Thursday, September 12, 2013

DC's NEW 52 Month 23, Part 2

LARFLEEEZE #3:  The Wanderer tells how she and her brothers came to the Earth and why she is keeping Butler Stargrave alive. It appears she purchased him many years ago and wants him back. He is enthused until he learns that he can either be castrated or switch his private parts for female ones. He decides he wants to keep his genitals and keep working for Larfleeze. Larfleeze awakens and battles with The Wanderer and The Laord of the Hunt over the ownership of Stargrave until he sends The Laord to the other side of the universe. The Wanderer kills Lou the Guard Dog, so Larfleeze brings forth the Orange Lantern Corps to battle The Wanderer. She uses her power to return the Orange Constructs to life who prepares to battle Larfleeze as The Wanderer leaves with Stargrave.

Leave it to Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis to have a book filled with incest jokes and castration. And leave it to Scott Kolins to use his unusual style to create a surreal feel to the whole affair. I wouldn’t go as far as to say the book is funny, certainly not the way titles like AMBUSH BUG and JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL were. It’s more of a satirical, weird book with quirky science fiction flair. How long will this title last? I’m uncertain as I don’t know how long you can keep readers interested in a book filled with jokes about everything from incest to farts interesting.  Oh wait: with the Internet, it should be a huge hit, as we are constantly filled with this sort of stuff. They are called You Tube sensations!

THE MOVEMENT #4: Virtue is in Captain Meers office and is demanding that Katharsis be released. The Movement is here too and the growing numbers could pose a problem for the police of Coral City. We get Mouse’ back story. Jayden Revell was a child of wealthy parents but was put out in the streets when his mother could no longer handle him. Katharsis is interrogated and reveals she is an immigrant child, with her mother coming from Laos. She worked at her mom’s restaurant and even joined the police force. But that all went away when she became a vigilante and took the law into her own hands. Cannon tells the police that she is the only witness to their crimes so they should do what they feel is best. Mouse and Virtue break down the front door and the Movement flows inside. We find out that Tremor had come from Calcutta where her talents ruined her fathers’ life and forced them to move here. She fell in with a bad crowd and all of her friends except her were killed as the result of drinking and driving. To atone, she became a spy for Amanda Waller and knows that she will have to betray her friends one day. Virtue goes to search for Katharsis, while Tremor is left to handle an approaching tank. Burden gets into a verbal battle with The Movement, who are looking to beat a police officer to death. Burden was riddled with fits as a child and his family and town elders tried to have him exorcised of his demon. He left home because he was a burden to his family. Rainmaker arrives to help The Movement. Captain Meers learns that Katharsis is being kept in the sub-basement and takes some amount of revenge on Yee. Virtue, Mouse, and Burden free Katharsis, while Virtue tells Meers to clean the corruption from his precinct. The next day, we learn that Mayor Prein requests assistance from the Department of Homeland Security, and at least six other cities in America have sprouted their own cells of the Movement.

I know: long synopsis for a comic book. But that is because there is so much that happens in this issue, mostly with back story being provided for some of the major characters. I still don’t know what Gail Simone’s ultimate point is here, but I find the book very intriguing. The fact that all of these characters have flaws or are immigrants I’m sure will play a role in why she has put them together. Each and every one is flawed in their own way and the fact that they are fighting corruption is their way of fighting for the American dream. Freddie Williams II art is very much in the old independent comic mold that is art tight and inking light. I still plan on hanging with this title as I still find it an interesting ride that really isn’t clear on the direction it is coming.

NIGHTWING #23: The Prankster's army of followers has been wreaking havoc throughout Chicago, but Nightwing has been keeping busy to stop it. He has learned that a criminal named Danny knows where the Prankster is and makes him reveal that he will be at an old Brewery later. Meanwhile, Joey and Michael have gotten concerned that they haven’t seen Dick for days. Michael promises to have the police put a trace on Dick’s phone, but he gets caught in a blast that the Prankster rigged for the police and soon finds himself captured. Tony Zucco, under his new name of Billy Lester, is on vacation in Wisconsin and word reaches his wife, who is totally disappointed in him for lying to her and their son. At Chicago City Hall, one of the mayor’s Aldermen is gunned down by Prankster, who  appears in Mayor Cole's office. Nightwing eventually rescues Michael and several others hostages when Tony Zucco appears saying they have to work together to save Chicago, Nightwing will have to work together with the man who killed his parents. How do you work with the man who killed your parents.

And this IS the question that Kyle Higgins and Will Conrad ask? This is an interesting turn I thought I would never see, but this IS the NEW 52 after all. This is the equivalent of Bruce Wayne having to team up with Joe Chill. So what do we do? Great story from Higgins and the art from Conrad is equally satisfying. But after this arc is done, what then? Of course, Dick needs to survive FOERVER EVIL first.

RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS:#23: Drakar and the Untitled wait for the destruction of the fountain that will allow them access to the city of ‘Eth Alth’eban. The League of Assassins has chosen former Robin Jason Todd as their champion while the Untitled have recruited Roy Harper into the same role. Roy is using all sorts of weapons to keep the League’s followers at bay. First he traps Graystone in a block of ice with a weapon he stole from Mr. Freeze. then Cheshire shows up and he plants a device on her that causes her teleportation device to malfunction and she disappears. Jason confronts Roy and the two argue until Starfire arrives and is accused by both of abandoning them. Rictus arrives and attacks her, while Roy uses an explosive arrow to blow up the fountain. Bronze Tiger tries to have Roy and Starfire killed, but Jason won’t have it and, as their leader, forbids them. As the pair are led away in chains, the Untitled arrive in the city just as Jason is shown how to make the All-Blades manifest.

I so love where James Tynion IV, with guest artist (I guess!) Julius Gopez are taking this! And that’s good because I really thought I would hate it. Now I admit being bitchy about the triangle feeling like bad high school romance junk but the idea of Jason’s mind wipe and the consequences of it have renewed my interest in this title. To have the two former best friends on opposite sides of the battle lines creates a really cool storyline that is intriguing, action packed (where DOES he get those toys!) and plain fun! Rock on, guys! This is a ride I am greatly enjoying.

RED LANTERNS #23: Dex-Starr has created an artificial heart and brought Atrocitus back to life. The pair then travels through space looking for any one of the Red Rings he sent out to build his Red Lantern Army. They end up on Styge Prime, were they find Skallox’s former boss, The Butcher. Atrocitus sticks his hand into it and becomes possessed by The Butcher. Now he is fueled with enough rage to destroy Guy Gardner. Meanwhile on Ysmault, Zilius Zox fixes up the captured ship as Guy realizes he is losing his humanity. With only 0.003% charge left on his ring he contacts Hal to cancel this mission. Hal informs Guy that the Blue Lanterns have been destroyed and his ring goes dead. Bleez arrives in time to see Guy speaking with Hal and she realizes he has been sent here to infiltrate them.

Charles Soule’s amazing run on this title continues. And good old guy Gardener realizes he is in over his head with no lifeboat. So, he either has to man up and do what a Red Lantern does to survive or else get wiped out by Bleez or Atrocitus. This is a fun title now, as opposed to the depressing stuff Peter Milligan was handing us. And I love Alessandro Vitti’s art!

SUICIDE SQUAD #23:  It seems that John Lynch, former director of Team 7, is the man responsible for all the issues the Squad has faced as of late. She has also learned that he is going to try and convince Paris Mingowee to hire his own superhuman team as Mingowee’s security force. The Squad infiltrates Mingowee's compound, but the super powered security team arrives to meet them. But they are no match for the Suicide Squad as they quickly dispatch the others, complete with Harley throwing a landmine pie into the face of someone named Crow Jane. With his team completely defeated, Waller calls an air-strike that blows him up while Mingowee hides in his bunker. But James Gordon Jr. has taken care of that as the Unknown Soldier gets into the buker and assassinates the dictator.

And the key word among many titles this month is FUN! A pie BOMB? Deadshot getting hit on by King Shark? And some of the neatest (did I just say that?) dialogue outside of LARFLEEZE. Ales Kot, who I will be sad to see leave this title, and Rick Leonardi (there’s a legendary name for you fans!) turn out one of the wildest rides in comics. This is enough to ALMOST make me go back and find copies of MEN AT WAR to read the Unknown Soldier story. Note: I did say ALMOST. This book has been my favorite since the beginning and it continues to elevate to the top of my must read pile each month.

SUPERMAN #23: We start out four years ago where a young man who was a member of the Twenty stole the Medusa Mask from the Metropolis Museum of Art. He put it on and became the Psycho Pirate, who we have previously seen in SUPERBOY.  Flashing to the present, Superman has been captured and defeated by the mental powers of the H.I.V.E. Queen. Lois Lane is in a coma, following recent events. Her boyfriend Jonathan is at her side. But when Lois suddenly wakes up, she calls for Superman. Back in downtown, Hector Hammond mentally attacks the H.I.V.E. Queen and, using the people of Metropolis as their pawns, the two engage in telepathic combat. She goes directly to H.I.V.E. headquarters to attack Hammond, with Superman in hot pursuit. When he arrives, he finds the base ruined. He finds Hammond badly injured within the rubble. He claims that the Queen is dead. Just then, the Psycho Pirate appears and makes our hero know that he is well aware of Superman's secret identity.

Here’s the good news: Scott Lobdell IS NOT writing this! He has been replaced by Mike Johnson, who did some adequate work when he was on SUPERGIRL. Let’s hope that this will rub off on this title which has been an absolute drag for months. Jesus Merino’s art is nice and I’m cool with that. But hey: NO SCOTT LOBDELL! I know that’s harsh and HE has a comic job and I don’t. But, for crying out loud: WRITE SOMETHING that FEELS like it was written TODAY and not back in the 90’s. I don’t expect Frank Miller but something current would be nice. So, we’ll see if Mr. Johnson can take some of these plot points and characters and mold them into something interesting.

SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #3: Superman finds himself taken down by a super-human who landed here in 1938 and has been kept in a secret facility hidden deep within the Utah Salt Flats. General Lane and the alien take Superman down into the facility where the alien introduces himself as "Wraith." According to Lane, Wraith has spent the last 75 years making the world safer, even if no one knows it. Lane admits he doesn’t like Superman because he is a coward and a murderer who has decided NOT to help eliminate dictators that would affect the world, thus allowing them to continue murdering people. The General learns that the terrorist group Ascension is heading towards Japanese airspace with some Soviet drones it has captured. Superman and Wraith go to Tokyo where they get involved with the drones. Wraith admits he is thrilled to be working together with Superman and how much of a shame it is that he now has to kill him. The same terrorist group has sabotaged Lois’ plane and she is trying to perform an emergency landing over Nova Scotia, but ends up in the ocean instead. It looks as if all will drown until the propellers begin to spin and the plane surfaces. On the shore, she finds the man she came to interview levitating on the shore and holdings a crystal. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor has uploaded his Consciousness into a robotic suit and broke out to meet someone. In the back-up, Jimmy Olsen is met my Lex Luthor who thinks it might be time that Jimmy becomes HIS pal for a change.

Scott Snyder and Jim Lee continue their take on the Man of Steel. As one of the architects of the NEW 52, I love Snyder’s writing and pretty much everything he has done thus far. But I keep waiting for Lee to finish his six issue arc so he can put it in his resume and bail. And then we end up with the rotating artist roller coaster on another title. Personally, I’m happy with the classic, core Superman titles. The old DCU was once heavy with Superman titles and we don’t need it here. As far as the back-up story” does this become a lead in for the new title LEX LUTHOR’S PAL JIMMY OLSEN?

SWAMP THING #23: John Constantine has gone insane after drinking from the Whisky Tree and has declared himself the king of Fetter’s Hill, Scotland. Everyone who from the tree becomes psychopaths and the town is full of them. Meanwhile, Constantine has locked a very weak Swamp Thing in the town jail. With what little strength he has left, Swamp Thing sends out a vine out and steals the keys from a sleeping guard. Constantine is planning to have the trees seeds planted in every village in the United Kingdom. Learning that Swamp Thing has escaped, and orders everyone to find him and burn him. The posse catches him and lights him up. He puts all of his remaining power on becoming a poppy, causing Constantine to pass out. The Green comes back to him and tempts him to squash the village like ants. Instead, he destroys the Whiskey Tree, grows more poppies to sedate the village. Returning to the Louisiana swamp, he finds Capucine having been attacked by the Seeder, who attacked her because Alec wasn’t there. In a grove a trees, is a message: "It's time, Professor."

Charles Soule, with art by Kano and David Lapham, finishes the Constantine storyline (is he in EVERY BOOK lately?) and propels things forward towards an eventful meeting with the Seeder. I love Soule’s pacing and his style is refreshing. And the  fact that we get Lapham adding his artistic touch means I can get my fix of one of my favorite creators without having to read CROSSED! The story gets interrupted next month, as do all the DC titles as it’s VILLAINS MONTH.

TEEN TITANS #23: Everyone tries to keep Kid Flash from being dragged into the future with little results. Red Robin tells Superboy to use his TK powers to disrupt the portal and this works. In the 30th Century, the people hunting Kid Flash vow to continue their hunt. With the drama ended, Beast Boy and Bunker become BFF’s and head off together on a road trip so Bunker can head to Mexico to see his boyfriend that has finally come out of his coma. 

Yeah, I know I swore I was done LAST issue, but I just had to see how this arc ended. And I want my money back. We never get the reveal about the 30th Century storyline. The team sort of splits up as Beast Boy and Bunker do their best Thelma and Louise and head off to find Bunker’s recently reborn lover. Cassie dreams about her father, who has just died in the pages of WONDER WOMAN and the rest of the crew just continues to chew scenery with Scott Lobdell’s dialogue. With this ending, I’m done…honest!

TRINITY OF SIN-PANDORA #3: This issue begins in the 14th Century with Pandora training in China. The tale then jumps to the present where she watches the Justice League’s fighting for possession of the box. She warns them that the box isn't what she thought it was. Flashing back to the 16th Century, she asks the philosopher Aldager why God would permit evil to exist. In the present, she attempts to kill the sins with her guns and realizes she may not be able to fight and win. Back in the 18th Century, she asks an old woman for wisdom but is told she is actually trying to find how to destroy spirits. Back in the time that is now, Agents Kinkaid and Chang meet Marcus Severin, who is told he will be arrested for supplying illegal weapons to a super villain. Back in the battle, Pandora attacks and kills Envy. Now Pandora must decide who dies next.

Well, if you have read the earlier postings concerning the JUSTICE LEAGUE title, then you know what transpires to end the TRINITY WAR. So, with that over and done with, what is the point of this title carrying on? We know the conclusion of the tale, we know that her mission is not going to be easy to accomplish, if at all. So what is her purpose now in the NEW 52? And, after all the speculation about who she was and how she fit into the fabric of the NEW 52, it turns out that she has been moving throughout this world as opposed to being responsible for the changes that occurred during the end of FLASHPOINT. Ray Fawkes does a nice job with the story and Daniel Sampere art is filled with clean lines and not too many anatomical offenses. Again, this is all about where this character goes from here.


TRINITY OF SIN- PHANTOM STRANGER #11:  Batman, Deadman, Katana and The Phanton Stranger find themselves in Heaven’s Basement where they need to speak with Doctor Light about how he died. When they enter Heaven, they each get their own piece of what Heaven is. Tatsu ends up in a Japanese garden with her husband Maseo. The Stranger interrupts and banishes the demon Maseo to a nether realm. The pair finds Batman with his parents at Christmas while Thomas Wayne reads A CHRISTMAS CAROL to him. Deadman arrives and they head off to find Doctor Light. The Stranger attempts to give him his life back but Zuriel intervenes and, as promised, uses his flaming sword to finish The Phantom Stranger’s existence.

Well, that’s the end of him. Or not, since the last page says that the story two months from now is called “Oblivion”, so I guess the series continues on. Fernando Blanco is the artist of record this month and his work is okay. J. M. DeMatteis writing has been some great stuff since taking over for Dan Didio, whose work was enough to ALMOST make me toss the book. Still having nightmares about the first issues’ writing….

WONDER WOMAN #23: The First Born has trashed London where War has brought his own army consisting of every soldier who ever had a song sung about him. Hera tries to get Zola and Zeke to safety while Orion attacks the First Born and gets crushed beneath a stone pillar for his troubles. Wonder Woman removes her Bracelets of Submission, which keeps her powers in check, and attacks the First Born, intent on gaining revenge for Lennox’ death. He takes Diana down and turns his attention to War. Diana shoves her spear through War's back and into the First Born's chest. Dying, Diana apologizes to War who says he would have done the same thing. He apologizes and asks her to keep him in her heart. Hell appears to take War home and he and Diana carry War to the ferry. It’s time for a trip down the River Styx.

Brian Azzarello brings this chapter of Wonder Woman’s life to a close and another member of the Gods dies. At this rate, Diana will be an only child. As always, this is a killer book and Cliff Chaing’s art is right where it needs to be. This is truly one of the major successes in the NEW 52 for me and, despite all of the various incarnations of her we have seen in the past, nthis is surely one of the most unusual. Well played!

WORLDS’ FINEST #15: Last issue Huntress was kidnapped by Desaad. Power Girl makes her way through the Boom Tube after them and gets into battle with some Parademons. Meanwhile, the Huntress is being tortured by Desaad who is collecting Fearamones from her. Seeing that Power Girl is trashing his followers, Desaad goes after her, giving the Huntress a chance to escape. She does and even beats up some beast that comes to stop her, before going to help out Power Girl. Desaad Boom Tubes them away Karen and Helena away. Back home, Power Girl’s clothes are torn and she is covered in cuts and bruises. What has Desaad stolen from her.

The cover says the issue is by Paul Levitz, Robson Rocha and Wayne Faucher. Actually, it is by Levitz, Emanuela Lupacchino and Guillermo Ortega. And that’s okay because Emanuela Lupacchino’s work is AMAZING!!! I mean, she is absolutely fantastic! Can she be our regular artist because these heroines never looked so good. And Levitz’ script is fun too!

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