mary even as Darla calls and says that Freddy is attacking citizens including Uncle Dudley. The Captain arrives right before The Commander is ready to kill Dudley but The Commander attacks back, as he is still possessed by the Amber Lightning. Beau saves The Captain by getting him into her van and driving him away. Billy realizes The Captain is dying and he takes control of the body to allow The Captain to return to The Rock and heal himself. Billy insists that Beau take him back so he can save Freddy. As it turns out, Mary has been sent to a distant planet where she finds Georgia with a group of Venusian worms similar to Mr. Mind.

SUPERMAN #21 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora. Clark takes Lois on a date night that begins with them playing darts on the moon. He admits that he is distracted  by the Doomsday situation and also the effects of the Red Kryptonite dose from some time ago. Amethyst shows up asking for help because House Onyx has been invaded. Superman tries to fight the Onyx Army but Lois manages to broker the peace between the two factions. Lady Akira says that Onyx needs gems to make medicine. Resuming their date, a fleet of alien ships arrive, claiming they are The Aftermath. They demand that Doomsday is turned over to them or they will kill everyone on the planet. Elsewhere, Lex, still missing his memory, claims he can’t stop thinking about Mercy and presents her with her favorite coffee.

SUPERWOMAN SPECIAL #1 by Joshua Williamson, Edwin Galmon, Laura Braga, and Nikola Cizmesija. The story of jhow Lois became Superwoman is explained to Lara and Kara. During ABSOLUTE POWER, Lois put on a supersuit that was somehow connected to the Amazos. When the Amazos were defeated, Lois received a shock and passed out, later finding herself on the roof of the Daily Planet. With life back to normal, Lois goes back to work and, when she loses a pencil, she lifts a couch and discovers she has super powers. At Super Corp, she is scanned and finds that her cells have been super charged by the yellow sun, like Superman’s. After doing some super things, she meets with Clark and demonstrates her new power, later joining the whole Super family and surprising her son.

TITANS #18 by John Layman and Pete Woods. The Titans are moving into a new headquarters, affectionately dubbed Titans Tunnels as it is in New York City and 300 feet underground. While arguing among themselves, an alert comes in leading them into Manhattan where they see Mammoth and his sister Shimmer causing destruction, as she claims the Titans have been going after her. The work together to fight them with Gar, as an 800 lb. gorilla taking Shimmer out, leading to Mammoth begging the team not to kill her. Donna promises to fix whatever is wrong with her and Mammoth flees, promising to be back to get Shimmer. In the end, it appears the Clock King is behind this and that meets the approval of Deathstroke, who announces that the Crime Syndicate has been reformed and they have the power.

TWO-FACE #1 by Christian Ward and Fabio Veras. Harvey Dent, still dealing with both personalities within him, holds court in something he calls The White Church, where Zsasz is on trial for the murder of Anthony Reynolds: lieutenant in the Falcone Crime Family. Harvey proves that Zassz did not kill Reynolds but apparently Jimmy the Thin did. With the use of his coin, Harvey finds Jimmy guilty and kills him. In the end, he enlists Lake Cantwell to be a part of his new organization, even as he continues to try and keep Two-Face at bay inside his mind.

WONDER WOMAN #16 by Tom King, Khary Randolph, and Bruno Redondo. While Diana cares for her newborn daughter, Detective Chimp arrives at the home of the Sovereign to question what he might know about Steve’s murder. His questions are answered vaguely but that isn’t enough for Detective Chimp who spends the next few weeks pursuing and asking more questions and catching him in multiple lies. Realizing he has made one mistake too many, he sends Circe to Trevor’s office to steal back a key piece of evidence. But Chimp was prepared and. Along with The Spectre, she was interrogated, eventually revealing how the Sovereign was the secret King of America. That information is revealed to the world thanks to an exclusive news story by Clark Kent. In the backup, .the story is revealed. The Sovereign’s family used a magic lasso to convince the Founding fathers into thinking they were running a democracy when it was Sovereign’s family pulling the strings. Much of the information was gathered by Clark interviewing the Queen of America: the destitute older sister of the Sovereign, revealing that her brother killed their father and used the lasso to take control.

DC UNIVERSE Month 83, Part 1

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #3 by Scott Snyder and Nick Dragotta. In a flashback, Selina leads Bruce around Gotham, teaching him how to conquer his fear of heights. The pair eventually end up in a movie theater where Selina has arranged a screening of ZORRO, later being joined by their friends. In the present, the monstrous Batmobile, with Alfred atop it, races through Gotham while being pursued by the Party Animals. Alfred explains that he has been pursuing Roman Sionis who he believes is Black Mask and the leader of the Party Animals. He convinces Batman to take Black Mask’s deal to allow them both to investigate. Later, former Mayor Hill brings Chief Bullock to a meeting with Roman that would get Gotham Police vehicles and weapons to fight the Party Animals. Meanwhile, Bruce meets with Edward who has his own A.I. version of himself he has named Al, asking about how the masks on the Party Animals work. Edward calls Harvey, who reveals that Black Mask is funded by various criminals and cartels. It is also revealed that the newest project is called Ark M. and is a private prison.. With his mother taking the job of Deputy Mayor behind Mayor Gordon, Bruce accepts Black Mask’s offer.

ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #2 by Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval. Six years ago, a young Kal-El is being criticized by his teacher for writing his own report instead of using the AI connected to the Science Leagues’ storehouse. In the present, Lois has handcuffed herself to Kal-El as he is surrounded by Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp soldiers. Kal’s suit, named Sol, uses a plasma tentacle to try to undo the cuffs while the soldiers decide to open fire, sacrificing Lois if needed. Sol unleashes something like a cape made of Kryptonian dust to shield Kal and Lois. Kal and Lois flee, eventually being shot down by a helitank, causing them to crash into a village church. As kal tends to the wounded with the Kryptonian dust, Lois observes, with him finally starting to tell her where he is from, just as the cuffs unlock and he flies away. Later, Lois writes her after action report and becomes frustrated how the Brainiac AI interpreted it. In the end, in a flashback, we see Kal’s parents inventing Sol. Finally, the Peacemakers massacre the villagers who Kal had just saved.

ABSOLUTE WONDER WOMAN #3 by Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman. In the past, Diana teaches Steve how to defend against the hydra, telling the creature to choose peace so it can live. After he tells her about his home, she finds a spell in one of her mother’s books; a spell calling for a sacrifice. Later, she tells her mother that Steve’s appearance was a test and she has sacrificed by cutting off her right arm; the dominant arm of a warrior. In the present, Diana tells the troops that the Tetracide is resistant to magic and that it kills in four ways: death of fear, of mind, of body, and of soul. She orders them all to leave before they are killed. Steve wants to stay. Diana goes up against the Tetracide and fails to defeat it, losing the arm that she had replaced with with one created by magic. She replaces it with a metal arm and she again implores everyone to leave or be devoured. She runs into a woman named Barbara Minerva, instructing her to hide out with Steve and the others. Barbara refers to Diana as Wonder Woman, identifying Diana as an Amazon. Commandeering a television news broadcast, Diana tells the television audience she will be casting a spell to make them all deaf to protect them from the Tertacide.

ACTION COMICS #1078 by Mark Waid, Mariko Tamaki, Clayton Henry and Skylar Patridge. An alien ship is falling to earth and threatens to kill millions. The Super Family struggles to keep it in the air and do, but they find themselves falling to the ground only to be saved by the returning Kal-El. Later, mister Terrific informs them that there is something inside the sun that is causing the energy to be pulled from the sun. Superman, even in his weakened state, decides he is the only one who can enter the sun, so Nat and Mister Terrific set about to build him a super suit. Kal-El  decides that, to save lives, he will empty the Phantom Zone, which causes the ire of the head of Kandor’s Science Council who threatens to permanently exile him from Kandor if he does that. With the decision made, along with the Super Suit, he heads into the sun, only to find out that the Phantom Zone criminals have been free and at full power because of the yellow sun. In the backup, 8912 puts Supergirl to sleep and seizes control of the ship but Power Girl, back on Earth, senses it and uses her telepathy to pull her friend out of it. 8912 crashes the ship in an effort to commit suicide and then tries to get Supergirl to kill her. Supergirl asks who her brother is and she replies that he is ”death for all”.

ACTION COMICS #1079 by Mark Waid, Mariko Tamaki, Michael Shelfer, and Skylar Patridge. The freed Phantom Zone prisoners begin to rampage across Earth and the Super-Family, along with Justice League Unlimited, fight against them but find the only people able to slow them down are magic users. Batman orders Firestorm to start transforming Kryptonite but he does not know how. Two days later, Superman awakes in a lead mine in India with Jimmy and Mon-El. Mon-El explains the prisoners overpowered him when they escaped. They also attacked the Fortress and destroyed the Phantom Zone Projector. He also says he repurposed Aethyr’s sphere which allowed him to be both solid and phantom at the same time. Superman suggests getting Gold K but Mon-El reveals the prisoners already have it. The combined teams finally round up the prisoners and Firestorm outfits them with Kryptonite gauntlets. Those prisoners who took the Fortress get hit with Red K light and they are detained there. Despite this, some of the most dangerous Zoners are still on the loose and they are attacking places all across the galaxy. In the backup,  Supergirl attacks 8912’s brother but he is too strong for her. He attempts to take over 8912’s mind but Supergirl manages to get her free of his control. Supergirl attacks him and, even though he says she cannot defeat him alone, 8912 and Power Girl add their psychic abilities to her own.

ACTION COMICS #1080 by Mark Waid, Mariko Tamaki, Clayton Henry and Skylar Patridge. The Super-Family, along with the JLU, use handheld Phanton Zone Projectors to recapture the prisoners. Supergirl brings Kandor back to the moon and asks for their help but she is turned down and she is threatened with permanent exile. She leaves but warns them that the Zoners will come and the Super Family won’t be there to stop them. On Braal, Superman and Mon-El battle Jax-Ur, who pulls out the containment vessel for Gold K. Mon-El blocks it but it damages the circuitry that is keeping him alive. Superman sends Jax-Ur back into the Zone and he insists Mon-El also goes back but he refuses. Meanwhile, Xa-Du climbs out of the rift he was in on Rann and swears revenge on Superman. In the backup, 8912 becomes one with Supergirl with 8912’s brother saying they will fail. Supergirl realizes that 8912’s brother is an alternate personality of herself. He hits Supergirl and splits she and 8912 apart. Supergirl tells her that if they are truly one, she can control him. She grabs him and begins to reabsorb him.

ACTION COMICS #1081 by Mark Waid, Mariko Tamaki, Clayton Henry and Skylar Patridge. As the Super team figures how to fight against the Zone criminals, Mon-El insists on staying to fight, even as the lead poisoning eats away at him. Superman explains that although sending him back to the Phantom Zone feels more like a punishment, he promises to never stop fighting to find a cure for him. The Zone criminals arrive and overpower the Superman Family, waking up on an orbital platform that, when the criminals use their heat vision, will mimic the detonation of Krypton and they will all be transformed into beings of Kryptonite. A dimensional rift opens and a second Xa-Du appears, tossing the first one onto the platform and causing him to transform back into Martian Manhunter. The super team gets free and Superman fights with the real Xa-Du and the super team fire their heat vision at the platform, revealing it to be a Phantom Zone Projector that sends all the villains back where they came from. Back to the Fortress, Supergirl convinces the Science Council of Kandor to allow the possibility of parole to reformed inmates and also to allow Mon-El to be the warden. In the backup, 8912’s two personalities have merged, meaning she has killed and saved them at the same time. She rebuilds the courthouse and appoints the bailiff as the new judge, where he sentences 8912 to learn everything about the wrolds she destroyed. Supergirl reports to the Thanagar outpost, returning the contact lens she was given to erase people’s memories..

BATGIRL #2 by Tate Brombal and Takeshi Miyazawa. Batgirl and her mother continue to fight enemies, eventually escaping into the alleys of Gotham. Cass wants to call on the Batman Family but Lady Shiva convinces her to hold off for one more night. They go to the kitchen of Ba Bao seeking medical help. After a conversation with Ba Bao, Shiva reveals the history of the Unseen; how they gain their powers from a special blue flower. More ninjas arrive led by their blind leader Kalden the Unseen. Cass’s skills are useless and they are again forced to flee, leaving Ba Bao and her family at the mercy of Kalden.

BATMAN #155 by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico. In a flashback that began thirteen weeks ago, Gordon, not working with Bullock in their detective agency, is asked to check on a woman’s cheating husband. The woman is Koyuki Nakano and her husband is the mayor. Three weeks late and Gordon says he can find no evidence of her husband’s infidelity. Two weeks later, the pair are attacked by kidnappers, who Jim fends off. They share a kiss and the affair begins. On the night of the murder, Gordon arrives at the Nakano home to take her to Metropolis so they can start a new life. Mayor Nakano is waiting for him. They argue and Gordon pulls his gun. Now, Gordon is being held and Bullock tells Batman he has enough evidence to arrest Gordon. Meanwhile, Bruce attempts to meet his half-brother but is stopped by Leonid Kull. While he is being beaten by security, he places a tracker on Kull’s shoe. At the same time, Nygma informs Birkemow that he plans to buy out Wayne Enterprises and take NygmaTech global. In the end, Batman discovers that Jim Gordon is the killer thanks to an app based on Mad Hatter tech that was developed by… NygmaTech.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #16 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Javi Fernandez. The memento mystery deepens as a group of paranormal explorers are killed by spirits while investigating the ruins of Arkham. The Dynamic Duo investigate and discover that at least one of the victims has symptoms caused by a hallucinogen exactly like was used in the original Memento murders. Joining the investigation is Lieutenant Katherine Lautrec, who Bruce knows from his days in London investigating the original murders. That night, Batman and Lautrec meet up at Arkham to interview Jonathan Crane, interrogating him about what he knows about the murders and the hallucinogen known as the Gravedigger’s Poppy. Crane reveals he was somehow involved and memento is the Devil and he crossed the ocean to punish Batman. Just then, the guard clicks his weapon, revealing that he was tasked with killing Crane and, saying “memento mori” he sets off a bomb in the maintenance area that releases gas. That is followed by a stream of people led by Memento.

BATMAN/SANTA CLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT RETURNS #2 by Jeff Parker and Lukas Ketner. With Batman missing, there is chaos in Gotham which gets quelled by Robin, Zatanna and Klaus. This leads them to a solstice party at Wintersgate Mansion, where Klaus masquerades as Batman where Jason Blood tells the story of Sir Brian of Camelot, who apparently was lost in battle at the same castle Batman and the other heroes are at. Gentleman Ghost reveals this batman’s true guise and he tells all the gathered that he came back because the Monsterkind brought Sir Brian of Camelot, to life and he asks for their help in finding the realm. Felix Faust summons the Knight but he breaks free and appears to drain Jason Blood of his life force. In the mysterious realm, the heroes continue to fight their way towards the castle.

BATMAN/SANTA CLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT RETURNS #3 by Jeff Parker and Lukas Ketner. Klaus fights against the Knight and gets an assist from The Flash but he too is drained. The Knight flees and Klaus follows, telling Zatanna and the others to contact Ulah to find him. Zatanna casts a spell which preserves the heroes in amber. Later, Robin reaches out to Ulah which they notice a flicker in Jason’s eyes, causing Zatanna to have him brought outside where, as Mary Marvel, Metamorpho, and Robotman arrive, Jason transforms and breaks free. A portal opens and Ulah arrives, wondering where her husband is. In the other realm, the battle continues when the Knight arrives, followed by Klaus.

BATMAN/SANTA CLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT RETURNS #4 by Jeff Parker and Lukas Ketner In the other realm, the Knight stabs Klaus and escapes again. At the Mansion, Ulah arrives and fights with the heroes as she demands to known where Klaus is. Zatanna uses a spell to catch Ulah up and she reveals that he carries a crystal in his belt meaning she can track him and they head out through a portal. That is when one of Korgus’s creatures arrives and the new arrivals engage him in battle. The Demon also slays a multi-headed creature and Ulah is reunited with Klaus. Thunderheart asks about her father and Robin lies saying they came here before he answered their call. The combined team finally get into the castle and that is when a veritable horde of creatures arrives to attack.

BATMAN/SANTA CLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT RETURNS #5 by Jeff Parker and Lukas Ketner. The team finds themselves wracked by nightmares that make them feel lost and alone until Ulah’s backup in the form of yeti arrive. They manage to break free thanks to listening to Batman’s voice but Klaus tells Thunderheart that the death of her father is true, although he believes it can be reversed. En route, a giant flower appears and squirts water, leading to a giant frog oracle appearing and asking a question to be answered  before they actually enter the Hollow Kingdom. Perched in front of the oracle is a box and the creature asks what is in the box. Batman deduces that the box is a gift and what is in it is what we put in it. Batman and Superman are the first to arrive and the Knight flees as the other teammates have turned the tide against the monsters they were facing.  Jason Blood transforms into the Knight of the Hollow Kingdon with Metamorpho as his shield. This distraction allows the  heroes to capture the Silent Knight and force him into the castle, destroying him but restoring all the people of the kingdom, along with bringing Wally back to life. Ulah invites them all to their home, where they feast and Klaus gives Superman and Batman gifts.

BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #34 by Mark Waid and Fran Galan. On Altos-9, the World’s Finest team fight against Galtar, who has used his Golden Eye to corrupt the citizens of Altos-9. He is defeated by Robin notes that eyes usually come in pairs. One year later, something causes Krypto and Ace the Bathound to freak out, leading to Jimmy becoming Elastic Lad and teaming up with Batgirl. What they discover is that Galtar has arrived with the other eye and is using it to corrupt the inmates at Arkham. He tries to subvert Jimmy and Batgirl when Superman, Batman and Robin arrive and Galtar tries to corrupt them too. But Ace grabs the Golden Eye and Jimmy uses his powers to subdue him.

BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #20 by Ty Templeton, Dave Wielgosz, Hassan Otsmane-Elhou, Mivhael W. Conrad, Simone Di Meo, Monica Kubina, Nikola Cizmesija, Travis Mercer, Tom Derenick, and Christopher Mitten. Bat-Mite gets involved with Zatanna in a tale that is told in reverse and shows that he had been in her life longer than either know. In the second tale, Plastic Man faces off against Roulette while Diana deals with Guilborg. She gets her lasso back and turns into Wonder Woman but Plastic Man gets wrapped in it and reverts to plain old Eel O’Brien. Once they escape, he reverts back and tells his sordid past, where she tells him that, despite his past, he has done good. In the third tale, Onomatopoeia has to deal with contract hits but is also driven crazy by a maintenance man he is convinced is following him. In the fourth tale, Martian Manhunter fights to help Animal Girl break free from The Red. In the final tale, Bruce Wayne is driven crazy as he believes he finds himself filled with fear and anxiety when he believes his body is being covered in tattoos.

BIRDS OF PREY #16 by Kelly Thompson and Sami Basri. Cassandra is trapped underneath the Ninth Day Corporation and fights against a dog creature who was once a human named Bella, eventually making friends with the destroying the electric collar on his neck. The pair escape and that allows Cassandra to break into where another Amazon is being readied for experimentation. She frees the girl but gets gassed I the process but not before she can send out an emergency message to the other Birds. They Boom Tube their way into the Ninth Corporation and smell the gas. They fight against the already transformed Amazons and they defeat them, only to find that Cass has been transformed too.

BLACK CANARY: BEST OF THE BEST #2 by Tom King and Ryan Sook. In the distant past, Dinah watches her mother go off to fight crime. On this particular night, Dinah Lance comes back wounded, which Dinah sees, even as her father orders her back to bed. In recent past, Dinah’s mother puts her through a rigorous, almost torturous training regimen. While massaging Dinah after one of her workouts, her mother collapses to the floor. Once recovered and after she puts in a call to her mother’s doctor, her mother, suffering the effects of her cancer treatment, tells her daughter that she must win to show everyone who they are. In the present, with the start of Round Two, Lady Shiva again takes the upperhand, even as Dinah struggles to stay in the fight.

BLACK LIGHTNING #2 by Brandon Thomas and Fico Ossio. Anissa apparently developed powers after the Task Force VII Amazos were defeated. She tells her story to a robot councilor on the Watchtower while Black Lightning and Lightning deal with a continuing number of Meta outbreaks. The pair head to the Watchtower and Anissa demands to be taken home. Black Lightning gets called away by a Watchtower emergency and Lightning takes Anissa home, but brings her to meet their mother at Steelworks. While there, Volcana leads an attack on Steelworks, causing Lightning and Natasha Irons to suit up.

CATWOMAN #71 by Torunn Gronbekk and Marianna Ignazzi. A decade ago, Selina, as Evie, and Shota are stealing an item during a party. They had been tasked with it by Ivan Belov. In the present, Selina is still changing identities while also being hunted. And Ivan is having another of his parties while still dealing in solen merchandise. Selina makes her way into the party to gather intel but then gets caught and leaves, running into Tinsel’s partner. This leads to a rooftop battle with her, telling her partner to say who hired them or she would drop her to the ground below. He refuses and she does indeed drop her. She makes her way back into the gathering and sees Ivan dressed as a Roman emperor. She walks away from the gathering but is apprehended by someone who is surprised to see her, having heard that Evie was dead.

CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #1 by Christopher Cantwell and Sean Isaaske. After the events of the ALL-IN SPECIAL, where Darkseid was killed and the Absolute Universe was created, the Justice league Unlimited find themselves investigating abnormalities created by it. The Challengers have been treated as the B team, stuck with doing menial jobs including cleaning the septic tank. The team members, specifically Ace, are given their first assignments with Ace leading Superman to meet with Ms. Martian to investigate an unusual crystal formation. As Superman attempts to cut a fragment off the crystal, Ace is haunted by what his life could have been. With the sample cut loose, they return to the Watchtower, where Mister Terrific reveals that the anomalies may have also affected the Challengers themselves.

DC HORROR PRESENTS #2 by LaToya Morgan, Aaron Sagers, Tom Derenick, and Ryan Kelly. On Halloween night, two people dressed as Batman and Wonder Woman make their way to the set of Shadow crest.  While there, they find a Scarface puppet but later discovers it has disappeared. Scarface attacks and beheads the man and it turns out that this was all the woman’s plan as she and the dummy find love. In the second story, a paranormal investigator is hired by The Penguin, who has been haunted by many of those thugs who have died in his employ. The investigator manages to bring the spirits to existence and Penguin apologizes to them. When the investigator leaves, the spirts leave with him but he knows they will return again someday.

DC HORROR PRESENTS #3 by Francesco Francavilla and Patrick Horvath. Batman investigates an incident at the former Pomona Botanical Observatory, where he finds numerous corpse that have been transformed into trees. Abby Arcane reveals herself and Batman is put to sleep. When he wakes and finally frees himself, he discovers that Abby has turned the world into a growth of trees. In the second story, Adam Strange returns to Rann after a mission and is told to decontaminate his boots, as they are covered in spores that could cause infect wherever he goes. It dawns on him that he went to Earth and had not decontaminated himself. Arriving back on Earth, he sees what hjis carelessness has done, as people have been mutated and killed by horrific worms in their brain. In the end, Justice League members, included a Superman who has been infected, want to ask Adam some questions.

DC HORROR PRESENTS CREATURE COMMANDOS #3 by David Dastmalchian and Jesus Hervas. Two years ago, Velcro goes after the Triumph Hill Church but is forced to witness Maggie, who he came to rescue, be murdered. In the present, he is told he will get time to visit Cruz Graham, the man responsible for the church and Maggie’s demise. Elsewhere, Wanda finds Mina’s lab and Mina tells how she gained her condition after a mission that led to her team dying but she was spared after Morgana LeFay cast a spell upon her. Meanwhile, brainiac continues to plan for his ultimate attack. In the end, Zatanna tries to figure out who Lucky is and that leads her to Sgt. Taylor’s grave.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1092 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin. Kai, the boy Robin rescued and hid away at the end of last issue, is murdered by the female who has been killing many of Gotham’s youth, which causes Robin to blame himself. While investigating the crime scene, the pair of heroes run into agents from an organization called LXR that has a mysterious symbol which seems tied to Sangraal. After a visit to the facility, Bruce takes Scarlett out to dinner which ends when they find themselves fighting off muggers. After they defeat the assailants, they share a kiss and later go to bed, where she sees his scars and suggests he is hiding something from her. He later meets with oracle and finds that Scarlett is somehow connected to the Faultless Juvenile Detention center.

THE FLASH #16 by Simon Spurrier and Vasco Georgiev. As the West family head towards the gap in the mysterious cloud, Linda suggests they should treat this adventure like a Role Playing game. Soon, they encounter Weather Wizard who suggests he and Wally fight while also sounding like a badly created Fantasy character, which leads Linda to realize this place is creating things from their ideas and they should share stories instead of fighting. Weather Wizard responds by creating a whirlwind and trapping he and Wally inside, where Weather Wizard saying that in this place, science is magic.. Irey tells Jai of her new powers and she admits that jai has changed too. Jai tells her he believes that the dog has actually been born from the Deep Change, even though Irey’s memories show that Foxy has been around through most of her father’s life. The dog releases some Speed Force energy that breaks Wally from whatever mind control he was under. Jai manages to transport he and his sister to the Watchtower where they see the duplicate of their father. Jai leaves his sister behind, telling her he will pick her up in an hour, despite the temporal time difference. He sees what is happening as Weather Wizard is about to stab Wally when he is hit with a magic crossbow by Warlord. As Warlord tries to comfort Jai, the boy sees darkness flowing out of Warlord’s eyepatch.

GREEN ARROW #19 by Chris Condon and Montos. The issue begins with a young girl becoming ill because of the polluted water. Meanwhile, Ollie, Detective Benitez and her dog Arrow discuss the case of the Fresh Water Killer, who has just killed Senator Foley. As they investigate, with tech guy hayes looking over every camera feed from the Senator’s place, Benitez takes Arrow for a walk and Ollie realizes the killer has never left. Then he sees her about to be attacked and springs into action, taking down the would-be assailant thanks to help from Arrow the dog. When they unmasked the person, it is a disfigured woman who says she is sorry for everything.

GREEN LANTERN #18 by Jeremy Adams and Xermanico. Dark Star has ordered his possessed Lanterns to attack the planet. Unable to defeat them, Hal sends the other Lanterns off to attack Dark Star directly. Kyle attacks Varron to keep him from absorbing the energy from the Source Lantern. But he is too late and when the Lantern explodes, Varron tosses Kyle away. Varron heads off to fight Dark Star for the right to rule the galaxy but they eventually team up to fight the Lanterns. Hal sees that Dark Star is drawing energy from a portal created to bring the Old Gods through and he plans to find a way to shove the villains through the portal and sealing them in it. Elsewhere, Kilowog is strangling Jessica but she is able to use her willpower to break him out of his possession. Kilowog and Jessica arrive in time to send the villains away. In the end, the Guardians return now changed by the fact hat anyone can use any color in the spectrum. Carol, as Star Sapphire, confronts and defeats an alien beast, leading her to once again feel whole. And the Sorrow Lantern is summoned by Starbreaker.

GREEN LANTERN/GREEN ARROW: WORLD’S FINEST SPECIAL #1 by Jeremy Adams, Travis Mercer, and Lucas Meyer. In a tale set in 1980, Hal and Ollie set off on a cross-country road trip when they are suddenly attacked by a masked man with a rocket launcher. Hal gets shot but manages to fight back and allow them to escape. After being attacked a second time, they end up in a gas station somewhere on Route 66, taking refuge so Ollie can attempt to patch his friend up. Ollie calls for a jet and heads out to find the attacker. Hal wakes to find himself being cared for by Dinah and immediately heads out to find  What he finds is Ollie in the midst of a fight with the would-be assassin, who is revealed to be Deathstroke and who is apparently auditioning to join the League of Assassins. The pair defeat him and flee, but Deathstroke is soon tasked with another mission involving The Flash. Hal joins him to protect him and they defeat Deathstroke, who is arrested. The group “arresting” Deathstroke is presumed to be from the League but the assassin reveals he knows they are actually from H.I.V.E. This gets continued into 1980’s NEW TEEN TITANS #2.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

DC UNIVERSE Month 82, Part 2

GREEN LANTERN #17 by Jeremy Adams and Xermanico. Varron and the Durlan warships show up over Oa, where his plan is to gain access to the Source Lantern. Meanwhile, the Unseeing, along with Yellow Lantern Kilowog, continue to interrogate Jessica Cruz when they learn of Varron’s arrival. Hal and John head to Oa to warn them of the upcoming attack by Red Lantern Mogo. At the same time, Thaaros is revealed to still be alive and transforms into Dark Star and also heads to Oa. With all the various forces converging, a battle for the Source Lantern begins just as Red Lantern Mogo arrives and destroys the Durlan warships. Sinestro arrives and crashes into Mogo, absorbing the Red Lantern power. Varron manages to enter the Source Lantern and that causes Kyle Rayner to transform into the White Lantern and head after him.

HARLEY QUINN #45 by Elliot Kalan and Mindy Lee. The Harley Quinn Destructive agency gets a new case that takes her to a garbage dump, where she observes the statue of Mayor James Francis Donn She also meets Chicken Fingers. It is revealed that Althea Klang is planning to unveil a new centerpiece for Throatcutter Hill and Harley plans to stop it. At the ceremony, Klang reveals a giant statue saying ‘Heart’. As Harley attempts to destroy it, Klang reveals her own superhero by the name of The Amenity. The pair fights and Chicken Fingers attempts to help but his age and physical condition is more of a hindrance and Harley tells him so. However, she fights back and takes out The Amenity, knocking him into the statue, which now reads ‘Fart’. In the end, she apologizes to Chicken Fingers, saying she still wants him as her neighbor. And, after all of this, Klang wants revenge.

JSA #1 by Jeff Lemire and Diego Olortegui. Following the events of ABSOLUTE POWER, the Justice Society has reformed and there are now multiple teams; all of whom are fighting injustice in their own way. Infinity Inc. has reformed, with many old members such as Jade and her brother, along with newer members such as Yolanda and Jesse. At the same time, Jakeem remains in critical condition although no one can figure out what is wrong with him. The Mystery Men consists of the classic JSA’ers including Wildcat, Alan Scott, and Jay Garrick, and they are all at the Tower of fate where Khalid is taken out and Hawkman and Hawkgirl find themselves in the fight of their lives. Later, at the Justice Society brownstone, it is revealed that Infinity Inc. has a spy in their midst as Johnny Sorrow is revealed to be masquerading as Jade’s brother. And he has reformed the Injustice Society.

JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED #1 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. With ABSOLUTE POWER over, the Justice League has reformed as Justice League Unlimited, which now allows ALL of Earth’s heroes to be members. One of the newest members is Air Wave, who came back to this timeline following the conclusion of STARGIRL: THE LOST CHILDREN. As he begins his orientation, Aquaman and his team of heroes face off against Marine Marauder while the Challengers of the Unknown try to fix a problem with the Watchtower’s power core. An alert comes in about War Wheels destroying a mining town in South Africa. Air Wave is able to use his radio wave powers to lend a hand, even as the team learns this is part of a plot by a group calling themselves Inferno. At the same time, Batman and Blue Beetle head to Costa Rica where they discover an entire area covered with weird alien pods. In the end, Air Wave has mixed mentions as he is glad to have helped and is trusted but is also conflicted as he was sent here to kill the Justice League.

MILESTONE UNIVERSE: THE SHADOW CABINET #1 by Joseph Illidge, Daryl Banks, and Atagun Ilhan. On an Alva jet, the members of S.Y.S.T.E.M. are discussing ways to take advantage of citizens following the recent Brainiac invasion. They are interrupted by Angela Alva who executes one of the occupants and declares herself the new head of S.Y.S.T.E.M. Later, Angela Alva meets with Tiffany Evans in an attempt to get the woman whose life she ruined to come work for her. At the same time, Rocket is continuing to fight the good fight, guided by Hardware, who is currently a wanted fugitive. She has little time to rest as she receives an alert about an auction of a train from someone looking to sell Brainiac tech. The entire auction is interrupted by the intervention of Shadow Cabinet members Anasai and Iron Butterfly who, along with Rocket, stop the sale. Rocket gets transported to Shadowspire where she meets Dharma and is offered the opportunity to join them to help save the world. In the end, a contract killer is being tasked to go to Paris Island and kill the Blood Syndicate.

NIGHTWING #120 by Dan Watters and Dexter Soy. Nightwing finds himself chased by security bots inside Spheric Solutions. He is able to disable the central processing unit inside the building by opening the shell of the bot but discovers it is being controlled by a scared rabbit. He rescues the rabbit just before the bot explodes, taking the facility with it. The next day Dick’s sister calls and he learns of a press conference that Olivia Pearce is giving, putting the blame on the Teddies Gang, who Nightwing had previously talked with to cool the rising gang issue. She then releases the upgraded Bludhaven Police Department, now called the Helios Project and equipping them with her new upgraded weapons. Dick goes to talk to the Teddies, but the Helios Project has already gotten there and kills one of the gang, who turns out to be a 14 year old kid.

POISON IVY #27 by G. Willow Wilson and Marcio Takara. Ivy finds out she is now wanted for murder and that leads to a confrontation with Batman, where she tells him she is not the ecoterrorism leader. She meets with Janet and the pair head off to the ghost town before heading back to town, where she confronts one of the terrorist group, who tells her that because she defeated the Green Man the world will be reborn through her. Meanwhile, Janet, scared and lonely, calls Croc and asks him to come over, which he does. They explore the sewers under the ghost town, finding graffiti declaring ‘We Tried’ before sharing a kiss.

POWER GIRL #15 by Leah Williams and Adrianna Melo. Some time ago, seven year old Abigail Weathers, who suffered from a rare form of Albinism, was in a car crash that killed her parents. She is saved from the crash by Symbio and taken to Dolira, where she was raised and trained by him. Fifteen years later, he gives her special armor he had crafted for her from his living biotech and sends her to take out Power Girl. In Asgard, Power Girl learns all of this thanks to the mirror in the Charnel House of God-Thought revealing this to her, which sets her off as she confesses that Symbio, who she had already killed once, was her abuser. While Omen fights for her life, Power Girl meets with Ejecta, demanding she ask Symbio about what really happened with the death of her parents. As if things weren’t bad enough, Omen flatlines in the hospital.

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #1 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey. Following the events of ABSOLUTE POWER, Renee Montoya finds herself serving as the Head of Security aboard the newly built Watchtower. As it turns out, Batman and Superman asked her to take this job to help her not only sort out her life but to try and find the person or persons trying to infiltrate the Watchtower. Her specific team consists of Ted Kord, Jaime Reyes, Animal Man, and her former lover Batwoman as her agent in the field. While she is taking the tour of the facility with Wonder Woman, an alert informs them of an intruder that turns out to be Conduit and they are looking to find and kill Montoya. Conduit is eventually stopped and revealed to be a robot and this attack was simply a distraction that allows a member of the Challengers of the Unknown to be killed.

SHAZAM #17 by Josie Campbell and Dan McDaid. The Commander is now being endorsed by Society and that brings him to a major disagreement between himself and Billy, leading him to have a conversation with The Captain. The Captain reveals that Freddy took an artifact from the Rock of Eternity that is called the Amber Lightning, which leads to the pair meeting with Hephaestus, the god of the forge. The god reveals the origin of the Amber Lightning and explains that it is not evil but simply a test, proving the wearer to have to choose between good and evil. Meanwhile, Mary and Hoppy take a tour of Society and find a secret area, leading to them being attacked. In the end, The Commander arrives at a homeless camp with a look that says he may be heading towards the darker side of his personality.

SUPERMAN #20 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora. Doomsday has escaped from Hell but time has been frozen by the Time Trapper, who reveals himself to be an evolved Doomsday from the future and he is here with a warning. He explains that every time Doomsday dies, he evolves and the Time Trapper cannot become his ultimate being and transform into a god until he himself dies and he needs Superman to kill him, which he refuses to do. Unfreezing time, he warns Superman that those he cares for will die until Time Trapper gets what he wants. With Superman engaged with Doomsday and Superwoman fighting the Hell Hounds, he directs Mercy to call out Parasite to stop Doomsday. He manages to drain enough energy to weaken Doomsday but ultimately is torn in two by the creature. Super Corps manages to incapacitate the creature and take it into custody. In the end, Doomsday’s arrival has given Calaton some interest and hope.

TITANS #17 by John Layman and Pete Woods. The Clock King, following the events of ABSOLUTE POWER, has not only had the bomb removed from his brain but also discovered he now has the power to control time because of a growth on his hippocampus. It has also given him the ability to go through the memories of individuals and has led to him capturing the Titans. He has hooked them up to a machine and is intending to use their memories to unlock their various secrets. But Donna has found a way to compartmentalize her memories and use them against Clock King. He escapes and the team deals with how much they had to fight back against their fear. In the end, Clock King is met by someone with an offer to help him…someone with issues with the Titans: Deathstroke.

WONDER WOMAN #15 by Tom King, Khary Randolph, and Daniel Sampere. Following the death of Steve Trevor and the “birth” of her daughter, Wonder Woman is ready to take out the Sovereign. Cassie crashes a jet onto an automated battleship and destroying it, while also taking the wealth stored inside of it. Yara goes on a bank robbing spree, stealing seventeen priceless Sovereign items in the process. Donna tracks down Solomon Grundy and, after beating him bloody, cuts him open and removes a rare, expensive Sovereign diamond from within him. Cheetah meets with a finance broker in hopes of him having sex. But she cuts him up and gains access to all the codes needed to move all of Sovereign’s assets to the charities of her choice. All the while, Diana cares for her newborn daughter. In the backup, Steve Trevor is seemingly enjoying Paradise, although he still longs to be with Diana.