ABSOLUTE BATMAN #4 by Scott Snyder, Nick
Dragotta, AND Gabriel Hernandez Walta. In a series of flashbacks regarding
Bruce’s earliest adventures as Batman, Bruce designs a costume that makes him
look like a vampire, with red contact lenses, a voice changer and fake vampire
fangs. This leads him to attack a gang called the Ten Thieves and, in the
process, he pulls out a gun to shoot their leader but changes his mind and
flies off. Back at the garage he is using as his base of operations, he burns
the costume and the gun, deciding to concentrate on the Orange Blossom Special:
a pipeline from Florida run by the Maroni and Falcone crime rings running guns
and drugs stashed in citrus trucks. He stops one run but also realizes he still
needs to improve his design and attacks and thinks back to a bridge design he
had once created. On a cross-country
trip, he remembers giving his victim impact statement at Joe Chill’s
sentencing, telling him he hated him and leaving before Chill gave his
statement. Back in Gotham, he added wings to his costume and set up various
bases across the city in sewers and skyscrapers. After confronting Randal
Powers, who owns the trucking company and denied knowing anything, Bruce went
to Blackgate Penitentiary to hear what Chill had to say about the shooting that
took his father’s life.
ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #3 by Jason Aaron and
Rafa Sandoval. Six years ago, Kal is
struggling to fit into Krypton’s class structure, preferring to write his own
reports as opposed to using A.I., resulting in his grades not being what they
should be. On a camping trip with his family, he learns his parents approve of
his course of actions and also sees that Joe-El is researching the proof he
needs to prove that Krypton is getting closer to destruction. Later, on a field
trip with his classmates, they see a train wreck that is caused by toxic gas
coming from underground and sees the results of these gasses, although the Science
League suppresses the news. The students visit Kandor and Kal notices none of
the Klerics being present while also seeing his father being dragged away from
a Science League meeting. Kal races home to tell his mother, who dons a super
suit to free Jor-El. Kal gets into the League’s computer system to find they
have built space ships to help the Elite Class escape the upcoming destruction.
In the end, Kal’s parents show him the ship they built while they learn that
Kal has published the story of the secret ships for the whole of Krypton to
read. And who is the elderly woman seen lying in a Smallville hospital bed
asking for her son to fly her away-a woman with a hospital band saying she is
M. Kent.
ABSOLUTE WONDER WOMAN #4 by Kelly Thompson and
Hayden Sherman. In the past, it is shown that Circe was banished to Hell and
forced to raise Diana to be a warrior. In the present, Diana and Steve pay a
visit to Etta and Gia Candy in Gia’s coven shop, with Diana saying she needs
ingredients to be able to cast a spell to retore her prosthetic arm. Following
a ritual to Hecate, Diana’s arm is restored and she goes back out to battle the
Tetracide. Diana summons her sword and kills the Tetracide. In the end, Veronica
Cale meets with the President and informs him that they still have a problem
with Diana that needs to be rectified.
ACTION COMICS #1082 by John Ridley and
Inaki Miranda. As Metropolis has been hit by what may be an earthquake,
Superman goes to help but is too late to save one person and all of this is
because once reformed villain Major Disaster has decided to rob a bank. When
Superman confronts him, he immediately surrenders. After multiple interviews
with Major Disaster and his known associates, Clark Kent comes to the same
answer: Major Disaster couldn’t stand being a good guy. In the end, Clark gets
attacked in an alley and his powers seem to have failed him.
AQUAMAN #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms. A plane headed for Metropolis is crashing
and Aquaman saves it by creating a column of water, thanks to receiving Mera’s
powers following the ABSOLUTE POWER event. Returning to Atlantis to
continue his duty as king, he
investigates the mystery surrounding a giant pearl found by Jackson and Garth,
as seen in FLASHPOINT BEYOND #1. He then is called to Daytona beach
where he battles a giant water construct. He receives a message from Mera and
races back to Atlantis to find it in ruins and the only thing remaining is the
pearl. He takes the object to the Watchtower and Zatanna deduces it is an
artifact of ancient magic. Zatanna becomes aware of a magical vibration under
the ocean and Aquaman, Batman and Wonder go to investigate, finding a
mysterious Omega shaped gate to somewhere.
BATGIRL #3 by Tate Brombal and
Takeshi Miyazawa. Batgirl and her mother continue to disagree about their
actions when Cass fights a group that arrives, until her mother informs her that this is the Order of Shiva and they are here
to help against The Unburied. Later, she battles against the League of Shadows,
only to find out that it is a group led by her mother, the Order of Shiva, and
Nyssa and they are recruiting her to this new team to join the fight.
BATMAN #156 by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine
Di Giandomenico. Batman breaks Jim Gordon out of custody, explaining to Bullock
that Jim was framed because of the mind controlling glasses courtesy of Nygma.
After solving a riddle and rescuing Nakano’s assistant, Nygma gives him the choice
of either stopping terrorists or saving the Mad Hatter, who was the unwilling
accomplice in all of this. Batman saves Jervis after fighting his way through
security and Owls. When Nygma tells him that the owls are being controlled by
Leonid, batman tells him that his data tech just gave the Russians access to
nuclear weapons in the ;process. After Gordon meets with Nakano’s widow, who
rebuffs him, he saves batman from the Owls, as our hero is trying to shut down
the Nygma Drive. Gordon tries to arrest Nygma but also realizes there is a bomb
set to go off and tries to usher him away when the bomb goes off. Meanwhile,
Batman, on his way to stop Leonid from leaving the country, finally realizes
the true identity of Commander Star. He is the KGBeast.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #17 by Phillip Kennedy
Johnson and Javi Fernandez. In the past, Bruce and Lautrec follow their
professor as he chases after Memento. In the present, Batman fights off
memento’s followers and tries to get Crane to safety but is tormented by the
ghosts of Arkham, who Crane insists are not hallucinations, leading to him
being saved by Damian, who has been doing volunteer work under the tutelage of
Dr. Bashar. Robin meets with Lautrec and Gordon while Batman goes out
patrolling with Red Hood by his side. He also has tasked Oracle to find out
everything she can on Dr. Bashar.
Mark Waid and Adrian Gutierrez. The Justice League receives a call for help
from under the sea and that leads Batman, Superman, Robin and Aquaman to
investigate and are attacked by undersea dwellers who have turned feral. Superman
gets called away and is reunited with his old flame Lori Lemaris. She explains
that her people have convinced King Ronal, her husband, that the Poseidonians
are responsible for whatever this plague is. Ronal confronts and attacks
Superman, capturing him. In the end, Batman and Robin encounter someone who
could be responsible for all of this: The Floronic Man
BIRDS OF PREY #17 by Kelly Thompson and
Sami Basri. Cass has been corrupted and now sees her teammates as monsters. As
the Birds and the transformed Amazons fights, it becomes obvious that the
Amazons are carrying syringes and trying to transform them too. During Barda’s
fight with Cass, she notices an implant on Cass and has Canary cut it out,
which brings Cass back to normal. With things becoming chaotic, Xane convinces
his people they must also transform and they attack, but are defeated by Sin,
who has arrived to help her friends. Antidotes are administered to all the
Amazons and GCPD arrives to round up the bad guys…all but Xane who has been
transformed but is helpless to act. The Amazons are brought back to Themyscria,
with Onyx opting to stay for a while.
by Tom King and Ryan Sook. In the past, Green Arrow shoots arrows into Vandal
Savage. When Dinah arrives, Savage removes the arrows and invites her to sit
with him regarding a business proposal, but not until he stabs Ollie with one
of the arrows. During their meeting, Savage says he has the means to cure Dinah
mother, provided she goes into this fight and follows the rules. Later, while
training, Batman shows up and wants to know why she is going into the fight and
ends up training with her. During Round 3, Dinah continues to take a beating
and, at one point, Shiva beats on Ted Grant. Thought she can barely stand, let
alone continue, she forces herself to fight back.
BLACK LIGHTNING #3 by Brandon Thomas and
Fico Ossio. Steel and Lightning face off
against the Master of Disasters. Anissa and her mother see what is happening
and Anissa powers up and goes to help, losing her power band in the process.
Her father arrives and tries to get her to calm down enough to depower. But she
realizes he is talking to someone else while doing this and this not only
angers her but she is immediately transported to the Watchtower. On the
Watchtower, Jefferson gets into an argument with Batman, Superman and Wonder
Woman, who claim she is a danger just like he is. With those words, Jefferson
attacks Superman.
CATWOMAN #72 by Torunn Gronbekk and
Marianna Ignazzi. In the past, ‘Evie’s secrets are secured in a safe that requires a special key to open.
In the present, Selina is held at knife point by Adam, who she has not seen
since he was much younger. He opens a secured wine cellar, which Selina
observes the code to enter. Once inside, she knocks out Adam and makes her way
to a private room, using the code to enter. She opens a safe and steals what
appears to be a Faberge egg. Anton finds Adam and this leads Ivan t tell his
followers to find the person responsible. Ivan finds Selina in the private room
just after she has found a particular book and threatens her. She lights the
room on fire and flees, taking the book with her. The book contains that
special key she needs. As she disappears into a new disguise, it appears she
left a message behind: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Christopher Cantwell and Sean Isaaske. In the past, June Robbins created
Ultivac. When Robbins Robotics was attacked, it was Ultivac that saved her.
After she became a member of the team, Ultivac’s programming led him to
becoming an adversary and ultimately being stopped. At the moment, Terrific
tells June of a radio signal from the ocean floor that she knows is coming from
Ultivac. She and Batman go to investigate, teaming up with Aquaman and the Sea
Devils. Underwater, they are attacked by robotic sharks and Ultivac
communicates with June telepathically. This leads to she and Batman heading to
find him in Kashmir, where he tells her that he needs to find Darkseid and
access his Omega. Later, in the Watchtower, Batman explains that Ultivac tried
to convince her that the Challengers had some connection to Omega Energy, which
leads Terrific to put her in quarantine, where Ace already is. In the end,
Ultivac reaches out to June and tells her he is going to save everyone.
DC HORROR PRESENTS #4 by LaToya Morgan, Aaron
Sagers, Tom Derenick, and Ryan Kelly. On Halloween night, two people dressed as
Batman and Wonder Woman make their way to the set of Shadow crest. While there, they find a Scarface puppet but
later discovers it has disappeared. Scarface attacks and beheads the man and it
turns out that this was all the woman’s plan as she and the dummy find love. In
the second story, a paranormal investigator is hired by The Penguin, who has
been haunted by many of those thugs who have died in his employ. The
investigator manages to bring the spirits to existence and Penguin apologizes
to them. When the investigator leaves, the spirts leave with him but he knows
they will return again someday.
by David Dastmalchian and Jesus Hervas. The team heads off on their mission to
an island off the coast of Namibia. They eventually make their way into a
stronghold where they encounter an army of Brainiacs, much to Brainiac’s
by Brandon Thomas, Zipporah Smith, John Jennings, Vita Ayala, Charles Stewart
III, Kelsey Ramsay, Caanan White, Atagun Ilhan, and Ray-Anthony Height. Continued
from BLACK LIGHTNING #3. Josiah Power, still reeling from the death of
his nephew Daniel during ABSOLUTE POWER, heads to Deimos, where he
dwells on the future. What follows are a host of stories involving Vixen, Bolt,
Cyborg, Jo Mullein, Jace Fox, and The Signal-all people Power is considering on
making up his new Power Company., In the end, Power offers a job to Black
Lightning to lead this team, which he turns down. Power warns that this may be
a bad decision in the end.
DETECTIVE COMICS #1093 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin. In a flashback, Bruce meets Scarlett for
the first time. Scarlett’s mother shows great empathy, saying that Martha Wayne
was so helpful to her. In the present,
the Bat family rounds up the recently released teenagers from the
Faultless Juvenile Detention Center and secures them at an old warehouse for
their own safety. Later, batman finds a mercenary hired to take out the serial
killer but learns that bounty has been cancelled. This leads him to The
Penguin, who denies issuing the bounty, but reveals that the killer is called
Asema. Oracle contacts Batman to tell him one of the teens is in trouble and he
arrives and stops Asema from killing the boy. In the end, another teenager is
killed and Asema gets away with a sample of Batman’s blood, so they can deduce
the Dark Knight’s identity.
THE FLASH #17 by Simon Spurrier and Vasco Georgiev. Irey shows the Justice League that
the rage outbreaks form a circle with its’ center in Skartaris and form six
points on the seven point star that Weather Wizard described. They go to the
Atlantic Ocean and find a tower rising out of the water.which Doctor Occult
describes as a psychic thaumaturgic construct Wally flies into a fit of rage
and smashes through one of the tower walls. Meanwhile, in Skartaris, the other
Wally suffers a headache that may have been caused by the other Wally smashing
into the tower. The Wests and Warlord arrive at this flying castle where he
shows off his former wife, saying he is now in a relationship with Y’hil. Jai
can see around Warlord and Wally tells him to go to the Justice league and tell
them it’s a Code Black-3. As Wally pulls out the Sword of Stillness, jai tries
to transport away but is held by Skarttaris’ magic. Warlord reveals he is
possessed by Eclipso. He reveals am Atlantean machine that allows the user to
reshape reality and then reveals that he wants Wally to kill Y;hil. Wally
pushes Linda and Wade into the transporter and they arrive at the tower, where
she tells at Wally for deceiving her. Wally is blasted by Eclipso with pure
happiness and that causes the Wally on the surface to complain that the other
Wally screwed up. Jai and Foxy find themselves at the bottom of a staircase
and, when they finally climb up, they find they are on the Moon.
GREEN ARROW #20 by Chris Condon and
Montos. The issue opens with a mother learning her son has Epilepsy, seemingly
caused by Benzine that could have come from a nearby factory. Elsewhere, the
Fresh Water Killer is revealed to be Francene Dory. They discover she was part
of the settlement reached with Horton to people affected by their illegal
dumpings. Suddenly, she passes out and dies. Ollie storms out but not before
taking the police file on her. While he beats himself up about how this could
have happened, he engages in target practice to try and release his rage. When
he returns to his apartment, an unknown assailant is there…an assailant who
resembled the Fresh Water Killer.
GREEN LANTERN #19 by Jeremy Adams and Fernando Pasarin, Oclir Albert, and Jason Paz. The
Justice League fights a tentacled monster with Star Sapphire taking the lead,
using her powers to snare the beast. Hal shows up and caries the captured
creature back to the ocean. While some of the League thinks Hal and carl’s
romance is sweet, batman appears to not be a fan. After the events in GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1, Hal tells Carol that he is putting a team together to stop her former
boyfriend, the Sorrow Lantern. Meanwhile, on Oa, an unknown figure attempts to steal
some weapons from storage but is stopped by Kyle and it is revealed that this
is Odyssey the Time Bandit, who has been in the Science Cells for some time.
Rather than return her to the Science Cells, Kyle offers to have her join him
and clear her criminal record. The pair go to Australia and meet up with
Connor, who is immediately captivated by Odyssey. In the end, Sorrow Lantern is
seen kneeling at the feet of Starbreaker, who has now unlocked the secrets
within the Book of Oa.
GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams and V Ken Marion. In the Library of Forever, the
librarian gets a visit from Nathan Broome-the Sorrow Lantern-who is looking for
a piece of glass used for reading The Book of Oa. Elsewhere, the Green Lantern
Corps relocates the replacement Green Lantern Battery from Earth to Oa, with
Jadestone being assigned the role of permanent protector of the Battery and
Teen Lantern and Ellie acting as a technical expert for the Battery’s
installation. Jessica Cruz, as leader of the Council of Oa, gives a speech to
the Lanterns and it is interrupted by Guy Gardner fighting Broome, who escapes
with an older copy of the Book of Oa.. Gardner explains that when the book is
viewed through the special glass, it would reveal the plans to create a new
Power Lantern and, if Broome gets that glass, he would be able to spread his
power throughout the galaxy. In the end, the Lanterns race to get the
components for that Lantern before Broome does.
HARLEY QUINN #47 by Elliot Kalan and Mindy Lee. Harley is hired by a guy who wants to put
a hurt on the restaurant he works at. Harley accepts the job and goes in to rob
the place. But she finds out it is a meeting of the Mudpack: Basil Karlo,
Cassius Payne, Matt Hagen, Preston Payne, Todd Russell, John Carlinger, Lady
Clayface, and Clownface. Harley ends up defeating them but also finds out that
the guy who hired her actually is the owner of the restaurant, leading her to
knocking him out. When she gets home, Richie asks her out and she breaks into
JSA #3 by Jeff Lemire and
Diego Olortegui. Hawkman, thought killed at the end of the last issue, has been
healed and is now held captive by the Demons Three, who are prepared to bring
him to the master: Wotan his servants
take Hawkman to the edge of Hell itself, where he sees Surtur. Elsewhere, Jay
Garrick has been captured by the new Injustice Society until a renewed Dr. Fate
intervenes. Meanwhile, Beth continues to investigate Jakeem’s mysterious
illness and discovers something that convinces her that Todd is not who he
claims to be and he arrives and attacks her, threatening to show her his true
face. In the end, Hawkman is chained at the edge of Hell when a girl calling
herself Kid Eternity arrives, telling him she is going to break him out of
UNLIMITED #3 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. The Question seeks out
Air Wave, who she finds hiding out and eating junk food., unaware he has a
secret mission to kill the Justice League. The Watchtower receives an alert
saying that the Brazilian Rain Forst is on fire
and team, along with help from magic users and the Metal Men, go to help
out. A portal opens and a group calling themselves Inferno arrives, saying they
plan to control the Earth. At the same time, Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi uses a
new device to swap the powers of Plastic Man and Phantom Girl. With that
success, Phantom Girl returns to her home dimension. In the end, Air Wave is
sent to help Aquaman in finding Swamp Thing to keep Inferno from stealing the
power of The Green. And, as the portal begins to close, Dr. Occult leaps
through it and heads to Inferno’s home dimension.
Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, and Mike Perkins. Three weeks ago, both Atoms show
up to help a child who has been the recipient of powers following ABSOLUTE POWER and do their best to get
his powers under control, taking him to the Watchtower. At the same time, the
Atoms have been experimenting on captain Atom to try and get his rogue powers
under control, as painful as it is for him. They believe if they can get his
powers under control, then they can find the solution for everyone else. But
Nathaniel Adams leaves and now, three weeks later, he is a loose cannon who
refuses to go back and doesn’t want anyone to have these powers, including