COMICS #6: The book begins with
negotiations being made for the Kryptonite from Kal-El’s rocket. Hey, if it’s
made right, it can be Red-K, Black-K,
Silver-K and the ultra special Blue-K. But Kal-El and the adult Legion of
Superheroes are trying to fix the rocket and realize they need to go into
Superman’s brain where there is a Tesseract space where the Anti-Superman Squad
is hiding. The Legion defeat the bad guys, Superman repowers the ship and the
mission gets accomplished. In the back-up story, Clark
packs up his stuff and moves out of the family home after the death of his
Wow: I totally have to bow to
the genius of Grant Morrison and thank him for these last two issues. We get
the adult Legion of Superheroes, the ORIGINAL youthful trio that I grew up
with, some really nice turns with Clark and Pa Kent, the entire rainbow of K’s.
Sorry…just geeking out there for a moment. So, Mr. Morrison hits one out of the
park and makes me remember why I love comics so much. And Andy Kubert’s art
should make his family proud.. Great story arc. I hope the momentum continues
next issue as we go back to the storyline left hanging at the end of issue #4.
ALL STAR WESTERN #6: Jonah and
Dr. Arkham, well mostly Jonah, takes out the giant bat and make their way out
of the Bat cave. Yeah…really the bat cave as they emerge from under the stately
home of Alan and Catherine Wayne. Right…Wayne Manor. Wayne, Hex and Arkham lead a raid on the
underground mine.that ends up in a major bloodfest. Leave it to Jonah to let a
little torture lead him to the answers he needs. Seems Mister O’Grady has been
hiding young Mr. Moody and Thurston Moody is responsible for kidnapping the
boys and putting them to work in the mine. So Hex heads to New Orleans to find Moody. Waiting for him
there: Nighthawk and Cinnamon. The back-up story concludes the origin story of
the Asian heroine The Barbary Ghost.
Yet again, I am forced to
bitch out DC for giving me a 20 page main story with a back-up tale for $3.99.
The main story rocks and I love where it goes, especially showing up in Wayne
Manor after finding a giant bat UNDER Wayne Manor! And I do like the back-up
story. I could seriously see this being a lead feature or headlining a book.
But give me a full main story for my FOUR BUCKS!
ANIMAL MAN #6: What I can best
call a fill-in issue as Cliff spends most of the book watching a film called
TIGHTS starring Buddy Baker.
The first issue if this title
that I really haven’t been happy with. The story is an interesting analogy for
our hero but doesn’t progress the story foreword to my liking. Nice art from
John Paul Leon, but three pages of continuity and the use of the word “porn”
three times in two pages sdoesn’t cut it for me.
AQUAMAN #6: Four years ago,
Mera’s father sends her off to kill the man she ends up with. But that’s food
for later as Mera ends up in town to get dog food and gets hit on by this
perverted store clerk named Randy. Mera takes care of him by snapping his arm
like a twig. Things gets crazy as someone calls the police and we have a bit of
a situation. But it gets worse as someone has broken out of prison and is
holding his daughter hostage. We discover that Mera has the power to drain
water from bodies and that is how he gets weak enough to be taken into custody.
We also find that Mera doesn’t quite understand us surface dwellers. She does
makes friends with Jennifer, one of the other clerks from the grocery store.
When she returns home, Arthur tells her they are off to see Dr. Shin, who is
going to tell them who sank Atlantis.
Like the last issue, this one
goes into some weird places. Mera was supposed to kill Aquaman? Really? That’s
a serious rewrite on history. Then we get the whole get molested and then end
up at a hostage taking sub-plot. So next issue, the pair find out who sunk
Atlantis, which seems like a big surprise to Mera. Have I ever said that Ivan
Reis’ art blows me away? And Geoff Johns script is pretty cool too…certainly
better than what he is writing for JUSTICE LEAGUE.
BATGIRL #6: Batgirl ends up talking Bruce Wayne out of
killing her and we get the back story on Gretel. Once a reporter named Lisly
Bonner, she was essentially murdered by Boss Whittaker. But she came back
with special powers and turned herself into the vigilante. Batman gets
involved, as does Detective McKenna, who cuts the two heroes some slack so they
can capture Gretel.
Nice wrap up to the storyline
with Gretel, who makes a very cool addition to the Interesting new villain and
a bunch of fun with Babs mom. Nice Gail Simone story and typically cool art
from Ardian Syaf. Still one of my favorite books and I’m still waiting for the payoff on Barbara Gordon’s recovery.
BATMAN #6: Batman is still
alive but not for long as the Court of the Owls is calling for his death. Just
when it seems Batman is done, he rises up and takes down Talon and manages to
escape. The Court of Owls decides to do away with Talon, who has failed them.
Not a big problem for them as they have a room filled with caskets filled with
potential new Talons.
Okay, this was kind of a let
down. We spend the first third of the book with Batman getting his ass whipped
and then, all of a sudden, he gets the reserve and strikes back. Yeah…that’s
called painting yourself out of a plot corner. But that’s all right because
this is the introduction to the cross title Owl storyline coming in the next
few months. That’s a good thing because another issue like this would be a
horrible mistake.
Batman recovers from the butt whipping he got from Superman last issue and
realizes that The Flash has been poisoned and if he stops running the toxin
will kill him. So Superman heads off to find him while the next surprise member
of the super enhanced Rogues Gallery arrives: Bane(of course…there IS a movie
coming soon!). There’s the guy behind the toxin! Now THAT makes sense. Only
problem is that the toxin makes the already monstrously muscular Bane smarter.
Another beautiful looking
issue that FINALLY gives us a payoff regarding the mystery of the Toxin. Of
note this issue is that David Finch is still getting top billing on the cover
while Paul Jenkins actually wrote this issue solo while Finch only handled the
art chores. Does it makes a noticeable difference? It didn’t to me. It pretty
much read the same as previous issues, so I guess it shows how much co-writing
was actually going on.
pushes Damien to cross over to the Dark Side to no avail, as he rejects his
burning methods(see…it has to do with acid baths). We get the tale of how Bruce
left the tutelage of the Ducards after he was betrayed. Meanwhile, Batman gets
to listen to his son being tortured. Yeah…this isn’t going to end well for
Another top-notch issue here.
We get a little more back story on the relationship between a younger Bruce
Wayne and the Ducards. Peter Tomasi once again writes a great story filled with
twists and turns while Patrick Gleason puts the icing on the cake with his
great artwork. Winner, winner, Batman and Robin dinner!
BATWOMAN #6: Batwoman is
fighting with a guy with a scythe while some dude in a legionnaires outfit
watches. What? So we cut to a month earlier, where Bette’s uncle reads to her
as she is still in the hospital. Jump to a week ago where Maggie is dealing
with a woman who wants to know where her children are. Four months ago, an
Asian woman sets everything in motion by drowning Maria’s children. Kate’s
story goes back three weeks and while being romantic with Maggie, she is still
doing her share of hiding things from her, specifically her activities as
Batwoman. Chase’s story is from two weeks ago and we find out what kind of a
costume upgrade Batwoman got from the D.E.O.. And that brings us all back to
now, as Batwoman turns the table on the guy with the psythe for a hand.
Very strange issue that
bounces in so many directions that it becomes overly confusing. The timeline is
all over the place and it took me two good solid readings to get comfortable
with the story. Picture reading PULP FICTION. This issue does not play in a
lineal fashion.. Amy Reeder is the artist this month and her work is good but
not as attractive as J. H. Williams. Curious to see if this trend of storytelling
continues over the next few issues or not.
BIRDS OF PREY#6: It’s all
about Choke. Seems that the mysterious Choke is responsible for putting post
hypnotic suggestions into emails and texts or some people and uses them to do
the dirty work. Well, the Birds have figured that out and now find themselves
in an office, attacked by office workers reciting nursery rhymes. Next issue:
Choke Revealed.
Yeah…nothing I like better
than ending with a cliffhanger the issue before and having it get resolved(somewhat)
on page 14 of the following issue. C’mon…REALLY!? I said last month this
storyline needs to end and I meant it. It will take SEVEN issues to get this
resolved…not to mention that this was a total cluster of crap. Isn’t AMAZING
how they figured this out? Really? How about a little “this is how we figured
it out” thrown in there. And they managed to capture all of these brainwashed
people. When did that happen? Oh yeah…as they say in the movie and TV
business…it happened OFF CAMERA. That just means poor storytelling. Nice art
fill from Javier Pina tough. Finish it, guys. Or else I will find myself
finished with this title.
CATWOMAN #6: Selena finds
herself in the custody of some of the dirty cops on the Gotham Police
Department. She also realizes that Reach is working with them and proceeds to
get a major whipping at her hands. Lucky for her she knows how to bite
someone'’ ear off and gain a little bit of an advantage back. And just before
it looks REALLY bad, the day is saved by one good cop, who allows her to go
free. She tussles up with Batman and admits she has a death wish. At the end
of the tale, she reveals herself to Gwen Altamont and asks for her help.
Wow! Nice end to this part of
the story. Great little line about how Batman won’t do anything as long as they
continue to have sex. Yeah…I’m not making that one up. That is THE LINE.
Another truly awesome issue from Judd Winick and Guillem March. I have nothing
else to say. I just continue to advise you each month to support this title.
Just go buy the book!
CHALLENGERS is a TV reality show where a group of celebrities make their way to
the Himalayas in a “competition of wits and
edurance”. Along with the celebrities are host Clay Brody, producer June
Robbins, her pilot boyfriend Ace and his co pilot Maverick. Along the way, the
mountain seemingly comes alive and the plane crashes ina big fireball. June
awakens from a nightmare where Ace is killing her to find she and the other
survivors are in Nanda Parbat(DC’s version of Shangri-La). Ace is buried in the
Well of Souls but the High Priest of Rama Kushna has a banquet in their honor.
A drugged banquet as the survivors go to sleep only to wake up at the crash
site. And Clay has a secret: an archaeological stone which led him here. A
rescue helicopter arrives but not before Clay is swallowed by some long
tongued beast in the mountains. As the survivors fly off, June sees that they
are all “living on borrowed time”(the motto of the original Challengers) and
that they should “make the most of it”
I’m psyched about this series!
I LOVED the CHALLENGERS in almost all of their incarnations. A little back
story for the uninformed. CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN made their appearance in
SHOWCASE #6 way back in 1957. The original
team was Kyle "Ace" Morgan, Matthew "Red" Ryan, Leslie
"Rocky" Davis, and Walter Mark "Prof" Haley. Later on, Ryan
was killed and replaced by his pop star brother Tino Manarry. When Ryan came
back from the dead, his brother disappeared (with one of Red’s eyes…long
story). June Robbins later joined the Challengers as an honorary Challenger.
Their adventures ran throughout the Sixties and infrequently during the
Seventies and showed up in various alternate versions and one truly trippy
version by Howard Chaykin.
So now we get this version.
And, most importantly, we get Nanda Parbat. How important is that. Name it:
Judomaster lived here, The “original” Question trained Renee Montoya here(and
he died here). But, most importantly, Rama Kushna hangs her hat here. And even
though Ace appears dead, we have a Prof and a Rocky and a Red, along with some
other characters who may or may play their parts in the future months(maybe
Brenda is supposed to represent occultist Corinna Stark). Interesting that it
looks like June, the “honorary Challenger” may be the one taking the lead in
this new series. Dan Didio, who has already proven he can tap into classic
Sixties and Seventies works turns in a
fun story here and the legendary Jerry Ordway combines with Ray McCarthy and
Andy Lanning(yes…THAT Andy Lanning) to turn out his always killer art. I cannot
wait for the next issue. Hey guys: don’t mess this up and give us a regular
series down the road(how about a SEA DEVILS series while you’re at it?)/
DEATHSTROKE #6: Starting with
a flashback of Grant and Slade in training. The flashback ends with Grant’s
apparent death. In the present, Slade and the “suit” continue to battle. Slade
finds out this is about April who he bumped off in issue #1. But Slade knows
how to use an E.M.P. blast and that shuts down the bad guy. And we find out who
is pulling the strings of April’s mom and dad: Grant Wilson. There’s a twist!
The team of Kyle Higgins, Joe
Bennett and Art Thibert gets circumvented this month by having Eduardo Pansica and
Vicente Cifuentes take over the art chores. No biggie: their work is great and
fits the tone of the book just fine. One more issue to go and then Mr. Liefeld
puts his feet all over it. Hope it doesn’t go downhill, as I really like this
DEMON KNIGHTS #6: Exoristos
leads the attack while Xanadu plots to do something terrible, but can’t.
Horsewoman sends an army of horses into battle to the dragons while Etrigan
saves Exoristos long enough to have the final charge begin. Next issue: the
final battle.
Lots of action this month with
only a little plot movement. More great stuff from the team of Paul Cornell and
Diogenes Neves. Really looking forward to the conclusion of this storyline!
still at Penguin’s Casino. Batman finds Raju, one of the Penguin’s men, dead
in a bloody bathtub. We meet a new character named Snakeskin and the temptress
with an eye patch, who has a sister named…Charlotte Rivers. Unfortunately for
her, she gets attacked by Snakeskin just as Batman arrives. Even worse, his
feelings for her get the two of them in a very cold situation they may not get
out of.
A much better story than last
issue’s disaster, fully written and illustrated(with inks by Sandu Florea) by
Tony Salvatore Daniel. Having sisters being on opposite sides of the law is
nothing new, but always fun to see woven into a story. And just what is The
Penguin up to? You know it can’t be good!. And no 8 page back-up story this
time around. Nice job, guys!
S.H.A.D.E. #6: While humanoids are being devolved and recycled, one of them
gains intelligence and runs away. Off on planet Earth, Frankenstein and the
Creature Commandos are trolling down the Mekong Delta in search of Colonel
Quantum: a refugee from the Vietnam War who apparently has pulled a Colonel
Kurtz in the deep jungle. And just like in APOCALYPSE NOW, the mission is to
assassinate Quantum. When they arrive at Quantum’s home in the jungle, he begs
to be taken out and is quickly accommodated. But things are bad at
as the original Creature Commandos take control.
Another bang-up issue by the
team of J.G. Jones, Alberto Ponticelli and Jeff Lemire. And obviously, the
story gets a nod to Joseph Conrad and Francis Ford Copolla too. Can this story
get wrapped by the time issue #9 comes oput, when I expect the O.M.A.C. story
to get merged into this title(as O.M.A.C. gets cancelled at issue #8 to make
room from some of the six new NEW 52
GREEN LANTERN #6: Hal busts up
a bunch of guys trying to steal airplane parts. He’s impressed: he can do this
without having an active Lantern ring. Meanwhile, Sinestro gets into a tussle
with Starstorm. That goes well, but Sinestro still needa a partner and goes to
retrieve Jordan who ends up as Sinestro’s sidekick, whether he likes it or not.
This issue let me down this
month. Okay, so we know Jordan
wants to be a Lantern but is trying to kick the habit. And Sinestro has his own
agendas on his plate and will pursue them to the fullest. And that means
dragging poor Hal back into it. Yawn-we KNOW this is where this is going, so
move it along. Also wasn’t thrilled with Mike Choi’s art. There’s nothing wrong
with it but I’m just not a huge fan of the painted art thing. So, this issue falls flat and I hope it
doesn’t become a two-time problem with the next issue.
THE HUNTRESS #6: Helena breaks a
lot of rules in a foreign land to finally get to The Chairman’s son. She makes
him promise to donate 2 billion to charities associated with abused women and
she will let him live. So how does she get away from the authorities and get
out of the country. By having a friend like Kara Starr, soon to be known as
Power Girl. Yes, this is the lead in to WORLD’S FINEST in just 60 short days.
Finally it ends, not with a
bang but with a definite whimper. This book was SO BAD that words continue to
fail me. I do not like Helena
as a character, I don’t like The Huntress as a character and the plot could have
been wrapped up in two issues , maybe three. To run it out for six issues was a
reason to make money. Thumbs DOWN to Paul Levitz even while giving a BIG THUMBS
UP to Marcus To. And REALLY BIG THUMBS UP to Guillem March for a great cover
which has nothing really to do with the book, except it looks REALLY GOOD! I
have said previously that I wouldn’t read Levitz’ WORLD’S
FINEST(yes, they have moved
the apostrophe YET AGAIN!). I may not even read issue #1.
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