Thursday, February 6, 2025

DC UNIVERSE Month 84, Part 2

METAMORPHO THE ELEMENT MAN #2 by Al Ewing and Steve Leiber. Sapphire is troubled by the sudden success of new Pop star Sugar Sweet. This leads Simon Stagg to visit his underground lab where Mad Mod shows that Sugar Sweet is just am android. Sapphire uploads a video of her and the Element Girl and that changes up the algorithm in such a way that Sugar Sweet comes back on line as Yesterday Woman, who goes after Rex. Rex teams up with Element Woman, eventually defeating the android. Following it, Rex walks out saying that Sapphire was as kooky as her father. In the end, Mad Mod calls Vandal Savage, who decides it is time to visit an old friend in the form of Java.

MILESTONE UNIVERSE: THE SHADOW CABINET #3 by Joseph Illidge, Daryl Banks, and Atagun Ilhan. Raquel discovers that Curtis has either been captured or is dead. As she investigates, she meets David Kim/Kelly Vu: Duo. They explain things and present Raquel with a new, much improved costume. Curtis is tied to a chair as Angela Alva tells the secret history of her family, starting in the 1920’s when a wealthy black man named Chamberlain, passing himself off as white, lost his fortune in the stock market crash and, after the death of his wife, became a recluse. His sons, Arthur and Dewey, grew apart with Dewey changing his name from Chamberlain to Alva. He married and had a son named Edwin who eventually founded Alva Industries. Edwin had a brother who turned out to “looking like butterscotch candy”, leading to them paying the black maid to take the child and raise the child as her own. The child was Angela Jefferson/Alva. When she was almost killed in a car accident, her “mother” told her the truth. Once recovered, she set about finding a way to resurrect Edwin, and did so using the powers from the Blood Syndicate. With quantum energy within him, he leaves, claiming he will be all the world requires. The first thing he does is go and attack Icon In Dakota City, Virgil hears the news about martial law being declared and his mom convinces him that he needs to be part of the fight, even as Dharma muses that he is running out of time to save the world.

THE NEW GODS #2 by Ram V,  Evan Cagle and Jorge Fornes. Karak the Scavenger, following the death of Darkseid, sets about to destroy Apololips. Meanwhile, on Earth, Mister Miracle is ready to leave to find the special child that Orion has been told to kill, with Barda deciding to accompany him, whether he wants her to or not. Meanwhile, the adoptive parents of the child are in hiding from Max Lord’s forces. In a flashback, it is revealed Lord was tasked to find the child by Metron and he is currently answering to Serifan of the Forever People. In the end, Desaad learns from Metron that this child may be the one to restore Apokolips and become Darkseid’s heir.

NIGHTWING #122 by Dan Watters and Dexter Soy. Nightwing meets with the head of the GCPD and the Mayor and tells them that, although crime is down, he believes that Olivia Pearce is not who she appears, explaining that he believes she is really Colombia, who he encountered when he was young and who was a member of the Cirque du Sin. The Mator tells him that he needs to provide concrete proof. There is a explosion at one of the GCPD offices and he goes to investigate, capturing the bomber who refuses to tell who sent him to bomb the office. In the end, a woman connected to the Flyboiz, reaches out for Nightwing’s help.

POISON IVY #29 by G. Willow Wilson and Marcio Takara. Constructs after her.vy has been transported to Seattle. Here, she tries to disguise herself but also attends a rally by supporters of the Green Knight. When the police arrive to arrest the protestors as domestic terrorists, ivy reacts and reveals herself. She then asks the followers to take her to their leader, Reverand Disciple, who is revealed to be Bella Garten.-The Gardener, her former friend and lover. Despite Ivy trying to tell her they are actually on the same side, Garten unleashes, forcing her to flee.  

POWER GIRL #17 by Leah Williams and David Baldeon. Men and Streaky have arrived at “Karen Starr’s” new home and so too has Axel, who has brought a relic that warns the holder of it of danger. Power Girl joins them and, in a brand new suit, they begin remodeling the place, eventually calling it The Star. As they plan a party to celebrate, the Sprig of the Void Three notices the building and decides to liberate his sister, Aquus, from Stryker’s island. Her breakout allows Livewire, Amalgam, Shockwave and others to also escape. Power Girl and the others are forced to deal with the other escapees, allowing Aquus and Sprig to escape. Aquus asks about their brother Bruin and Spring reveals that he knows how to awaken him so they can continue their destruction. In the end, with the escapees returned to prison, they return to The Star and find it bathed in a purple light that reveals…dinosaurs around the building?

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #3 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey. Renee meets with Batwoman, taking back the Green Lantern ring to interrogate The Eradicator. During the process, the Watchtower begins to morph and attack the heroes. In the meantime, a possessed Nightshade knocks out Jaime and begins releases Hank Henshaw: the Cyborg Superman. Later, she takes out Ted Kord, releasing Conduit. In the end, the villains stand united as Henshaw declares that the Watchtower now belongs to him.

SHAZAM #19 by Josie Campbell and Dan McDaid.. Mary Marvel is trapped on the moon by Georgia Sivana, who has been consumed by Mr. Mind. Billy tells everything going on in his life to Beau, who also confesses her problems and the two share a kiss. Billy goes off the confront The Commander, who has been corrupted by the Amber Lightning and Mr. Mind. But Freddy’s mind is on the Rock of Eternity and he is convinced by Hephaestus that he has the power within him to be the hero and breaks through the mind control, teaming up with defeat the robots. Later, the Sivana children meet and it is revealed the beau is really Beautia Sivana and together they unleash Mr. mind’s creatures on the world

SUPERMAN #22 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora. Superman and Superwoman meet the leader of the Calaton ships, who claims he is the leader of a group of survivors of Doomsday that is called The Aftermath. He tells them to hand over Doomsday and they will leave in peace, telling Superman that their goal is to make sure Doomsday will never kill again. He unmasks and reveals himself to be the resurrected radiant and says he will take Doomsday or destroy Earth in the process. Superman and Radiant fight, landing in Supercorp, where Radiant hits Doomsday with an energy blast that frees him. Superman and Doomsday end up fighting alongside each other while Time Trapper visits Lois.

SUPERMAN: LEX LUTHOR SPECIAL #1 by Joshua Williamson and Eddy Barrows. Superman meets with Mr. Terrific, who explains that with the creation of Elseworld, he and the Totality have uncovered a hidden piece of reality that can only be discovered with the advanced scientific help of Lex Luthor, who has no memory. Meanwhile, Lex and Mercy spend the afternoon together as he tries to restore his memory. Lena has bought him a piano, hoping that he can recall the music he created on a radio wave emitter as a child, when he tried to impress his father with his ability and failing miserably. A crowd gathers and threaten to attack Lex, who is saved by Superman. In the end, Mister Terrific tells Superman that he just got designs for a radio transmitter that lets them reach out through the Multiverse. Shortly, Superman hears a familiar songs that tells him Lex has recalled inventing the musical gift that his father rebuked. Is this a sign that the old Lex is back?

TITANS #19 by John Layman and Serge Acuna. Killer Frost is now part of the Justice League, but she thinks everyone is suspecting her, which leads her unleash her powers on the city. Starfire and Raven work together to stop her, even as Batman arrives and takes Frost away, even as Donna protests. In the end, it seems the Psycho Pirate, working for Clock King, is responsible and plans on unleashing his power on Raven next.

TWO-FACE #2 by Christian Ward and Fabio Veras. While the two sides of Harvey Dent fight within his mind, he tries another case in The White Church. This one involves a messy situation between the King and Queen of the Royal Flush Gang, as the King has been accused of unfaithfulness regarding an affair with The White Rabbit. With help from his new found apprentice, it is shown that the King in the compromising photos was actually False Face, who is also disguised as the Queen’s attorney. He manages to escape under a cloud of smoke. In the end, someone mysterious is pulling the strings and has an army known as The Shadow hand assembled, consisting of White rabbit, Die, Doubt, Jaina Hudson, and False Face. Harvey has wronged someone and the mysterious person is looking for revenge.

WONDER WOMAN #17 by Tom King and Daniel Sampere. As Diana makes a statue of Steve while telling her daughter about him, the rest of the Wonder family works to take down The Sovereign. Donna Troy attacks Giganta, who ends up destroying Sovereign’s mansion in the process. Yara finds Silver Swan in the fallen mansion and they battle. Cassie seeks out and takes out Angle Man. But the Wonder Girls cannot fully defeat their opponents, so they switch it up and take on each other’s opponents. When them defeated, Grail escorts The Sovereign through an underground tunnel to the final place where he can hide: the White House.


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