Tuesday, May 10, 2016

DC YOU Month 11, Part 2

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW #2: In the first story, Professor Stein has figured out that Jason's quantum waves are causing problems and begs them not to become Firestorm until he figures things out. His solution is to take the Firestorm Matrix away from Jason and transfer it to himself. That results in a Ronnie Raymond/Martin Stein Firestorm. Oh yeah: Multiplex is loose and General Eiling is gearing up Major Force for a battle with Firestorm. And Tonya reveals that she is gay.

In the second story, Java has accidentally freed Rex Mason, which allows Metamorpho and Sapphire to make a break for it. They head to Egypt where Rex tells her how the combined powers of the Orb of Ra and a chemical her dad had used on him to kill him resulted in his new form. Inside the Pyramid of Ahk-Ton, Metamorpho places the Orb into its’ receptacle and they are transported to a strange planet. Meanwhile, Simon Stagg is visited by Kanjar Ro who reminds him of a bargain that had.

In the third tale, Sugar & Spike have been sent by Superman to his Superman shaped island and retrieve the Kryptonite he has stored there. When they arrive there, they discover the construction team being held at gunpoint by a robot toy lady and her toy followers. The duo defeat her and make their way to Superman's Kryptonite room, where they retrieve the green rock and leave. But a mysterious lady who is using the robot’s eye to spy is unknowingly watching them and threatening that this means war.

In the fourth tale, Will Magnus manages to sneak out the decommissioned Metal Men and hides at Robot Man’s heavily fortified cabin in the woods. But, since Nameless can't get the Metal Men, he hacks his way into Dr. T.O. Morrow's project Cyclone, which causes Red Tornado to attack an amusement park to try and draw the Metal Men out of hiding.

Firestorm is by Gerry Conway and Eduardo Pansica and I don’t like the fact that Martin Stein looks like Victor Garber. Sorry…I want my comics to be a little separated from the television world. The Metamorpho story is by Aaron Lopresti. It looks great, even if I’m not a fan of his Sapphire’s strong character. I’m sorry: I liked her as a bit of a lovable ditz! Sugar and Spike is by Keith Giffen and Bisques Evely and has just enough fun moments to make it worth reading. Really-a Superman shaped island? Metal Men is by Len Wein and Yildiray Cinar and, while I love these characters…and Robotman and Red Tornado too, I have a dislike that Will Magnus is as young as he is. Personally, I liked the old pipe smoking Will Magnus who had a thing going on with Platinum. All in all, eight bucks is a bit hard to swallow all in one shot, but you do get four stories for that price.

MARTIAN MANHUNTER #11: Martian Manhunter and Pearl have gone through transformations and are ready to face off against Ma'alefa'ak, who has apparently killed Mr. Biscuits and buried Agent Wessel in a cave in. Ma'alefa'ak takes the Martian Child and Alicia, who will be his blood sacrifice to give life to Mars yet again. Over on Earth, Constantine, Etrigan, Zatanna, Sargon The Sorceress and Doctor Fate are at work to create a magical barrier to save Earth. Wessel believes that he's dying, but the living hand of the dead Mr. Biscuits convinces him that he needs to start acting like Martian Manhunter and he frees himself. Just as Ma'alefa'ak is ready to do the blood sacrifice with Alicia, Wessel arrives and shoves a spear through his head. The Martian Child sees Alicia ready to sacrifice herself for him and he realizes there is good qualities on Earth and drops the barrier around the planet so Martian Manhunter and Pearl can get through. But it may be too late as it seems that the planet is about to crash into Earth.

Wow! Thank you Steve Williams and Ben Oliver, filling in for Eddy Barrows, for giving us one incredible issue. Although we watch Mr. Biscuits storyline end, we do get some nice guest appearances and the end of the bad guy. Now it’s up to everyone to pull themselves together and save Earth. I feel that next issue will be a very emotional one and could be Williams’ finest hour.

MIDNIGHTER #11: Midnighter survived the explosion from last issue and wakes to find he was saved by and is being cared for by his former lover Apollo. The two of them team-up and head off to take on the various Suicide Squad members throughout the world including in Tacoma, Turkmenistan, Spyral Base, and a Suicide Squad Safe house. They take down everyone who had done Midnighter wrong before ending up in Modora, where they are ready foir a one-on-one with Bendix, who has managed to get the Kryptonian DNA he needed for the Unified.

Yes, this is one big fight issue with the loving couple back together again. It’s wild and violent thanks to the writing of Steve Orlando and the art of Aco. Next issue is a big finish and we’ll see if these do ride off into the sunset together.

NEW SUICIDE SQUAD #19: Adam Reed is a member of the Fist of Cain and his team of killer ninjas are eradicating a lot of Wildstorm heroes in a strange version of a game show where each hero is worth a certain number of points. Also, Reed promises the corpse of the Saint of Cain that he will personally kill Amanda Waller. And the Suicide Squad can’t escape or he will activate their neck bombs. So the surviving Wildstorm hero, Deathtrap, and the team join up to make their way through this. Meanwhile, Waller informs Mister Ashemore that she knows he is the former villainous Hunky Punk and it appears she wants him as part of the Squad. She also wakes up Captain Boomerang and it looks like a recue mission is under way.

A lot of blood and guts, a lot of action and a lot of Wildstorm heroes bite the dust.Thank you Tim Seeley and Juan Ferreyra for delivering a fun issue. And extra points for giving us a DC WHO’S WHO page featuring The Hunky Punk. Nicely played!

OMEGA MEN #11: Kyle Rayner, having seen the light, goes about buying an army to fight against the Citadel. He also gets his long lost crucifix back. Scrapps goes back to Broot's planet and forces the Pope to get her an army. Tigorr faces a trial by combat and he gains an army in the process. Primus goes on television, explains that he is a pacifist, but convinces the viewers that they need to go to war. Kalista kills her father and takes his place on the throne. The war rages for 182 until the Omega Men finally reach the home of the Citadel Empire.

Tom King and Barneby Bagenda totally bring it as this series winds down. I know many who were not fans of this run, but it did such an amazing job of redefining this team and also Kyle Rayner. I hope that his character will still maintain some of what he has learned when REBIRTH comes around. This is a series, much like PREZ, that needs to be re-examined in the future.

POISON IVY CYCLE OF LIFE AND DEATH #4: Catwoman is visiting Ivy and finds out that she has plant babies. Ivy also believes that her research has been stolen and that leads to Ivy, Catwoman, and Darshan breaking into the Botanical Gardens, where they find a bunch of dead researchers and Victor in the fridge. They also find a living plant girl and a bunch of failures in jars. Ivy flips out, kills Victor,  and then uses her powers of the green to destroy the lab.

Amy Chu continues to write this rambling mini-series with pencils from Robson Rocha, Julio Ferreira, and Ethan Van Sciver. You know a book has issues when you have three pencillers working on it. The story just manages to promote the fact that Ivy is really not a bad girl after all. Sorry…you were a villain before DC made you into a role model for young girls!

RED HOOD/ARSENAL #11: We begin with Roy having a dream about his days with Iron Rule. He goes investigating and that leads to a final confrontation with them. Meanwhile, Jason and Duela talk about her starting school again and putting the whole concept of her being the Joker's Daughter behind her. Then he pulls out Joker’s face that she had hidden behind the baseboard and the jig is up. She dons the mask and pulls a gun

So this series is quickly coming to a merciful end. And I say merciful because the character that has been the most fun over the last few issues just got plugged in the chest. Bad move, folks…really bad move. Scott Lobdell write it and Dexter Soy drew it.

ROBIN, SON OF BATMAN #11: Robin, Goliath, Talia Al Ghul, Maya, the League of Assassins and Batman all converge on Gorilla City where they battle Lu'un Darga and his followers. Darga gets to put the crown relic that gives him his power on and Maya, during their battle, gets transported with him to the location of the final artifact-Dinosaur Island.

While I am a fan of Ray Fawkes work, I do miss the previous creative team of Tomasi and Gleason, as they had his character nailed, stylistically and thematically. Ramon Bachs art is nowhere near as in depth as Gleason’s and it hurts the book in my opinion. It’s not that his style is bad, it just doesn’t fit the book.

SECRET SIX #12: Lady Shiva is indoctrinating Strix and that means her garden gnome has to die. She is given a text-to-speech tablet to replace her notepad and uses it because her former teammates lives are in danger if she doesn’t. Shiva sets up a test for Strix. She introduces six people who play the parts of the Secret Six and tells Strix she needs to kill each contestant within a minute or the real life Secret Six individuals will die. If she loses, they all die. In short order, she kills them all. Meanwhile, Ralph Dibney, once again the Elongated Man, has a barbecue while they figure what to do next. Catman gets a phone call from Scandal Savage and it looks like she and her friends want him for a sperm donor.

The end is near and I’ll be sad to see this really crazy series go. Gail Simone’s story has been wonderfully appealing since the first issue and Tom Derenick’s art has set the bar for great looking characters in comics. This has truly been one of my favorite if not THE favorite title from the DC YOU books introduced a year ago. It all ends next month and we can only hope that all these characters will find a place in the post REBIRTH DC Universe.

SINESTRO #22: Soranik is totally overwhelmed with the responsibility of leading the Sinestro Corps while Sinestro is still injured. But she has done some good, including sending out Lanterns to find out what happened to the Green Lantern Corps besides policing the universe in their absence. She has also agreed with her father to send out the Manhunters to search for the Lanterns. Oh wait: Dex-Starr, Bleez, Atrocitus and company are back and they take out Dez Trevius.

Cullen Bunn and Martin Coccolo bring back the Red Lanterns! Yay! Now if we could only get them to be more active in the forthcoming REBIRTH. This title is at the end of the road and it will be interesting to see where they end up in REBIRTH too. Bunn’s story is nice but not overly exciting while Coccolo’s art shines here.

STARFIRE #11: The attack is over and Kori, Stella and Atlee are enjoying some rest and relaxation, when they find out that you don’t rub Choor on the head or he will pop out little furry babies.  Meanwhile, Sol is bonding with Kori’s pet Syl’Khee. The girls head home and discover a street party. Did someone say party?

What a mess! Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Elsa Charretier give us a miserable T&A title mixed with an episode of THE GILMORE GIRLS or PRETTY LITTLE LIARS. This book has so much touchy-feely girl stuff in it that I can only see it appealing to 13 year old girls. Now I know we want more women involved with comics, but if this is how to do it, then I think the industry is doomed. Maybe Kori will actually get her brain back when REBIRTH starts.

SUICIDE SQUAD MOST  WANTED-DEADSHOT AND KATANA #4: Katana and the Suciide Squad has been captured by Kobra and his forces, but Captain Boomerang finds a way to get free and that leads to a bit of a tussle among the players. Kobra grabs hold of a gun from Eve and, when he fires it, it causes the neck bomb in Battleaxe’ head to go off, leading to a hasty retreat by the Squad, along with Prince Brion. They end up at Brion’s secret base where they all lick their wounds and Enchantress heals the injured cat. Later, Katana uses the sword’s powers to get a slain Kobra follower to reveal vital information. Enchantress reveals to Deadshot that she has gained Katana’s trust, which will make it easy for them to get the sword that Amanda Waller wants. Kobra’s ship arrives but it finds the signal that brought them there is not recognized, which leads them to seemingly incinerate our heroes. Meanwhile, Dr. Jace gets a special viewing of an amazing mystery.

In the Deadshot story, the new Deadshot is on a mission with the rest of the team to capture the twelve board directors running the annual red marketplace: a trade show for crooks and drug dealers. But Evans has his own agenda and begins taking out everyone in sight, which encourages the rest of the team to do the same. Unfortunately, Evans is also executing board members, totally against orders. He goes completely rogue and executes Santana, before going after the remaining board members and their helicopters. When Olivia goes to trigger his neck bomb, she discovers his trigger is missing and it costs her her life. This leaves Evans free to destroy the helicopters, killing all of the directors. In the aftermath, Waller realizes she made a mistake with bringing him on board and goes about seeing to free Floyd Lawson. But he is gone…

This series continues to baffle me. The Katana tale by Mike W. Barr and Diogenes Neves reveals some nice things about the soultaker sword we had not seen before and I love seeing Prince Brion again, especially in Barr’s hands. Can we resurrect the Outsiders, PLEASE? But the story itself is running long with no real payoff other than some fleeting moments with a bunch of C level Suicide Squad members. The Deadshot story by Brian Buccellato and Viktor Bogdanovic has been a winner since the first issue. And what started as a vendetta by Floyd to free himself from the ghosts of his past has now turned into a hunt for him AND the man who replaced him. Personally, I could go for a DEADSHOT series…again!

SUPERMAN WONDER WOMAN #28: Read ACTION COMICS #51 before you read this review. Diana and Clark discuss his pending death and that ultimately leads to…the kiss! They end up going to Stryker’s Island to check on the super-powered parolee who thinks he is Superman and it may have something to do with Clark’s acquisition of the Solar Flare. Superman goes to visit Ulysses while the parolee manages to break free, causing a power failure that frees Ulysses. The two rumble until the power eventually comes back and Ulysses realizes Superman is dying. Continued next month in BATMAN/SUPERMAN #32.

Peter J. Tomasi and Ed Benes brings us to the halfway point in THE FINAL DAYS OF SUPERMAN, which has now gone to second printings through DC because of the interest in this. We all know that the new REBIRTH series will feature the Pre-Flashpoint Superman and his family, so the death of this Superman is not only foretold but is going to be a reality. I’m sure the media will climb all over and that last issue will be a HUGE success. For now, it’s just a moment in time and this issue does a nice job of propelling the overall story along. Let’s face it: this was supposed to be about the Super-League Clark was going to form, but now it’s all about dealing with his own mortality.

SUPERMAN #51: The issue begins with testing himself and realizing that, after his recent battles with Rao, the exposure in the Kryptonite chamber and the fire pits of Apokolips, he is dying. He goes off to Lana Lang, informing her of what is happening to him and asking that she makes sure he is buried next to his parents. He also visits Lois Lane and asks her to tell the world about the life of Clark Kent and Superman. Meanwhile, a mysterious Chinese woman tries to hack into the Fortress of Solitude. She also has a mysterious being in a stasis tube, promising its’ the being’s time to shine. Also, an individual violating his parole gets struck by lightning and turns into a fiery looking version of Superman.

Peter J. Tomasi and Mikel Janin set into motion an arc that could possibly end with the demise of the NEW 52 Superman and give way to OUR Superman during REBIRTH. The story is pretty cool and pretty much allows out hero to begin wrapping up things in his life as he prepares to transition to the end of his life. Are they really going to bump off the NEW 52 Superman? It sure it anyone’s guess, but it definitely looks like Clark is doing what many people at the end of their lives do: make their peace and prepare for the next place in their journey. And could this individual in China be the forthcoming Chinese Superman? Pretty cool stuff!

SUPERMAN LOIS AND CLARK #7: Beginning many years ago with the beginnings of Author X's published career, we soon shift to the here and now where Jon is saving his mom from the fire that Manheim’s men have left them in. Meanwhile, Clark and Blackrock are battling and Clark just gets incredibly angry when he finds out this is all part of a reality show gone wrong. He eventually gets free and helps save Jon and Lois, leading to him having to fully explain things to Jon, who wants to know if his father is the real Superman. In the end, Hyathis confronts Chambers and Henshaw, demanding the other half of the artifact. They don’t have it, but we all see that it’s in a case…in his Fortress of Solitude.

Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks are turning out some absolutely amazing work on this title, which I have to admit, I thought would just be an attempt to cash in on these character’s appearances during CONVERGENCE. But this title has been a great surprise and it just gets me excited to see where the creators of REBIRTH are going to take this. You should be reading this book because it is that fun rush we all got back in the day of reading a FUN book!

SWAMP THING #4: Alec Holland has been returned to human form and Matt Cable is now the Swamp Thing. So it’s up to Alec to train Matt on how to be Swamp thing and how to use his new powers. Unfortunately, he hasn’t quite gotten it all down, as he tears a hunter into pieces. Cable goes on his own personal one-man power trip and begins to trash the town of Houma and almost everyone in it. In the end, he makes a throne for himself and drags Alec into the ground.

Len Wein and Kelley Jones continue to try and replicate the classic days of this title by making it look and feel like the days of Wein and Wrightson. But let’s be honest: the Seventies aren’t coming back any time soon. However, they do a nice job of bringing that feeling to the title and having brought Matt Cable back was a great touch. Now, how long before we get Abby and Arcane in the picture? This title is not coming back during REBIRTH, so they better make a move and soon.

TEEN TITANS #19: Cassie has found out that she is the child of Lennox and Cassaandra wants her to use the Rod of Asclepius to bring him back to life. In actuality, Cassandra wants her to use the rod to restore her mind-controlling voice. She actually convinced herself that she wanted to save Lennox, which is how she tricked Wonder Woman’s lasso. Bunker blocks everyone’s ears with his bricks so they can’t hear her command to die. Wonder Girl dons her armor and slits her throat again. Then she uses the last wish from the rod to heal Cassandra’s throat but not her voice.

Yeah…this was fun! Greg Pak wrote the script, while Ian Churchill and Alvaro Martinez handled the pencils. While it is not a great read, it is far advanced from the work the Scott Lobdell was doing on it. I like Cassie as a character and can see how Pak has put pieces in motion for a possible future series(hint…hint).

TITANS HUNT #7: Honey Bun and Ding Dong Daddy are at Lilith’s clinic and easily taking down the Hawk and Dove. Then Lilith, Roy and Gnarrk get entangled in the fight and discover that Honey Bun and Daddy are “Strike Droids”. It takes a complete effort and a combined one, but they eventually take the droids down. Meanwhile, Bumble Bee fears for her life at the hands of Neil Richards, but suddenly manifests powers she didn’t remember she had. In the end. Nightwing, Donna Troy and Garth climb the spiral stairwell and see Mal and Mister Twister.

Dan Abnett and Paulo Siqueira just rip it up here. We all know that this is going to lead to the new TITANS series during REBIRTH. So this acts as a great lead in to that. My question will be how this will all play out with Dick, Donna and Roy living in this book along with WONDER WOMAN, NIGHTWING, and RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS. Abnett has a true love for these characters and it shows in everything he has them do. I can’t wait to see how this all ends.

WE ARE ROBIN #11: Smiley and his Jokers gang have broken into Middletown High School and are terrorizing everyone. Riko and Duke hide in the ladies room while they try to contact Izzy, who simply ignores the text. Soon, developments have hit Twitter and the police arrive. This leads Smiley to threaten to execute teachers if any police try to enter the building. Izzy finally meets up with Dalton, who is armed to the teeth with a pair of grappling guns. Inside, Dre finally reveals himself, having been undercover with the gang and he, Duke and Riko, with help from Izzy and Dalton, take down the gang. Later, The Nest appears, but the team tells him they are doing their thing their way.

We’re almost at the end here and I really don’t know if the powers that be know what they are doing with this book…or if they ever have. Lee Bermejo has tried his best to create a fun book with interesting characters. But my problem is I find almost all of them, except for Duke, to be somewhat interchangeable. And Jorge Cornoa’s obtuse art style hasn’t made me a fan either. What happens when this series ends? My guess would be the promising Robins end up as part of Batman and Batwoman’s training squad.

WONDER WOMAN #51: Diana is in the Tartarus Pit to free the Hecatonchires, but the Pit continues to bombard her with images of what she fears, like zombie versions of Zola and Zeke blaming her for not protecting them. She eventually meets with Hera, who has appeared here thanks to the orbs that Diana stole. Diana uses the lasso of truth to get them out, but they return to Mount Olympus where they find Zeke missing and Zola dead.

PLEASE…let’s get out of this and get to REBIRTH. Meredith Finsh spends an entire issue giving us Diana’s fears, including a date with Clark. But it all feels like padding. I do have to admit loving Miguel Mendonca’s art. Seriously, I like how it feels better than Mr. Finch’ art. So, the book is on its’ way to a new creative team led by Greg Rucka’s writing, and I welcome that! It can’t get much worse than this.

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