While it appears that Lana’s parents, and many of the people in Smallville are dying, Martian Manhunter assures her that Superman is on his way to Brainiac’s mothership. However, he has let Doomsday take him over to fill him with the strength needed to destroy the mothership. Inside his mind, Perry White begs Clark to stop Doomsday from destroying the core of the ship, as that would destroy all of the minds that were absorbed. Brainiac tells him that he is collecting enough minds to allow him to remake the universe any way her perceives. Meanwhile, the Cyborg Superman breaks into Fortress to kill everyone there, but Supergirl has followed him and plans to defeat him. Brainiac warns that if she defeats the Cyborg and kills him, she will have killed her own father and actions involving Superman and her will fulfil the Kryptonian prophecy of the night of El. Then Brainiac shows him a potential world twenty-five years from now where Batman has retired because of the drop in crime. But, in it, Wonder Woman doesn’t exist because Brainiac hasn’t found her to make her part of the fantasies he is creating. That is because she attacking Brainiac’ ship from the Phantom Zone. And Lois manages to enter Clark's mind and hold Brainiac’s mind in her hands. Lois takes Brainiac’s power and puts it into Clark, telling him to do the right thing before returning to Earth and her normal self. Clark refuses to kill him, but drags him into a black hole. Brainiac finds himself being broken into pieces and is pulled out voice that calls him an asset. As the collection process begins, he sees the shards of the multiverses.
First things first. This monstrous issue is by Greg Pak and Charles Soule with art by Ken Lashley, Szymon Kudranski, Cory Smith, Dave Bullock, Jack Hebert, Ian Churchill, Aaron Kuder, Vincente Cifuentes and Norm Rapmund. With that out of the way, let’s talk about that LAST PAGE. We have images of a non-blue OMAC from Kirby’s era. There is Harley Quinn in the classic Harlequin costume. Check out the original New Teen Titans with Nightwing, Cyborg, Donna Troy, and Jericho. We have a Ted Kord Blue Beetle. We have Plastic Man and Uncle Sam. The classic Legion of Superheroes trio is seen too.And there is also the Justice Society of America, complete with Alan Scott, the Huntress and the Jay Garrick Flash. We see a very C. C. Beck inspired Captain Marvel, a FLASHPOINT battle between Aquaman and Wonder Woman, an Elseworlds Batman…and a Superman who is still wearing RED TIGHTS! This is all images from a Pre NEW 52 Universe. Is this a sign of what may be coming in 2015? And, who collects Brainiac? Could it be OUR BRAINIAC? This one page was worth all the good and the bad of this mini-series.
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