ACTION COMICS #15: We start out 10 years ago on prom night about a decade ago, Clark and Lana Lang return to the farm to find Pa Kent helping out a Little Salesman with his car. Whatever happens, it changes Clark’s life(possibly the beginning of the end for his parents?). The flashback is part of a conversation between Superman and his landlady. Time is behaving strangely as the events of last issue are fresh in his mind but don’t happen for two more years. Next, we’re in the future where the Earth has changed AND Superman is being chased by a new Rogue’s gallery. That memory fades and he finds himself back on the roof with his landlady. Just as quickly as the memory comes on, it fades away and Superman is back on the roof with Mrs. Nyxly. Then she tells him the origin of Mxyzptlk, who became the favorite of the kind and his court. Vyndktvx used the Multispear, accidentally killing the king and destroy 230 different worlds by creating the Multitude. Jor-el and Superman stopped it from destroying their world but destroyed Vyndktvx's arm in the process, which left him seeking revenge. That included changing Clark’s past, resulting in Ma and Pa Kent being killed in a traffic accident while Clark is with Lana at prom. Mrs. Nyxly escaped from the 5th Dimension to be born as a normal child on Earth. She had been given three wishes by Mxyzptlk but only got to use two before she is assassinated. An unknown being steps into almost every moment in Clark’s life and plans to kill Superman. The back-up story is about Mxyzptlk, Nyxly and their son, Ferlin.
Leave it to Grant Morrison to set up his final arc with one of his greatest tricks. The origin of the 5th Dimensional imp intertwined with the deaths of the Kents. Heck-we even get to see a freckle faced Lana Lang. Brad Walker and Rags Morales nail the art in this issue and I find myself at ease with the way this storyline is going. The back-up is a typical Sholly Fisch piece with art by Chris Sprouse.
ALL STAR WESTERN #15: We begin with Amadeus Arkham being fed the Mr. Hyde formula. Jonah Hex arrives in time to see a deranged Arkham attack, but Hex knocks him out. He also learns he isn’t getting paid by Reginald Forsythe because Hyde has eaten him. Hyde attacks Hex, throwing him through a window, causing Hex to break his leg. Arkham awakens and attacks Hyde who, in turn, does the same. Despite the broken leg, Hex makes his way back upstairs, saves Arkham, who flees and puts the hurt on Hyde, who also flees. Hex tracks down Arkham, who is trying trying to solicit sex from a rather upset woman.. hex tells him he has been poisoned and Arkham decides to examine himself and drops his pants, leading to his being captured by the police and tossed into the asylum that will one day bear his name. Hex learns he will need to spend some time in a wheelchair while Hyde develops more of his formula in the abandoned home of the Haunted Highwayman. In the back-up story, Tecumseh and his brother the Prophet are forced to watch their men be executed by the Americans. Tomahawk and his men come to the rescue. Lancaster escapes but Tomahawk pursues. Just as he is about to win the fight, he is knocked out by a British soldier. Tecumseh and Tomahawk, betrayed by the British, plan to burn the British forts to the ground.
This is the book that will make you learn to love Western comics. Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Moritat redefine the genre. And the back-up, considering most back-ups give me a headache, redefines the character of Tomahawk for the new millennium. This should be on everyone’s read list!
ANIMAL MAN #15: We begin our tale in what used to be Central City, which has become Gorilla City. Led by Grodd, Mallah and the Brain, the gorilla army capture Buddy and the heroes of The Red. Frankenstein and his Patchwork Army arrive to rescue them. Buddy asks Frankenstein to join them and they decide to head to Metropolis where it is rumored that Arcane has a prisoner who could be an ally. We cut to a year ago, when Maxine and Socks ran into William Arcane, who convinces them that he has reformed since meeting Swamp Thing and Abby. Despite Socks warning, Maxine follows him, leading her to the Hunters Two. Meanwhile, Buddy dreams strange dream on the way to Metropolis, one that has his son wearing the Animal man garb. Arriving in Metropolis, they find that The Green seems to have taken over a lot of the city. With Frankenstein and his Patchwork Army standing guard, Buddy, Beast Boy, Steel and Constantine make their way through the city, following a unique energy signature. It eventually leads them to Green Lantern, who they find trapped there.
ROTWORLD continues to put the Creep in Creepy! Jeff Lemire and Steve Pugh continue to amp it up as the tale races along. Pugh’s art style is wonderful and drips with grotesque imagery. When you pair this title, SWAMP THING and FRANKENSTEIN (while it lasts), you have a true trilogy of modern horror.This title is totally, TOTALLY RECOMMENDED!
AQUAMAN #15: In Part Two of the THRONE OF ATLANTIS cross-over(go read the review/synopsis for JUSTICE LEAGUE #15 first to avoid confusion), Gotham City is underwater and Aquaman has to save Bullock and Jim Gordon. But, despite Mera trying to hold back a massive tidal wave, a lot of residents drown in the flood. Meanwhile, in Metropolis, a similar situation is occurring. And Vulko, who is trying to help, apparently has the strength to punch out Superman, because he does as he desperately searches for King Arthur. We learn that the Atlantean War Plans that Aquaman and Orm crafted long ago have Batman is a priority target as is Dr. Shin. Eventually, Aquaman and Batman meet up with Vulko on the Watchtower where he reveals that this is revenge for the accidental missile launch that apparently wasn’t an accident. Aquamna heads to Boston, which is also underwater, and confronts Orm. The trinity of the League shows up and Aquaman must make a decision on who to stand with. Meanwhile, the creatures from The Trench are on the loose again.
Geoff Johns continues this crossover and this is a winner! When all is said and done, the new JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA will be born, also written by Johns. Things are getting desperate in the League and this will all lead to the Trinity War later in the year. Some great action, some startling tragedies and a joke or two(thank you Harvey Bullock!). Paul Pelletier signs on as regular artist with this issue as Ivan Reis moves to JUSTICE LEAGUE. As always, his work is clean and smooth and having Art Thibert as your inker can’t hurt. Another winner this month!
BATGIRL #15: This issue has two stories running concurrently. The first is set some time in the past, as the Joker was with his doctor at Arkham Asylum. He offers up a chance to write a paper based on his journals, but they are unreadable without his help. Joker describes each page of his journal to the doctor until he came to a page which described what he might do if he ever met a nine year old girl named Sasha. This was the name of the doctor’s nine-year-old daughter. The doctor wanted to check and see if her daughter was safe, but Joker insisted she stay or something might happen to her. He tells her that the journal was his way to keep track of everything in his life, even his qualifications for his life partner. Of course, he fears infidelity, so he thinks it’s best to cut off his bride's arms and legs right after the wedding.
In the present, the Joker still has Barbara’s mom tied to a chair. Her ring finger, complete with ring, has been cut off and she has a five-pound nail-bomb beneath the seat. If you recall, The Joker was using the severed finger to propose to Batgirl. He places a gun to Mrs. Gordon's head, causing Batgirl to agree to marry him. Catching him off guard, she begins to beat him up, actually thinkning of shooting him in the spine to paralyze him as he had done to her. But a sniper’s bullet pushes her back and Joker gives her a list of things she needs for the wedding. Not far away, her brother James, who led his sister to the scene of the crime, receives a frantic call from Barbara’s roommate Alysia and he agrees to come to visit her. Then he calls the Joker and tells him that Batgirl and Ms. Gordon are his to deal. The Joker hangs up and James decides to help his sister. Batgirl arrives at an old church where the priest apologizes to her. The Joker is holding the congregation hostage and he must bear witness to her forthcoming beating.
This is one long, complicated issue jumps back and forth between the past and the present. And it is an amazing ride. Why DC Editorial would fire Gail Simone from this book…by Email mind you, is anyone’s guest. Apparently there was some concern on where she was taking this story and that resulted in her termination. I would love to see where she was going with it and will be a treat to follow her story until the end. So, besides telling one heck of a tale, Daniel Sampere’s artwork explodes of the page! This guy is good…real good! His style fits this book very nicely. I’m still missing Adrian Syaf, but I do like where Sampere is taking this look.
BATMAN #15: Joker announces that he knows all the identities of the Batman Family and, in less than three days, they will all be dead at Batman’s hand. Harvey Bullock and GPCD arrive and the Joker has his men fire rockets at them. Batman gets free and demands to know where Alfred is. He says he’s preparing a special dinner for the Batman family before Batman falls into the Gotham River, infected with Joker Venom. Bruce has a nightmare where Alfred has been replaced by the Joker and attacks all of the gathered Batman Family. He eventually wakes from his nightmare with his costumed family waiting for him. He tells of how his second encounter with the Joker, where it seems the villain may have made his way into the Batcave. The Batman Family are angry, despite Bruce’ belief that The Joker never made it past the entrance of the cave, which had since been sealed up. Batman tells the rest of the Family to stay in the cave as he breaks into the home of Dylan McDyre, a guard who has a connection to the Joker. McDyre explains the Joker had actually been holding the families of the Arkham Asylum staff hostage while he made changes. So Batman heads to Arkham to see what awaits him. In the back-up story, The Joker makes his changes at Arkham and involves The Riddler in his mad plan.
Leave it to the dynamic duo of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo to craft another wild chapter in the life of the Dark Knight. This generation’s Joker continues to be the vilest villain Batman has ever faced. Between his “face mask” and his motives, the once and future Jack Napier takes the cake as the most perverted villain in the New 52. If you are not reading DEATH OF THE FAMILY and all it’s crossover pieces, you are missing one of the greatest stories in years. And Batman has had many awesome stories over the years.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #15: Damian watch security footage of the Joker beating Alfred with a hammer. After talking thinks over with his dog, he decides to find Alfred. Titus sniffs hyena urine at the front gates so the pair head to Gotham Zoo, where he finds hyenas tearing at a dead guard. He opens the cage and gets attacked by the animals, getting bitten in the process. This causes him to be dosed by Joker Venom and he falls through a skylight. He awakens inside a nest made of human bones with The Joker standing above him. He shows Robin the video he made burning Alfred's eyes with ammonia. Damien promises that he will kill The Joker for that. After a lengthy soliloquy, he buries Robin under insects and worms. Then he makes Robin battle to the death against a Venom infected Batman.
Okay…are we jumping WAY ahead here? Batman is Venom infected? I just finished reviewing BATMAN where he is entering Arkham. This is where my biggest gripe about the DEATH OF THE FAMILY story comes in: no one in editorial can seem to get chronology issues straight. None of these titles run in a linear manner. Things happen in individual titles that are occurring either before or after they do in other titles. I would think that all issue fifteens would run at the same time. But then I would be working at DC and handling those things. Since I am not, I can only sit on the sidelines and bitch. Besides the bitching, we have the normally wonderful work of Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason.
BATMAN INCORPORATED #6: Last issue ended with the Batman Incoporated team being blown up and we see the after effects of that. Freight Train has been impaled and is dying. Squire is in pretty rough shape too, as are Halo and Looker. The only people up and on their feet are Batwing and Knight. Batman goes to talk to Talia who tells him the parable of the Goat Herder and Enlightenment. He tells her he just wants his city to be safe and all of this to be over. Meanwhile back at the Batcave, all of the various Robins and ex-Robins are in the Batcave wondering what to do next. And of course, there is Bat Cow and Titus the Bat Dog. They get to hear the conversation between Batman and Talia as it is being broadcast into the Batcave so that Damian can hear. She demands he make a decision: his city or his son. Batman encounters a robed, masked giant who kills the hostages and then moves on to attack Batman Incorporated. Just as Knight gets Squire’s heart heating again, the giant arrives and snaps his neck. Batwing is taken out by the giant who uses Knight’s body as a bat. Batman arrives to help Squire. In the Batcave, Jason Todd declares that they all need to go rescue Batman. Will they have the time?
Holy cliffhanger, Batman! How do they get out of this without major causalities in the New 52 Universe? And who will Batman choose, his beloved Gotham or the product of his loins? All this will be revealed in the next issue from Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham.
BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #15: Batman continues his battle with The Scarecrow, who he has learned will release fear toxin in Gotham Square during the Christmas Parade. As Alfred and Lucius Fox try to figure how to develop an antidote, Batman discovers the antibodies they need are in his own blood. Since time is of the essence, Batman transfuses his blood directly into the Batplane's aerosol diffuser. While this will save the city, he will more than likely die from blood loss. Alfred and Robin monitor the situation as Batman flat lines completing his task. They remotely bring the plane home and with several shocks from the defibrillator, they bring him back to life. Meanwhile, Luz, Gordon and the GCPD find the safe house where the Scarecrow is holed up and he surrenders. We move forward to New Years Eve and Natalya, following a solo performance, ends up at the Manor for a movie and takeout. In the epilogue, Scarecrow plans his escape as he has a secret vial of toxin hidden upon him. Unfortunately, the vial ruptures, filling his glass cell with the gas.
And thus ends Greg Hurwitz’ first storyline with a bang and not a whimper! He has retooled one of the classic, iconic villains and next issue will do the same with The Mad Hatter. David Finch’ art seems a little sloppy this issue and I’m not surprised as his output has seemed to drop off in the last few months. Next month Ethan Van Sciver takes over and the preliminary images look amazing!
BATWOMAN #15: This issue is called INTERLUDE II and revolves around Maggie Sawyer. As Maggie finds herself puzzled by recent events, we get a flashback of what has transpired from her perspective. She had taken down some of Medusa’s thugs, but can’t figure out why a Japanese gang member is "mitera", which is the Greek word for “Mother”. During the battle in Gotham, orchestrated by Killer Croc, the city was filled with these gang members. With GCPD getting overwhelmed, she asks the DEO for help. This leads to a revelation how Maggie’s father had once locked her in the tool shed to protect his daughter from “going to Hell” as a 12 year old tomboy. Reluctantly, Agent Chase agrees and sends Maggie to a church where the parents of all of the kidnapped children had gathered. The gathered had become a mob, armed with weapons and intent on fighting Medusa themselves. Maggie is forced to go after Isabella Lopez’ husband, who had already gone out into battle, finds him and attempts to save him. That is when The Weeping Woman unleashes a tidal wave which save’s them; an act she does as penance for kidnapped his children. Maggie and Harvey are confronted by the sight of the kidnapped children being dragged through the streets with chains around their necks. Just then a car crashes down from above and the sight of something with tentacles is seen. That brings us to the here and now as Batwoman and Wonder Woman arrive. And somehow, Maggie knows that Kate is home and safe.
While this has the feel of a fill-in issue, mostly because J. H. Williams III only illustrates the first and last page of the issue, leaving the bulk of the art to Trevor McCarthy, it does gives us some much needed NEW 52 back story for Maggie Sawyer-even if it is only in the form of a short, almost tossed off bit of text early on in the issue. So we see that Kate and Maggie’s dads have a lot in common. For me, that was the absolute highlight: to find out that Maggie’s parents were trying to deprogram her at age twelve from becoming a lesbian. Guess what: it didn’t work! This is one of the best books on the stands today and it should be required reading for all “Teen Plus” comics fans.
BIRDS OF PREY #15: The issue begins with Condor using some interesting tactics in questioning a Dragon Clan member. Meanwhile, Canary, Batgirl and Starling rendezvous but Katana is missing. Using a tracking device, they discover she is one thousand feet below sea-level. This is where she is being tortured by the Dagger Clan, as they prepare to melt down the Soultaker Sword. Fifteen minutes from now, the Clan is ready to hit Yokohama with a scorched-earth bomb that will render the city uninhabitable for hundreds of years. That’s when the Birds arrive on the scene, but is soon overwhelmed by the Dagger Clan. Katana breaks free, grabs the sword and attacks Garasuki. As the battle rages on, Condor retrieves the bomb, which Katana cuts in two with the sword, as her husband has told her to do. Following the end of the battle, most of the Birds leave. Except for Tatsu, who stays behind tio handle things in Yokohama. Arriving in Gotham, Batgirl has a suggestion to replace Katana. And then she introduces Talon Strix.
Thus ends one chapter in the life of the Birds of Prey. Juan Jose Ryp and Vincente Cifuentes shine with the art in this book. Meanwhile, Duane Swierczynski’s writing doesn’t, as this title has been filled with bad dialogue and tacky clichés. While the action is intense, the characters are cardboard. Hopefully when new writer Jim Zub takes over three issues from now, that will also change. Until then: wither grin and bear it or give it the boot, boot boot!
CATWOMAN #15: Selina meets up with her buddy Gwen and they crash a party, and then jump out a window. They also walk out of the building and past Detective Alvarez. at the end of one page, then walk out the front door of the building on the next page. Selina meets up with a contact who has her go to Argus to steal the Black Diamond. She manages to get hired at ARGUS and tries to make her way into the Black Room. She uses a mystic key to get in and changes into her Catwoman costume. She gets in a firefight with security. She eventually opens the safe and the Black Diamond takes over her.
Talk about a total mess. Let’s start with Gwen and Selina jumping out a window and then, on the next page, they are walking OUT of the building they allegedly just jumped out of a window from. WHAT?! CONTINUITY!!! And Selina meets with a contact to get a job, which I thought was Gwen’s job. Again-continuity! When Selina is at Argus, she changes into costume, and the scientist joins her, not alert security. REALLY!? And that’s just the worst of it, although the entire issue is a writing disaster. Ann Nocenti should be ashamed and should hand over her writing credentials to Gail Simone who IS out of work. Take into effect the whole concept of having security with guns fighting someone in a room full of the most dangerous weapons in the world On the plus side, Rafa Sandoval’s art is nice. But it can’t save this poorly plotted and horrendously executed issue. Lastly: big slaps to Rachel Gluckstern and Rickey Purdin. They ARE the editorial staff after all and should have seen these mistakes.
DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS #15: Tobias Whale has a new drug that turns the user into a monster from Hell. Daniel Cassidy wants to team up with Jefferson Pierce to take down and get the drugs off of the street. Pierce isn’t too keen on the idea, but when his father tells him he is meeting with Whale, he changes his mind. Black Lightning refuses to zap these guys w The duo battle the drug affected zombies while Whale and Nebiros capture Pierce’s father and hold him hostage. Blue Devil and Black Lightning find the Whale and Nebiros and we learn that Etrigan tore off the Blue Devil skin from Neibros “long, long ago” and now he is trying to take it back by peeling it off of Cassidy. And, if that wasn’t bad enough for our heroes, Black Lightning gets shot trying to save his dad.
This has been a fun ride so far. The story by Marc Andreyko has been beautifully paced and has done a great job of introducing these characters from the old DCU into the NEW 52 universe. Likewise, the art from Robson Rocha and Eduardo Pansica has been tight and gooey at times. I would like to see these guys with a regular series. Welcome to the NEW dynamic duo!
DEMON KNIGHTS #15: The battle for Avalon rages on. Merlin summons King Arthur, who saves the day by fighiting Lucifer, Mordru and The Questing Queen and monologuing about Stormwatch. Merlin creates a rainstorm from the waters of Avalon, which causes everyone to be cleansed of any enchantments. With the day won, Merlin de-ages, becoming “New Adam.” Adam/Merlin returns everyone back to reality. Jason, once again bonded to Etrigan, and Xanadu head off to be on their own. Exoristos reveals that Lucifer had her bring a Black Diamond back to their reality. The Shining Knight offers to travel with her.
That’s the end of this run. With the next issue, the story jumps ahead thirty years and who knows what that will mean for this title. What this fifteen issue run manages to do is set the groundwork for what will eventually become Stormwatch. Like it or not, DC has created an origin that we’re stuck with. But we do get the origin of Eclipso’s Black Diamond. Paul Cornell has done a wonderful job with this series and it will be nice to see where it all goes from here.
DETECTIVE COMICS #15: We begin with Penguin's henchman Ogilvy burying Poison Ivy alive. Meanwhile, Batman is battling Poison Ivy’s spouse, Clayface. However Batman believes that Clayface has been affected by Ivy’s toxin and the entire wedding is just an illusion. Losing the battle, Batman grabs a flower from Clayface’s skin and escapes in the Batplane. When he gets to examine the flower, Batman realizes he was correct-the marriage was an illusion. The pair have not been wreaking havoc-only Clayface has, but believing Poison Ivy was with him through it all. The Dark Knight heads to Ellsworth Industrial Park where Clayface is attacking. Batman sprays Clayface with an herbicide that dissolves his false memories. Broken hearted, Clayface smashes his way to the sewers and escapes. Meanwhile, Ogilvy tells Penguin about doing away with Ivy and Penguin leaves him in charge as he claims he has to go to Arkham Asylum for a while. Shortly thereafter, Ogilvy frees Ivy, explaining that he buried her with enough plant life to keep her alive. He then introduces himself as Emperor Penguin. In the back-up tale, we get the two sides of the Clayface/Ivy relationship. It begins with a letter in his cell at Arkham Asylum and ends with him meeting her after her influence has been removed and he is seeking revenge.
Even though the issue bears the now familiar die cut Joker face for a cover, it has very little to do with the DEATH OF THE FAMILY storyline, except for two instances. First, Batman doesn’t chase Clayface at the end of the tale because the Joker is still on the loose. And second, The Penguin is in a hurry to leave town based on the back-up tale from BATMAN #14 where the Joker killed all the top lieutenants of every crime family in Gotham and pinned it on The Penguin. Either way, John Layman does a killer job in both the lead and the back-up, while Jason Fabok and Andy Clarke rock the art. Another top notch issue in the Bat corner of the universe.
DIAL H #7: Roxie and Nelson have been travelling the world in search of the Cults of the Dial. It is a group of people who worship the legend of the H-Dial as if it were a religion. Every cult they have visited, in the form of various heroes, all have spoken of the existence of another dial, but they have been unable to find it. The focal point is in Paris and that is where they expect to find the leader of the cult. He claims that the dial was discovered in Atlantis so the pair head out into the Atlantic Ocean to search for it. She dials up a hero known as the Planktonian and, with her Manteau mask on these many microscopic creatures, she dives down and discovers an ancient underwater ruin. But the dial is gone. Roxie does find a military patch in French and English and it looks like a patch they saw in one of the cultists' pamphlets. Meanwhile, Vernon Boyne and his men attack Colton. But Colton makes hundreds of copies of him and kills all of Vernon's men. While he and the copies beat up Vernon, he introduces himself as The Centipede.
Yeah…this title is almost getting too weird for me. Between strange characters, which was always a staple of the old Robbie Reed series, to cults to mysterious villains, I really don’t know what China Mieville is doing. What I DO KNOW is that I am loving David Lapham doing the art on the title. Can I recommend this book? I’m not quite sure anymore. Every now and then I like to have my brain taken to strange places. And sometimes I just want to read a straight on adventure story. This is certainly NOT a straight on adventure story.
EARTH 2 #7: Word of the new Wonders and their battle in Washington, D.C. spreads across the world. Alan Scott has been reported alive and well. But he is far from well, as the death of his fiancé Sam is casugin him to wllow in grief. Hawkgirl arrives at his Manhattan apratment and reveals herself as treasure hunter Kendra Munoz-Saunders. Despite her pleas, he refuses to join her and Flash. Back at World Army headquarters. the council insists that Terry Sloan stay with the group, deapite Khan's complaints regarding Sloan’s actions during the Grunday incident. Unbeknownstr to the World Army, Khan has sent Wesley Dodds’ to Paris to investigate a base Khan believes Sloan has there. They don’t find Sloan, but Michael Holt, who attacks the Sandmen before being taken out by the Sandmen. They destroy the Paris base and hope that once they deprogram Mr. Terrific they may be able to make use of him. Back at World Army HQ, Sloan lays claim to the Red Tornado Project for his own evil reasons.
This is truly one of my consistent favorites from this batch of DC NEW 52 titles. While some fans went ballistic when it was revealed the new Alan Scott was gay, I think that their take on these classic heroes is wonderful. Don’t forget: this was the universe that, before CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, had a grown up Robin fighting crime and had both Batman and his wife die. And Superman was a much older version than the one we knew and loved (I say knew and loved because the new Superman is far younger). James Robinson, Yildiray Cinar and Trevor Scott continue to do phenomenal work on this title that is fun and engaging while carving new territory. And just how rotten will Terry Sloan, the ORIGINAL Mr. Terrific, turn out to be?
FRANKENSTEIN AGENT OF S.H.A.D.E. #15: When we last left this title, Velcoro was dead and Frankenstein was fighting an island. Golden Robot Women become a Flaming Golden Sword and Frankenstein carves up the island, removing the last piece of the Soulgrinder in the process. At this point, he needs to return to Nina and the remaining scientists from S.H.A.D.E. to reconstruct Soulgrinder. He heads off to Monument Valley and makes his way to the top a butte while Khalis remains below fighting and eventually losing to The Rot. Frankenstein recreates the Soulgrinder and shoves Victor through it. Victor is destroiyed but Nina is changed into a Frankencreature in the process. The remainder of the scientists line up, walk through it, creating an army of Rot-Proof Frankensteins to defeat Arcane. But Nina is carrying Frankenstein’s child, so this final battle could be interesting.
So this Victor Frankenstein storyline is wrapped up in the penultimate issue of this title, leading to the final battle against The Rot before our heroes, or what is left of them, get rolled into JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK. Matt Kindt is doing a great job of picking up the pieces and tying up loose ends while Alberto Ponticelli has progressed from the early issues until now and has become quite a major artistic player in the process. I will truly miss this title.
GREEN LANTERN #15: In Dearborn, Michigan, Simon arrives at the home of the guy who owned the van he stole. Once inside, Simon sees blueprints on Wale's table. Wale reveals that the bomb was supposed to go off under the bridge. So Wale decides to kill him, covering up his attempted crime and looking like an American hero in the process. Simon attempts to escape, as his ring has run out of power. Wale catches Simon, but Agent Fed enters the house and aims his gun at Wale. That is when the Third Army enters, assimilating Wale as Simon and Fed escape into the basement, where they find bomb-making facility. Fed declares Simon innocent, they arm a bomb and escape before the blast that kills the Third Army soldiers. Just then, Green Lantern B'dg appears, saying he is trying to find Hal Jordan before the Guardians realize that the Green Lantern Corps knows “they have gone mad”. Meanwhile, in the Dead Zone, Hal and Sinestro speak to the cloaked figure who says he was both Sinestro's enemy and Hal's friend and tells them they are dead. On Oa the Guardians extract more power from the First Lantern, Volthoom, who promises revenge on the Guardians.
Despite the fact that I really don’t care for the new Green Lantern, this book continues to turn in directions that upset the old GL status quo. Geoff Johns continually turns in a great story with punchy dialogue. Doug Mahnke also turns in another great looking issue. All in all, I can’t wait to see how this all ends and what the next major crossover, involving the First Lantern, will do.
HUMAN BOMB #1: This is the story of former Marine Sergeant Michael Taylor. He’s doing work at Ground Zero when it appears another terrorist attack is occuring. One of his co-workers begins to smolder and shouts “Remember the C.R.O.W.N.” before exploding. Taylor flashes back to an incident in Afghanistan three years ago where an attack occurs, not by the Taliban, but by the agents of C.R.O.W.N. They are a terror organization made up of five terror groups: Capricorn, Renegade, Orbital, Warriors and Nezbali. Taylor awakens and it immediately attacked by another agent seeking to diffuse him. It seems Taylor has explosive powers and is referred to a Human Bomb 17. Meanwhile the head of S.H.A.D.E., Uncle Sam, observes the actions on one of a multitude of monitors and orders Taylor taken in.
Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti make a great tag team. Just look at their work on ALL STAR WESTERN. This is such an unusual take on a classic character that was not a member of either the original Earth 1 or Earth 2 DC. The Human Bomb was a part of the Quality Comics characters that were acquired by DC back in 1956 who eventually became a member of the FREEDOM FIGHTERS (a team that included Black Condor, The Human Bomb, Phantom Lady, Doll Man, The Ray and Uncle Sam. The artwork by Jerry Ordway is his usual superb style and I could look at his work all day long. Yes, I have been a long time fan and his style has not dropped in quality one bit over the years. This title has potential, although I do get leery of these four issue mini-series as some of them start out great (HUNTRESS) and flounder and others (PHANTOM LADY) just were awful from the start. I will probably do issue #2 and see where it takes me. Personally, I think these four issue mini series should end up being story arcs in DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS as opposed to getting their own mini-series. But that’s why I don’t run the marketing department at DC.
I VAMPIRE #15: Andrew Bennett, Charles Thompson and Tig break into Van Helsings’ castles and begin to take these vampire hunters apart. Andrew confronts the second-in-command, announcing he only wants to talk. This brings forth the former leader, who has been stitched together like Frankenstein after Andrew tore him apart twelve times in a row. Andrew and his companions head toward the Van Helsings' archives with the leader following them. Meanwhule, Mary Seward, John and Deborah have made their way to Bennett’s Wood to attempt to raise a spectral impression of Andrew's death, which would allow them to see who turned him, hunt that person down and restore Andrew. When the apparition appears, Mary recognizes it as Andrew's former carriage driver. He only recalls that the killer had a horrifying face. What they eventually find is Cain, who is now also a human, and he admits he created Andrew. Down in the archives of Van Helsings’, Andrew finds the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Upon opening it, they end up in a pocket dimension containing Van Helsings’ armory which has all the magical weapons known to kill vampires.
This story continues to rock on! I love Joshua Hale Fialkov’s story and the vampire mythos we know an love continues to crumble with each successive issue. I am disappointed with Dennis Calero doing the art. His work is good, but he’s no Andrea Sorrentino, who now moves over to GREEN ARROW. In fact, with Sorrentino and Jeff Lemire handling that title, it may end up in my shopping cart in the future. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. This is vampires at their best, as opposed to what Marvel is attempting to do with Morbius. Read this one, NOT that one!
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