Tuesday, June 9, 2015


WONDER WOMAN ANNUAL #1: When last we saw Wonder Woman and the Justice League, they were dealing with an alien race accusing her of waking them when she dispatched the First Born. Cyborg reveals that he can find a way to send them home and the aliens are happy and thank the League. Back on Paradise Island, Diana sees first hand the massacre committed by Donna and some of the other Amazons. The two battle at length until Diana wraps her lasso around Donna, revealing the horrors of what has been done, much to Derinoe’s disappointment. The old witch attempts to kill Diana but she is slain by one of the Amazons. The brothers who died are given a proper funeral and the murderers are forced to work for Hephaestus.

The back-up story reveals the history between Derinoe and Hippolyta. And how she saved Hippolyta’s life and it cost Derinoe her youth and her beauty.

This represents the last chapter in what was the NEW 52, as this is the last book within continuity of that imprint. The main story by Meredith and David Finch has its' flaws. First off, his art looks rushed in spots, although there is a couple of two-page spreads and full page shots that shine. Secondly, I have a problem with the quick wrap up to the alien storyline. In four pages, we get the story of the aliens and a resolution. No battle, no drawn out fix: just a wham bam thank you ma’am wrap, taking us into the battle between Donna and Diana.

Now the BACK-UP by Finch and Goran Sudzuka: that’s a whole different story. What we learn here is that Derinoe loved Hippolyta and they apparently had a little something-something going on between them. When Derinoe gave her youth up to save her lover and then Lyta turned to the man who fathered her daughter, jealousy became the fire that drove her to revenge. And let’s be honest: are we so surprised to find that the Amazon’s had lesbian tendencies? After all: a race of women, no men (except for the ones who poison Queen Alcippe), and an island. Really? Even Frederick Wertham had THAT figured out!

So, say goodbye to the NEW 52 and Diana’s costume, as she gets a makeover with issue #41 and the new DC You.

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