Set in 1974, we see comic creator Vince Harley, in his guise as vigilante Yellowjacket, sneaking back into his own house and getting accidentally shot and killed by his son. Many years later, he was visited by Captain Atom, who gave him an idea and his blessing. Later, we see Blue Beetle and The Question catching a drug dealer, with The Question making him swallow a bag of heroin and overdose. Moving ahead to 2005, Harley had become a governor in the George W. Bush administration. America had developed a super soldier to protect the country. When terrorists broke into the White House, The Peacemaker was called by Harley to kill them. Some time later, he visited with the newest superhuman, Allen Adam. Harley explained how, over the years, he uses an algorithm to predict events. He told Allen the future solution was in Major Comics MAJOR MAX MEETS JANUS THE EVERYDAY MAN.
In 2008, Harley was elected President and created a government run team called Pax Americana that consisted of Blue Beetle, The Question, The Peacemaker, and Captain Atom. It turns out that the Vice-President was corrupt and The Question, still using his street level tactics of interrogation and justice, discovered that Sargeant Steel was involved and there was a plan to kill Captain Atom. Meanwhile, Peacemaker and his girlfriend Vincent Harley's last comic book work, MAJOR MAX MEETS JANUS THE EVERYDAY MAN. He challenged her to find the secret of Algorithm 8 within the next two years, when Harley would win the 2015 election. In January of 2015, Captain Atom was in a particle accelerator reading the cursed Ultra Comics when he revealed to the scientists there that he knew of their plan to destroy him. They activated the particle accelerator that created an artificial black hole in his head and apparently destroyed him. At this point, Sergeant Steel shot each of the scientists and eliminated those loose ends.
Harley reveals that he would have to be assassinated for there to be world peace, but he needed Captain Atom to return so he could bring him back. Peacemaker revealed that he would assassinate the president for the sake of world peace. In November, The Question began investigating Nora’s murder. She was beaten to death with a Janus-head sculpture.
The Question gets pursued by his old friend Blue Beetle, but is able to trap him. He then encounters Nightshade, defeating her too. President Harley was assassinated by Peacemaker, making the manipulative Eden the new President of the United States. Later, Chris told Eden he had killed the President to save the world from Eden. Finally, at Vincent Harley's grave, Captain Atom appeared to deliver Algorithm 8 to the 23-year-old Harley. This is an event that would happen over and over again.
If you haven’t figured this out my now, this is Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s vision of that classic Charlton Comics characters. In other words: this is GRANT MORRISON’S WATCHMEN! And, if you can’t see those characters presented here, then you really don’t know Watchmen. Especially when you see that Blue beetle IS OWLMAN and The Question IS RORSCHACH. This is a wonderful book and may be the best of the MULTIVERSITY titles yet. Great story and fantastic art by Quitely. Of special note is the way that ALL STAR SUPERMAN and JLA: EARTH-2, by the team of Morrison and Quietly, find their way into this comic. who both worked on this issue. Once again, Grant Morrison shows us that he is a genius!
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